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My Alt Inari :D (Updated~)

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My Alt Inari :D (Updated~) Empty My Alt Inari :D (Updated~)

Post  Silverakira Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:19 pm

Name: Inari Night

Age: 16

Death in Erinn: None

Physically: 16

Race: Kitsune?

Gender: Male

Family: None

Appearance: Inari has long, shoulder length, silver hair. His ears and tails are Silver with Black at the tips. He has dark red eyes (Although he does wear different color contacts sometimes) and a well-toned body. His abs is showing that they’re working their way to a six pack. He’s tall and skinny, and two very sharp fang teeth.

Personality: Inari is a very shy and timid boy, he does talk very little. Although sometimes he will speak up and try to have at least a little fun. He can tend to get a little devious when he wants to. Although he's quite sneaky and will sneak chocolates and sweets from the cabinets for he has a very large sweet tooth.

Hobbies: Likes to read, play with fire, play with string, and play with lanterns.

Height: 5’6

Personality: Shy, but brave when he has to be. He usually keeps quiet, sometimes keeping to himself, although he is a very open person, he’d willingly give anyone a chance, and he’s bi.

Abilities: Can hide his extra tail(s) with plenty of concentration, he can hear a bit acute, just a little better than the average human or elf due to his large fox ears. And has a keen sense of smell, and again only a little better than the average human or elf. ((These abilities are for questioning If any disagreements I’ll just cancel them out.))

Bio: -points down-
Inari is a shy, young Orphan fox boy. This young boy had two tails, although he hides one of his tails from everyone in fear of being picked on. Keeping his concentration, he was able to make his extra tail disappear, but the minute he loses his concentration, his tail reappear. His extra tail would usually reappear when his emotions or a tough battle get in his way, or when he feels it’s safe to let them show. On Inari’s 16th birthday, he was finally released from the orphanage, and his number one goal was to find his parents. He took one of the horses from the orphanage and headed off. Along the way he bumped into a young fox girl. She was a beautiful young girl in his eyes, 15 years old Kisasha. Inari decided to travel with her after she had told him her story, and how she was an orphan as well. Inari and the young girl adventured far and wide in search of their parents.
One day, in a small town east of a mountain, they overheard a rumor of a floating town, thousands of miles above the surface of their world, and on the island, is where they take all parents who had given up their child. Hearing this, Inari had spoken up, asking the man how to get to the island. The man told him, the only way to get to the island, was to get to the top of the mountain on the night of the blue moon. The blue moon being one week away, Inari and Kisasha agreed to go there in search of their parents, quickly running out the door before the man could warn them of the dangers of where they were going to have to face.
A few days later, the two stood at the base of the tallest mountain, staring up as far as they could see. The top of the mountain was hidden dark black clouds; they stared up for a few minutes, staring death in the face without even realizing it. Inari took a step closer, reaching up and grabbing onto the first rock, it falling down as he tried to pull himself up.
“We’re going to have to be careful. Make sure you check every rock before pulling yourself on it.” He turned to the girl as she nodded, reaching up to climb up the mountain.
After a few more days of camping out and climbing on the mountain, they finally reached the top. It was midnight, and the two looked up into the sky, the moon a bright blue. The two walk to the very center of the top, noticing two giant stone statues standing there, as guardians. A bright light shown down on the Statues, their ruby eyes now glowing a bright blood red, cracking noises heard as they burst from their immobile form. The larger, darker one took a step forward, a massive hammer in its hand. The smaller, lighter one took a step forward, a large sword in its hand. The two clenched hands together before using each other to swing at the intruders, smashing their weapons together. Inari quickly pushed Kisasha out of the way, jumping up and avoiding the smash of the two, their weapons making a loud clang noise. He jumped forward, giving the smaller stone warrior a powerful kick, not dealing any damage he looked back to the girl, flipping backwards off the statue.
“Kisasha get out of here!” He yelled, finding it too late as a third statue had her hostage. He charged off toward the third statue, his mind set on destroying it, only to be trapped in by the darker statue jumping in front of him, causing a large hole to form in the ground. Rocks were flying as Inari flipped back, using his hand to help him flip over, and landing in a crouching position. Smoke flying everywhere while he tried to think of a strategy to get out of there.
‘Where did that one come from?’ he though, losing concentration, his extra tail appeared, Kisasha stared, she was at loss of words as the two giants swung at him again, He dodged it, watching as the lighter giant’s sword slashed off the darker giant’s other arm.
“That’s it!” He shouted, jumping up onto the darker giant’s shoulder, waiting for the other giant to swing, realizing that the darker giant was swinging at itself; the large massive hammer coming down hard on its head, smashing its head to pieces. The large dark giant fell to the ground.
“One down, two to go!” He yelled as tried to dodge the other giant’s sword, only getting clipped, leaving a large gash in his arm. Inari fell to the ground, clinging to his arm, withering in pain as he took in a deep breath. His two large tails dropping to the ground behind him as he used them as a spring to dodge the next hit, falling back against a large rock.
‘I can’t keep this up… I’m going to die here...’ He looked up, seeing the beam of light shine down on Kisasha, beaming her up to the floating island as he kneeled down, and facing off with the giant guardian.
‘I hope… That she’ll be safe there…’ Were his last words before the stone statue swung at the boy, slamming its weapon against the fox boy’s body. The blood spread out, splashing against the weapon and the large bolder. Satisfied with the bloodshed, the Stone guardian returned to its post, stiffening up as the glow faded from ruby eyes. The boy’s body lay ripped in two on the cold hard ground, his lifeless eyes shutting tight.
He woke up on a large white platform, lines drawing out a large symbol as he stood, staggering a little. His dark red eyes looking around as his pink hair fell to either side of his face. A tall woman in a long black dress appeared before him, her long blonde pigtails falling down, framing her body. Her voice was soft and looming as she spoke to the young fox boy. She asked him if he wanted to continue to live on in a world known as Erinn; she spoke of the world like it was a sacred land, filled with all types of people and races. Inari concentrated again, making his eight extra tails disappear as he stood, accepting the woman’s offer.
“I’ll go…” He mumbled softly as she sent him away to Erinn.

Side note: Once he got to Erinn he became interested in alchemy -Is an upcoming alchemist-



Last edited by Silverakira on Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:46 pm; edited 11 times in total
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Age : 30
Location : In a time and place with chocolate and cherries <3

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My Alt Inari :D (Updated~) Empty Re: My Alt Inari :D (Updated~)

Post  Auramune Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:09 pm

Currently, no one can have abilities since powers section is down.

But after they are back up, I can share with you the kitsune powers that I have approved, that you may want to look over.

>_> Sorry for being nit-picky, but do you know about kitsune's tails? Or kitsune weaknesses?

(Before I'm jumped over by people, I know character powers don't have to be the same, but I'm just trying to keep 'kitsunes' the same as much as possible.)

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Age : 38
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My Alt Inari :D (Updated~) Empty Re: My Alt Inari :D (Updated~)

Post  Silverakira Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:30 pm

Well, I pretty much sat there and read an entire wiki page of it, along with a few side things. I figured the sense of smell and hearing wouldn't be too much to ask for. I mean, it's really not much of a difference just like, he could probably smell a certain thing from two rooms away. And his hearing well, It's just like whispers he could pick up on. Kinda like Glacia's hearing.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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My Alt Inari :D (Updated~) Empty Re: My Alt Inari :D (Updated~)

Post  Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:03 pm

I still suggest chattin' with Aura on it, just to get some perspective from someone that RPs a kitsune regularly. Might be helpful or just plain informative. :>


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My Alt Inari :D (Updated~) Empty Re: My Alt Inari :D (Updated~)

Post  Silverakira Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:10 pm

Will do~
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Age : 30
Location : In a time and place with chocolate and cherries <3

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