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Ichi (M)'s alt: Kana

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Ichi (M)'s alt: Kana Empty Ichi (M)'s alt: Kana

Post  Ichigosama Fri May 28, 2010 8:22 pm

My heart is racing, uncontrolled
Through the night, I can hold
Your lewd eyes, your body’s sore
I don’t think I can’t take it anymore!

Those eyes, their heat, it’s too much to contain
Your hips, heartbeat, it’s driving me insane
How long do you think you can hold me in your grasp?
You’re my life’s link, without you I can’t last!

The blue, green and red lights danced around the stage. The swish of blonde hair sent girls in the front row swooning. He stared triumphantly into the huge mass of fans, and almost to himself, grinned in satisfaction. Kana looked to his guitarist and he started his solo. The girls that were still conscious screamed in hope Kana would notice them. Kana complied and strutted to the edge of the stage and knelt to touch one of the girl’s cheek. She immediately fainted, her friends catching her.
The lights dimmed and Kana huffed in relief once he was given the sign his mike was off. Kana then swiftly strolled offstage and took a hand towel from one of his supervisors.
“Kana you can’t just go touching the girls; the media might try to use it against you. I can see it now “Kana a Player?”’ his producer sighed.
“Don’t worry, I can hold against the media even if they do try to make a scandal out of one little gesture,” shrugged Kana, wiping his face and smirking at his producer, who then flinched at Kana’s seductive look.
“I’m just saying…Shoji could use that to ruin you, even if it is a little thing,” warned the nervous man.
“Shoji? Don’t make me laugh; even if he is the second best singer in Japan, he can never catch up to me!” scoffed Kana, hands on hips.
After a long back and forth conversation of whether one of Kana’s bodyguards should drive him home or not. Eventually, with a shine in his eye, Kana won and declared he would drive himself because he was “Not some kind of child that’s irresponsible”.
Kana walked through the cold, desolate parking lot until he reached his panther black convertible. He pressed a button on his keys and the car seemed to chirp. He slid through the door and into his black leather seat. He started up the car and drove quickly and purposefully out of the concrete parking structure.
“Feh…fans…Shoji…supervisors, can this get anymore annoying?” Kana questioned himself as he pulled off the highway and on to a long, lonely road.
As he drove farther and farther away from the highway, Kana began to feel uneasy about driving alone. He turned on the CD player and turned the sound up, tapping his fingers to the beat of “Colors of the Heart”. He began to sing to it when a sharp popping noise sounded. Kana quickly pulled over, got out and started checking his tires. His eyes snapped to the tire closest to the passenger door. He gritted his teeth as he look at the bullet hole that penetrated the thick rubber.
“Damn, I knew I should’ve agreed to driving accompanied,” Kana cursed.
“Indeed, how foolish of you to disagree,” said a voice all to familiar.
Kana snapped around to stare wide-eyed at the man he hated the most. Shoji stood arms bent in a shrug, a gun cocked in his hand. Kana narrowed his eyes and stared straight into the eyes of this man. Show no fear…that’s what he wants to see..Kana told himself but aloud said, “Still mad about that album contest? I thought a man like you would’ve played it cool and forgot it.”
“As if, I rather have you humiliated to the core,” Shoji grinned and added, “And I have just the right people to do it, too.”
“Oh, really? And where are these buffoons?” retorted Kana.
“There,” Shoji answered, pointing to an oncoming car.
The night was cold and since Kana was doing a world tour, he had to travel to Michigan. The snow was falling and as the car came closer and closer, the headlights revealed a wide spread of black ice covering the road. Kana suddenly realized that that car was going too fast and if they go over that ice they would surely spin out of control and…
“No!!! Make them stop!!” Kana screamed at Shoji.
A moment later, the screeching of tires on ice filled the air, followed by a collision and a sickly snapping sound. Kana looked down to see the front of the car had smashed him in between his own car. He tried to gasp, but it seemed all the air in the world was sucked up by the vacuum of space. Then the darkness came, capturing and wrapping him in a cold silence. Blood seeped out of his mouth and he managed to utter one last thing, “Guess this is my last act…dammit..” and his eyes drooped and the warmth in him vanished.

Blue eyes fluttered open to stare at a large, white platform that seemed to be in the shape of a Celtic knot. The soft whisper of a light breeze made his hair sway. White owls where drifting about the strange desolate place. Kana got to his feet and looked about.
“The hell? Where am I?” he whispered.
“You are in the Soul Stream,” replied a sweet voice from behind Kana.
Kana spun around to see a beautiful white haired woman. She had the mature figure of a woman, but the childish kindness in her face. Her blue eyes seemed to know everything about Kana. She was in a black Chinese-like dress that split up the side and showed quite a bit of her leg. Kana just stared at her.
“Is there something wrong?” the female asked.
“N-no! Nothing!” stammered Kana. “Where is this again?”
“This is the Soul Stream and you have come here for a second chance at life. I will provide you with a body and I will send you off into Erinn. Let’s see…ah, I only have a female body at the moment,” replied the girl.
“Eh…a female body?! DOES THAT MEAN I HAVE TO BE A GIRL!?!?!”
“Not quite…you will have a male body, but the emotions, urges and ahem “monthly cycles” of a girl…”
Kana just stared at the girl, gaping incredulously. She waved her hand and bid farewell, rising into the air. The next thing he knew, Kana was on a grass-covered hill and raccoons were running wild around him, circling him.
“Erinn, huh?”

Name: Kana Hakashi
Gender: Male (wait...female...screw it!)
Age: 10 (when he came to Erinn) 17 (when he died)
Blood Type: AB (yummy)
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Height: (usually) 5' 10''
Likes: Singing, Chocolate, Cats, Classical Music (he's really a softy), Dusk
Dislikes: Wolves, Thunder storms, egotistical people, Human touch (I sense a loophole!)
Sexual Orientation: ???? (He's a guy but kind of a does that work?
Special Body Part(s): Black raven owl wings (inherited from Demonkana [original])
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

Posts : 56
Join date : 2009-04-17
Age : 28
Location : In the part of your brain you don't use

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