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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Mari Eir
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Glaceon Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:51 pm

((I'm curious as to if the fires would be put out by the rain that the area recieves.))
Glas Ghoblehht
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Auramune Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:52 pm

<<Don't worry, rains have been discussed to Mithos Razz>>

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Mithos Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:12 pm

The fire raged through the jungle, having a hard time progressing through the dampened wood. The night was clear, and no clouds were around. The fire burned a portion of Wolfe's supplies and twenty-three trees from the jungle before rain finally came to stop it from going any further. In the process, one of Cor's watchmen was burned to death, trying to protect a tree with his magic shield. The smoke coming from the trees burning and the water inside the damp trees vaporizing had created its own raincloud to save it from destruction.

After the fire died down, Kanai went personnally on the site along with two other elite hunters. He swore upon Irind that he would get Wolfe's head for his foolishness. He had just talked to Wolfe recently and had asked him if he had anything to prevent a fire. Wolfe assured that they did, but they obviously didn't. Kanai searched through the remains, looking for what would be left of a lantern. As he found nothing, his rage only boiled up more. He thought about a torch... A torch! Of course. One of Wolfe's men must've set fire to the jungle with a torch.

Kanai was still searching the remains when one of his men called him over. He had discovered the burned body of the watchman. This grim discovery only fueled the leader's anger... He wasn't only going to get Wolfe's head, he was now also going to stuff him and make a training dummy out of his corpse. Wolfe and his crew were now on the Kill On Sight list for Courcle without any warnings to the man or his gang... He was going to get him wanted throughout all of Erinn at the Leader's Meeting during Samhain... And he was going to get his training dummy. No. Matter. The Cost.

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  TWWolfe Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:51 pm

((but we haven't even stared moving up there yet D:))

The news of the fires reaches Wolfe just as Whites column reached them and the last of the palisade was made into sledges. The news of what had burned in the fire got to him a few hours later.

"Supplies?! i left no supplies there of any kind, the most i left were piles of rocks and a flagpole. and not even a good flagpole at that, just a relatively straight piece of deadwood."

Markham shook his head. "Nasty piece of business, these fires. with us the only ones having business in the area, we catch all the blame if anything goes south."

"And things have definitely gone south" White remarked "With all the evidence pointing to us, and a guardsman dead in the fire, the Natives will be baying for blood soon enough. We might want to think of changing our plans..."

Wolfe cut him off. "No, I'm tired of running here and there. We've bent ourselves over backwards to avoid conflict, and it earned us nothing. Have everyone armed to the teeth and ready for battle. we're heading north."

Soon after that, the Wolves left the area that had been known, for a short time, as Crossings. the left the area exactly the same as how it had been before they came. Well, almost...

Three stone blocks were stacked one a top the other, and on them were engraved these words.

A monument to those who died because of my folly
I would give you more, but the land would not allow it
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Xeek Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:11 pm

(( Thorn: Good, those natives need to be taught a lesson. I mean... Hi =D))

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Mithos Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:15 pm

((Oh what? War? Dx -Watches the Wolves be stuck on the other side of the river, being murderfied by the rain of arrows coming from the Cor's side-))

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Glaceon Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:24 am

Fioria had entered one of Courcle's Jungles, scouting amongst the trees with a healthy supply of MP potions and her hide ability. She was sent to scout the area for the shriek that was heard, but instead came across the clearing that had been burnt down. What happened.... Fio thought. Could whatever had caused the shriek caused this fire, or was it something else? She would need to go see Cor's leader about this, and possible see what exactly Wolfe was up to in his area. She went on a bit further towards his camp location, and saw no supplies or anything, just a flagpole and some stones. Nothing could cause a fire, unless it had burnt up too. So she questioned just what was going on. She drank her last mp potion, and headed towards Cor.

((Mithy, Kanai RP sometime please?))
Glas Ghoblehht
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Mithos Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:34 am

((Not today... Goin' to ambush Wolfe at Suytu))

Some watchmen posted south of Cenae and east of Pantay saw Wolfe's men marching on Courcle. They knew that alone, they couldn't do much, so they sent a note to Kanai and every other elite guards that were scattered around Courcle. They were going to ambush Wolfe as he crossed the River. Make fireballs and fire arrows rain down on him and his men. Of course, their mastery of the Mana Shield would be useful, as the Wolfe would be five times more, but Kousai and the other elders were already gathering herbs and making Mana potions to supply the mages capable of making a fireball.

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  TWWolfe Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:29 pm

"White, You are certain that the natives will attack us?"

White nodded. "my little birds couldn't get me the where or the when, but they are most certainly out for our blood now."

Wolfe sighed. Things had now gone far south very fast. He eyed the map, then tapped the Suytu river.

"with the route we're taking, the only good place for an ambush would be as we crossed the river. I have no desire to walk into a fight."

"So whats the plan?" Markham chipped in.

"We don't cross the river." Wolfe said with a smile. "we simple set up camp across the river from Cor and let events play out as they may. If they chose to talk, then we will talk, and try to work things out."

"And if they want to fight no matter what?"

Wolfe grinned. "Then we let them be the ones to initiate hostilities. They attack us for doing something we can easily prove we we're framed for, and they look like a swaggering bully. The poor innocent Wolves attacked for no real reason. A cassus Belli to bring the world in on our side."

So the column made its way north, towards the Suytu river.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Mithos Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:27 pm

A surprise attack by the villagers of Cor broke through the middle of the day. Arrows started flying from one side of the River to Wolfe's camp. It went well in the beginning, fire and thunder flying alongside arrows managed to injure 30% of Wolfe's men and kill about 10% of them... But once Wolfe regained his composure, the tide of the battle changed. Even if Cor's men had the advantage of the terrain, Wolfe outnumbered them by five times. As soon as the counterattack started, Cor's warriors fell one after the other. Thirteen died and 65 were injured and one went missing before Kanai called the retreat.

Even if he was injured, he was still satisfied with the results. He managed to hit Wolfe hard enough to think he would be able to avoid a retalliation. He then left Cor for Uladh, without treating his own wounds. As proud as he was, he would have to ask for reinforcements at the Leader's meeting. The young leader had finally found something that would stand in his way. The bitter taste of defeat would soon be washed away by the sweet taste of revenge.

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  TWWolfe Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:58 pm

Wolfe cursed himself. The attack had not come as a complete surprise, and that was well enough. But what bothered him is that there had been any surprise at all. They should have seen it coming.
This had not been a victory. Thank the gods for the heavy infantry, or else their losses could have been far worse.

"Markham, what were our losses?"

"We lost perhaps fifty soldiers sir. Maybe three times that in wounded. Most of the wounded should be up and about soon though. We should be thankful for plate armor, most of the wounds were minor ones to arms and legs, maybe a few burns from magic."

Wolfe sighed, more deaths on his plate. "I don't suppose we took any prisoners?"

"One, sir. He was too wounded to retreat himself and was behind our troops before the natives could recover him."

Wolfe nodded. "Good, see to it that his wounds are seen to. We'll need a messenger, and i have a feeling none of us could get near there without getting shot."

Markham, bowed, and then left. White came in right after him.

Wolfe held up a hand. "Before you ask, no, i will not cut you loose. At this moment, we need every bit of goodwill we can get. your methods would have us all dangling from trees within a week."

There was a moments flash of disappointment across White's face, before it changed back to its usual impassive stare. "So what did you want me for?"

"I need you to get a message to Silver. She must get herself into that next council meeting. By any legal means necessary. This council says it stands for law, lets put it to the test. Tell her everything we've learned here. the fake supplies, the unprovoked attack, everything."

White nodded, and left without a word. Wolfe was left alone in the tent, with his head in his hands. A pyre crackled in the backround, as the bodies of his people were consumed by the flames.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Kuralin Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:43 pm

Kuralin arrived in Cor, while they retreated. On his back was a flute and he carried a small bird in his left hand.

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  TWWolfe Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:05 am

It took Silver's message three days to reach Wolfe at his camp. The word it brought left Wolfe Feeling like someone had just smashed him in the stomach with a giant hammer.

"So, there we have proof. The council doesn't give a damn about us. It just wants things back the way they were. we're an annoyance, nothing more."

"But why?" Markham asked, confused. "What did we do wrong?"

"According to the Council, we failed to prevent the fire from spreading."

"But we were all in Maiz taking down Crossings!" Markham exclaimed, a pained look on his face.

"That doesn't matter to them. Nor does it matter that Cor attacked first, without warning, and but for our preparation would have been happy to kill us all. It is our fault that we are not gods, since only a god could have stopped the fire from where we were. It is our fault that someone traveled though there, put down supplies, then lit fires right under their noses. It is our fault that we couldn't teleport people hundreds of miles to stand watch there."

"Didn't anyone sympathize with us?"

"The most people did in our favor was say "Well, they might not have started the fire."
White sputtered. "So what do we do now!?"

"we have three days left to leave Courcle, or else we face repercussions."

"And if we stay and protest this judgement?"

"Then all the nations of Erinn will come to kill us. Already the Elves and Dunbarton have sided with Cor. They don't give about us. If we all died they'd complain about who would bury us. We're the scum of the earth, after all. We sell our swords for profit." Wolfe shrugged "Of course, given that it'll take us longer than three days to get out, we'll suffer regardless."

"Cut me loose"
Both Wolfe and Markham froze at that statement.
"no. Even if the rest of the world seems determined to treat justice like some cheap tart to be used and cast aside at will, we will still be civilized. I have no desire to see people gutted and hung from trees again. We're moving out once more. We shall endure."

"One more thing. Send the man we took prisoner back to Cor. give him some gifts when he goes, and tell him we are sorry for the trouble we caused him."

Markham nodded. "it will be done"

A day later, all of their possessions packed and the prairie looking much the same as it did before them, The Wolves started the long, painful trek back south. When they had come north they had been hopeful. Now there was an air of depression about the whole group. Many even wept openly. But still they followed Wolfe once more. After all, they had no place else to go.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Mithos Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:30 pm

The soldiers from Taillteann arrived late. Dunbarton's and Filia's squads had already been in Cor, waiting for the others. They had some handcuffs and chains, but not enough for every single one of Wolfe's men. Rope would be mostly used to arrest them. Kanai learned from his elite watchmen that Wolfe had failed to leave Courcle in the allowed period of grace. Trespassing, High Treason, smelling bad (as Yiana said)... There were countless reasons to arrest the Wolves, but all they really needed was one. They also had weapons ready, some coated in jungle/swamp cobra poison, in case the Wolves would resist. The armed men hustled South, following the trail that Wolfe's men left.

When they arrived at near Crossings, seeing Wolfe's men, they stopped. Kanai stepped in front of the group of soldiers as those who had a weapon and a shield hit them agaisnt one another, demanding complete and utter silence among the Wolves. When they finally got what they demanded, Kanai began speaking (more like yelling) :

"Wolfe and his men are to surrender immediately for arrest before being taken into custody by various towns of the Aliech kingdom and Filia. They will be thrown into jail for high treason against Courcle and trespassing the borders of Courcle, and will face an according sentence. By surrendering now, you have a chance to live. Those of you who resist will be sentenced to a slow and painful death on the battlefield."

He stood there, in front of his men, awaiting Wolfe's decision.

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  TWWolfe Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:14 pm

Wolfe cursed softly. Ah well, he had had a good short run. at least, it had started out good. then he'd gotten involved in Iria and things had gone downhill.

Maybe the rest of the men could be saved though. After all, he had broken the impossible deal, the People in Cor would only want him. The others would go to the other Kingdoms, but they could argue that they had been merely following a bad leader. A soft rustle of the tent flap made him turn around. White and Markham had entered. Wolfe nodded his head to them.

"Well, It has been a pleasure leading you. I only wi..."

There was an explosion of pain in the back of his head, and Wolfe collapsed to the ground. White and Markham rushed over to him, and White began to apply the needed changes. Markham turned to the third man in the tent.

"you're sure you want to do this William? You're a successor, you could likely make a claim for the leadership when he died."

The man called William shook his head. He looked exactly Like Wolfe, though that would have changed in a few years, when new blood would have been picked. This early, however, there hadn't been time to change.

"No, It's too early for a new Wolfe. He was planning to let that nobles blood drag him into ruin for us, a guttersnipe like me should be perfectly capable of doing that." Will looked at White "Make sure the changes won't last forever. By the time the similarity is noticed, He should be able to talk about how he was a successor to me. Then he can wait, and the Wolves can survive. Earn the trust of Uladhs people. I'll gladly pay the price for that."

Will slipped on Wolfe's clothes, then a simple white robe over them. Then, squaring his shoulders, he marched out to meet his executioners.

Bowing his head to the envoys, WillWolfe spoke

"on behalf of the Wolves, I surrender to the coalition, on condition that the rest of my men shall be treated humanely and with respect. May i say that their actions were my doing, and that they were badly misled as a result of my own grievous misjudgement."

This finished, he bowed his head and waited for the reply.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Mithos Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:41 pm

Kanai took a moment to think, but finally accepted WillWolfe's (cuz it's a funny name) request. He thought the Wolves would be released by the kingdoms in some time. Long time, but still, they'd be released, right? Most of the soldiers relaxed as Kanai ordered them to seize the Wolves and take them to the prisons they would be attributed to. There wouldn't be a war after all. WillWolfe himself was dragged away by four of Courcle's men.

All went smoothly, and when every single one of the Wolves was tied up, the groups of soldiers were told to go back to their hometowns with the prisonners, taking a number that would fit in the cells that their respective towns and neighboring ones offered and treat them humanly.

Back in Cor, letters from Kanai were sent to the other town leaders who had promised cells (Taillteann, Dunbarton, Emain, Bangor (if I remember, if not, then no letter) and Filia), telling them that the Wolves had been captured and that the prisonners were on their way. Wolfe himself would be burned alive on the beach. A fitting sentence for the one who burned --or let burn-- the Herba Jungle.

To <<Insert_City_Leader_Name_Here>>
The Wolves have surrender without any resistance at the condition that we treat the prisonners humanly. I would still strongly suggest to send those prisonners on a boat and let them find their own land, but the decision here will be all yours. The prisonners for your town and your neighboring towns that could not send any soldiers are already on their way with the soldiers you had lent us. I appreciate the support you have shown us during those dire times... We have kept Wolfe himself, and sentenced him to a death by the fire. A fitting punishment for the one who had burned --or let burn -- the Herba Jungle.

Again, you have my thanks.

((Also, I guess the Wolves that don't fit in the city cells will be sent to Tara's, right? Or did you guys have enough?))

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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Xeek Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:25 pm

To Kanai
I can take a few. Though, these men will do a much better job as workers than prisoners. With their leader captive, we have nothing else to worry with them. I will take any of those willing to work and serve under the rule of Aliech


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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Kayeori Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:33 am

Tristan sighed sitting behind his desk in the "study" of his home. Having sent an aid to sit in on a meeting was proving to be a bit more trouble then it was worth. "So let me see if I got this straight. Aside from a lot of yelling, which is normal by the way, there was a fire in Cor. Kanai I think it is... Says they had no real proof it was the Wolves, but they made the claim to protect the land." The aid just nodded as he spoke. She had a few notes in hand and was able to read off anything that Tristan might miss. "Well unfortunately we don't have much room in our local jail." (If you can call it that) Tris thought to himself. Perhaps the money he had donated should have gone to things like this. He shrugs a bit (Oh well it went to a good cause. That's all that matters.) The aid looks at him as he pondered and tilts her head. "Sorry My mind drifted a bit. So did anything else happen of importance?" The aid looked over her notes and shook her head. 'No those were all the main points.' Tristan nods. "Alright you may go. You did very well thank you." She nods with a smile and scoots off out of the study. Tristan tilts his head watching her as she left. Once she was gone he nodded "I like my job most times." He stands up from his desk and stretches before sitting back down to write out a few letters.

"Dear (Insert-Leader-Name-Here),

I wish to apologize for my absence at the last meeting. I first want to say this will not be repeated, as trying to catch up is much harder then just making sure I am there. The other reason I am sending this letter is I wish to offer any assistance I can. Tir Chonaill shall bear this burden just as the rest of you are. Please don't hesitate to ask as none of the citizens here are stranger to hard day's work. We may not have as many guards, but we do have able bodies to spare. Thank you for your time and see you all at the next meeting.

Clovis Tristan Hallisey of Tir Chonaill"

((All city leaders will have gotten this letter. Just so you know.))
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  Glaceon Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:25 pm

From the distance, Fioria had viewed it all. She didn't understand why Cor's leader couldn't use logic to deduce things. None of Wolfe's men had been near the fire when it happened. It was a third party. Perhaps the same party that had caused those plagues. She didn't approve of this one bit. Human sickened her. Lack of common sense and deduction in them cause her hatred to boil once more. She went over to the River east of Cor, using hide to make her way through. She had ample amount of Mana Potions to keep her hidden. She didn't know what to do...but all this nonsense was ridiculous. So this is what it comes down to. Cor's leader can't even use logic to deduce any facts, he just acts blatantly on what happened. Yes the forest burned, but evidence shows that it wasn't the Wolfes, nor could they do anything to stop it. I should report to base to inform the leader on what happened. With this in mind, she crossed the river, and went into the Cenae Meadows. Killing a few Lions for food, and some elephants for ivory, she went to Longa, back to the Corenites.

((If you pass by Cenae, expect to see a few dead Elephants and Lions/Lionesses. Fioria took out her anger on them. And yes, I have TONS of MP Pots....))
Glas Ghoblehht
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To Claim a Land (A Broken Company) - Page 5 Empty Re: To Claim a Land (A Broken Company)

Post  TWWolfe Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:16 pm

((could people figure out how many of the Wolves went to each city, and under what terms they are being held?))
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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