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Membership Application - Zeekyamato

Zeek Yamato
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Membership Application - Zeekyamato Empty Membership Application - Zeekyamato

Post  Zeek Yamato Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:42 pm

Character Name: Zeekyamato (aka Zeek Yamato)

How You Heard About The RP Society: Never heard about it, only saw it, and me being into Roleplay made it all the more attractive.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? ....10-13 years?...tops?...

Is English Your First Language? Yep...

A Short Biography Of Your Character: As it’s been since I started playing Mabi the years ago, Zeek was born in the shadow realm same as his brother, though only recently had it been opened to the public. Zeek was always the type to be kind and gentle, quite gay and queer, though in reality his true personality and goals were a complete mystery, even to his brother. It’s hard to put Zeek in one category, he chose the dark side between the Paladins and Dark Knight’s war. All in all Zeek is kind and gentle, loves to fight, yet very emotional, and quite the tease. [Also if yah don’t care for him being a natural of the Shadow Realm I can always change it, but either way he’ll claim to be born from the shadow realm till he dies, even if he wasn’t.]

What type of character do you play? Honestly I dunno, I dabble in everything and love dungeons and duels, though sometimes company is just as good.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? Random, but dedicated when on.

[If I missed anything feel free to inform me ^_^....I do dislike errors....and complications...Also to be blunt, I roleplay quite professionally on Furcadia, I'm a paragraph literate roleplayer. Not that paragraphs really mean much on Mabi since it has limited typing space x3...]

[Little back story to tie up some loose ends, if it matters ^_^]

Zeek being born in the Shadow Realm. It was many years ago in the Shadow Realm, things were always so dank and dark, everyone seemed to lack that gleam that made life all the more fun.
Zeek was also keen to this fact, much like many before and after him, he was tired of this constant endless Grey.
It took many years in itself to perfect, but Zeek had devised a method to get away from this world, into a fabled Erinn, a world almost parallel to this one, constructing a device comprised of five mana crystals stuck into the ground, each one towering a good five feet off the ground.
The now rather old Zeek would clasp his hands together, quickly removing his sword and tapping the first crystal, causing it to vibrate with great shivers, with each tap the reverberation in that one crystal would get stronger, quickly causing the two beside it to as well begin to vibrate and so on.
Once all five Mana Crystals were in unison, the sound given off of them was quite annoying, a constant whirring sound, ceased by a sudden burst of Shadow Aura from Zeek, and yet, amplified.
This reverberation along with the latent shadow magic dumped into the crystal would cause an unstable void to form, even at such an unstable period before it had time to solidify as a viable means of trans-universal transportation, it seemed to consume Zeek’s soul, being charged with shadow mana had that kind of unforeseen effect.
Memories seemed to be whipped clean as Zeek’s freed soul entered a white area, quickly smashed into that of another free spirit roaming the Soul stream and fusing into one being as he’d almost immediately be dropped on a tall pedestal facing a creature known only as Nao.
Nao would guide this newly born creature to Erinn like her job entailed, and thusly leaving Zeek memory less and confused in a beautiful land known as Tir Chonail.
All this said and done Zeek found himself battling creatures both natural and un-natural, following the path of the sword, and the magic, finding himself many years later facing a stone formation much similar to his crystal one in design, shadows pouring from the pedestal in the center that solidified that transit, and drawn to the Shadow Realm once again to regain all he’d lost physically.
Upon entering the Shadow Realm he’d find the remains of his past physical self, as well as his memories quickly drowning him in an brain flood of content.
No longer obsessed with finding this new world, now that it was unlocked, his only goal was to goof off and have fun weather that mean following the sword and magic, or simply chatting with a few comrade’s along the way.

Last edited by Zeek Yamato on Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:41 pm; edited 3 times in total
Zeek Yamato
Zeek Yamato
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Post  Xeek Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:50 pm

I'd prefer the short biography to be like a story, but everything seems ok. Since you mention about errors, you forgot to bold "What type of character do you play?" (Unless you did it on purpose, then you didn't forget Razz) Everything else seems OK to me :3

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Post  Dalvar Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:30 am

A Shadow Realm native... Should be interesting.

Oh! As a Shadow Realm native you are also an Erinn native. That means you don't come back to life or rebirth like Soul Streamers. How are you going to play that?

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Post  Zeek Yamato Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:39 pm

I was thinking about that last night....Could I claim upon traveling to erin the first time before the gates of the shadow realm opened to Erin, It kinda threw me into the Soul stream...Aka Nao's turf? =P
Zeek Yamato
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Post  Krystal Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:04 pm

Ooh... Shadow Realm Native... awesome. That means we'll have both a character from Another World and Shadow Realm.
Heh, like Dal says, you might not get that luxury of coming back if you die. Cru doesn't get that luxury. Neutral

Cru: So... he's kinda like me! Cause I came from Another World. -smiles happily- Does he know fomorian too? -tilts her head-
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Post  Zeek Yamato Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:23 pm

I'd have to say that'd be lost in time xD...

If it'd make it easier to follow the idea I have made, than allow me to write a real quick history of pre-Erinn story....shouldn't take too dreadfully long x3..


And amended it to the main post at the end ^_^
Zeek Yamato
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Post  Kenelm Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:33 pm

You have one of the requisite three approvals from me.

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Post  Captincrunch Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:40 pm

An this would make a second affirmation - for what its worth. Wink

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Post  Auramune Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:49 pm

A third, from me!

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Post  Zeek Yamato Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:14 pm

^_^ So, how many do I need for a full house?
Zeek Yamato
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Post  The Kerrins Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:48 pm

You need 3
The Kerrins
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