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Dice Rolling for Soul Powers and Advanced Transmutation

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Dice Rolling for Soul Powers and Advanced Transmutation Empty Dice Rolling for Soul Powers and Advanced Transmutation

Post  Mari Eir Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:07 am

To make sure everyone is clear on the new odds system, Soifa and I present you with this visual guide! In this example, we will be illustrating how this process works. You will be required to use a dice roll every time your character wishes to use their power, the results being listed on the forum in the corresponding power thread.

First - Figure out the percentage you're working with. Depending on circumstances, a percentage may be assigned to you in the case of Soul Powers. For Advanced Transmutation, please follow the fixed percentages listed in the "Know-How" thread. For the sake of making this example, we have chosen 60% odds for a Soul Power experiment.

Second - Get two Councilors, two Mentors, or a combination of the two the hold each die. Before they roll, you need to tell them the numbers you want.

Dice Rolling for Soul Powers and Advanced Transmutation Zjjd39

To simplify this dice roll, only numbers 3-12 (ten numbers) are used. We'll explain where 2 went later. Out of those, six of them are on your side since it's 60% odds. The four that aren't will have to have a penalty. A typical set up may look like this:

3 - Success!
4 -Minor Penalty; The subject involved in the usage of the power has their soul damaged. This may result in a loss of powers, or even a loss of the ability to rebirth.
5 - Success!
6 - Success!
7 - Success!

8 - MAJOR Penalty; A major penalty means soul destruction of the subject. This means permanent death.
9 - Success!
10 - DOUBLE Penalty; A double penalty means both the subject and whoever else is involved will have a minor OR major penalty. You can roll once more to decide if it will me one or the other with simple even/odd results. (If there's no living thing nearby, it can have environmental effects; however as long as someone is witnessing the display IC, they risk being subjected to a double penalty.)
11 - Regular ol' failure; Nothing happens. It just goes kaput.
12 - Success!

Determining results will require only one roll. You may NOT get a chance to roll again should you not get the result you want. The only time additional rolls happen are if the situation dictates, as explained in the above example.

Third - 2? As we all know, the 1 on the dice in Mabinogi is the Celtic knot. Seeing as it's impossible to roll only a 1 between two dice, it is naturally omitted. However, if one rolls two Celtic knots (a 2), it will result in an automatic failure, no penalties added. Say, the power not working properly or, in the event of an AT experiment, the ovens aren't useable.
Dice Rolling for Soul Powers and Advanced Transmutation BdpipyDice Rolling for Soul Powers and Advanced Transmutation Afir75

Fourth - And so now, we roll~
Dice Rolling for Soul Powers and Advanced Transmutation 2sb6e6a

Uh oh.. 2+2 =
Dice Rolling for Soul Powers and Advanced Transmutation 1yv2q1

That's right, it's a 4! Soul Damage!
Dice Rolling for Soul Powers and Advanced Transmutation 343q26s

As long as your character's not dead and doesn't lose their powers, you can try again!
Dice Rolling for Soul Powers and Advanced Transmutation 5eiikx

So, to summarize!

1. Figure out your success rate! If you have a 30% success rate, only 3/10 odds will be on your side. If you have 50% odds, 5/10 will be on your side. If it's slightly below the nearest ten, ie: 66-69%), you may round up. Below that amount, you'll round down (yes, we're aware that 65% would be a round up, but for this specifically it will not be enough). Fill up ALL of your failure options with the appropriate minor, major, or double penalties, as well as a normal failure. These can be whatever is pre-approved before the roll, either suggested by colored names or made up on your own. If there are at least 4 chances for failure, you MUST have one each (minor, major, double, and normal failure).

This should be listed in your power thread BEFORE you roll. Any edits may result in a loss of the power, so make sure you do NOT edit the post, even to fix a typo.

2. Grab a Councilor or Mentor. You don't need to be present when they roll, but we strongly suggest it be observed by you, and possibly another member. Both colored names MUST be together and roll simultaneously.

3. Remember: A double celtic knot is an automatic, non-penalty failure. Make up whatever excuse for failing you want.

4. Witness the dice rolling that will determine your character's fate! By applying for this, you agree to maturely accept the results.

5. When rolling for a soul condition, only one die will be used.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

Posts : 4397
Join date : 2010-03-04
Age : 35
Location : Seattle

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