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Giovanni(Xeek's Alt)

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Giovanni(Xeek's Alt) Empty Giovanni(Xeek's Alt)

Post  Xeek Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:43 pm

Name: Giovanni
Alias: Gio , Vanity.
Gender: Male
Age: "The highest number you can think of, multiply it by 10. If you got it wrong, you clearly can't count high enough."
Race: Daoltsune (will be explained in story)
Hobbies: Meditation, training, and chaos.
Eye color: Golden
Hair color: Black
Kitsune fur color: White
Personality: 'Dark.'

The Quest
A kitsune, a creature of beauty and power. In the town of Cherico, one kitsune roamed. She served as the guardian of the small town. Blessing their crops, guarding against bad weather, and keeping them healthy. One day, a young brave man approached her temple, bowed and he asked for one thing, and one thing alone, her love. The kistune blushed and rejected his offer, telling him that they could never be.
"I would do anything." the young man said.
"Anything? Do you know a kiss from me alone may kill you?" the kistune showed her human form. She was beautiful, light hazel eyes and long flourishing blond hair.
"I have to at least try... I am alive here because of you...Samara." The young man kneeled before the kitsune.
"Alright.. but you must prove yourself, young Eliot." With her tails, she lifted his gaze to meet hers.
"Anything..." Eliot smiled softly.
"When I was younger. My kitsune ball was stolen from me. I can not be yours, unless you have it." Samara frowned, stroking his cheek with her tails.
"I will search the whole world for it."
"No need, brave Eliot. I know who has it. The warlock above in the Amaki Tower."
"I will go and retrieve it for you, Samara. Please wait for me?" He said without hesitation.
"Of course, but please... be careful." She swayed her tails, covering Eliot with her 6 large tails. "Please take these as a gift. It'll protect you from his magic." When she removed her tails, Eliot's peasant clothing were turned into a strong silver armor, a helmet, shield and sword appeared at his side.
"I will not fail you..." He grabbed the helmet, equipping it. He fastened the shield on his left and carried his sword. He stood up, bowed once more and exited the temple.

The Encounter

Young Eliot headed to the Amaki tower. He not only had the blessing of Samara, the kitsune, but of his town as well. He was given the village's best horse, a strong white steed. He climbed on and rode the steed for several days, stopping only for food, water, and sleep. After the 5th day, he approached the Amaki Tower, the home of the Warlock Santos.
"Here we are... wait for me.." young Eliot patted his horse. "I won't be long.." he unmounted the best, gripped his horse tightly and proceeded to climb the tower.
He kicked open the door to find a large flight of stairs shourded by a fog. He took a deep breath and marched up the stairs, armor and all. He noticed something as he climbed, he wasn't getting any higher. It must have been one of the warlock's illusion. He raised his shield and shouted
"Luceat Lux Vestra!" A light flashed, the area around seems to distort for a second, clearing the fog. Revealing he hadn't stepped into the stairs at all. Feeling silly, Eliot started to climb again, this time, actually going up stairs. After several minutes he saw the end, he ran the rest up, feeling a surge of energy. He stopped at the door before entering the warlock's chamber to catch his breath.
"For Samara..." he chanted several times before kicking the door down.
"I've been waiting for you.. young one." Said an old man, to Eliot's surprise, Santos was also a kitsune. With one clap, Santos made everything in his room disappear, except for himself an Eliot. "I am Samara's father, you know." His features were identical, only aged.
"Return my her ball to me..." says Eliot, holding his sword. He knew kitstunes, while god-like, are tricksters.
"Come and take it..." He chuckles and raises a bright blue ball.
"Igni Ferroque!" Eliot's swings his sword, shooting a large wave of fire from it.
"Ignis ...Fatuus." Said Santos calmly, making the fire from Eliot's sword disappear. "I see you know some magic... that is Samara's doing, yes?"
"She taught me all I need to know to win this battle!" Eliot charged at Santos, his blade ready slash.
"In Absentia Luci, Tenebrae Vincunt." A Santos said the words, darkness quickly filled the room.
"Lucem Sequimur! Luceat Lux Vestr!" Eliot raises his shield, making a beam of light spark from it and fill the room. "You may be wise, Santos, but your will is weak."
"Young one.. I don't even need spells." Santos disappears into the wind, fireballs fly from all the room towards Eliot.
"Stamus Contra Malo! Vince Malum Bono!" He yells loudly, trying to dodge the fireballs, a few hit him, doing a fair amount of damage. "Aqua Fortis.... Aqua Pura!" Eliot points his sword at the walls, making it shoot water like a hose.
The Wizard Santos is revealed and pushed back from the water. "That little vixen... when I am done with you, I am going for her next."
"I won't let you hurt her..." Eliot growled, charging at the wizard again.
"Bring it then.." the wizard spawned a cane, and blocked Eliot's sword. Eliot tried to kick him, but the wizard dodged to the side, making Eliot stumble forward. Santos goes to stab him in the back with the cane.
"Ack!" Eliot screamed as the cane pierced the armor, he collapsed on the floor.
"Ahh... One hit is all it took?" Santos approached Eliot, cocky and convinced he had won.
Eliet murmured a few words.
"What was that... Unconditional surrender?" Santos grinned approaching Eliot.
"Non Timebo Mala..."Eliot said weakly.
"Come again...?" Santos raised his cane, preparing to stab Eliot.
"Bono Malum Superate!" Eliot turned quickly, going to bash his shield into Santos' face as a beam of light shined from the shield, knocking Santos across the room.
"Ack! IT BURNS!" While there was no fire, Eliot had used a spell of light to smite Santos. "Make it stop!" Santos continued to cry out.
Eliot stood slowly, limping towards Santos. "I won...." He goes to search Santos' body and remove Samara's orb. "I will let you live... but don't bother us again."
Eliot limped away, heading down the stairs, after sometime, Eliot's spell over Santos faded. But the wizard was far from done, he was humiliated by a human? Angry, the wizard conjured up a forbidden spell, one that always ends in chaos. "Corruptio Optimi Pessima! Corruptus In Extremis!" A small daol, a beetle of corruption, spawned before Santos. "Make him pay..."

To be Continued

Last edited by Xeek on Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:15 am; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 5907
Join date : 2009-03-28
Age : 31

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Giovanni(Xeek's Alt) Empty Re: Giovanni(Xeek's Alt)

Post  Soifa Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:13 pm


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Giovanni(Xeek's Alt) Empty Re: Giovanni(Xeek's Alt)

Post  Xeek Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:17 pm

What what?

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Join date : 2009-03-28
Age : 31

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Giovanni(Xeek's Alt) Empty Re: Giovanni(Xeek's Alt)

Post  Xeek Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:16 am

I added a tiny bit, constructive criticism is welcome.

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Age : 31

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Giovanni(Xeek's Alt) Empty Re: Giovanni(Xeek's Alt)

Post  Soifa Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:01 pm

My constructive criticism is to ask you to open the dang gym so I can get my 8th badge, Giovanni. >:I

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Giovanni(Xeek's Alt) Empty Re: Giovanni(Xeek's Alt)

Post  Xeek Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:13 pm

NOPE. I refuse D=<

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Age : 31

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Giovanni(Xeek's Alt) Empty Re: Giovanni(Xeek's Alt)

Post  Auramune Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:34 pm

Is the cane a cane sword like that one dude had? :O

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Giovanni(Xeek's Alt) Empty Re: Giovanni(Xeek's Alt)

Post  Xeek Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:01 pm

nawh XD Just sharp at the edge.

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Join date : 2009-03-28
Age : 31

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Giovanni(Xeek's Alt) Empty Re: Giovanni(Xeek's Alt)

Post  Soifa Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:09 pm

-throws pokeballs- ACCEPT MY CHALLENGE!

Posts : 1656
Join date : 2012-09-08

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