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How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary.

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How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary. Empty How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary.

Post  Jakelvin Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:17 pm

What annoyed me more than god-modders are people who used OOC-Chat unnecessarily to address an issue and not using their head to improvise an IC reaction. It is more time-consuming than correcting spelling and chit-chatting put together because of three factors, Accusation, Defense and Debate.

Accusation: It takes 2 seconds to find what would be godmodding (but is not) and 3-4 seconds to type out the accusation, including the roleplayer's call name. That is 5-6 seconds wasted with just ((accusing with this)).

Defense: It is quite blatant that anyone would get defensive in PUBLIC. After ((wasting 5-6 seconds of typing up an accusation in OOC Chat)), it takes 2-3 seconds for the accused to read the ((accusation)), 2-3 seconds to come up with something and 4-5 seconds to ((elaborate them into a decent defense)). That will be 8-11 seconds wasted on coming up with an excuse.

Current total will be 13-17 seconds wasted. Oh wait...

Debate: Depending on the defense and the prosecutor, along with other people who would LOVE to gang up on the poor defense, it would be more than a minute until either the defense surrenders, leaves or everyone leaves.

Now the Current Total will be 1 minute and 17 seconds (or more) wasted, just because someone was tempted to use ((OOC Accusation)) over something that would have been avoided.

Basically, using OOC Chat, even for a quick typist would consume too much time and would cause problems that are avoidable and time-consuming.

It is pretty obvious that anyone would go defensive when in public like Guild Chat, All Chat and so and so.

How to make it less inconvenient for both parties around a ticking time bomb called, Debating? Improvisation is the key to saving time and keep the flow going.

Through experimentation with Jinnhin, I gave her opportunities to talk to me ((OOC-Wise)) about me godmodding.
Control wrote:
Jakelvin: *looking at Jinnhin* Have you talked with Gatemo about that pie I asked you for?
(Control) Jinnhin: ((Jake? What are you talking about?))
Jakelvin: You know very well about that cream pie!
(Control) Jinnhin: ((-.- Jake, shut up.))
Although I would sound like a jerk talking to a senile girl. Besides the point, see how awkward it turned out?

Maybe if I tell Jinnhin to play along and use her character to get out of that...
Refined wrote:
Jakelvin: *looking at Jinnhin* Have you talked with Gatemo about that pie I asked you for?
(Refined) Jinnhin: *looks back at Jakelvin* Pie? I don't remember you asking for it before.
Jakelvin: You know very well about that cream pie!
(Refined) Jinnhin: Oh! You mean the one I gave to my husband as a gift?
Jakelvin: *nodnod* ...?
(Refined) Jinnhin: I'll see if Gatemo can make a new pie for you. *walks away to tell Gate about it*
See? It was not hard to improvise and make up something correlated to the subject or to correct someone in character.

Not only that, but it turned out quicker and you'll eventually get the opportunity to talk to the offender in private later on.

There are many ways to go around god-mods and auto-hits (except for the kinds that will be permanent or obnoxiously long timed), just play along and don't be tempted to use the unnecessary (()).

Like a parody said, "What happened in-character, stays in-character." (parody from the Vegas quote).

Do note to speak with the person in PRIVATE, it will be less likely the person will be defensive about it because more people comes around, the more nervous the offender will be and just like that, they get really sensitive and defensive because of the overinflated ego from being in attention of others around him/her.

If you are "too lazy to improvise," best either leave or kill the session by using ((OOC Accusation)) and start a problem for anyone who wants to play along.


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Age : 35
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How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary. Empty Re: How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary.

Post  The Kerrins Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:55 pm

In my experience, issues within an RP tend to be caused by haste.
The second person, caught up in the act, does not give the first time to react before continueing to type

Randomguy(RG):*lunges forward and grabs Shade by the throat*
Shade:*your hand passes through the neck, and Shade shimmers and fades*
RG:*lifts Shade off the ground and stabs him in the belly*
RG:((Wait, pretend I don't pick you up and stab you, then))

With Improv:
RG:*lunges forward and grabs Shade by the throat*
Shade:*your hand passes through the neck, and Shade shimmers and fades*
RG:*lifts Shade off the ground and stabs him in the belly*
RG:*blinks in surprise as his dagger passes through empty space*

With Patience:
RG:*lunges forward and grabs Shade by the throat*
Shade:*your hand passes through the neck, and Shade shimmers and fades*
RG:*blinks in surprise, and twists his head around to look behind him*

You be the judge of which one reads out best, and sorry for the violence of my example
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Join date : 2009-01-14

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How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary. Empty Re: How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary.

Post  The Kerrins Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:02 am

A case where (())s are valid, in my opinion, is confusion

Shade:*appears in RG's blind spot, his own dagger lightly pressing into his neck as he does so*
RG:*attempts to look behind him, shocked at the sudden precsense
Some Other Guy(SOG):*shoots an arrow at him*
RG:((Shoots an arrow at who?))
SOG:((At Shade))
Shade:*swings RG's body between him and SOG*

Another bad example, I know, but it does demonstrate the point
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Join date : 2009-01-14

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How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary. Empty Re: How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary.

Post  Jakelvin Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:31 pm

Agreeable, but the way I put out is just general improvisation. Yes, there are haste that will cause it, but with training, a blunder can turn into an inference that the character was "blinded" by the adrenaline rush and thought he got the upper-hand, only to find out that he was incorrect about getting the upper hand.

Also, the confusion; if there are two people attacking each other in a bunched formation (being close to each other) as the archer is firing, there are no specification on where it'll hit. So it is easy to assumed that the archer was aiming for one of them and he has no particular control over the arrow, so in your demonstration, Shade and RG would be hearing the whistle and tried to wrestled each other into being hit by the arrow. There, general improvisation in the workshop.


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Age : 35
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How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary. Empty Re: How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary.

Post  The Kerrins Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:23 pm

Like I said, bad example
A better case would be an archer shooting at two separate targets, or someone using an attack that doesn't quite make sense when written with one line

I think we could put this issue this way:
Improv is the cure
Patience is the prevention
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Join date : 2009-01-14

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How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary. Empty Re: How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary.

Post  Jakelvin Sat Nov 28, 2009 5:20 pm

Indeed. *thumb up* ^^


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Age : 35
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How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary. Empty Re: How to roleplay without using ((OOC Chat)) whenever someone made something unnecessary.

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