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Crusade's Bio (Updated... again!)

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Crusade's Bio (Updated... again!) Empty Crusade's Bio (Updated... again!)

Post  Krystal Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:13 am


Name: Crusade, However, her real name is Krystal.
Age: Due to the rapid aging in Erinn, she seems to be much older than most. However, she is actually only 19 years old, first arriving in Erinn when she was 12.
Birth Race: Human
Family: Krystal had a fairly large family. Her parents were both guards for her home village. She had a younger brother and sister. Her uncle was the leader of the squad her parents worked under. However, since the village and her family is dead, she has no real family ties left.
Hobbies:She enjoys playing music and blacksmithing (although she isn't good at either... as such, she never plays music). She also enjoys hunting fomor scrolls and dungeoning.
Weapon of Choice:Crusade wields a variety of weapons, but she is trained in the use of her bare fists, and swords. She uses two swords to XXXX at her enemies, but she uses her Two-Handed Sword, Shannara, as well.
Hair Color:Light purple
Eye Color:Emerald Green
Height:Fully grown she is about 5'9", so she is pretty... average in size.
Weight:Although she is very strong, she weighs about 125.
Favorite Food: Meat, Bread, Berries, and especially Chocolate
Theme Song: Smile by Daisuke Namikawa.
How she came to be in Erinn: Crusade's village was destroyed by a group of barbarians. During the raid, they slaughtered everyone they found,and burned the buildings. Crusade was escaping with the rest of the village until she saw her parents fighting. As she watched, they were killed before her eyes. She turned around to find that the group she was escaping with had been killed. In a desperate rage, she chanted a forbidden spell she had learned, and when she regained consciousness, she had killed the raiders by being possessed by a demon.

With no home or family left, she met up with her only surviving friend. They traveled around together until they one day they came across a pile of rocks. As dusk approached they decided to make camp there. That night, Crusade awoke to the sound of large thuds and a scream. She rushed out of the tent to find her friend gasping at a monstrous sight. The pile of rocks had formed into a creature, and was attacking them. The battle did not last long, for the golem crushed Crusade's friend by forming around her. Crusade was shocked, having being able to do nothing about her last friend dying. Her demon (named Layris) took control of her, and crushed the golem. However, soon after regaining control, Crusade fell unconscious.

She awoke in the Soul Stream, facing Nao. While she could not understand it, she was alive. Nao told her that she was needed in Erinn. What she was needed for she did not say. Nao saved her, but could not remove the demon inside her. She was told she could be renamed, and she chose Crusade (Though in hind-sight she has no idea why she really chose... Perhaps to start her life anew without her past like so many others. Due to this she also likes going by Krystal). Shortly after this, she woke up on the outskirts of Tir, near the one named Tin.

Personality: Crusade tends to be calm and serious when she battles and when it is appropriate. At other times, she is outgoing and cheerful. She can be clueless in many regards when it comes to guys, but she can often times be very insightful, in terms of tactical and combat things, as well as some life experiences. When she is calm, she can be quiet and withdrawn, it seems, although it is really just her thinking things through. She is protective of her friends and open about things, and tries not to show any weakness.

Character history: None really... Due to my inexperience as a serious RPer, I have no real Set character I play as, as I use different names in a bunch of MMO's I play. Crusade is the first real character that has come to life. I tend to play a "Strong" warrior/mage like person, who simply refuses to give up or to die. They tend to be a bit philosophical.

I really can be clueless in romance. I can hold small talk, given I have something in common, but otherwise I tend to be very quiet. Crusade is extremely clueless when it comes to guys, and so Shannara is my way of having a "get out of jail free" card.

Last edited by Krystal on Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:36 pm; edited 5 times in total
Buckwheat Dragon
Buckwheat Dragon

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Crusade's Bio (Updated... again!) Empty Updated! YAY!

Post  Krystal Sat Jul 17, 2010 1:56 am

Name: Krystal "Crusade" Aurelius (due to a recent wedding)

Age: 21

Birth Race: Human

Old Family:Krystal had a fairly large family. Her parents were both guards for her home village. She had a younger brother and sister. Her uncle was the leader of the squad her parents worked under. However, since the village and her family is dead, she has no real family ties left.

Current Family: No real immediate family anymore

Hobbies:She enjoys playing music (she isn't good at it yet... as such, she never plays music) and singing. She also enjoys hunting and making new things.

Weapon of Choice:Crusade wields a variety of weapons, but she is trained in the use of her bare fists, and swords. She carries a finely crafted gold Dustin Sword, Shannara

Hair Color: Silver-violet (As it says in the game)

Eye Color:Emerald Green

Height:Fully grown she is about 5'9", so she is pretty... average in size. Except chest size... she's big. silent

Weight:Although she is very strong, she weighs about 125.

Favorite Food: Chocolate... she LOVES Chocolate... otherwise meat and lots of other good food.

Theme Song:

Personality: Smart, cheerful, and friendly, her cheerful and outgoing attitude is something to behold, given the nature of her past. She can be quiet and withdrawn at times, doing her best to avoid fights. She's also shy at times and even gets depressed when she feels she let her friends down, to a point where it's unhealthy. She's also clueless, but over time has been able to understand what people mean a lot more lately. She is very protective of her friends and family, and would do whatever it took to keep them safe.

How she came to be in Erinn: Krystal came from Another World, from a village that somehow had survived most of the destruction and death that plagued the rest of the world. It was a nice community of both fomors and humans that co-existed peacefully in the village. Krystal had many friends, both human and fomor, and thus she learned fomorian as a child. Her parents were guards, and protecting her village was something appealing to Krystal. So she took up classes at the school to learn magic and swordsmanship. She struggled with magic, but excelled with a sword.

Then, on her 12th birthday, the war finally reached Krystal's village, and it was destroyed by a group of people who called themselves Black Knights (But they have no relation to the ones we know now). During the raid, they slaughtered everyone they found,and burned the buildings. Krystal had been out in the forest practicing with magic, and had just learned a new spell from a book she had read. She saw smoke coming from her village, and rushed over, just in time to see her family fighting. As she watched, they were killed before her eyes. She turned around to find that she had been surrounded. In a desperate rage, she chanted the spell she had learned, and the seal on Layris was broken. She blacked out, Layris taking over, and when she regained consciousness, she had killed the raiders with a barrage of ice magic and vicious brutality (It was later found out that it was done in self-defense, and partly in a berserk rage).

With no home or family left, she met up with her only surviving friend, a succubus named Farin, whose wings had yet to come in. She had escaped the carnage because she had been out of town at the time. They traveled around together until they one day they came across a pile of rocks. As dusk approached they decided to make camp there. That night, Krystal awoke to the sound of large thundering thuds and a piercing scream. She rushed out of the tent to find her friend gasping at a monstrous sight. The pile of rocks had formed into a creature, and was attacking them. The battle did not last long, for the golem crushed Farin by forming around her. Krystal was shocked and devastated, having being able to do nothing about her last friend dying. Layris took control of her once again, and crushed the golem. However, soon after regaining control, Krystal fell unconscious, having gotten seriously injured fighting.

She awoke in the Soul Stream, facing Nao. While she could not understand it, she was alive. Nao told her that she was needed in Erinn. What she was needed for she did not say. Nao saved her, but could not remove the demon inside her. She was told she could be renamed, and she chose to stick to her old name of Krystal Crusade. Nao then gave her a warning, stating that she would be able to have long life and everything that Milliteans had, but she would not be able to come back if she died. If she died, her soul would not return to the Soul Stream. If she was separated from Layris, she could be reborn... but only if she could get rid of Layris. Shortly after this, everything vanished and she woke up on the outskirts of Tir, near the one named Tin. She couldn't remember much about the world her home was in, and had forgotten fomorian, all thanks to Nao.

She soon remembered her past and Fomorian speech, and eventually met Faireth Vayne Aurelius. She fell in love, and recently married him. She still feels angered by Dark, Vayne's evil "twin", who abused her love and her to conceive a child, Ian Crusade, who she and Vayne now care for. She has also learned recently more about Layris, a succubus who isn't as bad as Crusade once believed.

Last edited by Krystal on Mon May 28, 2012 12:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
Buckwheat Dragon
Buckwheat Dragon

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Crusade's Bio (Updated... again!) Empty Shannara's Bio

Post  Krystal Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:25 pm

Well I better post this here too.
Note: Shannara is based off the book series written by Terry Brooks.
Crusade's Bio (Updated... again!) C5530

Name: Shannara.

Age: Unknown exactly, as he served Crusade's family for generations

Race: Spirit Sword.

Physical Appearance: A finely crafted golden Dustin Sword. It's the exact same as the original Sword of Shannara in the book series (see above), just with fomor runes covered on it.

Materialized Appearance: If you know of the character Allanon in Sword of Shannara, you have a good idea of what he looks like. Just in case you don't... i found this pic of him off DeviantArt.
Be warned it's pretty big.
Crusade's Bio (Updated... again!) Allanon_by_MageArt
Black hair, piercing blue-grey eyes that stare into your very soul, and well... just like what Allanon looks like mostly.

Personality: Shannara didn't have an actual personality in the series, but I imagined if he did, he'd seem pretty stuck up at times. He tends to keep things to himself, and is much like a detective, sorting out the truth from the lies. He is quick to "correct" people, often reprimanding them on what they did wrong. He's sharp-tonged and is a strong debater, but he cares (while he denies it and does not show it) for Krystal and her friends. He often argues battle tactics at times.

Current Powers:
-Grants resistance to mind-control/Magic controlling effects to anyone holding him. Krystal has a much higher resistance due to holding him so much.
-Can purge Mind-control/Magic controlling effects, giving a person control of their body again. Mind-control he essentially breaks the bonds and reveals that the person was under mind-control, and not thinking right. Can't help Possessed people, however.
-Can restore lost/locked memories, assuming the player was forced to forget them or they were "erased". Has no affect if the player forgot, made themselves forget, or were possessed.
-Can become one with Krystal: Sorta a dual thinking thing, Krystal and Shannara think as one. Krystal can freely use Shannara's abilities on her own, although at a much lesser extent and range limited (I.E. She can cure you as long as she's touching you.)
-Can Materialize and fight himself (Sword Awakening). Last several hours.

Almost all of these drain Shannara, and thus after using it (aside from the Granting resistance to mind-control/Magic controlling effects), Shannara grows dim and cannot use any of the powers (including the resistance one)
Buckwheat Dragon
Buckwheat Dragon

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