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In Need of a Giant.

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In Need of a Giant. Empty In Need of a Giant.

Post  Glaceon Tue May 24, 2011 12:54 am

Espeon had asked around Vales, and gotten some nice information. Taunes was the most help, leading her to the location of the mirror of Memory itself. However, the news she didn't like was that she needed a Giant to help out. So she set up flyers around all the towns, and in the local Iria settlements as well, especially Vales.

Help Needed

I need a Strong Giant capable of killing one of Par's bosses, known as the Wendigo. Doing so will lure the Mirror Witch down to level. From there, I can handle the rest.
If you are interested in the why of this, it's for an artifact known as the Mirror Of Memory, that the Mirror Witches are rumored to have. IF you didn't hear, a loud cry echoed throughout Iria earlier, and this mirror may be one of the ways of stopping the actual cause of the cry. Any help would be appreciated.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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In Need of a Giant. Empty Re: In Need of a Giant.

Post  Auramune Tue May 24, 2011 7:29 am

Kenet looked over the board as he was moving his things out of the house. That stupid growl had everyone in such a fit, honestly was it such a big deal? But that mirror witch Alexis' little friend had.. he thought of her when he looked over the board. Jotting down a quick note, he placed it up, then was on his way.

There's a mirror witch running around somewhere in Uladh. She was here a short time ago. She was with some little incubus named Jin.


Why was he helping whoever this person was? Well, mostly because that little Jin annoyed him. And if he was killed maybe he'd be able to snag up the mirror witch for himself. :3

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In Need of a Giant. Empty Re: In Need of a Giant.

Post  Glaceon Tue May 24, 2011 12:20 pm

Espeon went by the boards again. She had built a little Igloo and was staying near Vales for a while. She thought about the reply for a while...Would it be best to go find this Witch or to go after another one in Par. Perhaps finding this one would be a little easier, as she could probably talk to it about everything. She posted up another reply to this Kenet, hoping he might have more information.

Would you happen to know where in Uladh she is? Or even where the little incubus named Jin is? Any feedback is helpful.


She decided to stay near Vales until she got a good lead on the Witch's location. Her igloo would be warm enough for a few more days, and she did have more pages in Glacia's Diary to read.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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In Need of a Giant. Empty Re: In Need of a Giant.

Post  Auramune Tue May 24, 2011 12:44 pm

As the last of the boxes were moved he glanced at the board again. Was this person really that much of a 'tard? Instead of asking Alexis where they were, since he was sure she knew, he just responded and went on his way again.

Just write him a **** letter and find out where he is?

<<Yes I put the *'s up, since I don't want to be yelled at Q_Q.>>

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In Need of a Giant. Empty Re: In Need of a Giant.

Post  Glaceon Tue May 24, 2011 12:57 pm

Espeon checked again, having ran out of food and needing to go to buy some. She saw the post, and just looked at it. "This person is rather rude..." She mumbled to herself. She thought about his response for a second. Guess sending this Jin person a letter wouldn't hurt. But this giant isn't quite nice. Or very smart, one of the two. She would send this Jin person a letter. Espeon needed to get ahold of that mirror, one way or another...

((Do I just send a note to Xeek's Jin person. Also...what's the IGN for him? -forgot-))
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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In Need of a Giant. Empty Re: In Need of a Giant.

Post  Nimbus Tue May 24, 2011 1:02 pm

Nari wanders past the bulletin board and notices the note. He writes his name in Cursive gothic lettering and makes a conscious decision to help in the fight against the witch. He attaches the note noticeably next to the request.

My name is Nari Rush, I am one of the strongest giants in Vales, I am intrested in helping you in your exploits, I wander around the outskirts of Vales in a small igloo somewhat towards the lake. I know exactly what you need to take her down..
Nari Rush
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In Need of a Giant. Empty Re: In Need of a Giant.

Post  Auramune Tue May 24, 2011 1:10 pm

<<Yeah go ahead and send a note to Jin I guess xD. It's IJinl (i and L). But you don't have to send it to the Jin name, you can just PM Xeek?>>

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In Need of a Giant. Empty Re: In Need of a Giant.

Post  Adhamh Sun May 29, 2011 7:53 am

Adhamh read this over twice. He couldn't believe that someone actually needed a giant in specific. He knew he was strong and that he could be of help.

Hello! Name's Adhamh Animalia and I consider myself to be a pretty strong giant. I'd be glad to give the Wendigo a good beat-down. Send a reply my way whenever possible.
-Adhamh Animalia
Cromm Crunch
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In Need of a Giant. Empty Re: In Need of a Giant.

Post  Glaceon Sun May 29, 2011 11:31 am

Espeon posted a reply among those posted

I found what I needed, well more of an ample replacement, so I am no longer in need of a giant. Thank you all who replied though.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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