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"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King.

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"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Empty "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King.

Post  Xeek Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:25 am

"True Facts For Dummies"


Hello! My friends, I bet you are wondering what this is all about? Well, I, the glorious Bunny King decided to shine some light in some of the secrets of this wonderful world. I know many of you aren't as smart and athletic as me, so I took the liberty of exploring the world and finding secrets for all of you. Free of charge of course.

I am a Millitean from the world of bunnies, I was their ruler, I fell in battle after taking down 1000 men! Alas, I am here. If you ever find me around you may ask me for my signature, if I deem you worthy, I will sign your forehead. I will continue to my first page.
Pg1-Bunny King. "True Facts For Dummies"
"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Tttttka2 "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Tttttka2 "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Tttttka2

"True Facts For Dummies"

Special Urine (Monkey)

Hello! Friends, today we have a very special report. Have you ever been to the hot springs in Iria? Well, I have. And you'll be shocked to see what I found out. I found the source of magic from the hotsprings. It's the monkey urine. Combined with different elements, the monkey urine provides different effect to your body. I did several test, and what makes the difference is how the monkey's release their mystical waters. I wonder how many different angles produce different spells and effect? Maybe that's how giants and elves were made. But that'll be a story for another chapter. I did various test, I have here 4 test subjects, each tried a different form of urine. The first tried one from a monkey who urinated standing up, he was the control. Though, he didn't seem to have any changes when I poured the extract on him, so he had to drink it, still nothing happened.. Then I got another test subject to drink the urine of a monkey who was upside down (Don't ask how I got the monkey to do that.) And... nothing happened again. So I ruled out it wasn't the angle they peed it in. So it must have been what they ate. I didn't feel like cooking, so I just got some water from the hotsprings, and kept pouring it on the subjects. They indeed have changes. So it must have been the food they ate.

Now, I scattered the rest of the pages around, so you'll have to find them. Like you found this one.

Pg2-Bunny King. "True Facts For Dummies"

These pages were found in stacks near each town bulletin, so there was no searching to find it.

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"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Empty Re: "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King.

Post  Glaceon Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:01 pm

Somewhere in the world, the sound of a palm connecting with a forehead is audible....
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Empty Re: "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King.

Post  Krystal Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:23 pm

Glaceon wrote:Somewhere in the world, the sound of a palm connecting with a forehead is audible....

Somewhere else in the world is yet another forehead thwack. It was soon followed by a groan at the papers. Somewhere else, a guy was hit on the head for believing such a statement.
Buckwheat Dragon
Buckwheat Dragon

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"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Empty Re: "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King.

Post  Auramune Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:37 pm

(Wow some peoples characters have no sense of humor.. My characters would laugh really hard if they read this.)

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"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Empty Re: "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King.

Post  Krystal Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:44 pm

(They do... it's more they find it too idiotic to laugh at it..... one found it funny but stupid so that's the facepalm... the other just has a short temper and didn't like a guy actually believing it... Then we have this one)

One who read the paper chuckled. He didn't look at the board often, but he found it funny. Poor pitiful subject #1...He pitied the subject, pitied him... and personally wanted to mock him then put him out of his misery.
Buckwheat Dragon
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"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Empty Re: "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King.

Post  Adhamh Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:52 am

(Or, there is also the fact that not everyone has the same sense of humor. Sadly, the case with Auron is different.)
Auron sighed as he read the pages. He was in a state of disgust with the intelligence this person presented to have. He pocketed a few sheets and walked away, thinking to himself then finally chuckling.
Cromm Crunch
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"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Empty Re: "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King.

Post  Glaceon Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:47 am

(Never said it was my character. Glacia doesn't pay attention to stacks of paper.)
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Empty Re: "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King.

Post  Guest Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:53 am

After reading, Soifa folded a few pieces of paper into airplanes, and threw them at passing children.


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"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Empty Re: "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King.

Post  Roze Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:14 am

Roze paused at the board during her outing gathering things they needed for the house. She looked over the 'report' for a moment, "Oh dear... I do hope the monkeys are alright after all that." With that, she turned and left, leaving the stack of papers untouched.
Kosher Dill Troll
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"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Empty Re: "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King.

Post  Kayeori Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:37 am

Kaye was a bit puzzled after reading such on the board in Bangor. After a moment or two of thought she blinks and gasps "I bathe there!" She's a bit wide-eyed for a moment and shakes her head quickly! "Nope! I won't believe it! Not true!!" She then attempts to burn some of the papers before asked to stop and move along by a guard(or other NPC)

Aneous would tap his finger thoughtfully for a few moments. "An interesting theory. Perhaps I should test this..." He wonders away from the board of whatever town he happened to be in at the time.

Duckie, after having paid someone to read the boards for him, stood there a moment with a blank look. "Why pee in the water? Plenty of trees or sumthin isn't there?"

Zeketas and Julian would not have cared even if they bothered reading the boards. But if they had... Zeketas would raise a brow and shrug walking away. Just a mild irritation in his mind.

Julian on the other hand would start reading, but abruptly stop somewhere along the lines of "Bunny King" or "Monkey Pee" and completely lose all faith in human existence. This went for all human like races.
Dessert Dragon
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"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Empty Re: "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King.

Post  Xeek Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:34 am

The next page was put in the same place as the last two, thinking he made a big thing, he hurried and wrote his next issue.

"True Facts For Dummies"

Seal Stones

This is one you all have been asking me to do for a long time so I went ahead and did it. As you may know, all the seal stones in Uladh are broken, so I can not prove my fellow Jalumon wrong for his finding. He thinks the stones were put there for protection against the fomors. Pfft, that is silly. It's a shame they don't have the power we do now. The sign is clearly fomorian, why would humans put that? Anyways, let me explain what they really were. After interviewing a few of the ones who broke the ones, I found out the stones actually say "Let see peel goes into knee do shaladin" not "Only the strong can break" as the scholars believed. Shaladin is a form of ritual dance where you lift your knee the grab your foreleg. Then grab the back of your head with your other arm and you rotate in place. This was proven in Solea's cave path. I had my vounlenteers do this dance infront of every stone. Apperantly you also have to yell out "now" while you the dance. Only like 2 out of the thrity five doors open. I think some you need to fall since one of the vounlenteers fell and hit his head against the seal, but at least it opened. Now if you have anything else to ask me let me know. Sorry I didn't write this while the Uladh stones were still active. Silly scholars right? If you need me test anything else let me know.
Pg3-Bunny King. "True Facts For Dummies"


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"True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King. Empty Re: "True Facts For Dummies" By The Bunny King.

Post  Krystal Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:33 pm

Krystal saw this... and decided one thing instantly... no matter what, her daughter was NOT going to see this... EVER.

Kelset took a piece of paper in one of the towns. Passerby's that saw her take one later saw her using it to fan the campfire she had going out of town, then burn the paper... least it was useful in that regard.
Buckwheat Dragon
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