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Tekaro's Membership Application

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Tekaro's Membership Application Empty Tekaro's Membership Application

Post  Tekaro Fri May 11, 2012 3:17 pm

Character Name: Tekaro

How You Heard About The RP Society: From Roxxy, aka, Caoimeh, aka Luath, aka Deco

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? Eleven months now, actually.

Is English Your First Language? Yup.

A Short Biography Of Your Character:

[[A heads up, this is a character from another rp server on a different game who died. I am reviving him here in a new form ]]

Vardak and Tekaro gazed into each other with burning determination as they realized that the time for battle drew closer, they stared into the moon. Vardak broke the silence with the words...

"We don't need to fight, I see no reason to fight if we both can live here, right now as we are."

Tekaro took offense to those words, Tekaro heard from Vardak himself that there could only be either him or Vardak, but it was all wrong, wrong, WRONG! His mind raced as he called out for Ar'kelos, demanding an answer. Tekaro fell to the ground, as did Vardak as Ar'kelos formed into a shadow-ish being in front of them

"Ar'kelos... What is he meaning of this..." Tekaro and Vardak said at the same time, glaring at each other after realizing they were in sync with each other.

Ar'kelos looked at both of them, he was looking for weakness, a weakness he could shape and corrupt, a weakness he could use for his own advantage. He saw it in Tekaro, and he looked at the elf and said.

"Retriever, you have finished your task, and will be rewarded the power Vardak once had, Should you choose to accept it."

Tekaro gazed at the shadow, unaware that Ar'kelos words were merely a facade, that Ar'kelos had no form, and wanted Vardak dead.

"Ar'kelos... bond with me, let me have the power to kill Vardak, to return to my life... to return to my wife..."

Ar'kelos chuckled, he merged his essence into Tekaro, tekaro screamed in pain as his body was rejecting Ar'kelos. Naturally, Ar'kelos took the body and suppressed the weakened Tekaro. Vardak looked at Ar'kelos, Tekaro's body now pulsing with strength matching Vardak's own. In a blink of an eye, Ar'kelos appeared behind Vardak, and landed a devastating blow to the head. Vardak fell to the ground with an agonizing groan, looking up at Ar'kelos...

"You... bastard..." Vardak said, trying to get up as his legs went weak, Ar'kelos looked at Vardak, and in a blind rage, Ar'kelos began a onslaught of punches to Vardak, Unable to move, Vardak unconsciously grabbed Ar'kelos' fist and picked himself up slowly, holding the fist with a deadly grip. Ar'kelos looked at Vardak, Vardak looked back and called for his blade, it didn't appear immediately,

"Your too weak!" The combined voices of Ar'kelos and Tekaro spoke. "Why can't you just die!?!" Vardak chuckled at Ar'kelos as he stared him down. "I refuse to lose to a second rate demon." Vardak looked at Arkelos, Ar'kelos took his free hand, his blade like fingers moving closer to Vardak until he ripped into his flesh, Vardak screamed and called out for the blade again, The blade severely weakened from Vardak's spirit being in the nether, it mustered the strength of an iron sword. Vardak swung the blade wildly, Ar'kelos gazing at him as he quizzically questioned Vardak's power.

Vardak landed a powerful hit onto Tekaro's body, Ar'kelos screamed in pain as blood poured out from the giant gash. A tear falling from Tekaro's face as Tekaro realized his own demise, he was unable to see the future so clearly. Tekaro's mind went blank as Vardak swung again. This wound would prove to be fatal, but before Ar'kelos could be finished. He left the body of Tekaro, and went into the sky...

"V... Var... vardak..." Tekaro shuddered as his eyes went dull, crying as he realized that he lost, that he was tricked. "I... Need you... to do me a favor..." He asked, Vardak nodded, gripping his chest as he look at Tekaro. Upon seeing Vardak's nod, he said "My friend... Decora... Find her... Help her... She... is in trouble.... Tell my wife I lo-"

Tekaro's body went lifeless as Vardak stood there, thought to be triumphant, but he said. "At what cost... Why?! Why me of all people? Why did I have to do this.... Someone... ANSWER ME!" Vardak screamed as a voice responded....

"This isn't over yet, cursed one.."


“Wake up.. Wake up little one..”

Tekaro’s eyes opened slowly, staring into deep blue eyes. He jolted, yanking back with a sharp cry of shock. He looked over the woman before him, slowly calming at the sight of her gentle smile. She held a hand out to him, long pale fingers curling slowly, beckoning him to her, pure white hair swaying slowly around her. She seemed almost unreal, long black dress silhouetted against the pure white world they stood upon.

“Who.. who are you..?” Tekaro whimpered weakly, he set a hand to his throat in surprise, the voice he heard was not his own. He looked down.. his body.. had changed.. It was no longer the elven form he had known. Now, a strange form of a young boy housed him.

“I’m a friend, and you don’t have to be so afraid..” Spoke the woman, still holding out her hand. Tekaro reached out, taking it timidly as she pulled him upward, head tilting slightly as she gave a sad but light chuckle.

“Where.. am I..?”

“You’re dead... this is where spirits go when they have reached the end of their journey..”

“Dead?! But.. I don’t want to die!”

“That’s why you’re here.. the journey doesn’t have to end here if you don’t wish it..”

“I don’t wish it! I want to live!”

“Then so be it.. however.. the life you once knew.. is gone.. I’ll have to give you a new life instead..” Spoke the woman as she raised her hand. The sound of wings echoed around them as several owls of pure white dived down, swirling around the youth until he could see nothing more than the swirling void of light around him.

[[Cut to what Tekaro himself knows, aka the false life]]

Abused and neglected, Tekaro has a slightly timid personality, easily intimidated and prone to flinching away from quick movements. He knows little of his birth parents, other than they were killed by a giant woman named Syrila, who wanted him as her own personal ‘son’ and punching bag. After much mutilation and torment from Syrila under the mask of making him ‘stronger’, Tekaro grew weak, eventually succubing to sickness and collapsing in the forests of Dugald. He was found by another giant woman, Caoimeh, and taken away to her home where she cared for him until he was well. Tekaro slowly began to recover, until Syrila once again came for him, though this time she would not be victorious, instead being bashed down and tosses away by the superior fighting skills of Caoimeh. Tekaro now resides with Caoimeh on her adventures, seeking out to be as strong as she.

What type of character do you play? He will be a warrior, with minor to slight mastery of the magic skill

What is your Mabinogi schedule?[ Varied, I’m thinking 25-27 hours right now, not too sure.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Tekaro's Membership Application Empty Re: Tekaro's Membership Application

Post  Guest Fri May 11, 2012 3:46 pm


I like it.

I like you.

I approve!


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Tekaro's Membership Application Empty Re: Tekaro's Membership Application

Post  Teoxihuitl Fri May 11, 2012 4:08 pm


Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Tekaro's Membership Application Empty Re: Tekaro's Membership Application

Post  Kenelm Sat May 12, 2012 9:28 am

"Intredasting," Tehoxihuitl?

Quite well written, Tekaro. I've got an RP hook established in the Guild Bulletin section specifically for in-character combat training. It's supposed to connect to the Forum RP section, and finally end in-game with a demonstration of the present game mechanics.

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Tekaro's Membership Application Empty Re: Tekaro's Membership Application

Post  Tekaro Sat May 12, 2012 9:44 am

Kenelm wrote:"Intredasting," Tehoxihuitl?

Quite well written, Tekaro. I've got an RP hook established in the Guild Bulletin section specifically for in-character combat training. It's supposed to connect to the Forum RP section, and finally end in-game with a demonstration of the present game mechanics.

Sounds like something my character would be interested in, mind you he's young and has a stutter from the fear of making others dissatisfied from his being enslaved, so him asking himself might be a small issue.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Tekaro's Membership Application Empty Re: Tekaro's Membership Application

Post  Vayne Sat May 12, 2012 9:46 am

What, nobody else will? Foine. Approved.

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Tekaro's Membership Application Empty Re: Tekaro's Membership Application

Post  Kenelm Sat May 12, 2012 10:49 am

If you examine the thread, "A Rumor Amongst Merchants and Traders," you should be able to see other possible avenues, since the rumor is well-established and fliers have gone up.

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Tekaro's Membership Application Empty Re: Tekaro's Membership Application

Post  Auramune Sat May 12, 2012 3:19 pm

Added to the guild

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