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Xeek the Storm Dragon

Mari Eir
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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Xeek Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:58 am

IC Skill Name: Racial traits - Storm Dragon/Elven
Power Class: Racial/Genetic
OOC Representation: My screen and character.
Description: Due to his special blood mix (Human, dragon, and elven), Xeek is allowed to use certain powers. Whenever Xeek shows his scales, they are golden. Xeek has natural sharp teeth and nails. Xeek's eyes also slanted to the side, as well as his pupil.
Explain relation:N/A
Notes: This is not a power, this is simply an enabler skill that explains how Xeek obtained some of his powers.
Level 0

IC Skill Name: Dragon Tail
Power Class: Genetic/Racial/Transformation/Physical
OOC Representation: A large variation of skills, pets, and combos.
Description: By sending blood to the ending part of his tailbone, Xeek is able to grow a large and powerful tail. Although, in his earlier days Xeek wasn't able to control his tail well, Xeek can not use his tail as if it was another arm.
Explain Relation: Xeek's tail is very active, meaning there is a lot of possible skills that can be used for it to make it more life like.
Notes: Xeek's tail is another limb. Some skills that can be used are:
Windmill(tail whip), counter (tail smacking back), frozen blast (tail grab).
Since Xeek's tail is a limb, if he is being combo'd he can't always use it to protect himself. (Unless Xeek's armor pings)
Level 1

IC Skill Name:Dragon Wings
Power Class: Racial/transformation/Flight, high level/Physical
OOC Representation: Pets+some skills.
Description Similar to his tail, Xeek can grow two large wings. As the time passed, Xeek also learned to use his wings to a higher degree. Though, his wings aren't as flexible as his tail, they are still capable of moving around. Xeek is able to fly with his wings
Explain Relation: Xeek's wings are also active, thus they require some skills.
Notes: Xeek's wings are not just used for flying, he can use his wings to block some attacks (defense), stop an attack while he is not ready (ping), unleash a weak gust to send the enemy back(windblast), as well as other movements.
level 1

IC Skill Name: Enraged
Power Class: Transformation/Racial/Physical
OOC Representation: Dark Knight
Description: Xeek's blood begins to boil to a point where it hurts him. This skill enhances Xeek's physical and magical abilities. It increases his endurance(HP), mana, and removes his fatigue(Stam). It also enables Intimidate(See below). Though, Xeek can not stay in this form forever, eventually the blood will burn too much, to the point where it can do serious damage. Scales show and may allow some stun to be ignored (Pings)
Explain relation: Dark knight increases all those stats, as well as having an HP burn.
Notes: While there is no clear appearance change, Xeek gives off an aura of danger. This skill can be forced activated by using fire attacks on Xeek. Due to the pain caused by this skill, Xeek's body has a defense mechanism to keep the body cool, not allowing him to use it simultaneously.
level 1

IC Skill Name: Intimidate
Power Class: Enthralling
OOC Representation: DK- Control of Darkness
Description: Xeek's aura is capable of scaring a target to the point where they will submit to his will. Usually doing what he ask, or back stabbing their friends. The target will usually flee when given the chance.
Explain relation: Control of darkness(if successful) makes the target come to user's side, as Xeek's skills. They stronger the monster/person the less chance of success.
Notes If I do not have fomor scrolls, the skill will be an immediate fail.
level 2

IC Skill Name: Dragon up!
Power Class: Transformation/Racial/Drain/Movement/Regenerative
OOC Representation: Demi
Description: Xeek is able to unleash a large amount of energy. This is marked with a very power roar, those near by can feel his energy and will be pushed back by it. This is Xeek's closes form to a full dragon. His regeneration increases, he is nearly incapable of fatigue. While he does not become stronger, he becomes faster. Enables the three following skills: Iron Wings, Electric Predator, Lightning. Scales show and may allow some stuns to be ignored. (Demi effect)
Explain relation: Demi provides the same bonuses.
Notes: Since Xeek is not a full dragon, he can not keep this form forever. This is considered a drain skill because in order to fuel this skill, Xeek must obtain energy in order to use by either eating, or the rush of killing (leveling).
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Iron Wings
Power Class: Transformation/Defensive/Drain
OOC Representation: Wings of Eclipse
Description: Xeek grows his wings, he uses his energy to harden them. Xeek's wings also move fast, allowing him to block any attack. Though, depending on the magnitude of the attack, the energy around the wings can break.
Explain relation: Iron wings is actually a weaker version of Eclipse, as it does have holes.
Notes: Similar to Dragon Up! Iron wings need energy stored to be used. Needs dragon up to be used.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Electric Predator
Power Class: Elemental/Drain
OOC Representation: Shadow Spirit
Description: Xeek is able to send large amount of electricity to circulate a person's body. Due to this, they will not only receive damage, but they might not be able to move. In order to have this amount of electricity, Xeek must take the energy of a dying/recently dead body.
Explain relation: Both skills stun the target and do damage.
Notes: Aside from the electricity that needs to be stolen, Xeek must use his own energy. This attack effects even those that are immune to electricity, as it goes into their body, and messes with their biological functions.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Lightning
Power Class: Elemental/Drain
OOC Representation: Wings of Rage
Description: Xeek calls to the heavens(or the sky) and tries to form a lightning bolt in the sky, the lightning hit him, and he sends it in the direction he pleases. Any targets hit or close enough to the strike, will get shocked temporarily. Due to the speed of this attack, those immune to electricity will take damage.
Explain relation: Both skills have a hit damage and shock damage.
Notes: While Lightning is fast, the load IC load time accounts for both the wings of rage load time and strike time.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Stone Skin
Power Class: Defensive/Protection
OOC Representation: Armor+Shield(with ping!)
Description: While Xeek already has naturally tough skin, he can make it tougher by making blood pump at his skin. At times, he can ignore the stun of arrows and physical attacks. Scales show and increase defense.
Explain relation: My armor and shield provide both, defense and passive defense
Notes: It's simply him not having the armor on IC.
Level 0

IC Skill Name:Mana Scales
Power Class: Defensive/Artificial
OOC Representation: Mana Shield
Description: Xeek uses his mana to create an extra fake layer of scales. As you hit them, they start falling off. Xeek can not be damaged directly while the scales are up.
Explain relation: Mana shield also protects the user.
Notes: Simply layer change (kakakaka)
Level 0

IC Skill Name: Weather Sensor
Power Class: Intuitive/Racial/Elemental
OOC Representation: In-game weather alarm, Wiki's weather forecast
Description: Xeek is able to feel the weather changing. He can predict it, though, the farther(both physical and time-wise) it is from him, the harder it is.
Explain relation: The weather forecast system show the weather.
Notes:Xeek claims to talk to the sky, in fact it's all in his head.
Level 0

IC Skill Name: Storm Cloud
Power Class: Elemental/Racial/Artificial
OOC Representation: Froggy Robe/ Raincast
Description: Xeek is able to create a rain cloud above him. Though, it usually happens automatically. The larger cloud (raincast) the more energy he uses.
Explain relation: They both create a pretty raincloud
Notes:The larger cloud requires energy, thus it can not be used continuously
Level 0

IC Skill Name: Shock
Power Class: Elemental
OOC Representation: Shock
Description: Shock..... Xeek releases energy his energy, making sparks fly around him. It exerts his body, so it can't be used a lot.
Explain relation: They both cause sparks to fly around the char.
Notes: It's simply Shock without cylinder and crystal and a bigger cool down IC.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Electric Jolt
Power Class: Elemental
OOC Representation: Elemental skills + Elemental weapons + pets
Description: Xeek is able to expel electricity from his body. Allowing him to shock anyone touching him. Though, he can not continuously use it.
Explain relation: Thunder dragon, lightning both, elemental enchants all do lightning damage.
Notes: If someone is holding Xeek, he can release a small jolt to try and get them off. (thunder dragon)
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Flash
Power Class: Elemental
OOC Representation: Reindeer+Summon.
Description: This skill doesn't actually do damage, it only temporarily stuns surrounding people with a bright light. Xeek can not spam this skill, due it requiring.. energy.
Explain relation: Both skills provide a slide stun. I am removing the damage from Xeek's IC skill.
Notes: Sun glasses can stop the stun IC.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Xeek'n Hide
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: Reindeer-hide
Description: Xeek is able to conceal himself from enemies while he is still. Small movements won't interrupt the spell. Xeek can walk slowly, and remain half hidden, but visible. If Xeek runs, the spell will be broken.
Explain relation: Deer-hide for normal hide. Deer-hide can only hide....hide.
Notes: Xeek can not exert force in this form either. If he tries to carry someone or attack, the spell will be broken.
Level 0-1

IC Skill Name: Shocker
Power Class: Elemental
OOC Representation: Final hit
Description: Xeek uses the power of electricity to charge at his targets with immense speed. He then stabs his both sword or claws into the target, and releases a large amount of electricity. Unless Xeek's powers fail a moment or are blocked, the target will not be able to get out. If Xeek only gets one hand, or uses one sword, the target will be knocked back due to the electric current. If the target is immune to electricity, the claws/swords through him will still hurt.
Explain relation: Final hit keeps the target pinned, as long as they don't ping or interrupt it.
Notes: Although I said he can do it with his claws, OOCly, I'll be using two weapons.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Petrify.
Power Class: Elemental/Racial
OOC Representation: Frozen blast
Description: Similar to a normal dragon's petrify, Xeek's breath has a electricity, if he holds in enough of it, he can release a shocking breath that can paralyze any targets in the way. Due to the nature of this attack, the affected target's will feel weaker while stunned.
Explain relation: Both skills freeze the target.
Notes: Feeling weaker only applies to their defense.
Level 1

Last edited by Xeek on Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:24 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Dalvar Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:04 am

Instead of re-listing parts of the dragon template as separate and unique powers, you should just note that he is a half dragon and use the template!

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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Xeek Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:28 am

Dalvar wrote:Instead of re-listing parts of the dragon template as separate and unique powers, you should just note that he is a half dragon and use the template!

As I stated in the GC, I rather type them completely to specify on certain limitations. Do you have any other concerns?

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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Guest Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:56 am

If he WANTS to type them out and be completely thorough with his character, I think that's fine. ._.

In other news, I think these all seem fine.

Except Shock.

It has a dumb name. >:I


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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Mari Eir Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:29 pm

Just a question... WHY can he create a small raincloud over his head and why does it occur automatically..?
Mari Eir
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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Xeek Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:36 pm

Mari Eir wrote:Just a question... WHY can he create a small raincloud over his head and why does it occur automatically..?

WHY? or How?
Xeek is a storm dragon, he 'bonds' with the sky. The same way he uses the sky to shoot a lightning bolt, he can create a raincloud if he is in stressed situations.

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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Mari Eir Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:38 pm

*shrugs* Ok. xD It was just a curiosity. Approved.
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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Xeek Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:47 am

Added new play toys =D

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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Guest Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:09 pm


He's a dragon..that has none of the dragon weaknesses?


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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Xeek Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:47 pm

Soifa Toten wrote:So..wait..

He's a dragon..that has none of the dragon weaknesses?

None of the powers are strong enough to require weaknesses. They are all fancy re-skins. Beside, specially from the template, all those weaknesses seem silly to me. Why would a dragon be paralyzes for someone grabbing their tail? It's their main weapon. Music? I heard of "Music sooth the beast" but never heard of a dragon being sleepy because of it. Specially mythril, dragons hoard thing, specially guard items they also hold myth.

Xeek does have ONE special weakness. I had forgotten it, but it's not really a weakness. It's a special lullaby, but it's just one song. One reason I don't want to put it out, because last time I did people were "randomly playing" it.

As far as I know, dragons are creatures of powers, they aren't known for their weakness. They have a weak spot(their belly), but it's not really a weakness, just not a strong point.

Like I had said before, the template is too similar to the people who created it, not an actual lore dragon. Xeek's body has no elemental affinity, so he has no elemental weakness.

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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Glaceon Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:27 pm

I common weakness I think for most animals is rubbing the belly or for dragons, tail. This calms nerves and relaxes muscles, hence why it is seen as a weakness.

Also, in my opinion, I'd classify storm as a side-branch of lightning. That's just me though.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Xeek Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:56 pm

Glaceon wrote:I common weakness I think for most animals is rubbing the belly or for dragons, tail. This calms nerves and relaxes muscles, hence why it is seen as a weakness.

Also, in my opinion, I'd classify storm as a side-branch of lightning. That's just me though.

Storm and Lightning dragons are practically the same. Like I said though, none of the weaknesses match. They are all Mariella's weakness. Dragons are very special and aggressive mythical creatures, I highly doubt someone has even tried to rub their belly.

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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Auramune Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:03 pm

Glaceon wrote:I common weakness I think for most animals is rubbing the belly or for dragons, tail. This calms nerves and relaxes muscles, hence why it is seen as a weakness.

Also, in my opinion, I'd classify storm as a side-branch of lightning. That's just me though.

A lot of cats and dogs bite people when they try to rub their belly fyi. So it's not the same for all animals, or even all common animals. A dragon's belly has softer scales, which is why it's a weak point. It's easier to stab their belly and gut them. But that's the only reason why it's considered a 'weak' point. Not because it calms nerves.

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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Cyler Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:54 pm

It calms my Dad's nerves after a big meal.

And what Glacia said IS true. BUT Only when the animal/person doesn't feel threatened in any way. But when they do...chomp.
(Come on...who doesn't like their belly scratched? Very Happy)

Oh and I guess it is the character's opinion to if they DO like being rubbed. Some people might not even like being touched. -shrug- Choices are choices. Some better than others~ -rubs Dog belly-
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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Auramune Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:41 pm

That's why I said it's not the same for all xD. I'm sure some do like it, but not all do. It makes it different for each individual.

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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Xeek Sun Apr 08, 2012 6:41 pm


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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Xeek Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:53 pm


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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Guest Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:00 pm

For verification

My approval still stands.


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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Xeek Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:26 pm

Mari, if you can restate your approval, I'd appreciate it. As well as anyone who wants to give another approval.

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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Teoxihuitl Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:10 pm

For unauthorization I do not disapprove!

Which is an approval on my part.
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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Xeek Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:33 pm

I don't suppose I can take Mari's approval? >_>

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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Guest Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:49 pm

She didn't revoke it?..



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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Xeek Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:31 pm

Soifa Toten wrote:She didn't revoke it?..


She didn't, but it's before I made some changes. She needs to verify the approval still stands.

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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Temo Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:53 am

Approved. Yep.
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Xeek the Storm Dragon Empty Re: Xeek the Storm Dragon

Post  Xeek Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:10 pm

If noone has any concerns, this can be moved. (Apparently, not mentioning any names, TEMO didn't move it) *Is joking, writing this for clarity, since people are taking what I say way to seriously*

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