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The last of the Trio returns to Erinn! (Aneous)

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The last of the Trio returns to Erinn!  (Aneous) Empty The last of the Trio returns to Erinn! (Aneous)

Post  Kayeori Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:30 pm

Name: Aneous Julien
Age: 42 (current age from his 2nd life)(Total age unknown)
Race: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Likes: Nao & fishing
Dislikes: Running out of bait

How he came to Erinn:
The man known to many as Aneous aka Neo has led some rather interesting lives. But let us focus on the most recent events. (Link to the first bio at the end.) Prior to returning to Erinn Neo lived a rather colorful life. Besides the skills he used to survive and protect himself included gathering information. Always being quite charismatic he never had much problem finding ways to relate to people. The bulk of this information was used to help his brother with odd jobs. His brother Julian was never much of a people person and so it worked out for the both them. Plus it didn't help how shady Julian looked and acted. Though he never really asked who the client was or what their aim was he never once questioned the faith he had in his brother. This could very well have been Neo's downfall. He began to suspect he was being followed, and rather then head home and endanger the woman he loved he took a long detour. Finally he stopped an confronted his stalker. Julian appeared before him and just grinned a bit. "I could never tail you without you noticing could I?" Neo just smiled "Did you need something?" Julian shakes his head "I'm not certain, but I think its time for us to move on." Neo gave a nod "Fine." He turned to walk away, but instead continued to spin around throwing a punch to Julian's face. It connected and the man fell to the ground. He hoisted him to his feet and pinned him to the wall "Who are you? And what's with the disguise?" The man just smiled "How did you know?" Neo rolled his eyes "Because 'he' would never warn me about anything. Not without a real good reason. Plus he wouldn't just come out and say it like that." The fake just shook his head "I hate being found out. But that's why I always have a plan B." Neo's eyes flashed and took a swift glance, but it was too late. Who knows if it was the same man he thought he had pinned or an accomplice. Everything just went black within a matter of seconds. The sounds of voices were getting farther away. He felt like he was whisked away to a far off place...

The darkness seemed to be endless. Neo stood alone and it seemed like an eternity. After several long moments he thought he heard voices. Could it be someone was near? He walked in the direction the voices seemed to be coming from. "... he... ... ... they're... ... ..." He couldn't make much out barely just a word here and there. But wait... Was there two people talking? One voice was female, and the other... It was female too? A smile crosses his lips "He... ... wake... ... make sure... ... " "... ... take good care... ... ... No need... ..." The voices were getting louder now and he was able to make out just about every word. A bright light engulfed him "He's awake... I'll go now..." Neo opened his eyes and looked around. He was on his back and slowly he sits up. It took awhile for him to see but there were owls flying all around. He stands up slowly and hears someone clear their throat. He turns around and blinks to see a woman in a black dress, light pink tinted hair, and blue eyes. Neo grinned widely and walked towards the woman and waves "Hello Miss. Fine day isn't it?" She smiles and nods in agreement. "Welcome back to Erinn." Neo blinks a bit and tilts his head "Erinn huh? I don't recall having been to such a place." He glances around to the platform he was standing on. "Kinda small isn't it?" The woman just smiles again "You don't recall this place?" Neo shakes his head. "And myself? You don't remember me?" Neo shakes his head again. "I'm sorry foxy. I don't recall seeing such a fine lady as yourself before." He holds out his hand to shake hers and she accepts. "My name is Nao." She spoke in such a soft tone "I am... uh... Hmm seems I don't have a name. At least I can't recall. It must be your beauty causing me to forget." The woman looked worried, but only for a moment. "Your name is... Neo." He blinks and wonders for a moment. "Huh. Not much is it. But I suppose it'll have to do. So lady Nao how might a guy like me end up with a lovely woman like you?" Nao didn't even blush as it happened to her often. She shakes her head "I apologize but I'm not available." Neo just smiles a bit and nods "Got a boyfriend alright. I can wait it out. Well I guess I'll be off? Um where do I go now?" He caught one last brief smile before he was enveloped in light once more. Nao gave a small sigh and a voice comes from behind her "So does he really not know who he is?" Nao shakes her head "It would seem that way. But it was hard for me to tell. Perhaps he is keeping it from himself. So odd that one. Even when I first met him..." The voice "Give it time. Eventually he should recall something. You of all people know this is not an uncommon thing." Nao nods as the voice falls silent and she heads back to tending to the soul stream. A small flush hits her cheeks, but she only shrugs. "It could never work..."

Back Story before first visit to Erinn:

Last edited by Kayeori on Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:04 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Just adding a little something...)
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

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Age : 41
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The last of the Trio returns to Erinn!  (Aneous) Empty Re: The last of the Trio returns to Erinn! (Aneous)

Post  Auramune Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:45 pm

Neo, ftw. Not as ftw as Julian, but still pretty win.

Posts : 5534
Join date : 2008-04-05
Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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