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Jeneenas- Powers

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Jeneenas- Powers Empty Jeneenas- Powers

Post  Jeneena Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:32 pm

Jeneena's Powers + Weakness

Powers are :

Ice. She is the queen of ice. There needs to be someone to control the element. She has an ice palace and was born from he creator of ice. She is the queen.
- Control Ice
-Make snow or ice anywhere anytime from water out of air or from a little bit of ice from inside her.
- Can mold ice like clay
-Basically control almost every property of ice.


- Fire. large amount of fire can torture her to death.
- Is weak in combat. Strong in magic. Ice and lighting is her best.
- Steaming Ovens and hot food. She can eat warm cookies , but if she eats very hot food it would burn her unless healed very quickly.

Anything else you are...what you call it.... um.... concerned about, just lemme wrong. Just note im probley not anywhere as near good as you... Im trying..

Last edited by Jeneena on Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
Gummy Bear
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Jeneenas- Powers Empty Re: Jeneenas- Powers

Post  Dalvar Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:11 pm

This hasn't been approved!
Why did you put it here?

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Jeneenas- Powers Empty Re: Jeneenas- Powers

Post  Dellinger Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:41 pm

Interesting... I can't move this...
Oh, Captin, my Captin...

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Jeneenas- Powers Empty Re: Jeneenas- Powers

Post  Captincrunch Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:13 pm

I'm Moving this and afterward I will lock the approved sub-forum to prevent posting in there.
I also fixed the abuse of the size function Evil or Very Mad

OK now on with the review - (eyes turn RED )

Remember your character is answerable to a goddess and has a demigod as a fairy godmother (or at least we used to - curse you NEXON middle-managers)
Queen of ice in Mabi? <- Not to dang likely - more like a noble refugee at best.
Can control ice? <- How? in what way? What are the limits? Too broad and open to spontaneous interpretation.
Mold ice like clay? <- What are the limits? No real combat or power advantage here if it is limited to what you can directly touch with your hands - any opinions?
Control every property of ice? <- What properties? How much? How far?

Weaknesses <- Pardon - these are weaknesses?
- Fire. She can heal instantly if she is burned, but large amount of fire can torture her to death. <- instant Heal? (checks book on ice beings - nope no instant heal without a major external cold source - usually double damage at best and 10-100x at worst with NO normal healing possible - see under ice trolls, ice crones, ice queen, etc)
-Lighting. She is very immune to lighting. <- why? Being water and cold based would make her prone to extra lightning owies.
- Is weak in combat. Strong in magic. <- too general and doesn't say anything
- Steaming Ovens and hot food. She can eat warm cookies and hot food, just not so hot it would burn a humans tongue. That would hurt her quite badly. <- either its one or the other - a burnt tongue for a normal is called being hurt badly.

Best to rethink what it is you are asking for and then post a revised version with a background AND game mechanic for each ability.

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Jeneenas- Powers Empty Re: Jeneenas- Powers

Post  Temo Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:06 pm

To clarify on what Cap's said and providing some examples in editing I think might give a good head-start (and I apologize in advance for how long this is. Please be patient and read all the way through though - I'm trying to help! D: ) :

Powers are :

Ice. She is the queen of ice. There needs to be someone to control the element. She has an ice palace and was born from he creator of ice. She is the queen.

EDIT: Cannot become queen; and the "creator of ice" I'd think would be a god or goddess who was involved in the creation of Erinn. I believe we talked about earning your way up the ladder within Mabi a while back to get to such a rank though. Nothing saying you can't CALL Jeneena "Ice Queen" as a handle/callsign/nickname, but as for ruling over the element, it's highly unlikely. Were that the case, she'd be able to, say, rule over everybody who wanted to cast an ice spell? Razz It's impossible and unfair to other players were it to be put into effect, so sorry, I'm definitely against that.

Perhaps instead of calling her the Ice Queen, she can be, as Cap said, a "noble refugee"; or maybe a sprite of some sort like the water nymph lady. As I told you before, your character does not have to be something overly extravagant to have fun around here. A majority of the characters in the guild are "normal" as you put it, and can quite easily do a lot of the things you've listed here without having to veer outside of normal skills and abilities; and they have PLENTY fun.

- Control Ice

EDIT: Keep in mind that all powers have to be able to be displayed somehow through Mabinogi. That said, control of ice would be limited to spells such as Ice Bolt, Ice Spear, Ice Mines, etc. Heck, if you wanted to make ice walls, you could substitute the Barrier skill for that. It's all about how you explain yourself.

-Make snow or ice anywhere anytime from water out of air or from a little bit of ice from inside her.

EDIT: This would count toward casted spells such as Ice Bolt or Ice Spear. However saying Jeneena can meld a limb into something like an ice blade or freeze the ground at her feet is too much.

- Can mold ice like clay

EDIT: Alchemy skills to make Ice Mines, perhaps? At least in the attacking sense. I'd suppose other ice spells could be used to this effect too.

-Basically control almost every property of ice.

EDIT: This either needs to be clarified or removed. Maybe I'm the one ignorant here, but I could've sworn there was really only one property to ice. Even then, this is, as I said before, unfair to other players who use ice skills.

Other Notes:

-The weaknesses as they were listed are fine, assuming the character remains something that thrives in the ice element, like a nymph, sprite, or some other person or creature that isn't used to being away from cold/is exposed to warm temperatures. Although I'd expect frosted foods would be better than something like even warm cookies. Razz

-As far as writing and clarifying things, what I've listed are just what would probably be the easiest way to go about fixing stuff here. I would highly recommend examine those with powers approved for future reference or if you don't agree with my suggestions. Maybe they'll inspire you.

-Once more, point I was trying to get across is that ever special power/ability needs to be displayed somehow within Mabinogi. In a nutshell, you're technically as average as the next person no matter how you play it. Your character's in-game strengths and weaknesses also reflect upon your character's stats. You can't call yourself some all-powerful god when you're level 1, therefore it wouldn't be right for Jeneena to be called THE Ice Queen lest her ice skills were very high ranked. Not saying she can't be someday, but don't rush it. Work your way up the mountain starting at the ground. You might end up with something better than you imagined. Smile

-You complained that "everybody" has special powers when only a few have been officially acknowledged. I regret to tell you that only a handle of characters have had special powers accepted. Those that aren't on the list are following the same rules given to you about not using them until approved or need to be told such. If they know of this and are still disregarding it, please notify a council member via PM or IM so we can gave the appropriate heiney a good spanking. silent

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Jeneenas- Powers Empty Re: Jeneenas- Powers

Post  Xeek Sun May 16, 2010 8:29 am

Anymore comments in this? Approved/ Disapproved? Since It hasn't been fixed since Gate' explanation

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Jeneenas- Powers Empty Re: Jeneenas- Powers

Post  Xeek Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:39 pm

Blue box.

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