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After the War

Mari Eir
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After the War Empty After the War

Post  Mari Eir Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:12 pm

I just thought it'd be cool if we all put our post-TT stories somewhere, and the storyboard seemed more appropriate than the actual thread. I won't be posting mine here just yet, it might take a while to write. I assume others will as well, so I won't be expecting immediate results for this Razz
Mari Eir
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After the War Empty Re: After the War

Post  Kalamiko Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:23 am

(( if this is OOC... ))

Kala had almost absolutely nothing-whatsoever-not-even-a-bit to do with TT, so she's pretty much the same cranky, depressed, annoyed, and very, very rude lady.
Kosher Dill Troll
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After the War Empty Re: After the War

Post  Captincrunch Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:30 pm

I will post OOC for the moment as well.

Cap - not much directly though he did bump into a lot of people at various points in the story to lend words of wisdom or an occasional helping hand.

Chuckie - A noncombatant if there ever was one. Make love not war. Yes he does freak out the -cubii.

Angelshade - still involved and has been ambassador and liaison between various mortals and beings of the spirit realm.

Faoil Tiama - Hey her great Aunt, who despairs over her, still allows her to visit.

Stinky Pete - has spent a majority of the time out in the back woods and hills away from any sentient life so he has no clue that any of this has even happened.

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After the War Empty Re: After the War

Post  Mari Eir Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:16 pm

Seeing as how I posted this in the Storyboard.. no one wants to write a full explanation? I have every intention to. It's not intended to just be "He did this, she did that" xD;
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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After the War Empty Re: After the War

Post  Temo Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:28 pm

I'm working on like...2 or 3. xD;
Burrito Bison

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After the War Empty Re: After the War

Post  Captincrunch Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:35 pm

I am still playing catchup on story posts.
- The visit's by the guy in white robes to Emain after the destruction of the cathedral has now born fruit and someone has already taken advantage of the situation.
- The followup installment to a dark and not so stormy night in Emain (aka Tremors) was recently posted and will continue in a bit for a few more updates.
- Angelshade's story will eventually be published at some point (depends on how my electronic brain holds up) [ I will use a different story device for this one ]

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After the War Empty Re: After the War

Post  Kenelm Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:26 pm

/*Summary part A:
Kenelm had been shadowing the remains of the Requiem detachment headed for Tara, and arrived in time to chase Fenrir's spirit to the Shadow Realm. The group he joined managed to reach the shard and destroy it. He has only left the shadow realm once, to send off a report and purchase supplies before going back.

It will be a while before I can elaborate on any details. I'll be making a new thread here in the story section. Kenelm will have concluded his personal goals to his liking come Friday night, and will be in Tara long enough to actually attend a banquet. Not to mention send another report.

Last edited by Kenelm on Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Corrections)

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After the War Empty Re: After the War

Post  Temo Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:12 pm

Temo had much to do - three cities require repairs, he had a granddaughter to watch over, Katsu to support, and on top of that...he couldn't shake the odd feeling he was being watched. There were times he even thought he heard somebody calling him; but each time he looked around, there was either nobody, or a complete stranger staring back in confusion when he became suspicious of them. The voice and feeling were familiar, yet at the same time nothing he could recall. No one else seemed to notice it either.

For now, he simply does his best to ignore it while focusing on the more immediate and known problems...

[[More to come with other characters as soon as a few last things are RPed/typed out. Razz]]
Burrito Bison

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After the War Empty Getting It All Back

Post  Temo Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:45 pm


"No, no, nononono headbutt, headbutt, headbu-UOOH!"

A headbutt to the crotch by a blind child overeager to give him a welcome-home hug - strangely, Jacquemo considered that a much better welcome than he was expecting. Fortunately, the rain over Tara had ruined that one, though he doubted there would be any ceremony for a hero still under scrutiny for a number of serious crimes. He had held a small meeting with a colleague before coming home and was assured everything have been resolved with the death of his "doppleganger"; but Jacquemo could still sense a tension in the air.

Or maybe that was him still trying to catch his breath after the Smash attack to the family jewels.

The nobleman did his best to hide his pain as he stooped to return to elf child's hug. "M-missed you too, Silver." he coughed. "How have you been holding up, son? Did they treat you well?"

Silver hesitated in his answer. "Y-you know about home, right?"

Jacquemo grimaced a bit at what he learned and sighed. "Yes. I suppose it was to be expected though." he replied. Upon his return to the city, he quickly had to cancel the offer he made to a new friend he met due to the fact that his house had been repossessed. He couldn't really invite him over for tea if there was no tea. It was a relief that he found Silver working in the castle. He didn't know what he'd do if they snatched up the little elf too!

"They took everything." his son mumbled.

"I know."

"The silverware."

"I know."

"The paintings you told me stories about."

"I know."

"Even your chess and handwoven patch collections."

"I knoooooow!" Jacquemo didn't want to be remind of that! Those collections took years to build up! "It doesn't matter - I can get all of those things back, but not you. I'm just relieved you're still here. Now, tell me what's been going on with you, boy. Not the house."

The two took a while in one of the castle's guest rooms to discuss how things had been for Silver, then about what they were going to do. Jacquemo planned on getting everything back, just as he said. While he was hiding in Iria, he made quite a lot of money with expeditionary work, so it was hardly a problem. The problem was convincing the nobles that took some of his belongings as "trophies" that it was in their best interests to return them. He wanted his patch collection back. Once they had a roof over their heads again, he could get back to work with assisting in repairs and helping others, as well as put Silver back into school. If only he could get him to stop scrubbing floors and calling him "Master" too. Honestly, he was more stubborn than Jacquemo about that.



...I will get those patches back...
Burrito Bison

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After the War Empty Re: After the War

Post  Captincrunch Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:58 pm

The figure sat in the largest of the small grove of trees on that small islet.
The only sign of civilization having placed a hand there was a small signpost near the waters edge facing across the lake towards the ruins of a once majestic small city.
Pulling out a finely crafted spyglass he scanned the distant soot stained shore.
He made disapproving tisk tisk noises wile he gazed on the blackened wreckage but stopped short.
A cold satisfied smile crossed that desert weathered face as it scanned the clean crisp lines of the Cathedral standing out like a diamond among the ashes.
The dark eyes sparkled in the morning light that began to glint across the waters of the lake.
With a smooth motion he slid down out of the tree and stepped into the still dark shadows of the copse of trees.
Like a white ghost he faded from view.

[[ Just a note for those who missed it - The Cathedral rebuilt itself overnight by the light of the moon and the grounds immediately around it are swept clean. ]]

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After the War Empty "Give them what they want..."

Post  Temo Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:11 pm

[[One more to go that shall be posted after deadline of something else and that's it for me. Razz]]

"You're sure you won't reconsider?" Larcen asked the little soul-flame hovering over his palm. "You've done more than enough for Erinn to be qualifed."


"Yes, I suppose that's true. Life isn't something to be toyed with and...yes, yes, it is my fault. All my fault. That's why I needed to ask. Someone will need to take my place. Someone reliable and...right."


"I understand. I'm sorry to hold you up then. You shouldn't keep her waiting."


Larcen chuckled. "You needn't worry about him. I don't think he'll cause any more trouble."


"I'm not sure. I suppose it's up for Erinn to decide. He lived all this time trying to please others. We'll see if worked as he expected. I'm sure someone will be waiting when he is ready to pass on as well."


"Yes. Give my regards to her as well. Take care, Silvreno. And thankyou for all you've done." Larcen raised his hand and allowed the wisp to move on. After all, he had a wife to reunite with, and a daughter to continue watch over. After watching the soul vanish into Soul Stream and beyond, he sighed and gazed out at the vast white nothingness in wonder. "'To give them what they want, become what they need.' you always said. But what did you really want, Fenrir?"

What did he want? It was a question that plagued him ever since his soul was confined once more. To something over his own creation no less. It was rather ironic, really - the tool used to store so many souls, now acting as a prison to hold him. It currently hung around a woman's neck in the form of a pendant. A woman he was quite familiar with. A woman he thought to be dead. Yet here she was, unable to fathom what she must have thought as some kind of good luck charm.

She had lost so much, suffered so much because of him. Being so close, he felt her pain. It was a torment he'd hoped to escape in his previous endeavors. It drove his soul into a frenzy. He wanted it to end; and yet he couldn't pass on with things like this. Not with the world like this. Give her what she wants. Become what she needs. She...wanted to protect. She didn't want to lose anyone or anything else precious to her. He could give that. He could become the means to doing so. He could fix everything in doing so. But by what means?


I can give you power.
The power to protect that you hold dear.
The power to destroy that which threatens it.
The power to even return what was lost.
Find my power, and it is yours.

A dark, fearsome power. Something that would make all tremble at the thought of doing her or anyone harm. She wanted - no - needed that power. If giving it to her though, if passing on his will, would he really have what he wanted all this time then? Was this what he wanted? What did he want? Why couldn't he understand?
Burrito Bison

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After the War Empty Re: After the War

Post  Darian Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:09 pm

There was much work to be done. Although the Cathedral and a few other buildings had mysteriously regenerated and his golems had been hard at work from the time Requiem marched to when the first refugees had begun to return, much of the city was still in ruin. It hadn't taken much to organize them. Free food, water and knowledge of physics, engineering and higher math from the finest private schools in modern England had provided Darian the edge he needed to assume a position of authority among them. His knowledge of sorcery didn't hurt either. When he'd heard that refugees had returned to Dunbarton and the outskirts of Bangor, he'd immediately sent owls suggesting a policy of mutual aid on co-operation, each group keeping the others informed of what supplies they had excess of, what they needed and their overall progress.

As for Bangor itself, Darian had to go himself. He'd heard stories, rumors about the spirits there, driven half mad with anger. Now that refugees wanted to re-enter the mining town, it was the perfect opportunity to make himself known to them. He'd set out on his own, with food, gold, incense, all manner of sacrifices for the angry spirits. His own wizardly training, itself mired in centuries of druidism, had dealt with many aspects of summoning and spirit contact, including pacification.

Upon arrival in Bangor he rode forth alone, making only quick introductions to the people gathered on the outskirts. It was risky, but one could not achieve greatness without risk.

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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After the War Empty Re: After the War

Post  Kayeori Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:59 am

A man sat under a tree just outside Qilla base camp. His blue eyes just watching as people come and go. None of them he knew, or perhaps he did... but they didn't speak to him. Lately pieces of a conversation were uttered which he happened to in ear shot of.

"Did you hear? They say the war is finally over."

"Wonderful! Perhaps now these lands will have a much needed peace."

A puzzled look upon his face "A war? Over?" he mutters to himself. "Wuzzat Boss?" An associate of the man makes himself known looking to him with a raise of his brow. "I've heard that a war has ended? Did it go on for long?" The imp nods a bit and frowns. "Sure did Boss. Very Much Fury! Long time indeed. Many lost on both sides." The man adjusted his cap to hide his eyes. He strums a few cords upon his mandolin before finally looking back up. Though he couldn't seem to show the proper emotion for such news he still heaved a sigh. "Fawful. You've been a good friend. The only one I can recall. Aside from the others." Fawful sighs and nods not saying anything. "I must fix myself and help the people of this land. I feel that is what I am meant to do at this time. Could you lead me to the town most affected?" Fawful took a moment to think "Ikan try boss. Few towns hit pretty hard. But yes! Come we show them our fury! Yes?" The man rises to his feet with a nod. "Lead the way my friend."

Last edited by Kayeori on Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:51 am; edited 1 time in total
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

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After the War Empty "Grave Dirt"

Post  The Kerrins Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:42 am

Yuurei wiped the sweat from his brow as he stepped away from the latest grave to be dug. This work was exhausting him, and not just physically.
His job had always been to deal with death. He was used to digging graves, used to the wailing of the freshly dead. However, before his own death the work had always been personal. He had always dug single graves, listened to the lamentations of single ghosts. Now, even with the reletively low number of ghosts compared to bodies, the sheer volume of his macabre task was almost overwhelming.

Though he knew that he was not a skilled fighter, and could never hope to become one, he resolved never to stand neutral in a war again. It clearly did not work.
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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After the War Empty Re: After the War

Post  Temo Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:28 am

While Kurohi seems to have vanished off the face of Erinn among those that knew her, rumors have started up about a caravan that passes through all towns in Uldah, and about a peculiar lady traveling with it. By description, she was a tan-skinned woman with eyes and hair as golden as her talent with music. It wasn't so much her appearance that stood out, but her voice. She was a lovely singer, a great musician, and often supplied entertainment with her troupe to settlements before moving on. While this would be nothing out of the ordinary, some former children in Requiem have murmurred about how the voice or a few faces in the group are familiar - especially hers. When questioned however, they say little to nothing else about it.

When interrogated themselves, the group claimed to be a band of gypsies from another continent that came to Uldah when it was discovered by their people. There were already several that had dropped in during the reconstruction and saw it as an opportunity to find a place to call their own in the new land.

The gypsies call themselves Renăscut, which was said to encompass their way of living and how they strived to enlighten hearts of those about them. Considering the dark times the land was recovering from, it was something of a "civic duty" for the drifters. Below the surface however, they were merely fugitives trying to search for a fresh start with something few of them experienced having - true family.

Had Kurohi been younger and more naive, she might have grinned at how well things were going so far. The story was solid enough, and there were witnesses that saw the group of former Requiem soldiers coming from Port Cearnn under the guise of gypsies one evening. Still, there was much to be done to make sure suspicions didn't ruin everything. Foreigners randomly arriving on the shore one day was bad enough, but if it was learned who they really were...

The whole plan took a while to put into motion. Not long after Kurohi had escaped Tailteann, she broke away from the fugitives she had done so with, everyone deciding it better to have gone their seperate ways but to keep in touch; and it made it more difficult for them all to be tracked if not together. This was the start of her new information network in Uldah. It took a few weeks after that; but she was also able to find old contacts before Requiem's conquest began - her human ones. They were rather eager to do business with her again as well, seeing as the war had made their own situations...uncomfortable. After secretly gathering them together, along with the remnant children of the Black Dawn who were still running free, things quickly fell into place.

They were all outcasts to Erinn - people without any place in the world that they could call their own. Among the group were several adults with experience in varying businesses, which could easily be passed on to the children. In all honestly, Kurohi had tried to talk them out of staying with her. They may have been better off at least attempting to adapt as the people wished; but unfortunately, or perhaps the opposite, they refused to leave for their own reasons. Each of them was convinced there was no longer a place for them in Erinn but by those they considered family.

It both moved the succubus and bolstered her resolve. She already sacrificed so much to see to the children's safety; but she knew it would never be enough unless they could find peace. As the one they looked to as a mother, and the many whom she looked to as her children, Kurohi swore she would see that they all find their paths in Erinn. She changed her name to that of an old identity she used just once in her espionage days - one that was low profile and hardly spoken.

Kya Light returned to Uldah among her family as musician and newly-appointed head elder of the Renăscut.

[[THERE! Finally done with all my post-war stories. THE END. RAAUGH! DX]]
Burrito Bison

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After the War Empty Re: After the War

Post  Kayeori Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:28 pm

((Just a little collection of what my other characters were doing post war))

Zeketas didn't seem like he had done a whole lot during the war, but who's to say for certain. Regardless he knew with people like Aura and Xeek on the opposing side that Fenrir wasn't about to get his way easily. Once the war was at it's end things seemed to calm down. Which was both nice and irritating for him. Mostly it was irritating because there wasn't anyone to spy on. This left him wandering for some time. For whatever reason he began to wonder just who his dearly departed mother had her fling with that resulted in his being. He shrugged a bit a figured if nothing else it would at least keep him from being bored...

Feraimyth didn't seem to be too impressed or worried about the war. To him life continued on as normal, except things were a little less tense now in the towns. Of course practicing magic around buildings being rebuilt is not always a good idea. Lately the young elf seemed to becoming less and less dependent on his striving future Red Succubus teacher. A little down at first since most of her time seemed to be occupied with Mr Gunnar. He heaved a deep sigh and eventually found himself back in Filia of all places. He continued his studies of magic with some occasional help from Atrata. Most might consider Castanea but for some weird reason he didn't trust her.

Kisia spent a majority of her time hanging around with Jynixie. When they weren't doing various water related activities or getting high she spent most of her time helping/bugging Kayeori. The war itself didn't seem to effect her on a personal level but being friends with Kayeori it did make her feel bad. Now that the war was over she committed herself to doing mostly the same things, but also whatever she could to help Bangor rebuild.

Durthur had helped out whenever he was actually in or near a town. But now since the war's end he found himself with less to do. Being a bit of a pacifist this actually surprised him. He did more during a time of war then afterwards? With a shake of his head he headed straight for Dunbarton. It seemed to him that it needed the most help. Seeing as it was not only leveled once, but at least twice. Of course this isn't counting the times a random building was burned or just wrecked in general. The people seemed welcoming to another giant willing to lend their strength for the long rebuild.

Duckie didn't do much fighting during the war but he did his best with what he was best at. He provided warm meals for those who needed it. And of course he provided a shoulder for the many womenz that lost things. Of course things led to more private affairs, but that was part of the reason he was around! To him it was just another form of support they needed to give them a much needed boost. Despite the slight annoying quirks he had people did welcome other forms of help he could give. Such as delivering supplies. The little guy sure knew how to move, even with loads that seemed to big for him to handle.

Last edited by Kayeori on Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:03 am; edited 1 time in total
Dessert Dragon
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After the War Empty The reunion of The Trio

Post  Kayeori Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:39 am

With the war finally over and everything returning to normal people were finally settling down. Once more people could begin to feel relaxed. That is of course until the next threat to the world of Erinn appears. But it would not be this night. It was just after the sun had set on the beach near Qilla. A woman stood looking out over the water with a light breeze flowing through her red locks. She wasn't alone for long as a man dressed in a orange robe with a blue scarf came walking towards her. She turns slowly hearing someone approach and smiles after not having seen him in so very long.
She walks towards him and smiles "Good evening Aneous. I'm glad you were able to come. How's your memory doing?" The man looked at the redhead with a half frown. "Please don't call me that. It sounds too much like anus. Neo works just fine. As for my memory its a little better. I think. I don't question a lot, and I would imagine before I did a lot of that. This is mostly thanks to my associate here." Fawful pops out of Neo's hood and sits down on top of the man's goggle cap. "Hey there lady. Hey boss I think this be yous sister. Yous book says about a redhead." Neo heard the imp and blinks at Kaye "Is this true? Are you my sister?" Kayeori nods softly and smiles at her older brother. Before she could even speak again a sigh is heard behind a tree.
"Alright. Enough of this." Everyone looks in the direction of the voice, and from behind a tree Julian steps into sight. He walks to the others with his normal unamused look about him. Fawful points a finger at Julian and announces "Boss dat be the man in your book. The man with silver hair!" Julian's brow angles downward as he growls a bit. His eyed dead on the imp "Shut it. Nobody asked for you to speak." Fawful for once in his life seemed to be lacking in Fury. Julian already getting a headache from the family reunion fished a stone out of his pocket and tosses it to Neo. "This is all I can do. If it doesn't help then oh well. Find another way." Neo catches the stone and only fumbles with it a little. He looks at it for a few moments and just blinks. "Umm what is it?" He looked to Kaye questioningly at first and she only shrugged. He then turned to Julian and his back was turned and it seemed he didn't wanna talk anymore.
Fawful looked down at Neo's hand and exclaimed "A memory crystal!" Fawful gulped a bit looking back to Julian, but the man was still not looking their way. Kaye looked hopeful yet confused. "How does it work? Can you show Neo how to use it?" Fawful nods with an grin only an imp could muster. "Simple. Press it to yous forehead boss. That's all." Neo wasn't sure how to feel at the moment, but for some reason he could find no reason to doubt these people. Pressing the crystal to his forehead like he was instructed to. "Like this...?" That was all Neo could say before a flash of bright light engulfed him. Fawful leaped off Neo's hat and seemed to land somewhere really soft. The light had been blinding but it took only a few seconds to dim.
Kayeori blinks a few times and looks down feeling something wiggling around. She clears her throat and Fawful looks up. "Huh?" Kaye reaches for the imp and picks him out of her top and sets him on her shoulder. Fawful blushes a bit "Sorry boss lady..." She rolls her eyes and looks back to Neo. The man was now laying on the sand where he once stood. Kaye walks forward and kneels down next to Neo shaking him gently to try stir him awake. He didn't respond right away, but finally did after a minute or two. Julian just starts to walk away not saying anything. He figured there would be plenty of time later for them to be chatty with him. Escaping now seemed the best way avoid it for the time being.
Neo opens his eyes and slowly sits up. He blinks a little bit and looks to his sister sitting before him "Oh hey Kaye. How long was I asleep?"
She blinks a bit at first hearing her name, but answers with hesitance in her voice "Not long... How are you feeling?" Neo shrugged off how she was talking for now. He felt rather knotted up and began stretching out before answering her. "I feel alright. But are you sure I was only out for a little while? Feels like I've been asleep for... forever I guess. I can really explain it." He pauses for a moment looking around. "Are we where I think we are?" He looks around some more and notices Fawful. "Oh hey there." His head tilts for a moment. "I've been here awhile haven't I?" Kayeori just nods a bit not sure how to voice a response.
Fawful took a cue that perhaps it was best he doing some talking "Don't worry boss. I seen this happen before. You must have took in a lot. Yous head has to repro... repro... Relearn yous memories." Neo raises a brow a moment "I lost my memories... So how did I regain them?" Kayeori tried to point to Julian but he wasn't there any longer. "Well... He was right there." Neo just smiled and could easily guess. "Julian. I'll have to thank him later." He looks back to Kaye and narrows his eyes a bit. He gets to his feet and takes her by the hand to help her up as well. "We need to talk. I'll need both of your help to sort through my mess of a head. Plus I think I'm remembering things that only Julian may have known. No wonder he helped me. If half of what I'm getting is even possible then... Lets just say we would have been bugging him a lot. Anyways. Come on lets find a place to talk..."
Dessert Dragon
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After the War Empty Re: After the War

Post  Dellinger Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:41 am

With the war over, Dellinger has entered an emotional downfall. Entine has been given control of the bandits...

What occurs of this will be posted very, very soon.

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After the War Empty Re: After the War

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