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Hunter -Xeek body alt.

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Hunter -Xeek body alt. Empty Hunter -Xeek body alt.

Post  Xeek Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:10 am

Name: "Maximilian Hunter, I prefer just Hunter or Max."

Gender: "Male."

Age: "Who knows? I look 24."

Race: "Millitean Incubi, I think, I have larger wings unlike most."

Family(Blood related): "Back in my home world, I am sure."

Family(Bond): "My Incubi clan, and I guess Kysmet's family?"

Hobbies: "I like... making stuff, like mechanical stuff. I like shooting my rifle? And helping people, it's a habit."

Hair color: "Pitch black" he chuckles.

Eye color: "Bright Red"

Favorite Food: "What ever I didn't make."

Favorite color: "Bright bright yellow."

Height: "I am 6feet 5inches."

About: "I am pretty cool, calm, and collect in most times. I usually like to solves problems it's a habit from when I was a king. I usually give people the benifit on the doubt unless they are sneaky or betrayed me before. Though, if you anger me I will take action."

Hunter -Xeek body alt. 9jnhq8


"Ahh, my past." He chuckles, reminiscing his past. "Well, the interested part was when my dad took over a new kingdom. It was a large war. I was finally old enough, I was 7, for him to think I could lead. He has raised me well after all...."

The young boy entered the gate walls. He dressed very formal, his dark blue outfit matched his large black cape, though it clashed with his majestic white horse. He proceeded through the town, followed by a few guards he headed towards the town square.

"You are all my servant, guards put them all in chains and make them work! I now declare a new tax law!" said a man on the square, he was the man the king appointed as the ruler of the kingdom until his son arrived.

"Pallonios." Called out the boy.

"Who dares address me by my first name, my name is K-" Pallonios was interrupted by a bolt in his throat.

The crowd gasp and turned to the child on the horse, the city guards drew their weapons. "You will pay!" some of them say, charging at the boy.

He calmly polished his crossbow, he didn't seem to care he just shot a man. "Halt! I am your new ruler, King Maximilian." The guards traveling with the boy intercepted the other guards, showing the decree of the boy's father.
"Now, ignore every stupid law that man declared. I am your new leader, and you are my people, not my servants."

At first, a lot of them laugh, a six year old leading a whole kingdom? It had to have been a joke. But the boy looked serious, he stared at all of them. "You can either accept me, or join him. Take your pick." He rode towards the castle, the guards followed. After a few minutes, all of Pallonious' loyal followers came running out, some of them wounded, some of them were tossed out dead.

The city folks talked among themselves, they weren't sure what to say. Would this be a good thing for them? Most of them thought it would be horrible, they figured Hunter was a psychopath. After a while, Hunter exited the castle. "Your ideas are welcome. If you need something, ask. If you have a question, ask. Just be honest with me, and we'll get along fine."

About 12 years later, the kingdom was great. People were actually moving from his father's kingdom to go to his. Hunter got out of bed. "Good morning ladies.." the three girls in his bed yawned.

"Hey there cutie~" they showered him with compliments, they meant nothing to him obviously. They were just flings for him to keep entertained, they knew that but nobody would pass up a chance to sleep with the king of the richest kingdom in the land.

"Now if you excuse me ladies." he said while putting his pants on. "I must go finish my studies." He excused himself and headed to his invention room. He worked on many different contraption, while hot-air balloons were already invented, he worked on improving them. He also liked to work on guns and similar objects. After a few planning, he headed around his castle, doing his 'kingly' duties, he also took daily strolls through the town. It seemed like it was a story, but everything was perfect. There seemed to be little crime in his city, and most of the civilians loved him, girls throw themselves at him and didn't seem to care that he didn't want a relationship, though most did try to get pregnant of him.

This was his life, and it was perfect, until one day. The trumpets played. "Presenting, King William Hunter." announced one of the guards.
"Father?" Said Hunter as he approached him.
"My boy, what are you doing here in the streets? Where are your guards?"
"Oh, I don't need them father, my people won't hurt me."
"None sense, you servant, fetch me some water."
"They aren't servants.. they are people."
"Have I taught you nothing? Their water is probably poisoned anyways." William continued to the castle on a white horse.
Hunter follows him on foot. "What brings you here father?"
"My boy, I just came to check up on you. Good thing too, you seem to be handling this place portly. You've grown since I last saw you."
"It has been 12 years... and I think this place is fantastic."
"None of these people seem to fear you."
"They respect me father."
"Respect is nothing without fear."

This argument continued all day, they talked about the differences in their kingdom. Everything seemed fine, it was until night time, that's when the foul play started. He knew his father was up to now good, so that day, he decided to sleep alone. His room door open, a shadowy figure leaped at the bed, and stabbed it, the sheets were stained red. It was an assassin, unfortunately for him Hunter was hiding in the closet, he shot the assassin and ran out, looking for his father.

He crawled around in the shadows, searching for his father. Seeing his father's guards, he shot them down and alerted his, calling a red alert. His guards clearly out numbered his father, but would they be loyal to him or the real king? He took the chance, and called it. The battle woke half the city, he tracked his dad to the roof of the castle, he followed him and cornered him, his guards behind him, having defeated William's guard.
"It's over father, this is my city, leave."

"You foolish little boy.. when will you understand..." William chuckled. One of Hunter's guard approached Hunter, and stabbed them in the back.

"Augh!" Cried Hunter, as the other guards go to pull the traitor off him. "He isn't one of us Sir!" says a guard. "We need a medic!' yells another.

"No! I am your King now! I command you not!" Cried William. "It's the law!"

He was right, and Hunter knew it. With his few last breath, he charged at William, tackling him down the castle, although he used him to cushion the fall, he had taken a big impact as well, he had lost too much blood.

Hunter slowly opened his eyes, he was laying in front of Dugald castle.
"An Incubi! Get him!" Yelled a few men.
"Huh? What?" He was disoriented. As the men approached, an ice spear hit him, stopping them, and killing them when it exploded.
"Wh-what you killed them?!" Hunter turns, and looks for a weapon.
"Relax.. they are Milliteans.. they will return." says an Incubi. "Come with me. Who are you?"
"I am Maximilian Hunter... this isn't Agrinar...?"
"You are a millitean?" The Incubi pulls away, and draws his sword.
"A what..?" Says Hunter, raising his arms.
"Come with me... I will teach you about this world. You are in Erinn..."

Posts : 5907
Join date : 2009-03-28
Age : 31

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