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Vanafindiel - New Character

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Vanafindiel - New Character Empty Vanafindiel - New Character

Post  Vanafindiel Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:33 pm

Character Name: Vanafindiel

How You Heard About The RP Society: Was looking for a roleplay Guild in the Guild Tabs.
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? Ugh, I would say since the age of six. It all started when I read my mothers copy of the book of Nod, that is basically a Vampire Bible.

Is English Your First Language? Yes it is.

A Short Biography Of Your Character:
Vanafindiel did not know what world she originally came from or how she became bound to the soul stream, her first true memory is waking up infront of Nao who welcomed her into the world of Erinn, her first gaze at Nao lead young Vanafindiel to believe that she was a Goddess, when she asked this question the woman simply chuckled and wished her luck in the land of Filia. When she first awoke in the land of Filia she was confused and scared, not understanding the Elves and was very nervous around them, though they constantly told her she was one of them. She secluded herself away, gathering all the tomes she could about this strange land Filia and of the world of Erinn. Through the tomes, she learned of Morrighan and of Cichol though there was not much information in them in the tattered old books. Castanea would constantly visit the girl as she read bringing small portions of bread and water for her to eat. Yet, Vanafindiel would never register Castanea as a friend or thank her. The deeper she dug into the Library's the more she found out about the world, almost a year had past before she found something that awakened her memories that lied hidden since the awakening in the Soul Stream. One page in an old book, a symbol in a picture and a name. Macha.

Vanafindiel remembered being in a large temple on the southern plains of the land of Tatiar of the world Tremear. She was a shrine maiden to the Feline god Kor, the doors to the temple exploded open and she turned eyes filled with fear as robed men came into the room and started to slaughter the maidens of the temple, her last sight was of a symbol on their robe's a symbol she recognized in the book. The Symbol of the Goddess Macha.

After this discovery of the symbol of Macha, she left the tomes and ventured out into the elven city of Filia, finally starting her battle training with the bow and blade, yet found herself easily wielding the Magic's of Fire easier then battling with a blade.

What type of character do you play?
A historian and Archer-Mage. Knowledgeable on monsters and myths.
What is your Mabinogi schedule? Im on pretty much everyday.

Normally my stuff is alot better then this.

Last edited by Vanafindiel on Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Vanafindiel - New Character Empty Re: Vanafindiel - New Character

Post  Honeko Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:56 pm

Lovely story (as in well written). If your stuff is normally better than this I look forward to seeing it. Approved.

*stamps with Cat On Lap*

Vanafindiel - New Character Catapp10
Gummy Sandworm
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Vanafindiel - New Character Empty Re: Vanafindiel - New Character

Post  Vanafindiel Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:57 pm

Haha I see a tiny mistake I made when I put that she doesn't know where she came from then later on in the 'history/Bio' I put she remembered Ill fix that.
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Vanafindiel - New Character Empty Re: Vanafindiel - New Character

Post  Xeek Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:01 pm

Vanafindiel - New Character Xeekap10

I like it, not many stories get my attention ^_^

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Vanafindiel - New Character Empty Re: Vanafindiel - New Character

Post  Kenelm Fri Oct 08, 2010 4:12 pm

Approval three.

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Vanafindiel - New Character Empty Re: Vanafindiel - New Character

Post  Vanafindiel Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:13 pm

Hehe ^_^ As time goes by Ill be adding to her story, and all that sort of stuff. I keep an up to date on my characters.
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Vanafindiel - New Character Empty Re: Vanafindiel - New Character

Post  Jaeden Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:48 pm

Xeek... that stamp... *Bursts out into snickers.*


Absolutely lovely. I love her already, and I haven't seen her in action.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Vanafindiel - New Character Empty Re: Vanafindiel - New Character

Post  Captincrunch Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:40 pm

All that is needed is to visit the Guild Stone in Tir - its where the white wolves are by the road out of town

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Vanafindiel - New Character Empty Re: Vanafindiel - New Character

Post  Kayeori Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:23 pm

-squeals like the little girl she sometimes is- Oh Oh Oh!!! I gotta find Sulia! SUUULIAAA!? Where are you? You have to see her! -runs off shouting trying to find Sulia- Can we keep her?!

Vanafindiel - New Character Stamp_17

((So yea needless to say I like the bio a lot. I hope to see you in game! Very Happy By the way I add my approval too! Even though it isn't needed!))
Dessert Dragon
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Vanafindiel - New Character Empty Re: Vanafindiel - New Character

Post  Vanafindiel Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:59 pm

Like I said I would be posting updates to the Character, which includes adding to her story in a reply. Haha.. ^^


Vanafindiel's scream echoed around the dark cave as the floor below her seemed to vanish and she felt into the pit, looking up seeing the stream down, "Damn it.." she cursed and stood up, brushing the sand off her skirt and legs, seeing the winds pick up outside and quickly seal the hole from which she had fallen. "Not getting out that way." She started to look around only to realize it was nearly pitch black in the dark damp cave she had fallen in, holding her palm forth and a small ember appearing in her palm, "I knew I was not abandoned completely" she slowly whispered a prayer to Zakari the Fire Lord of Tremear for letting her keep her affinity for the flame, the small flame made it easy for her to see, and she started to wander the cave's, bats hanging over head and all manners of insects crawling around her feet. "Disgusting!" she cried and held her hand down, the flame flying forth and burning away the bugs before flying back to her palm to light the cave.

The deeper she walked into the cave she started to hear scream's, her sense as a protector taking over she sprinted forth letting the wisp of flames fly infront of her, only to discover a man trapped in a clearing of the Cave, a flaming Lizard snapping at him. Her eyes flared open, not only had she read about this beast, the Salamander, but she remembered seeing them when she lived in Tremear, "Help me please!" the man cried out and backed up more.

Vanafindiel pulled out her bow and retracted an arrow on the string, quickly shooting the arrow into the scales of the flaming beast, the Wooden shaft burning to ashes but the metal arrowhead striking the monster, pulling its attention to her, "Hurry run!" she screamed, quickly pulling another arrow out and lacing it on her bow, firing this one aiming for the creatures eye instead of its scales, she started to run and leap over the Salamander it snapping at her feet almost biting her ankle as she hit the ground and rolled back up taking off after the male who had run away. Hearing the sizzling sound of the Salamander close behind her, noticing a light and a lake, "Perfect!" she said with a grin turning and firing another arrow at the beast, which only infuriated it more causing it to charge at her, she leap to the side and into the wall as the Salamander crashed into one of the stone pillars.

She grinned and pulled out one last arrow, "Time to try this." She placed her hand on the edge of the shaft her finger below the head, drawing her hand back and letting the flame inside her catch the arrow which burned, yet not turn to ash or darken, "Phoenix Arrow!" she cried out firing the flaming arrow at the Salamander, it piercing its scales and causing it to cry in great pain and stumble around trying to dislodge the foreign object. Vanafindiel ran forward and leap forth jumping into the air and kicking the Salamander on the side forcing it to slide into the underground lake and put out its flame. "If they are anything like Tremearian Salamanders." The monster cried and sizzled out its head dropping to the ground, "Dead." She grinned and chuckled softly, ignoring the burn on her ankle.

She walked up the stone stairs and into the canyon, the man she had rescued and bowed to her, "Thank you thank you thank you!" he stood and chuckled, "I will do what ever you ask..."

Vanafindiel quickly unsheathed her blade and held it to his throat, her eyes narrow and fill with anger, "Listen to me. I am not here to make friends. I only saved you because that is my role as a Protector of life. Now go where ever you had planned on and leave me be." the man's eyes grew wide and he bowed quickly taking off as she sheathed her blade. She turned and looked at where she had come up from, only to discover no entrance, "What.... magic is this..." she closed her eyes and shook her head, "Erinn has more secrets then it then Tremear..." and with that she started on her path back to Filia.
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