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Joining the guild

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Joining the guild Empty Joining the guild

Post  Kevfomor Sat May 21, 2011 7:12 pm

Charter name: Kevfomor
Race: Elf
Total lev: 314
Best Skill: all range attacks
Time on Mabinogi: Sence G1
Backstory: Kefomor is a elf who is Erin born and was raised to be a servent to a rich human family when he was kiddnapped when he was three. He escaped at the age of ten with help form another servent and learned to become a skilled archer but he is very clingly to people due to his early childhood.
Firirst Launge: English
Spelling Mistakes: A few here and there
Amount of time on game: When ever possable so on and off every day most of the time.
Ability to Role Play: I can RP ok and i am always willing to try something new.
Reasions on why to join: I just like the though of a guild who likes to RP.
Where I heard of RPSociety: Nowhere just found the stone and liked what I saw.
(Note: The background is changed because i left the guild and now trying to rejoin with a new Kevfomor.)

Last edited by Kevfomor on Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:11 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : It has to be change adn i must do this)

RPS Recruit

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Join date : 2011-05-21

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Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

Post  Teoxihuitl Sat May 21, 2011 7:15 pm

Ok, this was put in the wrong area but I cant move it soooo we will have to wait for someone that can.

You have a couple of grammar issues, but you can learn same as I have.

What you need though is a short biography of your character in the world of Erinn not what he looks like and the skills that he has while that is very nice.

Here is an example

A Short Biography Of Your Character:

After years of struggling to pay off his bills, Tocagero decided that it would be easier to end his life than keep paying his bills. So one fateful night he went to his favorite jagged peak and dove off. As he coursed through the air to his certain death, a sudden darkness enveloped him. To his surprise he awoke to a very unattractive woman, that told him his past would not follow him here ((Erinn is like Vegas isnt it?)). Toca jumped at the idea of restarting his life without the annoying bill collectors that plagued his past life. As he stepped into the new world that awaited him, Toca decided never to owe anyone anything. After a year of exploring his new world he realized that it would do him good to have a stable income. So he started doing part time jobs for Manus, collecting wood and such soon got him on Manus's good side. To Toca's surprise Manus taught him all he knew about how to look sexy for the ladies and secret pickup lines that would get him a hot date no matter what. Toca soon found out though, that Manus is a bald-faced liar who has no luck with the ladies at all. Yet regardless of his corny pickup lines one girl found them irresistable. Soon after they were married, Toca took had to flee for quite some time becasue he couldnt afford the wedding and just broke into the altar and had the priest marry them. After a long 52 errin years, Toca has returned in hopes of rekindling his former love with Soifa
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

Post  Guest Sat May 21, 2011 7:21 pm

A bit of spelling errors and grammatical problems, but that's fine. I don't care so much about those. Please fill out the application in the sticky, though.

I'll post it here anyway.

Character Name: ...... enter stuff here .....

How You Heard About The RP Society: ...... enter stuff here .....

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? ...... enter stuff here .....

Is English Your First Language? ...... enter stuff here .....

A Short Biography Of Your Character: ...... enter stuff here .....

What type of character do you play? ...... enter stuff here .....

What is your Mabinogi schedule?[ ...... enter stuff here .....


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Joining the guild Empty Joing the guild second try

Post  Kevfomor Sat May 21, 2011 7:30 pm

My name is Kevfomor and I am part of the Elvin Race. Most people think that all elfs are born in the deserts of Iria but I have a different story. My parents were not of the same race. My mother was a Elvin maid working in the castle of Tara though my father was a Black Wizard of the Fomor race. My mother never told me how they met or where he went but every time I asked about him she cryed.
Once I was ten my mother fell ill and passed away. I was soon alone and walking the streets of Tara till I ran into another elf. She had purple hair and was wearing a Maroon robe. She asked my where my family was and i told her they were gone. She took my hand and took me across the sea to Iria to Filla were I learned to be a great Arche But I was also a troble maker. At the age of seventeen I left Iria and came back to the human country to better my skills and make a life for myself here. I hold no hatred for any race because I know that there is a darker race then the Fomors. But for now all I want is to make a life here in Uldah. Life is random so i have no path but the one I make.

RPS Recruit

Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-05-21

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Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

Post  Auramune Sat May 21, 2011 7:33 pm

Hi there. I'm going to go ahead and merge your post with the other one. ^_^ Instead of making a new post, just update your information in the post here. There's a bit of information missing as well, but we'll get to that as soon as you're on the right track.

Post updates for your registry in this one. Incomplete/Rejected area is for people who do not finish their biographies that the moderators move themselves. Smile

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Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

Post  Guest Sat May 21, 2011 7:49 pm

Black wizard, eh? Does that mean anything special ability-wise?


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Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

Post  Kevfomor Sat May 21, 2011 7:53 pm

Soifa wrote:Black wizard, eh? Does that mean anything special ability-wise?
Well no most of him is elf but he has a Fomor Marking on his back that he hides with magic for good reasions.

RPS Recruit

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Join date : 2011-05-21

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Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

Post  Guest Sat May 21, 2011 8:12 pm

Alrighty. Just remember to make a post in the powers thread if you get any crazy fomor powers in the future or anything.

And remember, Erinn-borns have one life! I can approve.


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Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

Post  Teoxihuitl Sat May 21, 2011 8:23 pm


Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

Post  Auramune Sun May 22, 2011 8:52 am

For any powers that aren't Mabinogi powers, you have to request them Here. This does include the cover-up-hide-fomor-marking-with-magic power. If you do request that power, until it's approved just say he covers it up with makeup. Make sure to read the powers review process to see how to get a power approved.

Otherwise, I approve.

Make sure to apply at the guild stone for someone to let you in.

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Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

Post  Mari Eir Sun May 22, 2011 11:14 am

I'm going to give my disapproval to this one. Seeing as how I don't think it's appropriate to air dirty laundry in an open thread, anyone concerned can PM me.


Putting this one on hold.
Mari Eir
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Joining the guild Empty Changes to Joing the Guild

Post  Kevfomor Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:24 pm

This is a new Post because i left the guild and i am trying to rejoin so i edited my last blackstory with a new one.

RPS Recruit

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Join date : 2011-05-21

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Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

Post  Nimbus Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:44 pm

Hey. Everything looks better. Good job ^.^. You spelled first wrong when you were listing your languages, you probably want to review it again.

All i'd have to say is to work on your grammar and punctuation skills.
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

Post  Mari Eir Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:01 pm

I'll give my approval, but the conditions already in place for you still apply.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

Post  Xeek Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:57 pm

I am not sure if this person was approved or not? (I think I saw him in the guild?) either way, this thread should be moved.

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Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

Post  Auramune Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:59 am

He's technically supposed to finish his mentoring from outside the guild? Or, so I thought at least.

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Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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