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Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio

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Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio Empty Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio

Post  Jinnhin Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:22 pm

*Jake is grinning in the background as Jinnhin was dressed like a santa clause*
Yeah...Jake got me to wear the female version of the santa clause outfit and it is hot in it. x.x

Anyhow, Me and Jake think it is appropriate to make a portfolio topic to keep the stories and comments in one place.

Due to Jake's mind busts (the reason many of his planned series had died out), it became apparent that he needs more than himself to get one series off the ground. He does well in planning the rp series, but not how he'll get something started without it turning into a trend-following one. So it'll be awhile before Jake can come up with something besides his perverted side.

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Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio Empty Re: Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio

Post  Temo Tue Dec 01, 2009 11:44 am

Guess I shouldn't complain since I don't have forum mod rights and don't gotta do it, but does this mean we gotta move all the stories already made to here? x_x;
Burrito Bison

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Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio Empty Re: Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio

Post  Dellinger Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:36 pm

I'm... confused as to why this is here.
If there's going to be a mass reorganization of one thing
about the creativity board, why isn't there just
a complete reorganization of the creativity board?

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Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio Empty Re: Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio

Post  Captincrunch Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:09 pm

Because the Guild master is lazy [censored] Rolling Eyes

Also I am now thinking, after creating the creative writing subsection, if there should be any other specific sub-categories that make sense to be on their own?

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Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio Empty Re: Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio

Post  Dellinger Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:15 pm

If we're going to do that,
we need an art section, possibly drawing and painting may be separated.

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Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio Empty Re: Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio

Post  Jinnhin Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:13 am

My forum site (the separate one) got subsections for creativity. But this is the original plan for my forum. I'll just leave them here for ideas.


=Motion Media (like Animation and Videos)=



=Portfolio (where original work or notes are found)=
>>[username]'s Portfolio

=Proses (Stories)=
>>Short Stories
>>Long Stories
>>Pointless Stories
>>Episode Stories

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Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio Empty Re: Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio

Post  Temo Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:48 pm

I just noticed we killed this with chatter that should've been elsewhere. Speaking of moving things, TO THE COUNCIL FORUM!
Burrito Bison

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Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio Empty Slipping

Post  Jakelvin Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:01 am

I was born from darkness as I come into the burning light.
Though I may weep for the disturbance, may I bleed?
For all you see, deformed and forgettable.
Toss me aside, I dare you to take the loss gracefully.
Why held me close and lose my dare?

(Into the darkness) I slept in my sanctum, sanity left me.

Drenched in vanity of my father's vocal insanity.
My mother's tongue deceived me as I argued myself in the mirror.
I was not that helpless babe in the arms, I'm yelping for my loneliness.
For all to hear, I never wished to bear the crowded isolation.
I dare you...

(Into the light) I awake in my nightmare, I fight my torture.

Sang an accursed lullaby as I drank my harmless poison.
All I saw was the sight of the night lass.
Too broken in my loss, how can I approached the moon in my doom?
She is my agony while she is my pale goddess of ebony.
Lady pain; soothe my temptation, for I had dared my temporary life of vocation.

(Into the gray) I lost my dare, I lay beside her most of the night.

I lost my loyalty for every time spared as a crime.
Avarice is a crime of hatred as every dime was a tear.
I noticed my suffering done thrice.
I wished that I never met her ever-sadistic smile.

But I can't...I can not escape the tut of my dares.

I realized my mistakes...was not my birth...but my agonizing irony.

I'm slipping as I shared my fate with her by poisoned lips.


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Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio Empty The Manipulator

Post  Jakelvin Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:51 pm

(Voice of the Vanity)
Lessons of my fathers passed down to my lesser-kinsmen.
Speech of my mothers bleeding into my routines.
Abuse of my brethren brought light into my disgraceful blindness of night.
I am no man, but a manipulator and director of my own sins done upon others.
(Voice of the Envy)
Sang sweetly from bleeding lips.
My honesty was honing from the past.
Promises bent as I prod into the heart of many before.
I never wished to let go of my talents...I never held a dish to my demise.
Sing once more in sinful prosecution of my friends' procrastination.
(Voice of Lust)
Evolution of my lute play, the laying woman involved in attendance.
For the sake of talents that had forsaken so many others before her.
Love's a lost cause to me as I take another livelihood of a dove.
Her addiction, my strength, I rendered her under my hidden dictation.
Let her be on her way towards my heaven's door once more.
(Voice of Wrath)
I stood before my accursed family abode with blood in intent.
May I say my sins before them or should I seek only myself instead?
Screams are music to my ears as my kins are avenged.
Lo...I loathed the lowly folk before me as I foretold their place in hell.
I shall depart sweetly with my supporters as I seek my kins' bleeding.
(Voice of Redemption)
I know that I had committed atrocity through my vanity.
Foretelling my future in my ignorance as I turned to my killers.
I realized my faults are in my kins' eyes as they failed to survive.
I now joined my parents as I became them apparently.
God...I loathed my lowly irony.


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Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio Empty Black Sheep of the Dying Meadow

Post  Jakelvin Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:01 pm

I dare not say farewell...
As I stalk for a new stalwart friend.
The sun has abused me and accused me...
For the crimes not worth a dime compared to her.

Seven short days and eleven long hours, I stared at the ground stars.
Inching my life was shortened as I sought for a meaning to the show.
I guessed I was foolish to follow a fantasized quest to seek the golden tassels.
Stubborn as I was, I was born cursed to love the moon and never the sun.

The brothers thought of me as broken...
The sisters thought of me as sinister...
I stand as a black sheep in a life-lacking meadow.
I honestly believed that I am not my father, how can I relive the sins again?

I can live with the lies as my immortality as my friend dies in the rain.
I bear no remorse for hearing the death of my so-called friend.
I pressed on in my fort wars, guessing when they'll come for me.
Why those baboons declared that I love the sun when I love the moon?

Do they honestly believed that I'll love that whore more than my princess?
Heart breaks more often as the sun ascends more than we descend.
I was dragged from my home again, so the sun can survive the dragon fire again.
Why am I accused for lust while the sun must have her time with men?

She may rule me, but I am not her mule of her sins.
The sun may see my improper response, but it is impossible to catch me again.
My last insult for the insolent sun queen...
Seven eleven; she may never shut up about me...ever.


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Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio Empty Planned Sequel of the Jinnhin's Series

Post  Jakelvin Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:51 am

Jacob Smith's Journal wrote:(Note) two villains? maybe...
(Note) G10, G11 and G12
(Note) Mmm...cherry pie...
Jinnhin changed a bit while she excelled in Necromancy...
Major Feud possibly...swords or words?
No cults available...seen that, done that, hold the damned stinkin cheese.
Hands cold...(Huff...huff...huff...rubs hands)
Haven't tried consp-...naaaahhh.
Peaceful ways...Violent Third? Oh fine...
Shire...Haflinger...or Thoroughbred...
Plenty of mind-twisters! >:3
Every good has evil...Every evil has good...
"Go for the eyes, Boo! GO FOR THE EYES! YARRG!"
Every guard has their days.
Ozzy Osbourne: Mr. Crowley
X3 Good Fomors...(pet pet WHACK!)


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Jake's and Jinn's Portfolio Empty Just another Contractor Poem, but made my me. ^^

Post  Jinnhin Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:52 am

The Actress
More harm than amore charm.
Her alarm raised bitterness as the daisy was dead.
Never a rose, she ventured the broken dream.
It is not fair…what broke can never be real.
We remembered false tales.

Her cracked face blemished by a tear.
Hear her cry phased through the dry wall.
A sorrowful sight chased by her past.
Casts ready themselves for the last act.
A cue to react, but she is froze an upcoming complaint.

She must play, plain and simple.
But her agony simulated her drama coated in ebony.
Frozen once again, a complaint crumbled before her bliss.
She completed the contract and I shall complicate her fantasy.
Darkness conceived…bitterness betrayed her lurking entity.

Tabloid is written in antidote her poisonous entertainment.
Gold and avarice collapsed before her maintained bliss.
The office openly shows their witch hunt against the optimistic woman.
Her passion shattered from the show’s review.
She passed away towards the ruby lights.

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