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Reikika, The silent siren

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Reikika, The silent siren Empty Reikika, The silent siren

Post  Laikika Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:54 pm

Name: Reikika

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Race: Siren

Personality: Silent but cheerful, sweet

Hair color: Light blonde

Eye color: Blue

Skin color: Pale

Likes: Rivers, lakes, rain, snow and seas, sweet desserts, the colors pink and purple, Snuggling.

Hates: Thunder and lightning, seafood, the color yellow, and having cold feet.

Reikika is the only daughter of Laikika and the (late) Silvereno. How a half-elf and an incubus produced a siren is anyone's guess. But they loved and cherished her anyway. Indeed, for the first several months after her birth, Lai never put her down and Reno had to beg to be allowed to hold his daughter for even a few months. But they soon noticed something very strange. Their little baby never cried, laughed, gurgled or giggled, though she smiled a lot.

As time passed, Lai looked anxiously towards the time when most babies learn to talk- but that time came, and passed, and went away and Rei never made a sound. She learned to walk, run and swim a bit earlier then most children do, for Lai and Reno lived near the ocean- But she would not say a word. She could hear perfectly fine and seemed to understand when spoken to well enough. When asked to try to make sounds, she would get an expression of deep concentration and open her mouth- but nothing could be heard.

Silvereno accepted his little daughter's muteness with cheerful resignation, But Lai found it difficult to accept. It was not that she didn't love her little Rei-Rei... she just couldn't seem to believe that she would never hear her daughter call her 'mama' or tell her 'I love you.' For her part, Reikika would have gladly made her mother happy if she could, but since she could not, she often felt as though her mother was dissatisfied with her and thought her stupid. This was not helped by Lai's habit of speaking with exaggerated care when talking to her daughter and her obvious attempts to 'simplify' every thing she said so that Rei could 'understand.' Unfortunately, Rei was not only very bright, but also highly sensitive, and this well-meaning but poorly applied treatment drove a slight wedge between the two.

Sadly, a worse event soon followed. Reno had been working for a secret group, and he had been sent on many missions. Lai did not like it, but she put a
brave face on it and let him do what he thought was right. Rei never questioned her father's comings and goings of course, she just loved to fling herself
into his arms whenever he came home.

But one day, he did not return.

Lai was completely shattered by this, and after a small amount of time had passed and she was forced to face the fact that Reno would never come home again, she fell into a deep despair. She dressed in black and declared that she would never come out of mourning.

Rei also took it badly, for she was a little closer to her father than her mother. She felt as though the only person who loved her unconditionally had just left her, without reason. She tried to comfort her mother but she was unable to do a thing to help Lai from her despair and hopelessness, and after a time, she could no longer bear to watch her mother's complete surrender to grief. Since she was now ten, the age that most children begin doing things for themselves, she felt that she would go out into the world and try to seek her fortune.
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

Posts : 46
Join date : 2008-04-20
Age : 35

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