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New Giant Alt: Maxinition

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New Giant Alt: Maxinition Empty New Giant Alt: Maxinition

Post  Trental Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:21 pm

Character name: Max

Race: Straight up Male Giant
Age: Adult (17, but its hard to tell with Giants, ya know?)
Bio: Max is a New arrival to Erinn, He got himself killed in a bar fight, and wound up here. Max is a Large, intimidating looking Giant who is one of the most carefree people you'll meet. All he cares about is Getting Drunk, and Smashing stuff. Give Max a Drink, and he'll be your best friend. Smash his skull in, and he'll just laugh it off once he gets up. Once he realised death wasn't an issue, he took to fighting like a kid takes to jumping in a balloon house. Fall all you want, you're always gonna get up, so make the most of it while you're jumping (Or in his case, fighting).

His needs are pretty basic. He's a nice guy who just ants to Eat, Drink, and if possible, smash stuff. Nothing really big about him, other than his size.

Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

Posts : 64
Join date : 2011-01-01

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