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Scarlet- Elsie's body alt

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Scarlet- Elsie's body alt Empty Scarlet- Elsie's body alt

Post  Cyler Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:54 am

Name: Scar
Age: 13
Birth Race: Raccoon, Deity
Game Race: Raccoon hybrid, former Deity. (OOC Human)
Hobbies: Reading, dancing, fishing, exploring, playing in the snow, and relaxing. (She spams the last one too much. o;)
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Red
Favorite Food: Mostly any bitter or salty snack.
Her world's name was Noss. Their religion was based on worshiping animal gods. The world was mainly populated by humans. There is only one type of animal god per animal, so there are many of them. Every fifty years, a child of that one animal god would be born. They would soon take the place of the parent god after they complete the three trials. The first one, live side by side with humans. The second one was to master the abilities of the Heaven's and Underworld. The last one is to destroy the town they resided in.
One day an infant was slowly decended down into a town, she had raccoon ears and tails. They were oddly colored, they were red and gray striped tail and red ears. She was soon found by farmers who took care of her and raised her as their child in the village. Most humans do not know of the three trials so to them, they had nothing to fear. They never came up with a name for her until she turned four years old and got into an accident. She wounded the back of her leg badly. After it healed, her guardian's decided to just name her Scar.
After nine years passed, she got a message from the Parent God of such trials. She was greatly depressed to hear the last one. But she still completed the first two swiftly and easily. She didn't know what to do, thoughts were going through her head. Then she came up with her own conclusion. "I will create my own trial". She went to all of her friends and families...telling them goodbye. Telling them that she loved them and will always be in their hearts. She then left to challenge the Parent God. After a very long adventure, she finally found out the location of the God and confronted it. Challenging it to battle, as she did so, was destroyed on the spot. The powers of the Parent God cannot be matched by the underlings of that one God. The Parent God soon then destroyed the village and made sure to make the Guardian's of Scar suffer. The worst possible outcome has befallen her. She then woke up on a white platform, confused. A woman with white hair decended onto the platform and told her about the situation she is in. Scar was kinda scared, after the explanations, she was sent to Erinn where she began her new life. She wanders the world trying to start anew. She then went by the name Scarlet, leaving the past behind her.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Join date : 2010-12-26
Age : 1011
Location : Find me and I will tell!

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