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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Auramune Sun May 13, 2012 5:50 am

I'll be posting the bio up soon. But race wise, she's a milletian demon.

IC Skill Name: "Yellow Succubus dressed in red"
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: Various representations depending on the requested powers. But for appears, succubus dress.
Description: Scarlet isn't a real succubus, but she does have succubus-like appearance and powers that will be altered for approval. She may call herself a succubus, given her appearance, but she's just a demon. She has succubus wings, but blue eyes.
Explain relation: N/A
Notes: Not a power. Just explanation.
Level: 0

IC Skill Name: Energy Drain
Power Class: Drain
OOC Representation: Shadow Spirit and Life Drain
Description: Scarlet drains energy by luring it in to some act of passion, or by simply planting a kiss on the victim. If the target is not willing to be kissed, she may try to charm, asking for it to accept another kiss from her. Being drained leaves the victim either weakened or knocked out... maybe even dead, if it's a mortal.
Explain relation: The motion and effects of draining skills
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Charming Eyes- Suggestion
Power Class: Enthralling
OOC Representation: Control of Darkness, Taming
Description: Looking in to the eyes of a victim can charm and possibly persuade them to do as she asks.
Explain relation: CoD and Taming take over the free will of the target.
Notes: The player gets to choose whether or not this works on their character.
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: Summon 'Demon'
Power Class: Summon
OOC Representation: Pets
Description: Making contracts with various 'demonic' forces in Erinn, Scarlet is able to summon them to help her in any way. Balrogs, imps, incubi, and succubi in particular.
Explain relation: Summoning pets
Notes: Depending on which is summoned, it will be explained in RP which pet represents them.
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: Levitation
Power Class: Unique
OOC Representation: Crab bubble
Description: This allows Scarlet to move herself, another creature, or an object up and down as she wishes. Controlling the surrounding mana, and forming an aura around her target to lift them in the air. It may fail if the person moves around too much, or if she uses too little mana to compensate for the size of the target.
Explain relation: Floating bubbly animation
Notes: The target doesn't have to be willing IC, but the player gets to choose whether or not it works on their character.
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: Hypnotic Voice
Power Class: Enthralling
OOC Representation: Enthralling
Description: Scarlet's voice fascinates near by creatures, causing them to stop and stare blankly at her. In addition, she can use their attention to make her suggestions seem more plausible. Only creatures that can hear her can be affected, but they do not need to understand her.
Explain relation: enthralling captivates
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: Prying Eye
Power Class: Summon/Unique/Sensory
OOC Representation: 360 view on screen, and bird pet
Description: Scarlet summons a small beholder that flies around her in all directions. It will make a noise if anything suspicious comes in to view, so she knows that something is close by. She's able to connect with the beholder and see through it's eye, foregoing her own eyesight for the time.

The beholder, itself, is about the size of an apple and pink. It does not have life drain. If it's attacked and killed, she can summon another to replace it in a few ig days.
Explain relation: bird pet represents the beholder, and view represents what I can see with it.
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: Flight
Power Class: Flight, Mid Level
OOC Representation: Flying pets and succubus wings
Description: Using her wings for flight, and mana to maintain balance; Scarlet is able to fly around and hover in a spot without feeling the burden of gravity.
Explain relation: Flight motion
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Irresistible Dance
Power Class:Enthralling/Magical
OOC Representation: Special instruments and RP
Description: Scarlet is able to lace certain music with magic that makes the target(s) feel an undeniable urge to dance. Once the spell takes place the effect makes it impossible for the subject to do anything other than caper and prance in place, and last about 2 IG hours.
Explain relation: Special instruments motions and shown through RP
Notes: The player is able to choose whether or not their character is effected by this. The movement is OOC until they decide it's ok.
Level: 2

IC Skill Name: Weaknesses
Power Class: Weakness
OOC Representation: RP tool
Description: Scarlet doesn't have the exact same weaknesses as someone who is similar to a succubus. She is only weak against CoD(provided the player with it either has a higher rank than I do, OR is a higher total level than I am.) Her other weakness is Adamantium. If placed on her, like a ring or necklace, she will be unable to tap in to her magic.
Explain relation: Shown through RP
Level: 1

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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Glaceon Sun May 13, 2012 10:34 am

General Statement: Shadow Spirit doesn't drain, it's just a DoT. I'd personally say stick with just life drain for the Energy Drain. But that's just my thoughts. (Cause Shadow Spirit hurts....a lot....more than LD at times)
Glas Ghoblehht
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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Guest Sun May 13, 2012 11:01 am

Yeah...Shadow spirit doesn't drain. I don't see why it would be used to show a draining power.


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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Teoxihuitl Sun May 13, 2012 11:11 am

Well it does drain you of hp if you have bad prot and defense sorta.

And if it does kill you it does autobring the shadow to the user.

So technically it drains shadows. . .sorta.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Guest Sun May 13, 2012 11:13 am

You can't drain shadows off of another player, though, and it only auto-returns the shadows to the user if there's still some left. It's not really a drain-type skill.


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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Auramune Sun May 13, 2012 4:15 pm

Not the DoT part, the draining part. It shows a draining animation, which is why I'm choosing that+LD. I've used Shadow spirit for a drain with other characters.
The relation should speak of why I'm using that skill. Explain relation: The motion and effects of draining skills.

And the DoT does drain of HP, so it would still have the same effect, but that's not why I'm choosing it.

As far as draining shadows from other players go; I think it works the same for everyone in the IC world. The only reason players cant drain shadows from other players is because player characters revive, and monstersNPCs don't. Otherwise, I'd say, yeah you could drain from another PC if you had that exact skill IC, but we don't, so that's kinda all moot anyways.

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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Xeek Sun May 13, 2012 4:30 pm

Her drain doesn't give her HP, it turns the enemy's HP into energy (which would be closer to stamina than anything). It's just energy that allows her to use demi-god powers.

Meaning, like in shadow spirit you have to "drain" them of their shadows, so then you can use it as ammo. But it DOES NOT increase her HP.

Also, I think it should work on humans, it's simply game mechanics why it doesn't work on players. IC wise, if she doesn't have any, that person didn't have enough energy left to fuel a full attack.


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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Auramune Sun May 13, 2012 4:32 pm

Thank you Xeek xD. Am my fail today wordings.

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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Guest Sun May 13, 2012 4:36 pm

But..using shadow spirit doesn't really DRAIN it into anything. Sure, it damages and that can be 'drain' of health, but she doesn't get any shadows from it. If anything, she LOSES shadows from using it and gains pretty much nothing.

The animation of shadow spirit isn't really that different from Life Drain, only there's a cylinder and a beam of light and a transferring of energy rather than..a point and some darkness from dead things going to you.


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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Xeek Sun May 13, 2012 4:47 pm

Soifa Toten wrote:But..using shadow spirit doesn't really DRAIN it into anything. Sure, it damages and that can be 'drain' of health, but she doesn't get any shadows from it. If anything, she LOSES shadows from using it and gains pretty much nothing.

The animation of shadow spirit isn't really that different from Life Drain, only there's a cylinder and a beam of light and a transferring of energy rather than..a point and some darkness from dead things going to you.

The energy it drains is IC.... X_X It's not stamina, mana, nor HP. It's just energy for other skills. Often used with mana. It's like Xaver's power. They work with Kistune energy and mana.

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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Guest Sun May 13, 2012 4:49 pm

I guess I'm not explaining this right.

Shadow spirit, when used as an attack, does not drain.

It only works on dead things when it drains. The energy used cannot be used with other attacks, just that ONE attack. How will she show an increase in energy?


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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Auramune Sun May 13, 2012 4:54 pm

"Ahhhh, I feel much better~"

It's not an attack, it's the absorbing. It's shown in character through RP. And the energy(spirit) can be stored for later usage, as the actual attack. The energy itself is just energy. Like.. eating some food gives you physical energy. That's pretty much what it does.

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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Guest Sun May 13, 2012 4:56 pm

So, she's going to be using Shadow Spirit without a demi-god IC thing.

You know you have to go Demi, go kill something, and then eat it's spirit for each person you 'drain' with it, then?

I guess I just don't see the point in something so amazingly restrictive being used as an all-around skill, and think LD and just saying it looks like shadow drain works. -shrug-


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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Auramune Sun May 13, 2012 5:06 pm

It's not a demi-god skill IC for her. Demi is OOC until I request a power for that. And I personally have no issue with wasting demi for IC purposes(I do it all the time anyways 8D.) Or else I wouldn't have requested it this way(as I did for Aura's powers, which wasn't questioned, and does the exact same thing.)

I think LD is more restricted, because I have to first get hit and almost die before it can be used. I also have to have a cylinder equipped and LD crystals on hand.

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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Guest Sun May 13, 2012 5:09 pm

If you're fine with wasting it...




Okay whatever. Approved.


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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Auramune Mon May 14, 2012 6:29 am


1 down, 2 to go.

I am a horrible waster Q_Q

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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Guest Mon May 14, 2012 11:42 am

You are. You are such a horrible waster.

Now waste some love on me!~


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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Mari Eir Mon May 14, 2012 8:32 pm

I don't really see any issue with this. Approved.
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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Auramune Sun May 27, 2012 12:55 am

Needs 1 more =)

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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Teoxihuitl Sun May 27, 2012 12:56 am

Thought I had already approved this.

Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Auramune Sun May 27, 2012 12:57 am

I can't believe you approved it without making me work for it! Just for that, I give you a kitty on a cactus.

A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  853e9d7696cccae751fcf8ff08ede9ac

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A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence  Empty Re: A demon's powers- Scarlet Cadence

Post  Auramune Wed May 30, 2012 3:15 pm

This has 3. Can someone move it for me please? Smile

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