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Guidelines of RP in Mabinogi

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Guidelines of RP in Mabinogi Empty Guidelines of RP in Mabinogi

Post  Admin Sat Apr 05, 2008 4:31 am

  • You are an outsider lead to this world by Nao, thus, you begin completely ignorant of this world.
  • You cannot die in combat; you will be continuously revived.
  • Outsiders age much faster than the natives of this world (NPC), and can be reborn time and time again.
  • When others are RPing, and you speak, it is most often assumed that you're speaking in-character. If you must make an out-of-character comment or announcement, please encase it in (()) or [[]] brackets. For example, ((brb, afk)) or [[Hold on, I have to check my bank.]]. This makes it much less confusing for those around you.

(thanks to Darkian for the first three basic guidelines)


Posts : 7
Join date : 2008-04-05

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