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The Real Story of the Bio-Demon

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The Real Story of the Bio-Demon Empty The Real Story of the Bio-Demon

Post  Dark_Fang_Nightmare Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:00 pm

((still working on the last three part of her status.))

First Name: White Fang,Shinseikiba, Kyuki (All three different personalities with three different stories.)

Last Name: Nightmare

Age: 16 (Not her real age)

Gender: Female

Birth date: March 19th

Birthplace: Area 51 (Old birthplace)/At an abandon hospital (New birthplace)

Nicknames: Fangy, Fangy-Chan,

Alias: Unknown

Body Build: Unknown

Hair Color: White snowy hair

Eye Color: Left eye demonic(red cat eye with dark possession eye), right eye normal red

Skin Color: Pale

Tattoos: Unknown Demon Mark (Cover by a eye patch)

Piercing: None

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Bust: Unknown

Occupation: Bio-Demon

Martial Status: Single

Current Residence: Unknown for the moment

Job: Killing Machine

Abilities: Regenerate, Super Strengths, Super Speed, Telepathic/Psycho kinesis, Teleportation

Powers: Fire, Darkness, Electron, Light

Fighting style: Unknown (mostly free style)

Inner Spirit: Unknown

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Likes: Coming soon

Dislike: Coming soon

Personality: Coming soon

((This is what I got for now, but later over the summer or spring break I will fix it up a bit more with more details and creativity, so enjoy reading my story.))

In the year of 1960s, at the lab of area 51 where few scientists build top secret bio-weapons, they are pay by the government to create the best bio-weapons ever to be use for war. Throughout the years they create many bio-weapons, but none of them was good enough to control. They try making a biological chemical to make a human into super human, but that fail, as it only turn a human into a monster. They stop the project at the year of 1976s, but started again at the year 2000s. They start creating bio-weapon that something beyond anything they create before. This bio-weapon would be the key for the most powerful weapon ever. This project of creating the strongest weapon ever is call project U.B.M., it was lead by Dr. Hudson and Dr. Hayataka the top scientists. The project was to collect data and DNA from different bio-weapons from their past time to create one strongest weapon ever, the problem is they have the powerful weapon, but can they control it?

Once it was created all the scientist was hoping it would be one of the powerful weapons ever, but sadly the bio-weapon appearances is nothing more but a small child with wolf ears and tail. Dr. Hudson thought he fail on the project at first, but Dr. Hayataka know there was something special about this bio-weapon. The decided to do some practice training with this bio-weapon they have created. This Bio-weapon was put in a huge training room fill different bio-weapons over the past time, they are use for training to see what this bio-weapon can do. She performs perfectly after she completely destroyed all the other bio-weapons. Dr. Hudson, was impressed very much of how the project became a success. The bio-weapon is very powerful as it took the other bio-weapons out within 30 seconds. Dr. Hudson want to name the bio-weapon as the bio-weapon herself came up to Dr. Hudson and wanted the name her name to be call Whitefang. The scientist can only laugh at her because it was a silly name for a bio-weapon like her to be call, but yet impress that she was able to talk and actually think for herself. Dr. Hudson have a feeling that she was more than just a weapon now, but still he have to send this bio-weapon to the military since they spend millions of dollars on creating her, so the scientists must train Whitefang before she was given to the military to be use for winning wars. Dr. Hayataka thinks that Whitefang shouldn’t be use as a Whitefang, maybe she can be use for helping people, and Dr. Hudson can’t afford it at all, they have to keep her as a weapon. After five months of harsh training they had given her up to the military to use.

When Whitefang came up to the general John with her name being replaced as T-225, since Whitefang can’t have a real name at all. She can’t think for herself she must obey orders at all times no matter what, that is what she was made for to be nothing more but a tool for people to use. For years she was use for war and other special missions until the year of 2004 when one of the scientist turn corrupted and try to sell a bio-weapon known as the Eve-virus, the corrupt scientist was name Dr. Hart, he try to steal a sample of the virus to be use for profit sells for terrorist to use. There was a small accident with sneaking the sample out from area 51, when someone bop into Dr. Hart while holding the sample he accidently drop it on the ground creating a sudden outbreak as the liquid of the virus turn into gas once broken free from its container. Everyone that was inside Area 51 was soon infected by the virus, now they shut down the area to contain the virus from reaching out to the world. Someone have to be blame for this cost, as Dr. Hart pointed the finger at Whitefang and made up a lie telling the general that she went out of control and start rampage the labs and set the virus free from its container. Dr. Hudson defends Whitefang by taking the blame full on, by that he was sent to trial by the Supreme Court and sent to death for the crime. Dr. Hayataka was order by the general to take Whitefang and shut her down forever, but he did not follow through with those orders. What he did was sent Whitefang to one of her assistance name Amaya to take care of Whitefang. Amaya was kindly enough to take care of Whitefang as if she was like her own child to her. Amaya always taken in Dr. Hayataka creation, but there was something that Dr. Hayataka didn’t know about Amaya that she was actually a demon of nightmare, meaning he just handed Whitefang over to a demon that might use her for something more than just war. Though, that did not happen, instead she made Whitefang as her adopted daughter, for the pass years Amaya have raise her Whitefang to be a person than just a weapon and letting her make her own choices than obeying order. Whitefang haven’t known it but the reason why she is much different than all the other bio-weapons because she is the only weapon that has a soul.

3 years has past and Whitefang been living a peaceful live with Amaya and the family until one day general John discover that Whitefang was still alive. He was most unhappy to hear that he sent his troop to put an end to Whitefang. John cannot have this bio-weapon living on for the crime she have done when it was really Dr. Hart. Whitefang have no choice but to either run or fight back. She knows for the fact everyone going to be hunting her down. She was scare didn’t know what to do anymore until one of her sister came up with an idea to use the Eve-virus against them the more people that get infected the more monsters that will be on her side. She went back to area 51 to release the Eve-virus to the world, one problem though she didn’t know the Eve-virus would infect her as well. It didn’t mutate her like it did with the others but instead it corrupted her to be dark and evil and giving her new abilities to control the people that was infected with the Eve-virus. She was now ready to face the military and hopefully get them infected too. When the general heard about this he have no choice but to pull his troops out and send someone else in that was skillful to take on Whitefang, there was no choice but to send in one soldier that can take on a bio-weapon like Whitefang was another weapon known as the neo-soldier it was built to destroy all bio-weapons and infected people, meaning Whitefang does not stood a chance against a weapon like that. She tries fighting the neo-soldier but lost in the end and was destroyed in the end.

Was this the truly the end of the Whitefang story, no it was a new beginning for Whitefang. In her afterlife her soul appear to be in hell for the things she have done, it wasn’t the firing hell, it was just pure darkness nothing more but pitch black darkness. She was all alone in that the darkness no one to care or even hears her. Her soul just floats in space of darkness, for years and years she spends her whole afterlife in darkness with no one at all to talk to. She was slowly being drive into madness alone forever no one to hear her, that what she thought until she heard a voice calling her from within the darkness, a darkness was talking to her. She was being friends with the darkness, at all this time she thought she was alone but she was never alone when darkness was here to take away all of her problems and replace them with nothing more but hatred and anger for this world. Her anger and rage trigger something deep within Whitefang’s soul, turning her soul fully dark and evil; she slowly was being fuse with the darkness as one. Her soul slowly turn into a red and black core fill with new dark energy as it start to absorb all the dark space in hell as the darkness slowly turn Whitefang’s new core into a black hole and start pulling in all of the torture souls and demons into the black hole to recreate Whitefang’s new ultimate body. Soon once she had enough souls and demons to create her new bound body, she then break loose from hell to return back to the land of the living to have her revenge on the world. With the new body and powers she behold there will be new fear that people. In hell it felt like thousands of years but on the living it was only 3 years that gone pass. She heads out to the military area again to have a rematch with the neo-soldier and to kill general John, and Dr. Hart. It didn’t take long to destroy the neo-soldier, and murder both John and Hart, with her new powers and body she didn’t even broken a sweat on killing them. She then left off from area to be a true bio-weapon, no a true bio-demon and start complete annihilation to the world.

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

Posts : 282
Join date : 2010-07-29
Age : 31
Location : Tir Chonaill

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