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The true story of Ditaris

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The true story of Ditaris Empty The true story of Ditaris

Post  Dranis Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:10 am

( if you cannot tell after reading this. This is basicly a long letter from Niltsiar about The things Ditaris wanted people to know but he did not remember himself )

Though he has forgotten on his entrance to Erinn, I have remembered everything I was told……

This story begins with a normal man a honorable man, one who fought for what he believed in and fought for the rights of those too weak to defend themselves against those who sought to harm them.
This man’s name was Ditaris. He was unlike the usual military man, he was not in it for the glory or the killing. He joined the vast armies of the Imperium for the same reason he did what he believed was right. He wanted to help those who sought for the help those willing to give it.
He had a family a wife and children. A daughter and two sons. His daughter’s name was Avari she was the middle child born after her older brother Dathall and before her younger brother Telthas. The one who mothered these children was named Avariel Her duaghter being named after her. She was a busy women always taking care of her children keeping them happy and telling them their father was doing alright when they were told he was off in some battle, or wondering off following those he sought to question about what he witnessed of them.

The imperium would of taken his sons for they believed this man to be one of the finest they have yet seen it so many years. But this is no happy ending story. It doesn’t end like that, infact it has yet to end and so it begins.

The story of Ditaris

When Ditaris was born his mother and his mother’s brother were the only to witness his arrival into the world. His father was not around. He didn’t care much for whatever came out of the woman he married. A demon child he would always call Ditaris while he was still growing in his mother’s womb.

No this was the day for his father to go out hammer down multiple drinks and fall face first through the doorway stone dead drunk. He always did this just about every night his father would go out and drink, but this night was the nights of all nights, his son was being born so tonight would be the night he drank his heart out buying rounds for everyone who sat down at the bar, no matter who they were.

So when Ditaris was born he snuggled comfortably against his exhausted mother and smiled. A baby just born and already smiling. He then looked around to see the only man in the room he reached his arms out to be held by this man knowing that this person would be special to him just like his mother. But this wasn’t the time to be happy, His father came in walking calmly but when he saw his son in his brother in-law’s hands he started to rage. Noticing the reaction Ditaris was quickly handed back off to his mother but only just in time before His father pulled out his dagger and stabbed his mother’s brother. There was a shrill scream from his mother then sobbing and she couldn’t speak and only shake her head. Yes Dranis’s father killed his wifes brother right in front of his son and her. His father then called his mother a word very much associated with those who cheat on their husbands. Obviously his father was to drunk to realize that his wife would not do such things with her own brother. He then took Ditaris in a calm fashion from his mother and placed him on a small table off to the side and started to beat his wife. His fists flying at an alarming rate, blood covering them and the blankets around her.

Ditaris just being born the first thing he witnessed after the warm smiles of his uncle and his mother was death, murder and the brutal beating of his mother. This moment would scar Ditaris for the rest of his life and be the reason why he was the person he once was.

When Ditaris got older surprisingly his mother still lived through all the beatings of his drunk father who seemed to never step through the door unless he was drunk. The days would pass as if a normal life now, his father going out drinking his mother left to care for Ditaris without any help without anything but herself. His father didn’t work so his mother was forced too so that she and her son could live. This life only worked out for him and his mother until he was five years of age on his fifth birthday Ditaris would witness yet another murder…His mothers….Yes his mother would be murdered as she opened the door to her own home in front of her son. She had gone out to get something special for her son that day and was followed by two fellow’s who were angry with her husband for not paying what he owed them so they followed her home and then stabbed her through the back with their swords they both carried…All Ditaris saw was the door creek open and then two metal objects sticking out of his mother’s stomach she died looking at her son with a horrified glace warning him to get someplace safe. Ditaris run for his life out through the window to the thick forest behind it and hid there close to home. He heard some yelling of a familiar voice the voice came to a sudden halt followed by a thump. Ditaris knew when he heard that sound that both his parents were dead. He had no one left, no friends, no family…Just himself.
He waited in the forest till nightfall wanting to make sure he was safe. When the night fell even though he wanted to fell with the sun into a deep slumber due to his sudden exhaustion, he got up and ran to the road when he got to the road he ran to the town and as he ran into town he just sat by the first building he found and cried, he cried so much they he ended up falling deep into sleep and far into the next day. He was awoken by a man the man was clad in armor and had a funny crooked smile he took Ditaris home with him that day when thinking that he was an orphan which he was. He took care of Ditaris for what would be what was left of his life.
When Ditaris grew old enough he was trained in the art of combat every day and at night, he would be studying the art. Learning everything he could, all he wanted was revenge, that’s all that coursed through him. Yet his care taker did not know this was the reason Ditaris was so heavily stuck on on learning so much about combat.
They day came when Ditaris was old enough to move on his own and this day Ditaris went back to his home town looking for the two who murdered his family. By the time he got back to his home town night had fallen. He went straight to the local tavern knowing they would be there. Ditaris walked in and was the only one to walk back out. He murdered everyone and anyone who was in that tavern that night. He had no emotion it was gone he just wanted bloodshed.
The guards of the town finally reached him after he was banging on the house next to the Tavern demanding they he be let in he was taken into custody and sentenced to a life served in battle where his talent could be used against the enemies of his people.

Ditaris quickly worked his way up the ranks. This just awed everyone that knew him for he was just still so young. This was the one of the two times Ditaris gave me his age. He said he was only 16 during this time.

Ditaris soon became a commanding captain of the imperium army and it was siad that when he led his men into battle, even his enemies showed him the outmost respect. For in his years of duty he did nothing but go around during his spare offering help to anyone who needed it or accepted it. Everyone looked up to him, he was loved by the good and hated yet respected by the evil. His life went on like this for quite a very long period of time. But his life couldn’t be like this forever…No something was at work for him and he could feel it more and more with each passing day.

He then met a women and fell in love with her after saving her life, They loved each other more then anyone could ever imagine they even had children. This is what they both wanted their first child was a boy Ditaris was there with every birth smiling at his wife with love in his eyes and heart They named him Dathall after his uncle the one that was murdered in front of him the day he was born. Their second child a very lovely young girl she grew up to be. Looking just like her mother. They named her Avari her mother wanted to name her that. And then there was their last child they named him Telthas after Avariel’s father. Their life together was grand he would go off and help those in need of it and she would stay home taking care of the children they all loved each other so very much. When one saw them they would say that, that family was one people dream about. They’re life went on Ditaris training his boys for battle, Avariel teaching her daughter how to be a woman Ditaris’s sons grew up to be very great men. Everyone loved them as much if not more then they did Ditaris himself. Then there was that spiteful day…That one day that changed everything.

It was thundering that day he told me. Thundering and dark, the air even seemed thick and gloomy. The sounds of his men setting up their camp could be heard outside his small tent which was set up away from everyone else. Then suddenly everything went completely silent. He did not like this so he got up from is studies of the field and went out to check on his men….But when he walked out what he saw he did not describe he only said that it was as if the green grass was turned red and black and a lone figure stood among the carnage. This man walked up to him in the most calmly manner Ditaris ever seen after battle…Even for himself. The man walked up to him and simply stated that he could give Ditaris what he strived for, what he longed for all he had to do was to murder his family when he returned home murder them was all he had to do

He sat in his tent the rest of the night…Then the next morning he just walked out and went home sat down in his chair as if everything was normal and nothing ever happened his wife came over and gave him a kiss on the check. She was about to ask him what was the matter because she noticed something strange about him. But she never had a chance to form words…I dagger slid into her belly quite easily she fell to the floor with a crash and when he sons heard the crash they came rushing in…They didn’t even have time to draw their weapons when they entered the room Ditaris was not seen until he has stabbed them both as well…so three members of his family lay dead already in his study he walked slowly and calmly to his daughter room where she was reading a book her mother gave her. She looked up when her father entered noticed to dagger in his hands and asked what was wrong in a concerned voice…He just walked up to her and said softly in her ear. That he was sorry and then he stabber her. She died instantly sitting in her chair still grasping her book. After he stabbed her he felt a quick sudden sharp pain in his back…He only had enough time to turn around and see his wife laying on the floor behind him her hand sliding down his leg as she died, He said it was painless after that and he felt tired. So he went to walk to his daughter bed when he just fell and everything went black.

When he awoke he was back at his barracks which was very much alive. Everyone was running around it was as if the barracks were stuffed past the limit it could hold with people he saw someone familiar he shouted their name yet there was no response. He then noticed how weird and cold he felt. He went to grab a person that walked by to ask why it was so cold, but his hand passed right through them….he then realized he was dead but could not move on in his death to another life. Stuck in his barracks to be tormented for what he had done in his life. All the good things he did to redeem his past was not enough….
Years went by as if they were days and as these years passed so did the life of the barracks. Sooner then he would of thought the barracks were abandoned and left lifeless all except for his wondering soul…Years kept on passing and he would just wonder around his abandoned barracks taking into notice every crack every stone every detail about them…Then one day the man appeared it is said he was smirking but Ditaris could never really tell for his face was covered in shadow. What the man did I was never told I was only told that he said Ditaris has be granted what he desired. He was told that his name would from now on be Dranis instead of his original name Ditaris, for that life was gone and was never going to come back for him. Then man then walked up to Dranis and he says it was as if we walked straight into his soul. He felt the most unbearable agony he had ever felt in his life…Yet there was also a very pleasurable feeling mixed in as well
Dranis could feel incredible power flow through his intire body it was amazing he stated, the power he could feel, the power he had at his command.

Years went by as he practiced and trained and searched for everything he could do. Years that only seemed as if seconds to him…And then I showed up…Yes I appeared out of nowhere and the only thing he thought was a new person to try out his new abilities on. He instantly attacked me, caught me off guard…But I still managed to defend myself and even defeat him…The only expression on his face as he faded away was that of shock then… I Revived him wanting to know more since we both seemed to be at these barracks at a time of our lives and this is when he told me his story…This story. After that I found myself staring face first at Nao…..That was the last I saw of him before Erinn but when we bumped into each other we both suddenly saw each other standing in front of Nao she said that This was not suppost to happen…And then…Well I am sure you know the rest of his life for he is living it.

This is what I was told by Dranis….Before Erinn, when he remembered his life. As his friend now and the only person left he can remember of his past life I tell the rest of those who should know. Those who hasn’t known for he himself did not know.

Sincerely Niltsiar, the only one who he remembers from his life before Erinn.

Last edited by Dranis on Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:35 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : noticable spelling errors)
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Age : 32
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