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Rolling in Polling

Mari Eir
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Rolling in Polling Empty Rolling in Polling

Post  Auramune Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:17 pm

I wasn't sure where to post this, and didn't want to derail a thread. But I do feel it must be said. If I pm'd it, it would probably just be ignored. So here goes..

I have a hard time believing that every other week the TF Au is 'rolled' on to the poll. It's way too much of a coincidence, and I don't think it's fair that it's placed on every single week(week it's available to be placed). Especially when there are several AUs that haven't been done even once. Aside from that, the rolling was supposed to be a fair way. How is this fair?

No offence to you, Mari, but can someone else roll for the polling options? Or is there a better way to do it?

And before people jump the gun, I'm not trying to start a crusade or issues or anything like you expect. It's just a simple matter of fairness. Don't know if anyone else feels the same way. *shrug*

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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Xeek Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:24 pm

I second this, and even if it is just a coincidence, the system should be changed. I think the idea provided by Soifa would be the best. It gives a chance for most AU to go up in the poll. I understand some AUs are more fun than others, but it removes the purpose of the whole event. Soifa's idea, of rotating after the initial rolling will allow every AU to at least be on the poll.

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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Lynn17 Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:28 pm

.....If everyone votes for the TFAU. It's the -last- TFAU anyway guys......O___o....Until we do the...prequel AU. But who knows when that will be....
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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Xeek Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:06 pm

Lynn17 wrote:.....If everyone votes for the TFAU. It's the -last- TFAU anyway guys......O___o....Until we do the...prequel AU. But who knows when that will be....

Two weeks, I say. >_>

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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Adhamh Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:10 pm

You say we have several other AUs that we haven't done yet, but we only have 3 (that have been listed as ready) out of 8 AUs that haven't been done. If my memory serves me correctly, the Milletian Extermination AU has been on the list every (or almost every) week since it was ready (except this week, apparently), it just hasn't been selected through the voting. The Horror/Survival one appears often as well. It only seems like the TF!AU is on way more than the others because when it does land on the poll, it ends up winning. And it only ends up on the poll every other week, but in reality, it's only been on the poll three times. The issue isn't that the TF!AU ending up on the polls is too much of a coincidence, but rather that it always wins when it appears on the polls. Which isn't an issue at all (Or at least it shouldn't be), because people are voting for that.
Cromm Crunch
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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Auramune Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:36 pm

Who cares if it's 3 or several? Don't get hung up on words, please. That doesn't matter.

Adhamh wrote:The issue isn't that the TF!AU ending up on the polls is too much of a coincidence, but rather that it always wins when it appears on the polls. Which isn't an issue at all (Or at least it shouldn't be), because people are voting for that.

The issue is what I said the issue is. If it wins when it's on, it wins. That's not a problem. So please don't try to twist things around, because I'm not saying that at all.

Poll Rolling started on Sept. 24th. Which was about 4 weeks ago?(Rather, this would be the 4th week.) The fact is that every other week it has been placed on the polls by rolling.

That's why -I- feel it's too much of a coincidence. Every time it can be on, it's on. I just feel there is a more fair way that this can be done, is all.

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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Cyler Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:52 pm

That's why I think letting the RP's be open like the main RP is a good thing. "But if we had that then nobody will get into the main one again!" so? There is already people who ONLY log/go IC JUST for the AU's which attend on weekends really. So why not just let them be open and accessible at any time? Or let the leaders of those AU's choose the dates/times it can be aired. That is MY opinion though.

P.S.: Probably wondering what this has to do with "rolls" well...I personally just don't like the idea of rolls. .w. That is my point.


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Last edited by Cyler on Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Vayne Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:53 pm

I'm actually going to agree with Xeek and Aura here on principle. Yes, I love the TFAU. However, it shouldn't be put up every-other week just because we like it. Not at all. No, rolling should be done fairly and it should be entirely at random, even if it means waiting a bit for some things. Would I like to do the TFAU this weekend, again? Heck yes! But I can't stand by it, on the principle of the matter. They're absolutely right, the point to rolling is meant to be fair and random. Purposefully choosing it every other week (the moment it's allowed, that is) isn't right.

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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Adhamh Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:54 pm

Auramune wrote:Who cares if it's 3 or several? Don't get hung up on words, please. That doesn't matter.

Adhamh wrote:The issue isn't that the TF!AU ending up on the polls is too much of a coincidence, but rather that it always wins when it appears on the polls. Which isn't an issue at all (Or at least it shouldn't be), because people are voting for that.

The issue is what I said the issue is. If it wins when it's on, it wins. That's not a problem. So please don't try to twist things around, because I'm not saying that at all.

Poll Rolling started on Sept. 24th. Which was about 4 weeks ago?(Rather, this would be the 4th week.) The fact is that every other week it has been placed on the polls by rolling.

That's why -I- feel it's too much of a coincidence. Every time it can be on, it's on. I just feel there is a more fair way that this can be done, is all.

As an RPer, you should know that word choice is always important. It does matter, because there's a big difference between not having done 7 AUs because we're always doing one and not having done 3 AUs, when we've done five others.

Also, I wasn't trying to twist things around. I meant you're making mountains out of molehills.

Also, your math seems off, because we've had 7 AU weekends since the voting began. Guardian, Steampunk, TF, TF, *Then the every-other-week rule was introduced, Child, TF, and Guardian Revisited.

@Vayne But you guys are assuming that Jabber puts it on purposefully and doesn't roll for it. Which isn't fair to her AT ALL.
Cromm Crunch
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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Cyler Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:55 pm

Vayne wrote:I'm actually going to agree with Xeek and Aura here on principle. Yes, I love the TFAU. However, it shouldn't be put up every-other week just because we like it. Not at all. No, rolling should be done fairly and it should be entirely at random, even if it means waiting a bit for some things. Would I like to do the TFAU this weekend, again? Heck yes! But I can't stand by it, on the principle of the matter. They're absolutely right, the point to rolling is meant to be fair and random. Purposefully choosing it every other week (the moment it's allowed, that is) isn't right.

I can agree with that! Why not actually try picking the AU's randomly? Like...a small event. Or an application on a phone or SOMETHING to help choose it at random. Not just decisions. Smile
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Vayne Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:57 pm

The intent of rolling *was* to be done randomly, Cyler. If people roll honestly, there's no problem. But yes, this seems to be much more than coincidence. Actually, I'm positive it is, because we'd all talk about "next week", as if we knew ahead of time. Because we did. I'm guilty of that, myself! But it doesn't make it right, and we should stop.

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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Cyler Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:58 pm

Adhamh wrote:
Auramune wrote:Who cares if it's 3 or several? Don't get hung up on words, please. That doesn't matter.

Adhamh wrote:The issue isn't that the TF!AU ending up on the polls is too much of a coincidence, but rather that it always wins when it appears on the polls. Which isn't an issue at all (Or at least it shouldn't be), because people are voting for that.

The issue is what I said the issue is. If it wins when it's on, it wins. That's not a problem. So please don't try to twist things around, because I'm not saying that at all.

Poll Rolling started on Sept. 24th. Which was about 4 weeks ago?(Rather, this would be the 4th week.) The fact is that every other week it has been placed on the polls by rolling.

That's why -I- feel it's too much of a coincidence. Every time it can be on, it's on. I just feel there is a more fair way that this can be done, is all.

As an RPer, you should know that word choice is always important. It does matter, because there's a big difference between not having done 7 AUs because we're always doing one and not having done 3 AUs, when we've done five others.

Also, I wasn't trying to twist things around. I meant you're making mountains out of molehills.

Also, your math seems off, because we've had 7 AU weekends since the voting began. Guardian, Steampunk, TF, TF, *Then the every-other-week rule was introduced, Child, TF, and Guardian Revisited.

@Vayne But you guys are assuming that Jabber puts it on purposefully and doesn't roll for it. Which isn't fair to her AT ALL.

I believe they mean if that RP is up every time, it leaves less of a chance for any new ones to get any other ones done seems EVERYONE loves the TF AU. Why not pretend it is like a skill in Mabi? After use it needs to have a cool down period. Does THIS sound good?
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Vayne Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:00 pm

@Ani: She can cast her lot in. But I do believe we all "agreed" several times on "the week after this one". I hate to say it's suspicious, but statistically speaking, it *is*. Also, the every-other-week rule was actually implemented after the first TF.

Last edited by Vayne on Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Mari Eir Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:01 pm

Uh.. Just gonna say this.. I'm using a small die for this and I get lots of repeats. If it bugs you all so much, I'll just screenie the results. I rolled "8, 9, 7" this time, rerolled and got the Guardian AU again (since I had to replace Lynn's, but we just DID Guardians), rerolled and got the Child AU. Sometimes I roll something that's already been rolled for THAT ROUND. The first time we did a repeat of the TF!AU though was due to popular demand, so that may solve part of the mystery. I have also stated that if enough people didn't like a poll option, they can ask for it to be replaced.

That's all I'm going to say on the issue. Repeats DO happen this frequently on a small die. xD; Especially small electronic dice.
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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Adhamh Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:02 pm

Too much of a coincidence doesn't make something true. We've used the phrase " next week" because we've gotten used to it being rolled for and winning everytime it appears. It's called conditioning I believe. Some of you have used the whole "we should be able to trust our guildies" things in discussions/debates, where's that trust now guys? Is trust only accessible when it benefits you?

@Cy But Cy, it -does- have a cooldown period. The same AU cannot be done twice in a row. That's what we decided nearly a month ago I think.
Cromm Crunch
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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Vayne Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:03 pm

@Mari Then do so. Or, have a third-party player that doesn't take part in the AU's (like Dellinger or Dalvar or Temo) roll. That'd be a way for us to all know (or at least have more surety) that things are fair.

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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Mari Eir Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:04 pm

I have no problem doing that at all. I actually thought about doing it this morning cause I knew people would complain about it. But I thought they might actually think better of it.
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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Vayne Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:05 pm

Doing which? The latter? I'm not trying to say anything against you. But, it *is* a problem. To be fair and play the devil's advocate--while things do seem suspicious, I also do trust Mari. However, since people ARE bothered, let's just be safe?

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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Mari Eir Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:07 pm

I meant taking screenies of the results. xD And I DO intend to do so. Like I said, I get lots of repeats of things we've even just done and have gone so far as to roll 5-6 times on a three option poll.
Mari Eir
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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Xeek Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:12 pm

Uhhh >_> No offense meant, but I prefer doing it with a group, you can always roll until you get the result you want >_> Just Supar saying.

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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Vayne Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:13 pm


Mind you. People may assume you rolled until you got the number you wanted. So I really will reinforce the idea of a third-party roller. Covering all angles, leaving no stone unturned!

*Flips again!*

And then on the inverse. While possible, isn't it unnecessarily complex? And would Mari ever really do that? I don't think so. But I'm covering what could be said now. It may be for the best to have a third party roller, for that reason.

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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Xeek Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:14 pm

Vayne wrote:*Flips!*

Mind you. People may assume you rolled until you got the number you wanted. So I really will reinforce the idea of a third-party roller. Covering all angles, leaving no stone unturned!

*Flips again!*

And then on the inverse. While possible, isn't it unnecessarily complex? And would Mari ever really do that? I don't think so. But I'm covering what could be said now. It may be for the best to have a third party roller, for that reason.

What he said.

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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Teoxihuitl Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:16 pm

Seeing as I do not rp ever, nor do I care about the Alternative Universe Rp's I would be glad to volunteer as a roller.
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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Auramune Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:18 pm

I think getting a simple IRC bot to connect to a chat server would help. Anyone with access would be able to log on to the server and view it(and by that, I mean, anyone can log in to watch it.)

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Rolling in Polling Empty Re: Rolling in Polling

Post  Vayne Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:19 pm

Not to mention, you can screencap the rolls. And if there were other rolls, it can be seen and seen exactly what they are. That's actually a wonderful idea, Aura, and leaves no room for anyone to complain.

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