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(Zeffie's c: ) Silent Hill: Infinite Jest

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(Zeffie's c: ) Silent Hill: Infinite Jest Empty (Zeffie's c: ) Silent Hill: Infinite Jest

Post  Zeffie Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:01 am

: D So, as a birthday present for my friend Brianna, I decided I'd write a story where she dies. We always joke about how she'd be the first to die in a place like Silent Hill or Fatal Frame. This is just a WIP but I do plan to finish it and possibly submit it in bits and peices to my school newspaper. I just wanna hear some opinions.

Silent Hill: Inifinite Jest


With her favourite CD playing Always on my Mind, Kaylee couldn’t help but sing along, especially when the greatest day had finally come. Three weeks ago, Kaylee and her friends had planned a get-away trip to the resort town, Silent Hill. The girls, Alexis, Brianna, Kelti and Kaylee had just graduated from Luther College High School and were hoping to spend the month together before they headed their seperate ways. “Kaylee can’t you go any faster?” Brianna slid down her seat with a stretch.
“Hey! I’m the one driving in this fog and snow.” She muttered under her breath “Even though the weather here’s supposed to be nice...”
“But I have to pee...!!” Brianna laughed and kicked her legs, causing everyone to laugh.
“Good! That’ll teach you to drink juice after you go to the washroom wimp. We just stopped at Brahms Brianna, so we aren’t that far from Silent Hill. Look,” Kaylee pointed at her dashboard clock “it’s 3:20. We’ve only been on the road for half an hour."
Sure enough, the conversation had caused Kaylee to lose speed. Rather than going the 100km speed limit, Kaylee had dropped down to 84. With a heavy sigh she accelerated her tan toyota carola. The baby gave a loud hum and a vibrating that made Kaylee feel at ease, despite the fact that her legs were shaking in fear. The car was beaten up, but it was the only vehicle that could be just as small as she was. Kaylee had an un-natural attraction with people, girls, cars, you name it, as long as the target was shorter or fascinated her.
A shrill, and childish voice echoed familiar words, ‘Even when your bloods ash...’
Kaylee winced and fought back tears. Lately she’d been having nightmares. A dark room, bugs crawling everywhere, blood and pus obscuring her vision, and of course Urnest... Okay, so Kaylee didn’t really know if her name was Urnest but the words about blood and ash reminded her of somebody in an urn. Thus, this voice was named Urnest. She’d been hearing the voice in her head ever since the nightmares started. It was, though shrill, almost sweet. Kaylee felt sympathetic and pitied it’s owner. Yet she feared it as well. She knew the voice from some where but she just couldn’t quite remember somehow...
“Kaylee! Kaylee...!”
Reality kicked in and Kaylee gasped. Looking around she saw the dashboard clock said 3:50pm, outside there was a billboard advertising Hemmington smokes and a sign that read “Welcome to Silent Hill”. They weren’t moving but from what Kaylee saw in the mirror, they had swerved and were still on a 45º degree angle. Looking at the passenger seat, Kelti was shaking Kaylee by the shoulders. “I- I’m sorry it’s just...” There were already tears flowing from Kaylee’s eyes making her face itch.
Kelti had shoulder length strawberry blonde hair, and beautiful dark eyes that were almost cornflower blue. “Jesus Kaylee what the hell?! If you were tired you should’ve just said so!” Kaylee looked down at her lap, she’d already seen the face Kelti was giving her a thousand times. A look of frustration and disgust that always made her feel like she wasn’t important or even worth looking at.
Slowly, Kaylee reached down for her seatbelt but she just couldn’t find the energy to click it. Brianna poked her head into the driver’s area and looked at Kaylee. “Hey’re you okay? Your all pale, come on, it’s alright,” Kaylee could feel Brianna rubbing her back to comfort her.
‘Pale?’ Kaylee looked up at her rear-view mirror and adjusted it until she could see herself. Long layered brown hair, pale grey, almost powder blue eyes with a ring of French navy around them; faint traces of yellow central heterochromia. And sure enough, a pale complexion, highlighting the dark sleepless bags under her eyes. With all the nightmares and her constant “black-outs” she’d come to acquire them. She didn’t really mind until graduation. About four hours in the bathroom with Alexis and they had finally managed to mask the bags. “Hey, Kaylee. If you want, I can drive and you could rest in the back seat...”
Kaylee looked back at Alexis, her brown eyes full of empathy. Alexis knew what was happening and hadn’t told a soul. Kaylee un-buckled herself and opened the door, only to feel the cold sting of the winter air on her cheeks. Surley, the day couldn’t get any worse.
After switching spots, Kaylee leaned on Brianna and closed her eyes, her whole body ached. Brianna put an arm around her and continued to comfort her. The gesture made Kaylee smile. She slowly collected her composure, slowing her breaths. Afraid she would fall asleep and have another nightmare, she sat herself up and looked around the car. Brianna... Brianna's shoe... Bags...
A few of the girl's bags had to be moved into the back seat because there wasn't enough trunk space now that their suitcases were there along with Kaylee's emergency winter supplies. Kelti and Alexis had told her to get rid of it all, leave it at home, but she was too paranoid to. A nervous nelly behind the wheel, she'd practically cried when her driver instructor yelled at her for failing to lane-change during rush hour.
On the right was Brianna's green duffle bag laid against the side of the car, one of Alexis' purses was underneath it along with a lululemon bag carrying some of Kaylee's pass-time objects. A few tiny rolled up paper-balls to throw at Brianna, her iPod, and a few notebooks to jot down story ideas. She only used a couple of them, namely, the paper balls and the iPod, and only when she was absolutely bored to death. Being in a car with four teenage girls meant there was always a conversation going on (Unless one happened to force the “silent game” into action).
She was hoping to write down descriptions of Silent Hill's surroundings for setting ideas in her stories. She would rather focus on the practical, realistic and physiological then the cliche stories she read. Girls turning into tribes of mermaids, dramatic yet perfect holiday endings, kids being the reincarnations of mythological beings, and don’t even get her started on vampires.
Her mind traced back to the event that just occured. She had blacked-out and had some sort of flashback. She’d felt so awful and guilty that she could have hurt somebody. Then there was Kelti’s look. Even though she'd seen it so many times, it still made her feel bad. Or rather, angry, at Kelti for not trying to understand what had actually happened. She would always imagine standing up and yelling at Kelti. Telling her she didn’t understand anything and to wipe that look off her face But, she never did. Kelti was one of her best friends and she needed her to keep stable, keep her stress free. She loved Kelti like a sister, and sisters often fought. Although, Kaylee would never raise her voice and start to argue with Kelti in that sense of “fighting.”
“Here! here! Oh my god. Heeeeeeeere.” Alexis let out and exasperated groan. Up ahead there was a large bulletin board outside a large building with the words Alchemilla painted on the side. ‘must be a radio station or hospital.’ Kaylee thought; somthing about the place gave her the chills and made her feel anxious.
Alexis pulled the vehicle over in front of the bulletin board. On it was a large map and introduction to the town, along with many mini-versions of the map for tourists. “We should each go pick one up. You know, for when we split up.” Kaylee said.
“Right, so, are Alexis and I still picking up the show tickets?” Brianna asked unbuckling herself.
“Yup, not for tonight though, but tomorrow.” Kaylee could just picture Brianna and Alexis getting distracted and buying the wrong tickets.
Kaylee then unbuckled herself, stepped outside and walked in front of the car to the bulletin board. She felt embarrassed when taking the map, but shouldn't have. Silent Hill is a huge town compared to most. Having it's own shopping center and districts, sanitarium, hospital, amusement park, church, resort areas, historical hotspots and housing. She should be using a map. Looking back, she saw everyone else coming out of the car. Kelti must have explained more to them while Kaylee was outside. ‘Or talked about her’ she thought, neither one could be wrong.
Brianna ran out and jumped at Alexis, causing both of them to stumble forward. "Brianna!" Alexis grinned and giggled to herself.
"I've gotta go! Come on, come on, come on," She made a loud groan and stretched with a laugh "And we're out!"
Brianna was a short five-foot two with dirty blonde hair in messy ringlets that just went past her ribs. She was curvy, a little on the heavy side and in the produce aisle, while all the other girls bought peaches, she bought the watermelons. Compared to Alexis, they were polar opposites.
Alexis was about five-foot six with dark shoulder-length and brown curly waves. She was in line for the lemons. She talks about how dark she is, but naturally she's actually quite fair. All the girls shared that quality, but Kaylee won or tied with Alexis in the naturally darker contest and not by alot.
Kaylee reached out and grabbed three more mini-maps before offering them out. Brianna took one and teasingly smiled “Thank you!” She then jumped back and giggled to herself.
Alexis took one before turning to Brianna and beginning a long story about the car ride and a buffalo. Kelti smiled and took one as well with a “Thanks,"
That always irked at Kaylee. How Kelti could just easily wipe a situation away and smile. Not to mention the situations she usually wiped away were the big ones, yet she always seemed to remain mad at the tedious little things. At least, that’s what the situation seemed to be to Kaylee. Snapping out of her thoughts, Kaylee cleared her throat “Alright,” She looked at the map.
She spotted Artaud Theatre and the Riverside Motel quite easily. Both were quite a ways away and a map would definitely be needed to find them. ‘The question is, who’s walking...’ She thought.
“Kelti and I are taking the car! Have fun walking back suckers!” And with that, Kaylee quickly ran into the passenger seat and locked the doors.
Outside, she could hear Brianna complain about the distance. Leaning into the driver’s side, Kaylee unrolled the driver’s window and said “Yeah, but we’ve got the junk.” Then rolled it back up. She plopped back into her seat and watched the three talk. Alexis was clearly upset about having to walk there and back, Brianna stood with an upproving yet smiling face and backed up Alexis’ points. Kelti was explaining something and occasionally pointing to the car- to Kaylee. ‘She’s obviously not stable. What if she passes out?’ Kaylee assumed these may be some of her points.
Although Kelti could get upset with Kaylee and vice versa, she knew that Kelti was a kind and sympathetic girl. She’d comforted her and asked her if she was okay when even Kaylee didn’t know she was upset. “I shouldn’t be upset, Kelti’s obviously trying to let this slide; forgive me. I’m the one who doesn’t want to forgive myself.” Kaylee whispered aloud.
Kelti got into the car and waved to Alexis and Brianna. Both clowns had a mad look on their face. But on Brianna, it looked too funny, she just couldn’t make a serious face that didn’t make people laugh. Kaylee bit the inside of her cheek and waved. Not the best idea to smile and laugh. “Kaylee, could you do the map?"
“Be in charge of the map, you know, tell me where to go."
“Oh, yeah.” Kaylee unfolded her map and kept her eyes on the motel.
She placed her finger where they were and traced their path. A couple of lefts, straight ahead and they’d be there. “Uhm... hey, I really am sorry. Your right, I should have warned you about that.” Kaylee could feel her throat burning.
She was never that good at confrontation. Kelti furrowed her brows, eyes on the road “No, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so mad.”
“No you had every right to be! I could’ve drove us off the cliff! Killed us!” Kaylee looked at Kelti who was looking right back.
“How about... if I ever do that again you can keep me in a cage and I’ll be your butt-monkey lover?”
Kelti laughed “Who would want that!?”
Kaylee smiled, she still felt butterflies in her stomach, but she was glad they were able to smooth things over. A few minutes later and the two were at the motel. The parking lot was almost empty and there was litter all over. ‘I bet the rooms look like the parking lot...’ Kaylee thought.

Last edited by Zeffie on Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:15 pm; edited 5 times in total
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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(Zeffie's c: ) Silent Hill: Infinite Jest Empty Re: (Zeffie's c: ) Silent Hill: Infinite Jest

Post  Zeffie Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:27 pm


After half an hour of complaining and explaining to each other that the two should have gotten the car, Brianna and Alexis had reached the Theatre. The theatre was quite large and old-fashioned. A box office, large letters ontop of the showcase that spelt ‘Artaud’ and posters advertising future and present shows. Brianna clicked her tongue “ ‘O’ Mega Earth and Lamb?’ what’s that?!”
“I don’t know,” Alexis said walking up to the box office.
“Sounds like a video game title...” Brianna grinned at the thought of said game.
Alexis inspected the box office, the lights were on inside, but there was no one there. Alexis spun on her heels and looked at Brianna. She was wearing a cute pair of jeans, a green jacket with a bunch of ireland patches and badges ironed on and a black headband in her hair. Brianna walked up to Alexis then peeked around at the box office. “Well, this sucks!” She turned around and began to walk away “We walked here for nothing!”
“Well, maybe there’s people inside,” Alexis walked to the doors before looking back to Brianna “Brianna come on.”
Brianna turned her head “Hey, there was this store that had this really cute shirt, I’m just gonna go check it out. I’ll wait there for you. It’s on the way back.”
Alexis was hesitant to let Brianna leave. Silent Hill was a big town, and was rumored to have had spiritual like qualities. ‘What if there’s ghosts?’ She’d often said to herself and Kaylee.
Kaylee would just smile and say “There are no ghosts,” or “Then I’ll talk to them and make sure they don’t hurt you.”
Alexis sighed and almost smiled “Alright, make sure you text if you get lost…. Actually, maybe just text me when you get there.” Brianna nodded and walked away.
With that, Alexis opened the doors of the theatre and stepped in, letting the doors of the theatre close behind her. The theatre had a red and gold theme to it. Dull royal red walls, fading yellow floors with a diamond pattern. The theatre was definitely old, Alexis could tell that much. “Hello? Anybody there?” Alexis waited for a response, but only silence could be heard. ‘Great, next thing you know, a killer or ghost appears. Good going Alexis. You never ask if anybody is there.’ Alexis could feel the vibrations of her heart pounding against her chest.
She looked around for an admissions office or booth. Nothing. There was an office to the left with no signs to tell what it was used for, and the theatre doors straight ahead. Alexis would have gotten Brianna to check out the doors and look for anybody, but she was gone. “Alright, alright… Hum... I’ll just explain to them that nobody was there. Who knows, maybe there aren’t any shows going on for awhile.” Alexis nodded to herself.
That was what she would tell everyone. Maybe now they could check out the shopping center. With this explanation, Alexis was at peace. She turned around and hastily walked to the door. She pulled on the door handle but it wouldn’t budge. She tried again and then again with both hands, nothing. She cursed under her breath and tried the other door with the same results. “Well, what the hell? They were open a minute ago…” She could feel the panic inside swelling and her head throbbed.
She furrowed her brow and exhaled, her head was killing her. She looked around for somewhere to sit and decided on the long chair beside the stage entrance doors. Alexis could feel her strength leaving her with every step she took towards the chair. Finally, mid-way there, she collapsed with a loud thud. Her head throbbed as she struggled to focus, her vision blurring. Through the blur, it looked almost like the room was being peeled and torn away. Her last thought was about what was going on with her, and how dirty were the floors here.

Last edited by Zeffie on Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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(Zeffie's c: ) Silent Hill: Infinite Jest Empty Re: (Zeffie's c: ) Silent Hill: Infinite Jest

Post  Zeffie Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:05 pm


“Now... where was that place...?” Brianna scanned the shops.
She was sure that the bus stop sign was infront of it. Yet she couldn’t find the store. What she did find was Sun Nail resturant and cafe Sun Dai Dai. Brianna felt bad about leaving Alexis now, but was more determined to find that shirt. Bright yellow, with cream stripes, she spotted that much. The wonderful and cheerful colours caught her heart immediatly, but she had to follow Alexis and did not want to make Alexis walk for long. Brianna frowned and felt her spirits dampen, she reached into her coat pocket and pulled out her cell phone. “No bars? Seriously phone?” with that she put her phone away and unfolded her map, looking for the motel. She slowly began to walk towards the motel once she found it and kept her eyes on the map. ‘Alexis will probobly go there, I didn’t tell her where the store was. If anything she’ll look for me on her way back,’ she thought ‘If nobody was there it shoul-' Brianna’s thoughts were cut short when she felt the shocking pain of walking into a tree.
“Oh Mother ferrr!” She dropped the map and gently patted her face, hoping to sooth the pain.
She grumbled to herself. “Who put a tree infront of me?!” She looked around and smiled to herself, despite the pain.
Brianna had only gotten a little ways away from the resurant and spotted the large hospital easily. The facility was humongous compared to most of the buildings. Her mind traced back to Kaylee in the car when she saw the hospital. She wasn’t saying that she should be in one! She just thought about her expression when she spotted it. Her expression worried her, it was like someone had stepped on her heart wearing cleats. Kaylee had some broken and sad thoughts in her head, and she masked it with happiness. ‘Just like me...’ She thought.
Brianna steered her mind away from the topic. She hoped she would never have to see herself in there along with Kaylee, but that made her think of them crazily hopping in laughing like clowns. She grinned and began to walk away. She stopped and brought her palm to her face. “The map!” She spun around and looked on the ground for the map. There it was in the street, trapped by some snow. Brianna hesitantly looked for any cars before running to grab it. “That’s odd, for a tourist town, this place sure is empty... Come to think of it, I haven’t seen any vehicles around... here...” Brianna shuddered and quickly began to run to the sidewalk then towards the motel.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” Brianna franticly checked the map for her next direction.
She was scared, freaked out and gettin’ the hell to friends! They would protect her, tell her she’s crazy. 'It’s just like one of our games!’ She skidded when turning past Konami Burgers but got up in a flash.
‘Except, I don’t have a spooky camera to defend myself and Kaylee’s not in control!’ Brianna slowed down to catch her breath, a girl could only run for so long. “But... it is snowing... may-... maybe everyone’s just at their homes, or something,” she spoke in between gasps for air.
Trying to be rational she slowly began to walk and look like everything was okay, that she wasn’t still very freaked out. Despite the distance, Brianna could see the motel. With a heavy sigh Brianna quickened her pace to the motel.

Last edited by Zeffie on Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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Join date : 2009-09-12
Age : 28

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(Zeffie's c: ) Silent Hill: Infinite Jest Empty (It's been awhile. <-< I had to censor things for you)

Post  Zeffie Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:27 pm


“So... it’s really just empty?” Kaylee said, dropping the four suitcases she was carrying.
“Well, I wouldn’t say ‘empty.’ Someone’s probably here just busy fixing somthing.” Kelti turned around and leaned on the desk to face Kaylee.
“Mmm, but you’d think they would have a person working at the desk. I mean, this is a tourist town. Lots of tourists-ists-ists-ists.” Kaylee held the last “s” for a few seconds.
Kelti grinned before adjusting the white scarf sticking out from her jacket. “You look as cute as ever!” Kaylee blurted out in a gruff french accent.
“Why thank you.” She smiled “You don’t look so bad yourself there.”
Kaylee laughed “You mean a red cardigan and jeans?” She clicked her tongue “It‘s cliché.”
“No it isn’t, and the white blouse completes it.”
She laughed, then scrunched her face in for a tomatoe nose and double chin to jokingly be disgusted with her compliments.
Kelti Laughed “Oh man.”
After a few more minutes of giggling and stories about a unicorn the two had calmed down a bit. During a short silence Kaylee stood up pursing her lips and walked up to the front desk. “I can’t take it man! We’ll be here for hours!”
Kaylee looked around the desk and spotted a book. “Oh my god.”
“What?” Kelti asked.
“I think we’re just supposed to write where we’ll be staying, then pay when a manager or someone comes.” She picked up the book then opened it’s contents.
Kelti’s eyes widened “Argh! Seriously? Well what room are we supposed to go in? I mean-”
“Rose suite.”
“I know a way into the rose suite. Er- well,” Kaylee quickly shut the book, tossing it on to the desk and headed towards the chair she was sitting on. “ I uh..” She took a shaky breath “ Look, just check that key rack! The one labeled ‘Cleopatra.’” she spoke agressively.
Kaylee waved to the key rack against the wall behind the front desk. The rack was beside a large shelf protaining many books. Kelti frowned, she did not like being talked to this way, especially after what the two had said in the car. But, as she looked Kaylee over, she could see how sickly her friend had become. “Kaylee, listen. Maybe we should take you to a docter,” hesitantly she continued “Somthing’s obviously wrong with you.”
Not wanting to offend Kaylee, Kelti took a softer tone and approached her “It’s alright.” She went to place a hand on her back but Kaylee stood up in a flash causing Kelti to retract her hand.
“I’m going outside for some air.” Kaylee spoke almost monotonous, or perhaps with spite?
Kelti wanted to tell her friend to stop, or ask if she should come too, but stepped back instead. ‘She might just need a cool-down...’
Kaylee proceeded to the door, her fists clenched, eyes affixed on the floor. As she reached for the door knob the door swung open and a green figure knocked her down. A loud gasp could be heard from Kaylee. “Are you okay?!” Kelti said instinctivly.
“Agh! Kaylee? I’m so sorry!”
“Breezy?” Kelti said with slight dis-belief. “Where’s Alexis? Why are you here?”
Brianna got off of Kaylee and helped her up. She coughed a couple of times before slapping Brianna on the arm. Brianna yelped “Ow! Jeez...” she rubbed her arm “Alexis and I were at the theatre but no one was there, so Alexis went to check inside.”
Kelti gave her a questioning look “Yeah, and?”
She continued, “Oh! I saw this shirt I really liked and I walked back while she went to check inside. I couldn’t find the store so I came to the hotel.”
“Motel,” Kaylee corrected.
“Whatever!” Brianna threw her arms dramaticly.
Kaylee nodded then walked outside, shutting the door behind her. Brianna watched and frowned when the door clicked. She turned her gaze on Kelti and fixed her hair. “She’s been like that since the start of the grade. Alexis told me about how she’d pass out, get real sick, or forget where they were and what the date was.”
Kelti felt confused, at both the news and the fact Kaylee wouldn’t tell her. More importantly, how had she not noticed? “What do you mean? Just what, exactly, would happen.” Kelti asked with both bafflement and anger in her voice.
“Well, like I said, she would get all sick and pass out. Sometimes she wouldnt remember things.” Brianna raised her arms defensivly “I dunno exactly, only what Alexis told me.”
“Right. Well, we need to talk to Kaylee about this later. Right now, she seems to be having one of those moments.” Both the girls nodded while a silence grew.

Brianna’s eyes widened and when Kelti understood what she had just said, hers did as well. Kelti bolted to the door quickly followed by Brianna. Nothing. Nothing but the opening area to the motel. Kelti cursed “It’s like we’re watching a six year old!” Kelti grit her teeth.
“What?” Kelti jumped, that voice was not Brianna’s.
“Kaylee?!” Kelti looked in the direction the voice came from. The left side of the ramp leading up to the motel door. Kaylee popped her head above the cement slab. Her eyes and forehead visible. “Jesus Kaylee, we thought you were gonna pass out or leave us for that suite.”
“The Rose suite.”
“Yeah that one.”
Kaylee’s brows furrowed before she stood up and smiled. She gripped onto the railing and began to climb over. “Who’s the six year old making assumptions now.”
“I didn’t say anything about making assumptions.”
“But it was implied.”
“No it wasn’t!” Kelti could feel herself beggining to smile.
“So, are we gonna get the keys to the Cleopatra suite?” Kaylee swung herelf over the railing, stumbling on the landing.
“What? why not just grab the Rose suite keys?” Kelti asked. This would make more sense.
“Aren’t suites for lovers...” Brianna looked out into space with a questioning and humorous face.
Kaylee raised an eyebrow and rolled her eyes, “No, now shut your trap. Besides,” She walked over to Kelti and tried to put her arm around her “We are butt-monkey lovers.”
Kelti swatted her arm and slid away. “No we aren’t. Keys.”
“Right, well, we can’t get the keys for the Rose suite because they aren’t here. So-” Kaylee jumped and began hopping to the door.
She then opened it and motioned for the girls to go in “Nana get the keys and Keltarex write in stupendous caligraphy where we will be staying.”
Kelti raised her eyebrow but walked in “So, just in that book." She called back.
“Yeah, just, do it in the format the Grady guy does, you should probably write on the back of his paper."
Brianna scoffed “Get them yourelf!”
“Guffaw!” Kaylee went from having a giddy expression to that of an emotionless rock “Get the keys Breezy or I’m cutting off your toes and feeding them to the crows.”
“Oh yea?! I’ll poke your eyes out then tear your arms off! Ice turd!”
Kaylee swore, cussed and made many rude comments and threatened Brianna. She then glared at Brianna, a silence between them.

Kaylee’s lips slowly curled into a smile and a choppy, airy laugh escaped her lips. Brianna laughed aloud and the two idiots were grabbing their guts in no time. Kaylee put her hand over her mouth and walked inside. “J-just watch for any rapists or drug dealers out here.” She managed between giggles.
Brianna stamped her foot “Now I’m your door lackey?! And... why drug dealers and...” she looked around the motel entrence and parking lot.
It was absolutely revolting. The gates on the left and right side leading to the parking lots were rusted and... was that green mold on them? The 3 cement walls protecting the motel entrence had old fliers ranging anywhere from fourty years ago to weeks ago on them. While the tops were caked in bird droppings. One couldn’t completely blame the motel for the disgusting image. The fog that englufed the town had a sickly pale green tint. The snow atleast hid the ground, none of the girls wanted to see what that looked like.
“Oh, okay. I can see where you got that.”
Brianna hunched over and began to make a hyrbrid of meows and roars. Kaylee shook her head and closed the door. A muffled shout could be heard behind. Kelti put the pen down and looked behind her at Kaylee. “You two are crazy you know that? Here.” She tossed a key.
Kaylee caught them and started to twirl them by the key ring. She stoped and read the wood attached to the ring. On one side written in gold was ‘Cleopatra suite,’ while the other was blank. Kaylee slowly ran her fingers over the engravings. ‘I must have been here when I was a kid or something... that’s why I can remember stuff like this.’
Even she wasn’t sure what everything meant. A feeling of pleasure, of revultion, in somthing... Some act that happened here... No. She was sure it happened more than once, very often. And it was always somthing that crushed her soul. But it wasn’t just here. At Alchemilla hospital and other hotels as well, the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to tear herself apart, pack up and head home. She could feel chills beggining to run through out her body. She grabbed her arms, criss-crossing them and began to rub the fabric of the cardigan hoping to warm herself up. Though she knew the chills were not from the cold. She felt her eyes water up and her throat constrict. “Oh god help me...” a shooken and barely audible whisper escaped her soft corol coloured lips.
When Kelti poked her hand with a couple of laminated papers she let out a noiseless gasp, her eyes widening in shock. She wondered if Kelti was showing her the papers, or offering them. Hesitant as to what Kelt might think of her behaviour, she jokingly laughed and made an exagerated whimper. “Oh, br-r-r-r-r... So cold. Haha, wasn’t prepared for it to be cold in here too.”
Kelti raised an eyebrow “It’s not cold in here.”
“Lies!” Kaylee exlaimed, “Hm... well, maybe it’s just me.” she then squinted her left eye, bulged the right, and puckered her lips.
She leaned towards Kelti, then looked down at the papers and back to Kelti. “Why’s shoo got dos’?”
Kelti rolled her eyes. “Well, they’re maps to the rooms. Also states how much ice is...”
“Are we gonna make penguin forts?!”
“Make what?”
Kaylee threw her arms up in the air and returned to her normal expression “Ice forts, you know, with the ice!”
“That second ‘ice’ was totally redudent.”
Kaylee was about to argue when the clicking of a door off to their right sounded. Kaylee felt her body tense and her heart skipped a beat. This time an audible gasp came out. Stepping out from the office doors was a tall man, perahaps five-foot six, with short cropped black hair spiked up. He was perhaps in his early thirties, late twenties. Wearing worn out jeans, torn and ragged at the bottom from being stepped on, a plaid orange shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a beige vest with what looked like coffee stains. His skin was the peach colour one would expect to find in their crayon set, and his muscles were clearly visible under the sleeves and in his thumb neck. Kaylee stared into his olive green eyes and for a second, saw a familiar face, if not the relative of. She cleared her throat silently “H-hello there. We were just-” She began to explain but stopped short when he raised his hand in a stopping motion.
His voice was gravelly and had the faintest hint of a tennesse accent, when he spoke a thin layer of authority blanketed the listeners. “Don’ worry ‘bout it,” He reached into his vest pocket pulling out a package of cigarettes, the kind Kaylee remembered seeing on the car ride here, “s’long as you filled out your information in the book it’s alright.”
He reached into his jean pockets for his lighter but stopped and his eyes lit up with a sudden curiosity “Jus’ out’a curiosity, what room you girls plannin’ on stayin’ in?”
“The Rose suite,” Kelti chimed in “Oh but, my friend here says the keys for that suite are missing... you wouldn’t happen to have a spare?”
The man’s lips twitched into a smile, and he scratched the rough stubble on his amused face. “Your friend’s right there, appearently it was lost but,” he lowered his voice and put a hand up to hide his words from the non-existant patron “between you an’ me girls, I think one’a our guests took it.”
“And it never occured to you to change the lock, or get new keys?” Kaylee furrowed her brow.
This man had seemed like someone who would try at everything to keep his business intact. He clicked his tongue and brought out the lighter. He placed both the lighter and smokes in his left hand. “Don’ worry. That room is a wreck anyway, torn an’ dirty,” He stopped, as if he just realised he was talking to future guests.
Clearing his throat he spoke “Yes, well, to get to the point. The old man decided he’d just leave it alone.”
“Old man? You mean it’s not recent?” Kelti asked.
The man shook his head “I was jus’ a youngin’ when it happened ‘bout twenty-two years ago.”
Kaylee’s stomach twisted and she felt her head faintly throb. She whispered “T-twenty two... ye-...” she couldn’t finish.
Why did she remember these things?
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

Posts : 427
Join date : 2009-09-12
Age : 28

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