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Infamix - Full Biography (Remade Account)

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Infamix - Full Biography (Remade Account) Empty Infamix - Full Biography (Remade Account)

Post  Infamix Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:21 pm

Note: Not so sure if it's alright to repost this but my original forum account was glitched and Captain helped me remake it, (Infamix) is the old one, the new account is without the "()" surrounding the username.

Name: Infamix

Age: 17

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 115lbs

Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde

Eye Colour: Blue Gray

Skin Colour: Slightly tanned

Family: A Father who trained Infamix, and a Mother who trained his brother Killah in medicine, and his brother Killahkitty, another shinobi

Specializes In: Mixing archery and melee together, maybe with a little magic mixed in.

Theme song of war: Breaking Benjamin - Lights Out -

Theme: Breaking Benjamin - Hopeless -

Appearance: Well developed muscle yet very slender in appearance, with scruffy un-groomed hair and blunt, sometimes neutral or sad look in his eyes.


Note: I hope you find my biography of Infamix as enjoyable as I did when I wrote it

Infamix hails not from Erinn but from a village of shinobi assassins, based in an unknown area. It's climate is very cold and bitter, a frozen waistland upon which virtually no life exists besides mountain ranges and very hardy trees and flowers, shrubs ect. and only a few animals around all of this. One day Infamix and his brother were sent out for a recon mission to gather intel about the villages enemies. Theyre journy to the location was long, through this frozen waistland, yet strangely beautiful place they call home. They finally reach the objective location which was for some odd reason out in the open, on and iced-over lake, nearby which sat the enemy village. To help try to blend in with their surroundings Infamix and his brother try to cover themself with what snow that has fallen onto the ice, onto their bodies to conceal themselves from sight. As they lay there on the freezing ice with the bitter cold winds racing across their faces, they zoom in on a specific house which they were told to observe and what was being performed at this building. They both saw blacksmiths hammering away at making these new, deadly and vicious looking weapons and light armours. They both realise they cant be too still for too long and have to keep moving to keep their core temperatures up before they start suffering from hypothermia and even frostbite, so they quickly move locations by retreating back into the forest at which they arrived from into the enemy village, by crawling on the ice. At this time it was a very bad move as they were spotted by the enemy, and sounded the alarm. A squad of about 10 warriors charged into their direction fully ready for even a full scale battle, knowing that the odds of survival against an enemy like this and the hellish cold is very small, so they jump up and sprint across the ice, having no idea there are weak spots in the ice. Infamix and his brother decide to arbort the missions and flee back to their village with a report..hopefully..

As they continue racing across the ice, enemy in full pursuit of their every move, they both notice the ice begins to crack beneath their feet. The ice starts tearing apart with large fissures and large chunks of ice begin to stray away from one another. Infamix nearly avoids falling into the freezing water by jumping onto one of these ice platforms and his brother does the same, but the platform on which Infamix stands on also begins to give away and it shatters into many pieces and he falls through into the water. His brother gives his life by jumping into that frozen abyss and tries to pull him to the surface.

The water is so intensely cold that he and his brothers bodies instantly start to become numb with coldness and begin to shut down.. Infamix and his brother surely know this is it, theyre gone for sure, and so it was that they drowned, yet.. something strange happend. Even though they may have died, they were strangely pulled out from this.. stream of souls.. by this beautiful lady, but at that very point, Infamix lost all traces of his brother, and virtually all memory of what had happend in his life..

Infamix stands up and says "What is your name?", this woman replies, "My name is Nao."

Having virtually no recollection of memories from his past life, Infamix begins anew in this new life in this strange world he comes to learn is known as Erinn.

His life is that of an elf, raised in Filia, yet born as a Milletian. His life in Filia was pretty average; There wasn't much of anything that you'd find out of the ordinary with him.. Besides the fact he never seemed to age much. At at a fairly young age of 12, he decides to enroll into Filias armies and began his training. Many were very surprised at his natural skill with a bow, and even a melee weapon, prefferably broad swords and gladius swords. He moved up into the ranks very quickly, starting out with scouting and the delivery of supplies. Then he took his place as an actual soldier for the military. He knew what combat was like during those times when he was delivering supplies to soldiers on tour and helping scout out the enemy positions, but never actually fought in battle, side by side with other soldiers.

His days of being a soldier were grueling and terrifying, sometimes waking up from disgusting and gorey nightmares and ungodly images. His battles have scarred him for life, not just physically but emotionally too, as he comes to realise it isnt wise to be friends with the man next to you the day before a fight, knowing that he could die right next to you in battle. After his days of being a soldier, he recieves a letter to which he is summoned to an unknown location into the desert, all the letter said was "Keep walking into the sand."

He begins treking his way through the Longa Desert and is then flagged down by three horsemen dressed in all black. They approach the weary and tired Infamix and set up camp and begin to explain why he was summoned to this unforgiving landsape. They tell him they are recruiting for a group of secret assasins whos orders come from one who is always anonymous, yet at that very moment his terrifying memories of war rush through his head hindering a quick response to this, but eventually accepts the offer. Infamix needed no training as he is a veteran of war and they beleived he was good enough to be allowed into such a powerful group. He knew, as well as all the others he wasnt the best at these types of missions that even to this day he doesnt speak of, but he was sucessfull.

Infamix continues his service in the military doing mission after mission, making plenty of comrades along the way. But then a new recruit joins into the assasination group, as a healer, normally the group would request normal military medics for this, but the group decided to have a couple of their own. Infamix kept glancing over at this young, very femenine looking male medic and yet he seemed.. very familiar. He didnt know who this person was yet seemed like he knew this person all of his life. He decides to talk to this male for a couple of hours and shows him a heart Infamix's brother had given to him many years ago in his past life, and this male knew all too well about this heart too, and showed Infamix a heart in return and they both knew at that very moment who each other was. They are brothers, bound together for life, always there for each other side by side through the good and bad.

And so to this day have the two remained side by side ever scince, Infamix living in moderate harmony in Erinn, having resigned from the military.

And now to test the signature ;o

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 10
Join date : 2010-03-09
Age : 31
Location : Liberty Hill, Texas

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