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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Mari Eir
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  TWWolfe Tue May 03, 2011 8:45 pm

A new notice appear on the boards:

To those who make such threats, we cannot help but notice that your threats involve the desolation of a large part of Iria. That you would issue such a threat against a people who have done nothing more than build on unused land and declared that they would protect all you have left behind/adore, indicates that there is a much darker reason for why the Irinid are no longer. Indeed, one wonders if Muyu always used to be a desert. maybe it was a flourishing plain like Maiz before one of you took offense to a stray word. so please, continue to make threats against us, come and devastate Iria if that is how you prefer to deal with these things. We'll continue to build our small town and safeguard your relics all the while, until your rashness destroys them.

A smaller notice is also posted:

To be delivered to the Dunewrym
Perhaps we should meet face to face. there are some things that must be told that cannot be conveyed on paper:

after the notices had been posted, Wolfe turned to White.
"Was anyone actually drinking from the Lutra?"
"Heck no, who knows what the hobgoblins upstream put in it"
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Dellinger Wed May 04, 2011 4:32 am

I assume you leave the note somewhere a Corenite would pick it up, or in the area White would leave it, so...

You know the place, if you wish to meet with me.

((If need be, PM me this. I can't really RP on mabinogi atm.))

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Xeek Wed May 04, 2011 5:31 am

The BonFire Man:
He looked at the post, and grinned, hoping he got the answer he wanted. He did, this was a perfect time to cause more trouble in the city.
He posted on the board

I, Irinid, will give you as a warning. You are building on my ancient land, if you continue with this, with the staff that is in my hand I will strike the water of the Lutra, and it will be changed into blood. The fish in the Lutra will die, and the river will stink; your people will not be able to drink its water

If you do not believe I exist my friend, you are very mistaken. If you look around, you'll see elves and giants. Both which use my power. Consider this your last warning. And for all of supporting this, you will be affected at all.

The Tree Hugger: He walked up to the board, and saw Wolfe's the other man's post. He was curious, he had seen this before somewhere.
As I told you in a private owl, since you want to make chats public.
Let it burn let it burn, let the whole world burn to the ground, in the pain, in the suffering, in the ashes, the world will be reborn.

That means, when all this is over, all that will be left is the plain of maiz. No trees, no grass. No you. The only problem is, the trees and flowers will return as beautiful as over. And as for consequences. Well, the Ariech Kingdom will also pay for not doing anything about you. I serve you, Irinid.
The post was stamped with a symbol of a black devcat.

He already knew what was going on, he knew whose work that was, and he was willing to help.

The BonFire Man: He went to the middle of Emain, changed his eye color, cut his hair, face shape, making him look completely different. He went to the center of Emain. "Are we going to let the guy ruin it for us?! Because he wants to be greedy?!" He shouted. "Just look at his smaller note, he is clearly planning something else. He wants to take all the treasures for himself, and then sell it to us. He isn't going to stop there. He is starting small, so he can build a big city! A Fort, and anyone who wishes to go to cor will have to pay a toll. Anyone who needs the human mark will have to pay. Any treasure or secret lost in those lands is going to be lost or taxed! Do we want that to happen? And look what else!" He took a deep breath. "Irinid is going to change her river into blood! But what if.. they don't drink from it? And they bring their own bottled water? Yeah, that's good for them an all. But what about the creatures in there? They'll all DIE, monsters everywhere going extinct because he is being greedy! Are we going to allow that?!" He continued preaching for a while, then headed to other cities to do the same.

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Auramune Wed May 04, 2011 5:50 am

It took much effort for her to read and understand everything that had been placed up on the boards. But a fear rose up in the elf, who treasured the flora of the land. It was alarming to think that a goddess would be so upset that everything would burn down again.. Nia touched the side of her face, her arms.. the scars were long since gone, but she remembered the pain of the flames burning Uladh as if it were yesterday.

What took a great deal of concentration, and about two hours to write, Guardenia posted a note up on the board. The hand writing was childish, at best, with many marks from errors made.

Ples Irinid.. doent burn doown the land. I no you aree a ang ahngr mad godes but ples doent take it oot on the land.

(Drawn under was a flower with a frowning face.) Nia Xen

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Retributix Wed May 04, 2011 11:55 am

Retri looked at the board again, about to set out for Iria. He smirked. Obviously this "Irinid" knew it's easy to see through the ruse?
He hoped so. Retri hated to deal with dense people.
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Xeek Wed May 04, 2011 1:59 pm

The BonFire Man: He saw post and thought "Xen...? Is this a joke.. or is... Ahhhh.." He grinned and proceeded to post.

Don't worry little elf. I assure you, the trees won't be in pain. They, themselves, want this. Because, if they are burned down, more will grow. They'll grow stronger, more alive, happier. But, if these selfish idiots take the land, the plants won't be able to regrow, crushed under the concrete. I assure you, my tree are okay with this. And they won't be in pain. Thank you for their concern, as a reward, I will send you a little gift.
The clever man sent an owl to Nia, carrying various seeds.

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  TWWolfe Wed May 04, 2011 3:46 pm

Timbers creaked in harmony with he sound of gulls, and the salty sea air blew gently across Silver's face as she walked town the gangplank to arrive at the pot of Ceann. Behind her came her guards, some still slightly green in the face from the trip across the sea...

"You sent for me, Wolfe?"

"ah yes, do come in " Wolfe said, gesturing for her to have a seat

"I have an assignment for you." he continued, once she had seated herself "White recently received this. it's a copy of a speech someone recently made in Emain. Have a look?"

Silver read over the paper. "Ah, a speech filled with lies, making us out to be greedy, evil scum who will destroy Iria for our own profit. And seeing as how we're halfway across the world, for all they know it could be true. Never mind that the only thing we'll be charging for is the right to sleep in an inn."

"which is why you will be going to Iria." Wolfe said. "there is a hotel about halfway between Emain and Tara, the Arux Bivnix. Stay there, and White's people will keep you up to date on what is happening here. tell the people there what we're really doing. And this is an order, so no arguing. At the moment, i have more need for you over there than i do here. Now go and prepare for you trip." Wolfe waved her out.

And now here she was, retracing the steps the Wolves had taken out of Uladh. Silver raised her hand to the side of her head, feeling her rough, ragged hair. it would be nice to see Emain again, she thought as her little group headed north.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Evatin Wed May 04, 2011 5:32 pm

Rage boiled in the pit of her stomach as she read the notes on the board. Who did these barbarians think they were!? It wasn't the building of a new Kingdom that upset her (She had seen that coming for years), but the idiots who were so against it stirred her rage. Her pale fingers ran over the ridges of the text as she took in more and more information.

If you feel you must mock the natives of Iria by so shallowly pretending to be our God, then I would suggest you go hang yourself. If you manage to survive, then next you should notice how there are already two well established kingdoms on the continent. If the goddess didn't want kingdoms or settlements in Iria, she would have made it long clear by now. Things are changing. Grow up and accept or fade away.

As for the man leading this effort to build something new, I would like to offer my services as a medic. I am sure in this wild environment, illness and injuries will be something people will want treated quickly.


Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Guest Wed May 04, 2011 5:44 pm

Soifa had been watching the notices lately, after recieving an interesting request from an old friend. The latest one was her favorite of them all, and she proceeded to address it with her own note.

Matris the medic,

Let us hope you can use those medic skills on yourself, you'll be needing it.

She leaves it unsigned, and attaches it to this...Matris' notice.


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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Evatin Wed May 04, 2011 6:09 pm

She had returned from her errands to find another notice attached to hers. The mana was still fresh, this notice must have been less than a day old. The mana that covered it was familiar to her. It was from an old acquaintance, and apparently, age had not mellowed her out. Pulling the large lampshade like hat over her face, she quickly made a reply.

How nice of you to apply to test my medical knowledge Soifa-- however, maybe volunteering yourself to be my test subject would prove more fruitful, yes? After all, I've never healed one of your kind before.

She does signs it and leaves it attached to Soifa's reply, like one big medieval Facebook update.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Glaceon Wed May 04, 2011 6:19 pm

((Whoa whoa whoa, Soifa DIDN'T sign the note, there is NO way you could known it was her. That's dipping into metagaming. Just thought I'd throw that flag up))

Fioria went back to see the notes, and laughed at this Matris' response. She put her own down.

Kingdoms? Filia is just a village in Connous. And as far as I know, Vales is just a village in Physis. There are FAR from Kingdoms. Something like Tara would be more of a kingdom. That land area the villages in Iria cover is small. and surprisingly, you forgot about Cor. Or does that village just not exist to you? Iria is an open area for wildlife, not some place you all can come in and start your industrial revolutions with. Seems you are just destroying our wildlife as fast as you all destroy yourselves. If you want to built, make a cabin or a settlement, not a industrial junkyard. thanks.

Fioria left it unisgned this time.
Glas Ghoblehht
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Evatin Wed May 04, 2011 6:30 pm

((Xenny can see the mana of the writer if the writing is under a day old ._. It's an approved power thank you very much!))

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Glaceon Wed May 04, 2011 7:27 pm

((Then you should be specific in who is writing the note.))
Glas Ghoblehht
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Evatin Wed May 04, 2011 7:32 pm

((Matris is Xenny's last name -w-" ))

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Auramune Wed May 04, 2011 8:06 pm

"The threats are not taken seriously," she said as she looked over the letters that passed on the board. "Matris.. why does that sound familiar." It dawned on her. Xenny. She called a random person over and offered them all of the gold in her bag to write something for her, and to place it up on the board.

Pretty bold words for someone who once waged war against these humans and their gods, librarian.

The man who wrote it began to ask Aura just who the woman was, given the context of the notes. She simply smiled, and offered him a bit more gold. "It's better for you if you don't ask questions. I'm just playing a trick on an old friend." (When Xenny feels for the mana, Aura didn't touch the note at all.=D)

Holding a flute up to her lips, she wandered off to play a tune.. If they wanted a goddess, they would get a goddess. Full in wrath and anger.

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Xeek Wed May 04, 2011 9:18 pm

The BonFire Man:

Yes, The Kingdom of my people. I will admit, I am not Irinid herself, but I am her messenger. I am her loyal servant, she has blessed me with her power. Have you forgotten what I did to the Muyu base camp? I made the people fight their own warriors. I will raise the dead, and crush the living. I gave humans their fair share of the land in my world. Asking for more would be out of greed! You have one more days to change your mind. And if you are reading this, think about it, is this man's richness worth all your lives? Because, so help you if this man ruins my land. I will awaken Macha's wrath on Emain again!


He posted with a grin, but he couldn't help to wonder. "Who was that healer. Did she know Soifa? This will be fun... the preparations should be almost done." In the mean time, he headed to Tara to preach, singing the words loudly as he walked by Blago. Singing out that the creator of that kingdom is nothing but greedy. Surely, after the first plague. Everyone would be eating out of the palms of his hand, specially the earthen milliteans.

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Xeek Wed May 04, 2011 9:29 pm

(( ALso, another thing I'd like to point out, how do you read the mana of paper? Of all the people who touched it the mana print would be messed up. Specially people passing by to see the bulletin, the makers, the sellers. The window shoppers. And by certain time, mana fades of, so their would be no print?))

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Dellinger Wed May 04, 2011 11:07 pm

(((((( This is out of context, but important for powers.

Couple of things to point out for your consideration, Xenny, as well as things to be clarified by our esteemed Wolfe:

It was from an old acquaintance, and apparently, age had not mellowed her out.
The question then becomes how many times does Xenny need to 'be acquainted' with an individual before Xenny can make a positive identification on someone or their things. As well, if we consider what occurs when people age without seeing each other, or change bodies, or are reborn, mana might be different as it's a different body, or might be different because of age. This should be specified for your power to actually work in this way.

With all of these, depending on the location and time of the letter (which was not specified by either party), Xenny's power either would work or it wouldn't work. If mana blurs together, positive identification is not going to be all that easy if the land is just 'mana,' assuming mana is something we absorb from the world during specific times and in specific areas (represented by Eweca rising or being near something spewing mana). If the original bulletins are placed in Iria, I would assert that this endeavor would be entirely impossible, unless we are then going to argue how blurry everything is and then how that affects it. As your powers state now, you would not be able to read in those locations, or the paper would be mana-flooded due to those times and locations.

This seems to imply you cannot positively identify mana differences in different creatures, as each creature is built differently. If this is true, you should not be able to interpret something as subtle as "Which humans' mana is this" if you cannot tell "Is this a human or a fomor"?

The other thing to note is that people touch the bulletin boards all the time. Who is to say the board isn't just infused with energy from everyone that has ever touched said board in the last 24 hours? That would be like attempting to tell me who's hair is who's in a pile of hair without anything resembling DNA identifiers or stuff such as that. I would forward that if you can see the mana infused by something people touch by proxy through a pen, you would not be able to see anything clearly if people have to touch the bulletin board to post anything, take a mission from the board, get information about trading, remove something from the board, etc., etc.

As times were not stated when posted, you are also making assumptions in regards to where Xenny is, where Soifa is, is this the correct bulletin board out of many, what time the note was posted, and how much later you were there in regards to when it was posted. For all that we know, night might have fallen and blurred your vision, or might have infused the page with the natural mana flowing about the place (as that mana is probably more powerful than mana that came from someone by proxy through a quill or pencil). Your character is about the timing, from the power that was approved, and making assumptions of other characters and locations isn't really healthy for your character if the power is to be fair, otherwise we may as well just ignore the 'defects' you posted.

In Conclusion

As an individual who had approved this power, this was -not- explicitly stated within the power where the final 'edited' version was. You are making many assumptions off of something that was vague, and I can assure you that I would not have approved something like this if this was where you were going to take your wordings, especially after you change your notes in regards to identifying human, fomor, and all that sort of jazz within the power itself. I believe you need to look over your powers, state what you have said explicitly, and next time ask the times in which things are posted or where, because that actually matters for your character and one cannot assume all of the many requirements for you to read something are actually in place.

I would recommend being vigilant about what other people are doing instead of taking advantage of relative vagueness in others' posts.

Wolfe, I apologize that I have cluttered up your post. I spoke to a number of councilors, and it was felt that I should bring these points up. Evatin, if you would like to continue discussion about this, please PM either myself or any councilor. I believe that this issue may be dropped for now on this specific post. I ask people to be a bit more specific in their timing and location so that more errors like this don't occur in the future. ))))))

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Xeek Thu May 05, 2011 9:29 pm

The BonFire Man:It was one day later at night time, but the sky wasn't dark, it was lit by the lightning from the storms(Really, it started thundering in Rano IG xD). It was time, he checked the final preparation. He approached the crossing from the courcle side., standing where visible. He grins, knowing it's time for a show. He wore a black robe, and carried a staff. "Stupid snake better not bite me..," he thought. "PEOPLE OF THIS PITIFUL KINGDOM!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. "YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! NOW I SHALL TURN YOUR RIVER! INTO BLOOD!" He raised his staff in the air, holding it by both ends, the staff had one big ring in the middle. As he moved his hands closer, the staff slowly turned into a snake. leaving only the ring part and a snake when his hands are together. The snake slid of the ring, and into the ground, the snake glanced at the man, then headed towards the crossing, going to bite who ever it can find next.

The signal has been triggered, a giant bird of darkness flew over the river, heading up stream. Soon after the giant bird was out of sight, the river turned red, it smelled foul, along with the red flow there was bodies. The river was highly toxic, and there was indeed blood in there. Many Earthen Milliteans would say it smelled like "Hell". A few bodies also floated downstream. After a while, it seemed the river level was increasing. With it's foul stench, and toxicity, nearby animals started fleeing the area. They had to look for another source of water. A bunch of rocks were placed a bit more down stream (Around where Karu forest starts).

"THE NEXT PLAGUE WILL BE THE ONE OF ALLIGATORS! Let my land go. If you refuse to let them go, I will plague your whole Kingdom with Giant Alligators . The Lutra will teem with Alligators. They will come up into your palace and your bedroom and onto your bed, into the houses of your officials and on your people, and into your ovens and kneading troughs. The Alligators will go up on you and your people and all your officials. " He shouted. He raised his hands, and left.

After sometime, the river rose high, about a yard more and it will over flood. Then suddenly, it stopped growing, the river was very still, still red and intoxicated. The river remained still, there no to very little current. But the river was not empty, something was in there. Something big.

(( If you have any questions about how things were done, ask. Note: DO not ask and use the stuff for IC knowledge. Anyone exposed to the water would die very soon after. Even the scent it is giving off is slightly toxic.))

Back in Emain, the BonFire Man:
THe same warning was posted on the bulletin.
The first plague has come true! And the second is yet to come. THE NEXT PLAGUE WILL BE THE ONE OF ALLIGATORS! Let my land go. If you refuse to let them go, I will plague your whole Kingdom with Giant Alligators . The Lutra will teem with Alligators. They will come up into your palace and your bedroom and onto your bed, into the houses of your officials and on your people, and into your ovens and kneading troughs. The Alligators will go up on you and your people and all your officials.

He posted his message on the boards, and stood at the square of Emain, beginning to preach at them "My people, you've seen the power of Irinid, I am sure many of you know of the tragedy that befell Emain at one point, Macha. The Goddess, who almost destroyed us! Do we want this to happen? What if she can revive our biggest opponent? Fenrir! What if she brings back all that pain and suffering? We can not let his greed affect us. This has to stop! I don't want to wake up with an alligator at my side, eating my family! " He continued his speech for hours before moving on to another town, next was Tara and Dunbarton.

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Glaceon Thu May 05, 2011 9:48 pm

((EDIT: Talked to))

Last edited by Espeon (glacia) on Thu May 05, 2011 10:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
Glas Ghoblehht
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Xeek Thu May 05, 2011 9:51 pm

Espeon (glacia) wrote:((Just curious Xeek, what POWERS do you have to be able to do that, and have they been approved? As far as I know, you -aren't- Moses, and staves -don't- turn into snakes in Mabinogi. That is just a clear showing of power play to me.))

((First.. who said anything about powers? Second, I shall tell you in a PM in game))

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Dellinger Thu May 05, 2011 10:18 pm

In some areas, individuals begin working trading routes and deals up with individuals with many items and supplies to trade and the new area in Iria. As the new 'kingdom' is small, it seems a small number of supplies is sufficient to ship. The routes used, however, seem to be fairly random and well hidden.

(( Unless Wolfe says otherwise, obviously. ))

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Xeek Thu May 05, 2011 10:39 pm

Dellinger wrote:In some areas, individuals begin working trading routes and deals up with individuals with many items and supplies to trade and the new area in Iria. As the new 'kingdom' is small, it seems a small number of supplies is sufficient to ship. The routes used, however, seem to be fairly random and well hidden.

(( Unless Wolfe says otherwise, obviously. ))

((I imagine it would be from your own crew? And they would still be seen coming. Northen Maiz is a giant plain. Not much hiding Razz))

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Dellinger Fri May 06, 2011 12:25 am

(( Well, it's from a crew that doesn't necessarily need to be dressed in its own garb when not in specific locations. Moving across the plains would be correct, however, I would assume guards for trade caravans would be a necessity. You would see them cross the plains themselves, yes, but from which direction seems to be random at best and in unpredictable patterns. ))

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  TWWolfe Fri May 06, 2011 12:49 am

Silver trotted into Emain, and headed towards the square. before she arrived there, she took a detour to the monument for the dead, where she laid bundles of flowers at its base. then, she arrived, mounted the block, and called for a crowd. By now used to the speeches, a crowd came slowly, perhaps anticipating more of the same.

"You know, Wolfe called you his brothers and sisters. Do you think he didn't mean it? He would be grieved for you now. Grieved for the fact that you would even consider him so base as to ravage a land for his own gain. the huge tolls we are supposed to be charging up in Maiz? We charge for nothing but a bed and supplies, and guards for those who are less inclined towards combat. a man can walk for days without seeing any sign of us. But is owning an inn really so evil? Is giving adventurers safe place to rest and buy supplies a crime? is protecting the weak from the dangerous creatures really so bad? If so, let us burn down the Bean Rua, the Arux Bivnix, the market stalls everywhere. let us disband the city guard, the paladins, because we do nothing for people over there that they do not do for you here. This land the Bonfire man claims is the Irinids? it was empty of anything. There was nothing of notice till we began building. what the Irinid is trying to do is akin to the nobles taking your farms and razing them, because the noble felt it would be improved by getting rid of you. The artifacts we are supposed to be selling and getting fat off of? they never leave the site we find them. We leave them there so scholars may study them, so that adventurers may come and study them, so that anyone who wishes may come and look, and marvel at them."

Silver gestures towards the monument.

"We lost too in the War with Fenrir. We lost three hundred people who were as close to us as kin, three hundred brothers and sisters. They fell protecting you, because we could not stand to let you be defenseless. But Fenrir was never a creation of Macha. I fail to see how any goddess could create a mad dog like him, a creature without either mercy not care, would would have destroyed everything were he given the chance. Would a goddess who became mortal to take a mortal lover, who this very city is named after, ever do such a thing? No, no, a thousand times no!"

"All we wanted when we went and settled in Iria was a chance to live peacefully, where the only fights would be with the plows and the teams of horses, where we could all grow old and die surrounded by children. But it seems that a cruel, vindictive being is determined to drive us out, to have us suffer despite all we have done to respect the land while we build there!"

Silver went to one knee in front of the crowd

"Please, people of Emain Macha, believe me when i tell you that every word i have spoken is true. I, no we beg of you, please, I swear it on the souls of my friends to whom that monument is dedicated. We were friends one time. I beg of you, do not turn your backs on us now."

She got up, went to her horse, and navigated her way slowly through the crowd. Heading north, towards Tail. In truth, she did not believe she would have a chance of persuading the people elsewhere. Only Emain had know the Wolves for, she hoped, many of the people to believe her words. But still she would try.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

Posts : 430
Join date : 2009-09-08
Age : 34
Location : Martinsburg, W.V.

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