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THe not-so-wonderful works of the idiot behind the face of Vayne

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THe not-so-wonderful works of the idiot behind the face of Vayne Empty THe not-so-wonderful works of the idiot behind the face of Vayne

Post  Vayne Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:12 am

Yeah, just as name says, this is the idiot behind Vayne. You may call me Reid Lovecraft, or just Reid. Should I ever become a novelist as I hope to, this will be my psuedonym, or pen name. My real name? Hehehe, only one person in RP Society knows that, and I implore that person, don't tell anyone, okay? Anyway, comments are loved, and I will start posint my stuff as they are completed. Warning: My stuff IS copyrighted. I use money from my job to buy the rights to my stuff. Okay, that's a lie, my grandmother does it for me because she knows how important it is to me. Feel free to share them, and even pawn them off as your own, but do NOT try to market them. Should I EVER see a single of my songs or stories in the real world, well, I will track the "author" and sue. I sincerely don't hope I have to. I see you all as very nice people as far as I can tell, and trust you as it stands. So, check back often if you are interested! There will be a new short story every week, and songs at random intervals. And occasionally (Seeing as they take longer, due to being more thought out), I will post the next chapter of my first work in the making. Enjoy!

Posts : 1073
Join date : 2008-10-17
Age : 32
Location : Behind the mirror. Pay no attention.

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THe not-so-wonderful works of the idiot behind the face of Vayne Empty Lovecraft (March, 2009)

Post  Vayne Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:08 am

( Author's Note 1: Not one of my best works...neither is the next addition, Broken Angel, that one SUCKED!!! By the way, these are in no particular order of when written, so the dates are mentioned for you *points at subject*.)

A young man stood at the property line of an old, derelict mansion. He had light brown hair and tan skin, along with a pair of green eyes. He was around six feet, and of a lithe frame. On his shirt was a pin reading, ‘Edward C. Benton’. It was his press badge. He was a journalist, and a good one, although he was modest about it. He let out a low whistle and muttered, “So this is Lovecraft.” He was not here on any official business, but he had his gear no less; A camera, a flashlight, and a notebook. No more, no less.
His reason for coming was this: his wife, Samantha, had come here in search of a friend that had gone missing in Lovecraft, only to wind up missing herself. It had been two days from the time she was supposed to be back when he got a phone call from her. Having been worried over her, he picked up the phone in relief, but his relief was short lived. The call had strong interference, white noise consuming the background and most of her words. He did catch the last two words though, they stuck out at him, being the words he was always ready for, but hoped he would never hear her say. She said, “Save me.”
As soon as he stepped across the property line, he felt that he was not alone. A strong presence was with him; strong, but benign. He was not a believer in spirits, so he decided it was just his imagination. Walking through the cool air under the clear night sky, he let out a vague smile, how could a place so beautiful, even after years of neglect, hold anything that could have caused concern. It was laughable, really. The only thing around was that friendly presence, but that was just his imagination. The only thing that bothered him was that the only animals present were the chirping crickets, and beady eyed crows roosting in the trees.
Edward stepped up onto the porch, and immediately, the feeling in the air changed. The air was full of anger, fear, and sorrow. When he put his hand on the door, the smiling faces that were the knockers contorted into ones of fierce anger and malice. He stumbled back and fell off the porch, landing on the ground near the bottom step. He heard a quiet whisper, one that could have been mistaken as wind, said, “Its okay, get up.”
Edward did so and looked around as he tried to find the source of the whisper. He decided it truly was the wind, but was still slightly comforted just the same. He stepped back up to the door and smiled when he saw the faces were once again—or possibly still—smiling.

(Author's note 2: I am changing "Author's notes" to my trademard Random Bit Of Infoe, RBOI. Voice whispering, scary knockers...yeah, don't try staying up for five days)

“That’s much more becoming of you two.” He told the faces as he opened the door. The interior was much less attractive than the magnificent yard out front. All of the furniture was still there, but many were broken from rot and age. The walls had peeling burgundy paint, and several faded pictures adorned the walls. It was a pleasant surprise to see footprints on the floor. Someone else had definitely been there. He walked to the center of the room, and examined the footprints. He estimated and found that they were probably Samantha’s. The rest of the house was surely just as dusty, so he decided that he had a pretty easy task at hand of locating her.
“Don’t get your hopes up.” Said another voice, this one actually had a tone to it, a tenor. He looked in the direction of the voice to see a rush of dusty wind blow at him. It had enough force to knock him to the ground, and kept him there until it died down. Okay…that was weird.
He stood and looked around in dismay, that wind had picked the dust up, and erased the tracks. Walking into the next room, he found that there were no tracks or dust in this one either. Shadows covered the moon, and he was in complete darkness. But then he turned on his flashlight.
Edward shined his light around the next room. It was a dining room, but the details were hard to make out in the dark. He did notice that there was a scrap of paper on the table, along with two other odd items. An unlit candle and what looked like an earpiece. He walked up to the items and examined the scrap of paper, it read, the flames of truth will give you sight. That was odd, considering it was next to the candle. It was probably part of a game that was being played. He turned over the scrap of paper, and saw that it was an old photo of a family in front of Lovecraft. They looked so happy.
Edward picked up the earpiece and slowly lifted it to his ear. As he did so, the whispering started up again. It grew in clarity and tone until it was an echoing voice of a little girl.
“Can you hear me now?” It asked with a giggle.
Edward spun about, but saw nothing, “Who said that?”
“I did.” was the simple reply.
Edward looked about and cautiously waved his flashlight around, looking for the source of the voice.
“You won’t find me like that, you need the candle.”
Edward frowned, “The candle? You’ve been following me?”
Another giggle, “Since you arrived. I’m Emily.”
Edward appreciated the giving of a name, but that really didn’t help him much. He wanted to know what was going on. “So, Emily, can you tell me what’s going on?”
“Of course sir. You are in a genuine haunted mansion, and are in grave danger!” She giggled again, “But I’m going to help you.”
Edward gave a nod, “Alright…sure...” he wasn’t sure he believed this, but he didn’t want to be alone, even if it was a figment of his imagination. “I’m Edward.”
“Edward? The Edward that woman was talking about?”
Edward pretended not to be shocked, but he was. He rummaged through drawers as he looked for anything flammable, and found a single match, “Oh a woman?”
Emily answered, “Yeah, a woman. She looked young, a little younger than you. She went all around trying to find her friend.”
Edward still kept his cool, “And she’s alive?”
“Yeah, for now.” she replied.
“For now?” he lit the match and put it to the candle. It let out a bright blaze for just a moment, and then went out. “Well that was pointless.” He said letting out a loud sigh.
“Yeah, until she dies.” Emily replied, a bit sad sounding.
Edward whipped around towards the voice, and saw a little girl, probably about nine, with pigtails and a plain dress, he wondered why he could see her, but decided what he was about to say before was more important, “Why would she die?”
Emily shook her head and shrugged, “I don’t really know what happens, but most of the other ghosts here go out of their way to kill you. When you die, you are trapped here too. It’s sad, but most of the ghosts I have met when they were alive and I know that they would never hurt anyone. But they seem forced to. When they are after someone, I sometimes hear them say, “Help me.”
Edward groaned, he somehow knew he was going to hear that word, ghost. “So, anyway to stop this?” he asked her, playing along with what he believed to be his imagination.
“Yes, you have to break the curse on this place. Stop the soul collection.” She seemed to know that he would want an explanation, so she continued, “I really don’t know how to stop it, but I know what it is. My father went mad after he learned my mother was dying. He would lock himself up for hours in the study, not coming out for anything. After she was already gone, he came to me with wild eyes. He told me that I was going to help bring mommy back. I was happy, but I didn’t understand…until he strangled me.” She lifted her head to show the rope marks. “Afterward, I found I couldn’t move on. I spent my days wandering about, confused. I went to his study and found that he was collecting souls, a hundred of them, to perform a ritual called the blood renewal, in which the spirits are all sacrificed in order to create a body, and call a single soul back into it.”

(RBOI: Rope marks, total Fatal Fram reference. I don't USUALLY make references to other things. That is why I think this story is not one of my best.)

Edward frowned; it was macabre, too macabre. He was an imaginative fellow, but there was no way that he could have come up with an idea like that. He just didn’t have a dark mind. He imagined many things, mostly fantasy, but ghosts and evil rituals weren’t among them. So, she was real. He also knew that honest look in her eyes so unfortunately, she was telling the truth as well. He had no idea what he was going to do.
Emily walked around him several times and then stopped once she was in front of him again, “Yup. You are exactly how she described. Anyway, I think she is somewhere in the slave quarters. That is where I saw her last. But…you won’t make it there like this. You need a way to exorcise ghosts, set them free. I can help get you something, but you have to promise that you set me free after you get out, or I promise you, you won’t make it.”
Edward nodded, “Sure…” He didn’t fully comprehend what was going on, but anything to help him get to Samantha was good enough. “Lead the way, Emily.”
With a curtsey, she turned and walked to another room, where she awaited him. The room was the kitchen. Cutlery was mounted on the walls all around, and the counters were of a black marble. He shined his light around the room, “Emily, what am I looking for?”
“A piece of paper with a rune on it.” was her short reply.
“Any idea where it is?” he asked her, not really wanting to look in every shelf.
“Nope, sorry. Just that it is in this room somewhere. I put it here such a long time ago…but whenever I try to guide anyone here, they freak out and run away. I’m not scary, am I?”
Edward chuckled as he opened a drawer, “No, not at all. It’s just a bit more than most people can take to hear voices.” He found nothing in the drawer save for old silverware. He turned the kitchen upside down, making quite a bit of noise. The only place that he had not checked was a large single door cabinet. He walked up to it and opened the door, expecting his prize, but instead a body that had not been long dead fell out and toppled onto him. He shouted in surprise and shoved the body off of him. Looking back into the cabinet, he saw a scrap of paper with a rune written in black ink.
“That’s it, a holy rune. Rune knights would have different runes, such as this one, tattooed onto them. This particular one is exorcism.”
Edward nodded. When he picked it up, there was a rush of power flooding into him. It was pleasant, but immense. It felt as though it would overwhelm him. The flow of power ceased, but he felt it in the back of his mind, waiting to be called upon. The rune on the paper faded, and it was just another piece of litter in the world. He heard something. It was a voice. Not as clear as Emily’s, not by far, but still there. It was an echoing voice, just above a whisper.
“I’ll be safe in here…they will never find me. No…don’t come any closer…no!”
Edward looked for the source of the sound, and his eyes rested upon the body of the man. A spirit rose up from the body and turned to face him. It began to lurch towards him, as if it had back problems in its life.
“They’re coming, my god they’re coming!” The spirit said as it came closer.
Edward realized that the spirit was not acting of its own accord. While the manifestation itself was coming for him, the actual spirit was caught replaying the final moments of its life, and that was what he was hearing.
Emily shouted to him, “Call up the power! Now!”
Edward reached into the recesses of his mind and the power came to him readily enough, eager to be used. He shut his eyes, afraid to look as his hand extended towards the ghoul of its own accord, and the power radiated from it. He heard a screeching sound, followed by a sigh and a distinct, “thank you.”
Opening his eyes, he looked about, the spirit was gone. He had helped it move on.
Edward smiled and nodded, “Right. To the slave quarters!”
Emily giggled and shouted, “Yeah!”

(RBOI: Little kids...gawsh they scare me when they say, "Let's play" in eerie little voices, my adorable little brother is unfortunately, very good at that)

Edward followed Emily through the rest of the house. They met several of the trapped spirits, the most frightening encounter being young children in a playroom, with gouged out eyes and eerie grins, all giggling or saying, “Play with us!”
They came to the backyard, which was a large hedge maze. “Is this safe?” Edward asked Emily as he stood on the porch steps that led down into it.
“Is anything in this house safe Edward?” she asked giggling.
“Good point.” He took his first step onto the dirt and looked around cautiously. His earpiece was not picking up any unearthly sounds, and there were even fireflies about, giving the area a comforting feel. However, he was not about to let his guard down.
Edward walked several feet when he came to the first intersection. It was a simple one, right or left.
“We used to play hide and seek out here all the time, me and my friends.” Emily recalled sadly. “About the time of father’s odd behavior, one of us would go missing every time we played. I didn’t understand at the time, but now…well, I’m pretty sure you can figure that out.”
Edward nodded, feeling sick. How could a parent go around killing children? Disgusting.
Edward took the right and came to another, right, left, or straight. He went straight. He came to a dead end. The stop was just like the rest of the hedge maze, wild and overgrown, save for a small indentation of what must have been a hole cut out at one time. He didn’t put much stock in it until he was already turning to try a different path, when he heard a little girl ask, “Aren’t you going to find me?” he turned around to see a girl crawl from the indentation. She stood up and looked him in the eye. In those eyes of hers Edward could see deep despair, and a pleading look, begging to be free.
“You aren’t following the rules mister! But that’s okay. Hey! I can show you my other hiding spot! Where no-one will ever, ever be able to find you.” She giggled and reached for him as she walked forward with a dainty gait.
Edward held his hand out and called upon the power. A bluish white beam came from his hand and struck the girl. She reeled back and screeched, but quickly recovered and began coming at him faster, “That wasn’t very nice, mister.” She vanished after saying that, leaving Edward to wonder. There was not a hint of her being around anymore.
Edward decided she was gone and turned, only to be face to face with the little girl, “Surprise!” She shouted and wrapped her icy fingers around his neck. Despite her ethereal form, he could feel her choking him. He shot several more of his beams at her, and she released him, stumbling back. She screamed and dissipated, “Thanks mister.” was carried on the wind.
Edward felt good about helping the little girl, but it didn’t last long. Giggles and shouts filled the air as all of the spirits realized they had a new playmate. He took off at a run and shouted, “Emily, I thought you only had a friend at a time disappear!”
Emily floated alongside him and shrugged, “I didn’t want to scare you. Truth be told, at a get together, all of my friends vanished while we played.
The hedges seemed to go on for eternity. He could constantly feel the hands of the dead children brushing against him and attempting to grab him. When he finally made it out, he turned to see about fifteen of them gathering at the exit he had just come from. They stood there for a moment, staring at him, then they all vanished.
“The children can’t leave the maze.” Emily explained simply, “Don’t worry, if you break the curse on this place, all of the spirits that you missed will be freed automatically.”
Edward nodded and walked towards a shack. “Is this it?” he asked Emily as he opened the door.
Emily nodded, “Yeah, this is the place.”
Edward opened the door and stepped in. Immediately, the door behind him slammed. Edward acted impulsively and said what someone would have said in a movie, “You tricked me!”
Emily shook her head, “Not me. I honestly have no idea what’s going on.”
Edward looked about the shack. In the corner, he saw Samantha, weeping. She was perfectly solid, and her cry was clear. She was alive.
Edward walked up and put a hand on her, “Sam…it’s me, Edward.”
She looked up at him and her eyes widened, “Edward! Edward it’s you!” She threw her arms around him and wept happily, holding him tight.
“Such a beautiful reunion…” said a male voice, coming from nowhere and everywhere at once, “a shame that it will be cut short.”
Edward instinctively knew who it was, “Sorry Mr. Lovecraft, neither of us are going to be dying today.”
Lovecraft laughed, “Don’t need you to. A pair of boys walked in shortly after you, as part of a dare. I already got them.”
“You monster!” Edward shouted, turning to see where he was.
“Monster? No, a monster would not act in the name of love. Thanks to those two, I can use you as my body, and for my wife, your beloved.”
Edward frowned, “Like that’s going to happen. You won’t be taking either of us.”
“True, you have to be broken before I can take you, but that won’t be too hard. And as for your wife, well, she’s the object of the ritual.”
A magic symbol appeared on the ground around them and Samantha screamed as she rose into the air, convulsing terribly. Edward reached out for her but was shocked his hand jerked back. All he could to was watch.
Samantha slowly came to the ground. Edward knelt by her, “Sam? Sam are you alright?”
“I’ve never felt so alive…but my name’s not Sam dear.” She lifted her head and smiled maliciously, “And you won’t be you in a few moments.” She stood and brought him up with her, then punched him, making him stumble back.
He heard another scream, he turned as Emily was being engulfed in a red light, and her body was contorting into that of a stereotypical demon. Red leathery wings grew from her, a long tail formed, and she grew claws and fangs. The rest of her gained color too, and she became solid. She was alive again as well, but not what she was. Her eyes were piercing and cold, and a cruel smile formed on her face. However, he sensed that she was still in there somewhere, trapped inside.
“I honestly feel sorry for you. You’re under the curse, so you are unable to leave. Even though the spirits have been sacrificed, the only one to survive other than my husband and I is my dear daughter, Emily, your only friend in this place, and she’s not who she once was. On top of that, should you resist us; you will be trapped here with a woman who is no longer your wife. We won’t let you die, we will provide you with sustenance, and will force you to eat if need be. So, you will live in misery.”
Edward fell to his knees and stared at the ground, he had failed. “I give up. Take me, Lovecraft.”
Lovecraft chuckled and appeared in front of him. He was a tall man with thick hair brushed to the side. “A wise choice, never have to worry or miss anyone again, just sleep in the confines of us for the rest of my life.”
Edward didn’t respond, he just kept staring at the ground. But then, something registered. Exorcism, Samantha had a spirit inside her. He raised his head as Lovecraft stood over him, a triumphant smile upon his face. Edward stood and said, “On second thought, I’d rather go out with a bang.” He shot the beam at Lovecraft, who went down easier than he thought.
Rather than dissipating and going to heaven, emaciated hands reached out of the ground and pulled him down, the underworld cheering at their prize.
He turned to look at the possessed Samantha, and saw her walking towards him, a sharp splinter of wood in her hand, and murder in her eye. She pushed him against a wall with inhuman strength, and raised the substitute knife high in the air, “Give my regards to the Gods, they always did the best they could.”
She began to thrust it down just as something tackled her. Edward blinked, confused, and saw that it was Emily. Without Lovecraft around, she had her free will. She wrapped her tail around Samantha and raised her in the air, “Do it, Edward! Save her!”
Edward didn’t need to be told, he began blasting Samantha with beam after beam of holy energy. Finally, the spirit was dislodged from her and the Mrs. Lovecraft was also free from her husband’s deranged hold. She began to fade and she gave him a smile, “On second thought, I’ll give the Gods your regards.” And then she was gone.
Edward rand to Samantha and held her tenderly. She opened her eyes and smiled at him, “Thank you.”
Edward shook his head, “Don’t say that. I’ve heard it enough times tonight.” He leaned in and kissed her passionately, but was interrupted by a timid voice.
“Um, excuse me, Edward?”
Edward looked over to see Emily standing there, holding her tail nervously, “I was um, wondering…seeing as I’m alive...could I live with you and Samantha?”
Edward chuckled, “Of course, but you have to stop being so formal. It’s dad now.”
Emily nodded, “Thanks…dad.”
Edward and Samantha knew that they would love Emily as their own; it was only natural for them. Even if they never had a child, she would be just as good. However, that was not the case.
Emily smiled, “I didn’t want to ask this until I knew she was going to be alright…but I knew this the moment she came in…what are you going to name my little brother?”


Posts : 1073
Join date : 2008-10-17
Age : 32
Location : Behind the mirror. Pay no attention.

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THe not-so-wonderful works of the idiot behind the face of Vayne Empty Broken Angel: The worst story I ever wrote (Mar. 2010)

Post  Vayne Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:29 am

(RBOI: This is not worth any RBOIs, other than to tell you it is not worth it.)

Broken Angel

There was nothing out of the ordinary about Ginger, at least, not to the naked eye. She was an ordinary girl with long brown hair, brown eyes, average height and weight, real quiet too. There was no reason to take a second look at her, but, he did. Whether out of curiosity or just having his eyes lay on her by chance, he did.
He was Jake. Jake was an outgoing and ambitious character, but not at all unfriendly. He had many acquaintances, but only a select few friends. But not even his friends were as ordinary as she was. Actually, his friends were far from ordinary. They were all incredibly talented or good looking in some way or another, and were all very charismatic people. There was really even less of a reason for him to look at her. He had shiny black hair, grey eyes, a gorgeous smile, perfect teeth, and of a slim frame. He was the guy that all of the girls talked about in school. He was Mr. Perfect in the eyes of the school body.
Ginger was sitting alone at lunch at the time. And on a whim, Jake walked up and sat next to her, a pleasant smile on his face. “Hello, I’m Jake, Jake Mccandles.” He said with just a hint of a Scottish lilt he had received from living with his Scottish mother and Irish father, who had gotten their US citizenship just a year before his mother became pregnant with him. Ginger looked up from her tray, her eyes completely unreadable.
“I know.” She said, staring at him, “All of the other girls talk about you all the time. I’m Ginger French.” She gave a curt nod before dropping her gaze back down to her tray, “Is there anything else?”
Jake nodded and sat next to her, “Only your company is all.” He gave her a smile, even though she wasn’t looking. She looked up with him with unbelieving eyes, why would he want to sit with her? But here he was, saying so. Was he lying to her?
“Please don’t mock me.” She told him, looking back down.
Jake frowned and put a hand on her shoulder, “Listen, I’m not mocking you. I just want to sit with you.” He replied in a serious manner. She looked up once again and nodded. They sat together in silence for the rest of the lunch period.
The next day, Jake sat at her table once again. She looked at him with her distant eyes, but rather than object, she would nod at him, confirming that she was not objecting to his presence. Jake smiled at her as usual, and sat with her. She’s quite the enigma, she is. I wonder why she always sits alone. He noticed a bruise on her, just showing past her long sleeved shirt. Concerned, he asked, “Ginger, how did you get that bruise?”
Ginger looked to him with shock and pulled her shirt sleeve as low as possible, “I tripped down the stairs.” She turned her head away from him and the rest of their meal went in silence as always.
The next few weeks went the same way. People began to question Jake on why he was ‘neglecting’ them. His response was the same every time, a message he had learned from the Bible, “A doctor does not tend to the healthy; he tends to those who need him most.” And he would walk off, leaving some of them with even more respect from them before, and others confused as to what he meant.
It was a Friday, and Jake was sitting with Ginger as usual. Towards the end of lunch, he pulled out a scrap of paper and wrote down his email, and cell and home phone numbers. “If you ever need to talk,” he said, “This is how to reach me.
What happened next astounded Jake; Ginger smiled. It was a small, weak, vague and barely noticeable one, but a smile nonetheless. She took it readily and placed it in her pocket. “Thank you.” She said quietly, Jake barely hearing it.
Jake gave her a thumbs-up and said, “No problem.” The rest of the lunch went as usual.
There was a noticeable difference about Ginger. She still did not talk, but her eyes were not so distant, and every once in a while, she would give that same small smile. She would even laugh on rare occasion. But, her smiles were sad, her laughs were half hearted. She was broken, and Jake knew it. But that didn’t matter to Jake, not at all. She was a human just like him, with thoughts and feelings and her own heart. She was not something to be shunned or ignored. Everyone deserves a friend.
At lunch one day, Ginger asked him a question, “Jake, why do you insist on sitting with me? Why do you spend your time with me? It can’t be very entertaining. You must get bored out of your mind. Don’t you ever want to run off and do something? You even give me your lunch when I can’t afford my own. Isn’t that a nuisance?”
Jake smiled, and said the quote in which he lived by, “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy of boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes in all things, and endures all things.”
Ginger tilted her head, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Jake laughed and told her, “It’s from the Bible. 1st Corinthians 1:4-7. It’s about love for your fellow man. Basically, it is saying that love never hates, never gets annoyed, and is completely selfless.”
Ginger nodded, and then asked him, “Do you…have a Bible?”
Jake nodded and pulled one out of his bag, “I never travel without it. It has many great messages, as well as the word of the only person who has stuck with me no matter what, God.”
Ginger didn’t know about the whole God thing, but she was intrigued as to what these messages were. “I would very much like to learn more.” She told him.
Jake smiled at her and said, “I promise, I’ll teach you.”
The next few days were spent on the topic of God and Jesus. Unlike many people of the world, she was very receptive and listened to what he had to say. She gave him a true smile, and they soon became fast friends. They did not always talk about the bible, in fact; they talked about just about anything except for her home life, which she always managed to avoid.
He was amazed that she was quite an interesting person. She loved to read and write, sing, and draw. She loved animals, and was really a very caring person. He found himself growing quite fond of her.
It was a Monday; he had gotten back from his weekend and was eager to see his new friend. But, she wasn’t there. He didn’t think anything of it, she was probably sick. He went on with his day as usual and went home, thinking of her.
The next day she was still missing, as a matter of fact, she was gone for three days. When she finally returned, she was covered bruises. Jake sat with her, a look of concern on his face. She looked up at him and said, “It was an accident.”
Jake frowned, obviously very angry, “Like hell it was an accident! What happened? Who is doing this to you?”
Ginger’s eyes began to water and she answered, “I don’t want my parents to go to hell. I don’t want them to!” She grabbed onto him and cried freely. He held her and was astounded. It was her parents that were doing this, and yet she still wanted the best for them. It was ridiculous, but at the same time, he admired her even more. To love someone unconditionally, that was something that he strived to do. But what could he do?
That night, he called CPS. They arrived on the scene to find a picture perfect family. Other than her bruises, there was no evidence of anything out of the ordinary, and the causes they listed for her injuries were completely believable. But as soon as they were gone, she was beat, like she always was.
The day, Jake saw her at school. She was even worse off than before. He knew that he had made things worse. He walked up to her and said, “I’m sorry.”
Ginger looked at him and frowned, she wanted nothing to do with him. “You shouldn’t have told. I trusted you.” Her eyes were icy and her voice even colder. “You should go back to your friends now.”
Jake was hurt, bad. He didn’t know how to respond to this. He was only trying to help, but in doing so he had put her life at risk. He turned and walked away, crying freely. He didn’t care who saw, everyone cried, it was nothing to be ashamed of. And he had plenty to cry about, hurting her like that, even if it was indirectly. He went through the rest of the day moping.
He woke up the next morning and saw his email had popped up. The message was from Ginger. He opened it up to see what it had said. It said, “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy of boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes in all things, and endures all things. It is wrong to hold a grudge. And those words you told me have been ringing in my head all day and night. I want you to know that I have not forgotten those words. And I got baptized a few days ago. I just never got around to telling you.
Jake felt the tears stream from his eyes. He didn’t know why, but he knew that something was wrong. The next day, she wasn’t there. As a matter of fact, he didn’t hear from her for five days, when he found out that she was in the morgue. Her parents had been taken into custody for the murder of their daughter. She was going to be just disposed of. No-one would pay for her expenses.
But he had a job, and had a decent of money. He did what he could, arranging for her to be buried in the cemetery nearest to his house. And for her marker, he bought an angel from a flea market that had a wing missing. It was fitting, a being that was uncared for, and yet still loved the world and all in it. He smiled as he stood at her grave. He was positive he felt her presence. It’s a simple love story, he thought to himself, but those are often the best, aren’t they, Ginger? The wind blew just a bit harder then. All he did was make her smile, and tell her just a few things. But still, he made the short time she had left on Earth worthwhile, and now she is in heaven, looking down on him.

Posts : 1073
Join date : 2008-10-17
Age : 32
Location : Behind the mirror. Pay no attention.

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THe not-so-wonderful works of the idiot behind the face of Vayne Empty Because of You (Apr. 2010)

Post  Vayne Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:31 am

(RBOI: Don't ask who this is about, you probably don't know them, unless you know me irl, or I have talked about her. And it makes me quite sad to talk about her. Please respect this.)

You had a smile that lit me up
When I was empty you filled the cup
Now I admit I suffer quite severe lunacy

It took such guts to take you home
One stupid call and I end up alone
I don’t blame you I blame my inadequacy

You had me standing at my very best
I still remember how you looked in your satin dress
I remember how it felt to hold your hand
The one I won’t again

Because of you I can’t sleep at night
Because of you nothing feels right
Because of you I’ve wrote a hundred songs
But none of them have helped me move on
Because you’re gone

I tore up every single photo
Except the one that fills me up with woe
The one that’s plastered in my mind

Most of my songs to you are dedicated
From the days when I felt so elated
Back when everything was fine

But still I hear your voice ring
Still cheering me as always
As you did whenever I’d sing
It says I love you
The words you’ll never say to me again

Because of you I can’t sleep at night
Because of you nothing feels right
Because of you I’ve wrote a hundred songs
But none of them have helped me move on
Because you’re gone

Because of you my sun won’t rise tomorrow
Because of you my life is filled with sorrow
But I’ll be okay…

Because of you I’m a better man
Even if because of you it’s hard to stand
Because of you I see the beauty in everything
Because of you…
I’m me.

Posts : 1073
Join date : 2008-10-17
Age : 32
Location : Behind the mirror. Pay no attention.

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