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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Mari Eir
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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Auramune Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:58 pm

It was easy enough to sneak in. Using the clothes and armor of people who pass through the shadow realm. ..In to the city that they protected. With carts, nonetheless. Filled with others like them, who were faking injury to get in. The humans didn't see it coming. Even as they looked over the wagons. Sent them on their way. A couple of wagons heading to tail, one to emain.. and two directly in to the heart of Tara. Each had their assignment in town. And each claimed to be moving wounded soldiers and civilians to the healer's to be patched up. The inspections were completed, as they didn't seem too suspicious. People passed through these gates every day without being questioned. And with the trade routes opening soon(=D) it made a wagon less suspicious.

Once they reached their destinations, the fomors set to work. In Tail, Emain, and Tara.. sulfur spiders hid in various places around the healer's, the churches, and other buildings. Followed quickly by shadow wizards and alchemists dressed as human civilians and soldiers.

Surely each town had guards that seen them. But all it took was one spark to set off the chain reaction and..


Like fireworks lighting up the sky. Buildings in each town went up one by one. Even if they were killed, the damage was done. Civilian homes, an armory here or there.. the healer in Tara, and surrounding buildings. ..and a school, in Tara. That the younger children went to..

(Note: Participate if you want. If you want to be hurt or something in the explosions, go for it. But I have something planned for myself, and this needs to happen first. My post's damage is minimal. The important buildings in each town aren't really attacked, except for the Healer's in tara. Which is debatable if it gets destroyed xD, idrc. Emain and Tail have been approved by their leader, before that gets asked. Also, post guard reactions if you'd like.. but I assume that they'll all be killed. So feel free to kill the fomors. :> )

(Just thought I'd clear up since I was asked.. the school one in tara went off during classes.. =x!)

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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Vayne Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:08 pm

The Tailteann guard reacted effectively, but a tad late. Several buildings were harmed. After the attack, security has tightened. TheEnd.

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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  TWWolfe Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:19 pm

Lord Eduard coughed as smoke filled the house. It had survived the explosions better than some, though its sturdy build hand merely contained the damage in one room. One of the maids was dead, that much was sure. Stopping on his way to make sure his nephew was alright, he headed to the front armory where his armor was kept. Girting himself and summoning some of his men-at-arms, he led them out into the city.

House Caethis was neither well known nor respected, but he was a nobleman. As a noble, it was his duty to go and defend the common people. And he did not want to face his half-brother and tell him that he had merely sat by while the city burned. he motioned to the men behind him.

"Alright men, slow and easy. Watch the alleys, and listen for anything unusual. if we run into other retinues, we join up and work with them. But for now, lets focus on making sure this section of the lakeside is secure."
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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Mari Eir Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:45 pm

((I personally don't mind the attack on Tara, if my single approval means anything as far as its Council goes.
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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Auramune Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:47 pm

<<It does. I figured if the two other leaders didn't have a problem, the council wouldn't as a whole either. Just made sure that nothing of grave importance was blown up, like with emain and tail.>>

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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Temo Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:02 pm

Soft. was all he could think while cutting himself free of the shelf that fell on him. They got too soft. How else could that explain something like this happening? His companion mused that it may have been purposely done as he'd did in the past - politics and instigations. He quickly dismissed that theory. It made little sense at a time like this.

A short alarm and Mana Shield were what kept him in one piece. Aside from the explosion, the force bookshelf slamming into him was certain to shatter something in him. The desk there to break his fall wasn't too comforting either. The poor child sitting in it was of course, worser off; but falling atop her prevented any further damage aside from the broken legs and a few burns.

Once Temo had them both free, he took a look around what was left of the room, which wasn't much at all. Scorched bodies were littered among the debris - the teachers, several students about his "age" - and a few calls for survivors gave no response. He at least knew there was one survivor besides him present though. The little girl still laying at his feet was unconscious when he checked, but breathing. Freeing her from the remaining debris, Temo used his muffler to provide her cover before carrying her from the room. It must have taken him longer than he thought to break free. Rescuers were already rushing through the rooms up ahead, two more passing by him now to check where he'd just come from after ordering him to hurry out. Whether or not they managed to find anyone else living in that mess, he never found out.

He realized, after handing the girl off to an adult and turning back to the burning building, he felt completely apathetic about this. Why, he had no idea; but his companion seemed to be seething with enough rage and sorrow for the both of them - to the point he was starting to gain an appetite for blood. Temo had to remind him that their war was over, which only worsened those emotions. What else could he do though? He himself was falling apart, with the body of a child and less of a mind. What good would he be for anyone until--IF that was fixed? And yet he couldn't shake off that other part of him that did want to find those responsible. He wanted to do something. Had to do something.

But he couldn't think straight on what - too much noise from the fire, the people's cries, Gleipnir's swears and oaths - all he could do was stand there dumbfoundedly and stare at the burning building until someone decided to carry the "child" (and why was a student carrying such a large sword with him anyways?) off someplace safer. This didn't used to be such a problem for him. Why was it so hard for him to think of what to do these days? I've gotten soft too, haven't I?

Jack had been on his way home with Khan when the explosion went off. It was thankful the tiger had been carrying the groceries in his saddle, because his owner might've thrown them down when he instinctively went running for the source of the noise. Upon arriving at the school, he didn't think too much on what to do - just dove right in to help those working to get survivors (if any) out. All the while, he'd wondered how this happened and who was responsible; and the conclusions coming to his mind made him shudder with the realization that this might drag him right back out of retirement...

Meanwhile, Khan continued on his way home to drop off the food with that odd feline nonchalance he usually had about him. Who knew what was going through the tiger's mind or what reasoning he had; but the one thing giving the calm attitude away was a slightly frizzed tail.
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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Xeek Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:00 pm

The bomb went off while he was in the shadow realm, he was already heart broken, and distressed. He was going to take Ralvery to Emy's house when he heard the commotion, at first he didn't know what was going on, until Kirinne yelled Karin, he rushed to the area and searched, a person eventually offered him the body of his dead adoptive daughter. He couldn't believe it, he kept searched, until Kirinne finally identified her, he stood in front of her, using feather after feather, it was no use. Ralvery, who had recovered conscious joined was shocked, traumatize. It was not just his only daughter, but a strong tie to Kirinne. Eventually, Kirinne reminded D' to check on Rini and his other kids, he did, he ran home and found Rini and the other kids hidden in the closet and broke the bad news to them.

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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Auramune Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:03 pm

Emy had been at the ovens during the time of the attack. The tree exploding behind her was too close for her not to take immediate action. Although confused, she just started shooting water at everything that came too close. Fortunately, that meant people that were on fire.. unfortunately, it also meant people who weren't. She probably wasn't helping as much as she'd like to have, but really she wasn't very good under high pressure situations. ..and is an extremely trigger-happy alchemist. She joined up with the city guards to help defeat the monsters, and put out any fires. She was a lucky one.. hardly a scratch.

Between Tail and the stonehenge, Markasha and her son were killing wolves.. as was the norm. She heard the explosion, and glanced towards town. 'Did you hear that, mother?' he asked. She nods, "Finish up quickly, we'll head home to Emain." she ordered him and started to gather her things.

Kirinne sat in the rubble of the school, cradling the body of a little girl in her arms. It was amazing to her.. how much Karin looked exactly the same, but different. Some of her body crushed from having been under a large rock. But it was her.. a mother could always tell. She combed strands of the girl's flaxen hair in to place, and rocked her back and forth. "..I'm sorry, Karin.. this.. all of this.. is my fault. You had to pay for mommy's actions.. I'm sorry." she whispers over and over. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry..


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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Glaceon Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:03 pm

((Didn't notice this earlier, but are Sulfur Spiders able to even get out of the shadow realm?
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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Auramune Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:10 pm

<<I don't see why not.>>

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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  TWWolfe Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:25 pm

((you don't send constant expeditions in there and keep the gates watched/heavily guarded just to keep people from going in))
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Glaceon Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:57 am

(( I would imagine they'd follow the same logic as the golems. They can't change maps without dissappoofing.))
Glas Ghoblehht
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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Temo Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:17 am

((Apparently, these aren't golems and they didn't. I don't see a problem with it either, it's not the first time this tactic has been used with a guild plot or the first time something like this has happened outside of one. And if it's already been approved of and gone this far I'm certainly not going to question it further now.))
Burrito Bison

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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Auramune Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:07 am

<<Map changing is strictly an in game mechanic anyways. Besides what all Temoo said, there were shadow alchemists there who could have easily summoned them.>>

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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Xeek Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:11 am

Glaceon wrote:(( I would imagine they'd follow the same logic as the golems. They can't change maps without dissappoofing.))

(( *gives Glacia the "Really" look, Aza gives Xeek* ))

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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Xeek Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:15 am

TWWolfe wrote:((you don't send constant expeditions in there and keep the gates watched/heavily guarded just to keep people from going in))

(( Remember, this is a world where carrying large amount of weapons and supplies is normal. There is probably tons of those carriages, specially with the coming of G15..that should have been here.. X_x))

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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Kayeori Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:21 am

Everything seemed to be really peaceful south of Taillteann just ahead of the path leading from Abb Neagh. At least until disturbances starting coming from the direction of town. It seemed like the animals up the road were in a bit of an uproar. Two figures stood there and only one glanced in that direction. "Huh that's odd. They don't normally do that..." The other didn't say anything. "Perhaps we should go check it out." It was said less like suggestion, or question, and more like it was needed. The other man scoffed with a slight shake to his head. The concerned man looked back to the other and raised a brow "You know that Amilea visits Tail frequent right? She's very fond of her brother." The other man stayed silent for a moment and finally opened his eyes to meet the concerned one.
An agitated sigh slipped from his lips "Fine. You're such a pain you know that right? It's no wonder I hate you so much." The concerned man only smiled ever so slightly and nodded. "I'm aware. I'll head to Bangor and inform both Sulia and Kaye." Turning to head through Abb Neagh and he stops... "Is that smoke?" The other man said nothing and didn't even look in that direction. "Hmm... Fawful... Fawful?" The little imp pokes his head out of Neo's pocket and blinks rubbing his eyes. "Yea bawss?" "Could you please head to Bangor for me. Let Kaye know something is happening in Tail and maybe other towns as well. She might be able to alert the proper people. It's only a precaution, but something isn't right..." The little imp hops to the ground and nods. "Sure thing bawss." Neo smiled "Be careful my friend. I think I shall head to Emain..." Turning around to look at the other man "Julian are you sure....." but he was already gone. A light smirk and he was off to Emain while Fawful went to Bangor.
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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Auramune Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:15 am

Xeek wrote:
TWWolfe wrote:((you don't send constant expeditions in there and keep the gates watched/heavily guarded just to keep people from going in))

(( Remember, this is a world where carrying large amount of weapons and supplies is normal. There is probably tons of those carriages, specially with the coming of G15..that should have been here.. X_x))

<<I think that what he's saying is that if things couldn't escape, there would be no reason to have guards posted up. And yeah, with g15 putting in carriages, they'll be a lot more common. They're probably pretty common anyways to transport items, just not viewed in game.>>

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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Nilats Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:37 am

The devastation, the horror, and the burning buildings. Nilats had only been stuck in Bangor for weeks; practicing his Blacksmithing talent. He was shocked to find Emain in such a state as it was. His sword dropped to the ground and he shouted, "What the hell?! I've been gone for a week and the city falls to hell?! I can't leave you guys alone for a second can I?!"
Kandy Korn Ogre
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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Vayne Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:32 am

((Vayne: . . .I thought moving to Emain would be -safer-. WHY DO YOU THINK I LEFT TAIL?! AND DUNBARTON?! AND VAL--Oh, yeah. The wife. Duh.))

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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Krystal Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:54 pm

Krystal was out in her homestead, east of Tail when it happened. Her first thought was simply...Were any friends hurt?, then as she thought on it, and went the check she simply seemed to be slightly annoyed.

You'd think they'd have known of this attack. Really? Where is everyone that stopped Fenrir with us last time? They would've seen this a mile away! She couldn't really not take the blame herself, as she too was a fighter from that war, but she wasn't there. She had left specifically to avoid getting attacked, to be with her lover without worries, yet she seemed to have more these days. She didn't seem too worried hearing that buildings were destroyed in Tail. The healer house and the like could easily be rebuilt, and nothing there bugged her. What bugged her was how easy it was.

If they're good enough to stage this... Fenrir would have had a field day... assuming he was sane. Somewhere he's laughing at us right now... I know it. Thoughts on the past made her think of the old gang. The group she hung out with long ago. She wondered what they were doing. She was out of touch, and she wanted to fix it soon. Mithos, Mari, Hyu, Soifa and Roze... Dal... Temo, Aura...Kaye... Xeek and Vayne. I haven't seen any of them in a long time...hell... how long was it now since I've seen them? She remembered the talks, the conversations, the fun she used to have. What had happened that so many people that could have stopped this... didn't? Surely there was something. The thoughts on the group seemed to diverge for a moment onto sparring Xeek or meeting with Mari, Soi, or Vayne, but eventually it all settled on one main idea.

She needed to meet with them again soon... if not to stop this... then at least to catch up.

"Isn't that right, Shannara?"

The sword simply shone in the light. "You're just getting yourself mixed up in more issues again, Krystal. It's foolish."
"Oh be quiet... I can't just leave can I?"
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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Mari Eir Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:01 pm

((You say that the damage was minimal, but the school one went off during classes. What would the damage be, exactly? I'm just curious for the sake of a character reaction.))
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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Auramune Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:09 pm

<<I think Fenrir's mad actually xD! Cause of the childrens.. >_>! coughcoughhypocritecough!

Damage is pretty minimal.. for entire cities. A couple of buildings were probably blown to smithereens. The tara school, in particular, was pretty badly hit. Tail probably suffered the most city damage, since there's a lot of wood around. The body count, not nearly as bad as it could have been though. But people were killed.>>

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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Guest Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:10 pm

The guards of Emain cut down many fomors, but reacted too late to save a few citizens. Also some buildings were damaged, mostly homes. Emain security has been increased as a result. TheEnd

[[Let's all vote. Who says Vayne's house burned down? ]]


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An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn.. Empty Re: An attack on Tara, Tail, and Emain..dun dun dunn..

Post  Auramune Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:12 pm


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