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Mayii or Call me Coyote

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Mayii or Call me Coyote Empty Mayii or Call me Coyote

Post  Remmiel Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:25 pm

Name: Ma'ii but you Bilegana call me Mayii because you can't make your tounges move right.
Race: Coyote - The First Coyote, Ever, no seriously.
Apearance: A Coyote that stands 6' tall at the shoulder. My eyes are orbs of burning pine pitch. My fur has the name of every malady and psychosis written upon each strand. This in my natural form. I'm a shape shifter and generaly take the forms of a redskinned man with long black braided hair, or a half coyote/half man.
Bio: This is where your expecting me to tell you I was born on another world. Well You would be half right. You see I wasn't born. I have no mother or father. The Great Spirit after finishing the golden world dropped his medacine pouch upon it and life tumbled out. The last two true lives that came out were first man, and first woman. Then I came, from the chaos and magic left over from the process I came forth. I looked upon the golden world and saw a perfect world a world that would never change, never age, where there was no sin. I abhored it. There was no fun here, and so I destroyed it by commiting the first sin, I ate the flesh of another being. By commiting murder and bringing death to that world it broke and the great spirit had to move everyone to a second world, this one I hated as well for it was blue, another boring place so I learned the laws that held it together and destroyed it, this processess I repeated until the 4th world. Finaly a world where there could be fun!

Sadly though, it seemed first man and first woman were by this time too old to have children. I needed their kind to have fun, so I confronted the Great spirit and presented a plan to him. A way that he could save these...humans, by providing them with a mother figure. He agreeded and from his pouch he produced Changing woman. He then set her on first man's path and he and his wife adopted and raised her. Much to my mirth. Although I was the first I was not the last 2 other Coyotes came to be. And we divided the land between us, into thirds. This suited me just fine because the people I knew were here. Honestly though they have no bearing on the rest of the story, just know that I'm not the only one.

Now, your probably wondering how I came to this world. Well that is an enteresting story, let me tell you more of Changing Woman she's important to this story. You see our land was full of many great monsters, powerful and evil. It's why the GS didn't want to send humanity and life here at the first because he hand't taken out the trash yet from 4th world. Changing woman gave birth to a son, some claim he was the son of the Sun. I don't know, I didn't and still don't care. What I care about, and what irked me the most about the brat was the name she gave him. It was the least imaginative name ever. "Monster Slayer", I mean who names their kid after the profession they want him to have? But he was the first human kid and no one bother to ask me what I would have done. Oh no, don't ask old wise Coyote, He doesn't have a cule, he's only wise, and powerful.

Oh, ranting? Oh sorry, anyway, as it turned out Changing woman started to try to befriend me. I kinda liked this whole "friend" concept so I went along with it. Well one day, I saw changing woman leaking water from her eyes. I asked her about it and she said she was crying because her son died. Well I knew what sorrow was it's written on my fur, and also depression. I asked her how her son died and she told me a Gaint named Granit had kill him. Well I excused myself from her and I hunted down granit. Say at this point I should say that senstive readers may want to avert their eyes and skip over the next section. This gets kinda mean.

SO moving along I broke Granit's back, and then I forced myself upon his wife, flint, until she could only moan my name. Once she did I tore out her throat this I did forcing him to watch every moment of it. Then as his son cried for his help I ripped his body apart. I think his son's name was something strange like Ore. I took Flint and Ore's bodies and I curesed them, and gave them to the human's to use at their pleasure and to fulfill their greed and desires. Then I looked at Granit, and I cursed his eyes and his ears forcing him to see and hear only the things I did to his wife and his son, until the end of time. laying there in a helpless broken body, seeing only his wife made into my play thing, and his son murdered. Fair justice for the Changing Woman I think.

After I had avenged her son though I found Changing woman, she had watched me do that. She struck me with the might of the human race. I think it's called a slap? Yes she slaped me on my face. It hurt! What hurt more is she was crying again because of what I did. She called me evil. She called me wretch. She left me. Anulled our friendship and told her children to hunt mine; The Ma'ii Tso(Big Coyote [Red Wolf]), Ma'ii Tsosei(Tiny Coyote [gray fox]), and Ma'ii(coyote [Coyote]) races. This went on for so long that I became a devil in my heart, her procolmation of my evil ringing in my ears.

It was a long, time but then I felt her leave my world. I don't know where she went but I discovered what you call the Soul Stream. I followed it searching for her going along it following her. It was at Errin that I lost her, but I had hope had I lost her because she was here? I didn't have time to question it more a Dark force, one so utterly sinister that it made me laugh tried to pull me to it. I knew Changing woman would not be with that darkness. So I laughed at it, and broke it's hold, and headed to the light. I hadn't realised it was a trap.

That is how I came to your world. I spent the first part of an imortality trapped in a human body learning human emotions and feelings, and temptaions. That pissed me off but I made friends with a few fellow warriors while trying to learn how to use my powers on Errin. When I finaly was able to I changed my shape into what I truely am, my friends sealed me away in a cave, promising me the greatest hunt ever. There is a race commonly called the Glas. I was promised I would get to hunt these powerful giants if this race ever returned to Errin. My body alive but in stasis and my soul was returned to the soul stream, and I was made to wait. While in the stream I encounted three Godesses. Well I knew them for who they were, and I let them have it because friends of mine had been hurt, and even passed, and if they hand't acted like Vapid whores they would still be alive. I let them have it with every profanity in every language I knew. By the time I was done I was thrown into a prison made by feeding my own power back against me, and then locked into a tiny box in that prison and forced to wait for the spell that held my body in slumber to break in there.

Then one day souls driven mad were thrown into prison with me, they had chunks torn out of them and I was told I was indirectly responcible for this so I would have to gaurd them till someone came to reclaim and redeem them. I took one of the souls into the box with me. A little baby.

It wasn't long till a dark skinned girl with black hair apeared in my prison. Her name was Dalvar, and she was a holy paladin. She had come to reclaim the souls. I laughed as I tormented her and harassed her. Little miss goddy two shoes was taking away my company. It didn't matter I would soon be free. The last soul she needed to save was in my cage with me. She opened the door, an took the baby from me. THe moment she did I burst out free! I turned upon her an I offered to grant her one wish. She had no wish. Her answers to my questions reminded me of Changing Woman. So I made her my grandaughter. I would corrupt this girl, and show Changing Woman that I wasn't evil. I gave the girl a fragment of me embeded in her soul for her soul to absorb and make her like unto me. Let's see if I am evil If I am this Paladin will burn the world she lives in, if not, she is truely good then she will turn her world into a new shining world. If she is neither than, who knows. No mater what happens I win. Although it would take millards for that to happen, but, I had nothing better to do. Neither did she. All she had to do was be herself.

Something happened to that plan though. I started to think of her like my family. I started to love her as a daughter. I changed not her. My rage mellowed and I became her wise grandpa. I liked it. You all know the rest of the story, and the rest of the tale. I am Ma'ii the wise and proud. You may call me Mayii it is my name on your wold.

[For more information on Mayii Do a google Search on Ma'ii, Navajo Coyote, Navajo Coyote Stories]

Last edited by Remmiel on Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:30 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Much needed edit and Clean up, from Powers Thread.)
Gummy Bear
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Mayii or Call me Coyote Empty Re: Mayii or Call me Coyote

Post  Temo Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:41 pm

It's a nice story, really. I notice two things wrong here though:

A) You put your powers thread in the wrong section.
B) Somehow, I do not think these powers were approved yet, so they should be in the right place so they can get approved. And in regards to that we got a loooooot to talk about, man. Sad
Burrito Bison

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Mayii or Call me Coyote Empty Re: Mayii or Call me Coyote

Post  Honeko Sat Dec 11, 2010 6:07 pm

The powers must be submitted on the powers forum in the proper format for approval. They cannot be used until they are.
Gummy Sandworm
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Mayii or Call me Coyote Empty Re: Mayii or Call me Coyote

Post  Glaceon Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:24 pm

I'm personally not a fan of you typing of Mayii's bio in first person. It's just ick....and yea, powers in power thread for approval.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Mayii or Call me Coyote Empty Re: Mayii or Call me Coyote

Post  Temo Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:03 pm

*swats Glac* That is not constructive. D:<
Burrito Bison

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Mayii or Call me Coyote Empty Re: Mayii or Call me Coyote

Post  Remmiel Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:36 pm

Thanks Temo.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Mayii or Call me Coyote Empty Re: Mayii or Call me Coyote

Post  Captincrunch Tue Dec 14, 2010 1:32 pm

As a biography it was an interesting read.

Best to repost the powers in the powers thread but there is nothing actually wrong in having a mirror here.
Just remember to update the powers block of text with the final approved version from your powers thread.

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Mayii or Call me Coyote Empty Re: Mayii or Call me Coyote

Post  Honeko Tue Dec 14, 2010 1:43 pm

Capt, please see PM.
Gummy Sandworm
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Mayii or Call me Coyote Empty Re: Mayii or Call me Coyote

Post  Captincrunch Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:19 pm

I have 67 posts to go through and 22 PMs and counting - don't worry. I am also playing a little hooky at work since I actually can today =P

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