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Croudo - Swords of Regret

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Croudo - Swords of Regret Empty Croudo - Swords of Regret

Post  Croudo Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:02 am

Name: Croudo Mori, formally Fairweather but took wife's last name (pronouced Crowd-o)
Nicknames: Cro to some, moron to others, Lightning Blade in the past
Age: 15 at the moment, ages like other Milletians.
Apparent Age: Varies, usually 17-20
Gender: Male
Race: Milletian Human
Personality: Normally overly friendly, overly trusting, overly happy, and overly positive so much so that he isn't taken seriously. Although when angered greatly is cold, ruthless, and somewhat blood-thristy.
Hair color: Favors Black on rebirth
Eye color: Black normally, purple when angered.
Skin color: Yellowish brown
Likes: Food of any kind... ESPECIALLY MEAT! Travelling. Helping others. Making new friends.
Hates: His past and anybody that hurt the ones he cares about or innocent strangers.
Themesong: The Price of Freedom - Takehara Ishimoto
Battle Tunes: Normal: Isshin Tenpuku Keekaku
Beserked: The One Who Is Torn Apart

Croudo's birth from the soul stream was no different from any other run of the mill human soul plucked by Nao. In fact he was just overjoyed about being able to live a new life. He lived an innocent childhood in Tir Chonaill going to school learning the ways of combat from Ranald and magic from Lassar. In school he found himself popular with the other children and better with with a sword than most making him feel like a true warrior. During a lesson, the one of his classmates dared him to go to Ciar dungeon to defeat the golem inside, being extremely confident Croudo entered Ciar with no hesitation. He easily handled the goblins one by one, but reaching the boss room was far more than he could handle. In an instant the Golem and Skeletons noticed him and charged on the young boy. Fearing "death" he froze dropping his sword... closing his eyes he found himself saved by Ranald in a mad fury. With clear dissapointment walked out of the dungeon without looking back saying: "I won't teach someone who wields a sword for pride." Frustarted, Croudo left town that very night.

After leaving town Croudo joined a warrior guild where he finished his training as a swordsman. When the guild disbanded due to internal conflicts Croudo, looking for work joined a local guild's army. There he would stand out as an excellent warrior on the battlefield slaying whoever the guild ordered him to. Earning a high rank, the guild sent Croudo on many missions alone, whether it was clearing out the dungeon or assasinating members of other guilds. Believing his side to be just, he slew fomors, Milletians (albiet as close as possible), and Tuatha de Dananns alike. In the next war, Croudo was given a troop of his own to lead. After years of battle Croudo's speed was well known making many people avoid him, with the exception of a young of Tuatha de Dananns. Using his high speed swordsmanship Croudo decimated the guild members before they even noticed he was there leaving only one alive left. A young girl at the age of 10, frozen with tears flowing down her cheeks looked at him with terror. Looking at him as he were evil incarnate not caring that left her friends were bloody and dead. Croudo raised his sword about to strike the girl... until he a hand grab his leg. "Please... spare... my sister..." The young girl ran for her life as Croudo turned around staring at the lifeless body. Kneeling down he turned the body to reveal the face of one of his former classmates. Croudo... mad guilt and rage roared with all his might before leaving the battlefield.

Realizing all what he had done in order to make himself stronger Croudo abandoned everything related to his "sin" boarding a ship bound for Iria. In a self imposed exile he wandered the lands trying to redeem himself by helping as many people as he could swearing to never kill again. Years passed and Croudo finally returned to his old homelands learning Alchemy in Tailteann. Working for the Aliech kingdom he was forced to take on Shadow Missions to pay for his research. Finding his skills with Alchemy wasn't enough to protect himself nor others... Croudo was forced to take up the sword once again, but this time it wouldn't be a blade meant to kill. Using twin wooden swords enhanced by alchemy, Croudo travels the land as a wandering mercenary helping who he can with his sword. Even still, if Croudo is pushed beyond his limits he reverts back into his killer personality knowing that if he ends one more life with his sword he may not be able to turn back from there...

Last edited by Croudo on Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Croudo - Swords of Regret Empty Re: Croudo - Swords of Regret

Post  Honeko Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:23 pm

Croudo wrote: Ranald not saying a word left, saying: "I won't teach someone who wields a sword for pride." Frustarted, Croudo left town that very night.

First Comment: This sentence does not make sense. Suggest to revise.

Other than that, seems very similar to Rurouni Kenshin, but a good read.
Gummy Sandworm
Gummy Sandworm

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Croudo - Swords of Regret Empty Re: Croudo - Swords of Regret

Post  Croudo Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:45 pm

Well OOC I was already having Kenshin Himura syndrome where I didn't want to fight using melee anymore. Seeing as its a waste to not use rank 1 melee I somehow can't let go of it lol
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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