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New Character ~ Imakoo

Mari Eir
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Imakoo Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:59 pm

Character Name: ...... Imakoo .....
How You Heard About The RP Society: ...... Kingofsorrow~ Jabberwocks hubby .....
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? ...... Use to roleplay about 7~8 years ago for a good 2~5 years on RO and other MSN groups .....
Is English Your First Language? ...... Yes .....
A Short Biography Of Your Character: ...... Imakoo was born half fomor, half elf. His bloodline trait was his piercing red eyes, but after countless battles and countless upgrades to his fighting style, hes turned from a hellish elf boy to a now bored-of-war wanderer. His use to be red eyes are now as blue as the sky, due to the immense mana overflow that has occured within himself. After living though the great fomor war, he found himself anew in the hidden town of filia~ where he learned the great ways of magic. Often hidden from sight but always around people, he tries to have fun in life and continues to strive for a calm life of tranquility that should fallow his life of hell and war, even tho it still persists today .....
What type of character do you play? ...... Elf .....
What is your Mabinogi schedule?[ ...... Usually after 1PM EST to about 10pm EST if i work, otherwise online past midnight EST .....
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Kayeori Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:17 am

Looks to me like a solid start to a character bio. I just have a few questions for you.

1. It seems like your character is Erinn born, or is he a Milletian?

2. The question about 'What kind of character do you play?' What we're asking is what your character does mostly skillwise. If you don't focus on any particular skills then just what your character does with most of his time.

Aside from these minor questions I see no problems. The Kaye approves this application!

New Character ~ Imakoo Stamp_12
Dessert Dragon
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Mari Eir Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:18 am

Yes, the only issue I see here is whether he is a Milletian or Erinn born (Tuatha de Dannan). As you probably already know, it's the difference between immortality and mortality respectively.

Other than that little issue, I approve. Smile
Mari Eir
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Imakoo Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:32 am

1~he is errin born, for bio purposes since he was in the great donor war, he is not restricted to the filia memory tower and retains all his past memories of his doings under the fomor military.

2~ he started out A mage and now posseses a great amount of mana. But now in days he is an archer, but is constantly fusing magic with his arrows.

I guess for further bio, imakoo is the late younger brother to the dark lord chicol. He often Scofs at the idea and constantly calls chicol a falure mage as in the last few months imakoo started his defection and fought countless battles with his older brother, most ending up in a draw or his victory. Chicols last effort to be rid of imakoo was burying imakoo in the filia sands and temporarily shunting imakoos memory, causing him to become a "lost elf".
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Mithos Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:21 am

When you say Chicol, you're refering to an other elf, right? Not just a typo for the god of Fomors. I just want to make sure because they sound alike Razz

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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Higura Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:14 pm

Needs less '....', but otherwise, it's okay, I guess.
Kosher Dill Troll
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Glaceon Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:22 pm

Also remember to use correct grammar, and not to cut off words like Though. There weren't many issues, but I saw a few typos.
Glas Ghoblehht
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Imakoo Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:33 pm

My apologies, that second post of mine was done on my zune HD. Very hard to type on it without screwing up the words. I do mean Cichol, the god of fomors. I do apologize once again for the lack of grammar, firefox helps me out 90% of the time anyways :p.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Mithos Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:50 pm

Wait... So if Imakoo is Cichol's brother, does that make him a god too? o_o

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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Temo Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:01 pm

I can't let you do that, Dave.

Sorry, but uh...being a relative of a deity is definitely something I don't think we can allow. It doesn't exactly go against the rules about gods, godlike beings, or godly powers within RPS if he's just an average Joe, but it's pretty darn near close to opening that door, innit?
Burrito Bison

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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Auramune Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:04 pm

There are no God characters in the guild. I'm not sure if it's stated that Cichol has a brother or not in the game(yes, no on this someone?) But even if he does, and they were recognized as deities, your character could not be one.

Half fomor/half elf is fine for blood line.

I can't approve this as is.

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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Mari Eir Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:21 pm

To clear this up, Cichol is not a Fomor, he's the King of Fomors. So if Imakoo is half elf, half fomor, there's not way he'd be related to Cichol ANYWAY. But yes, there are no gods, or anything related to them. Change this and it becomes acceptable again.
Mari Eir
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Imakoo Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:27 pm

Fine fine, hes just a half fomor. Originally he wasn't suppose to have any godlike powers or anything, just a late relative of cichol. Something on the lines of, dad was fomorian, mother was elf~. But to clarify things, he was not suppose to be half deity nor is suppose to have any traits of one, as such restricted by the elf bloodline but not by their memory tower. Much why the only god-like skills he has is the Demi-god transformation, which if i can assume, anybody can get ~

If you want to remove any relationship to cichol, that's fine. Just know that I had no intention of making Imakoo a deity or any sort of god.

Auramune, i am not applying for the guild anyways Razz Just an outside factor.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Mari Eir Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:33 pm

This is fine, Ima. And even though you're not in RPS, the rules and guidelines we have are pretty broad. Even without being in the guild, you're expected to follow them for the sake of consistency and etiquette.

Regarding Demigod, whatever skills you have are yours to use, naturally. But keep in mind that not everyone can wield a Brionac or talk to and help Morrighan (basically, while it is Demigod out of character, we can call it something that suits are own characters more in character).
Mari Eir
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Imakoo Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:59 pm

*blinks* Brionac can be used by all races... lol sorry if your talking about game mechanics then yea everybody can use demigod and brionac. But if you have your own set guidelines then I guess Ill do a full bio of imakoo, explaining story and whatnot
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Mari Eir Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:00 pm

No no no, that's not what I meant. Like, for instance, not everyone can go around saying "I saved the goddess!". Basically, when we do generations, most aren't IC because it wouldn't make sense if everyone defeated Glas, obtained the one and only sword of the gods, etc.
Mari Eir
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Glaceon Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:03 pm

It's not so much the fact that all races can wield it, but the fact that in story, we can't go saying that there are 1 million Swords of the Gods. It's mainly because it's a part of a Mainstream Quest. Just like why would Morrighan fall for the same trick 1 million times by Cichol, and need to be saved over 1 million times. To add onto what Mari is saying.
Glas Ghoblehht
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Imakoo Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:14 pm

Ah got ya, one person doing something, another person doing the other, not an infinite loop of events like defeating a dragon over and over.

So what do i have to do about imakoo as of this time?
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Kayeori Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:07 pm

Looks to me like 3 people had approved of your application at one point or another: Myself, Higgy, and Jabber. I'll reapprove of your app given the changes that have been made. Jabber? Higgy? Has the application met your expectations? Also does anyone else wish to weigh in on this?
Dessert Dragon
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Imakoo Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:27 pm

*points to the bio&alt section of your forum* already posted and updated there Very Happy ya all can approve here :3
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Mari Eir Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:18 pm

I hadn't given my actual approval before but after actually RPing with him I do.
Mari Eir
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Soraina Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:35 am

Hmmm, a half formor half elf Rping with the Ditzy Clutzy Sorai? This is gonna be intresting...
Can't wait to RP with you~ ^^
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New Character ~ Imakoo Empty Re: New Character ~ Imakoo

Post  Auramune Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:48 am

Considering the other bio, I approve as well.

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