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My duo of hopeful new guild members- Sanjuuro and Zeffie

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My duo of hopeful new guild members- Sanjuuro and Zeffie Empty My duo of hopeful new guild members- Sanjuuro and Zeffie

Post  Zeffie Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:41 pm

Character Name: Sanjuuro
How You Heard About The RP Society: Umm my main Shibayama isin the guild
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? About 4 years but soon it will be 5!
Is English Your First Language? Yep!
A Short Biography Of Your Character: Sanjuuro, since a young child, has dreamed of becoming a legend. As he grow older he began to realize it would be a long and hard journey, at least, alone it would be. So Sanjuuro began to ask the local boy's for their aid in his quest. He told them of the fame and riches if they were help him. The boys laughed at him and said he was stupid and will never become a legend. After the boy's left Zeffie asked Sanjuuro if she could help him in his quest. Sanjuuro declined her help but after an event(read Zeffie's bio) with Zeffie were Sanjuuro realized. Zeffie could well be his ticket to becoming a legend he quickly changed his mind. The duo now roam Erinn. Sanjuuro, looking for the key to the mystery called Zeffie.
What type of character do you play? An optimistic Swordsman.
What is your Mabinogi schedule? almost everyday.

Character Name: Zeffie
How You Heard About The RP Society:My main Shibayama is in it
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? 4 years but it will be 5 soon
Is English Your First Language? Yes~!
A Short Biography Of Your Character: Zeffie comes from a long line of Archeologists. When her ancestors uncovered a artifact deep in a dungeon they were instantly cursed. Fearing what the curses effects might be, her ancestors, went to a group of powerful mages. They asked the mages if there was any way of getting rid of the curse. The Mages said the only way was to transfer it to a different member of the family in the future. Her ancestors agreed to the terms and never spoke of the matter again.
Years later Zeffie was born. Zeffie seemed to have strange abilities. Zeffie could talk with the monsters and plants and many more abilities that normal beings would normally never be able to do. Her parents worried she may be cynical. But another idea arose amidst the older members of her family. The curse. Zeffie had been the family member to receive the curse.
Later on Zeffie and her family set up their tent out of Fillia. There Zeffie spotted a young elf boy. She became intrigued {{Can't belive I spelled that right :O}} with him and began to learn more about him. The she saw the young elf boy with a bunch of other boys (Read Sanjuuro's bio) She hid and listened to his conversation. She asked Sanjuuro if she could assist him in his quest. He declined. But that didn't stop Zeffie. A few days later Zeffie spotted Sanjuuro in the desert surrounded by Sand worms. Zeffie knew he couldn't handle them with his stick he always used to practice. She quickly ran towards him. Sanjuuro told her to run but his screams could not be heard over the Sand worms deep growls and grunts of sorts. before Zeffie finally reached Sanjuuro and told him to run as fast as he could when she counted to three. Before Sanjuuro could respond a Sand worm dove to attack him Zeffie noticed this and pushed him out of the way. Zeffie suffered a serious blow. Her blood was everywhere. Sanjuuro lost it. He began to attack the Sand worms. That was what Zeffie saw before she passed out. When Zeffie woke up she was at the Elf in charge of healing the ill and injured in Fillia. When Sanjuuro saw Zeffie awake he quickly pressed is mouth close to her ear and whispered " We leave tomorrow. Partner"
Zeffie is completely faithful of Sanjuuro's step and will do anything for him.
What type of character do you play? A cheerful girl who will change her class for to help Sanjuuro in anyway.
What is your Mabinogi schedule? Almost everyday
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

Posts : 427
Join date : 2009-09-12
Age : 28

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My duo of hopeful new guild members- Sanjuuro and Zeffie Empty Re: My duo of hopeful new guild members- Sanjuuro and Zeffie

Post  Zeffie Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:55 pm

@.@ wow thats alot of typing for Zeffie XD
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

Posts : 427
Join date : 2009-09-12
Age : 28

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