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Twilit Tears

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:45 pm

[[Ugh, dang internet actin' up again and I'm back to using the subconnection. Gonna have to cancel tonight, but I'll see if I can get things working by same time tomorrow if anybody's still able. Also please post and lemme know which quest you want to go for. First one to call it wins.]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  TWWolfe Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:15 pm

((I'll come along and watch whichever one goes on, but since I'm cut off from Iria, i may need to sit this one out))
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty New Reports

Post  Jakelvin Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:26 pm

Tir Chornaill

One Robe Wraith was spotted and nearly possessed a civilian. Fortunately, brave warriors within the town managed to slew the Wraith by luck alone, considering it revived itself fifteen times before finally crumpled itself. The civilian who was attacked was sent to Dilys for medical examination. The aftermath was great as Ranald made his training regiments more strict while Duncan urges new people to be more careful after sending a letter to the Royal Family of Emain Macha.

Emain Macha

Two Robe Wraiths are found flying around Emain Macha, reported by Queen Jinnhin. A civilian was found possessed by a Robe Wraith and was killed by the Robe Wraith's suicide attack. The Robe Wraith was slain for good by a Lieutenant (Holy Knight) and Harkins with assistance of 7 paladins and a Giant. The other Robe Wraith was slain by Royal Adviser Kalinthire alone. Due to the reports of Robe Wraiths at Emain Macha and Tir Chornaill, but not Dunbarton and Bangor, Royal Adviser Kalinthire suspected that Fenrir was either involved in letting the Robe Wraiths into Udahl or was attacked by Robe Wraiths.


Fenrir's Scouts in Bangor reported of approximately 6,000 Robed Figures becoming active at Port Ceann and was marching towards Bangor. However, they stopped near the south entry of Bangor. The formation was basic, Giants in front with shields held up and morning stars wielded while the elves are behind the Giants with fire arrows ready. It is unclear if they are going to attack or going to seige. Whatever the intentions, they are targeting Bangor first.


Despite Kishya's assistance with the resistance force of both Krug's army and Lord Rogue's warriors, the casualties are still apparent as more and more Robe Wraiths leaked into Physis from Zardine. Krug sent a letter to the Royal Family of Emain Macha, requesting assistance in keeping the Robe Wraiths at bay. Royal Adviser Kalinthire did promise reinforcements, but none came so far due to lack of enough ContWarp Orbs used to warp between Udahl and Iria and the uprising at Port Ceann that made the ferry nearly impossible.


The amount of adventurers going missing still grows while the amount of Robed Figures still climbs. Alexina feared that the expeditions may end up being canceled to keep the number of adventurers going missing to a minimal. Nicca claimed that the Robed Figures are spotted going around the camp and along the beach to reach the boat.


The chief of the tribe in Cor began to noticed that the adventurers coming by are not the only ones attacked by Robe Wraiths anymore as some of his tribesmen are going missing as well. Kusina did claimed to have been attacked by a Robe Wraith, but Waboka slew the Robe Wraith with a lucky shot with his bow and arrow before it got a chance to possess Kusina.


Some elf guards reported sightings of Robe Wraiths flying about, some Wraiths are slain because of elf guards protecting new elves and adventurers as they flee. Unfortunately, many elves and humans reported that many Lost Elves are taken by the Robe Wraiths.


Due to their population growth, the Robe Wraiths are becoming vermin of Zardine as swarms are going through the ground entrance towards Physis, it is known that they don't take the sky way due to adventurers flying in by balloons and shooting at them with ballista bolts while Wyverns are attacking them on sight.


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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  TWWolfe Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:12 pm


"yes, commander?"

"would it be possible for you to get a message through to Fenrir?"

White allowed a flicker of suprise to cross his pale face.

"Any particular reason for such an odd request, sir?"

"I want to know if he is allied with these robed figures. If he is not, would he be amicable to a temporary truce, and maybe a temporary alliance."

there was no suprise this time. White had know Wolfe long enough to know that Wolfe would put practical needs far ahead of idealistic ones. If he considered the Robed ones a bigger enemy than fenrir, his next step would be to try to find out if fenrir could be an ally.

"and if he backstabs us when, or if, the robed ones are gone?"

"well, we just have to make sure we backstab him first. Or wear dagger-proof cloaks."

"White smirked at that. Daggers in the dark were his part of the job.

"very well, I shall dispatch a messenger immediately."
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:07 am

[[Also, one more little wall-o'-text I forgot to put in here earlier. May as well now after most recent events.]]

Now that prying eyes had been pushed back for the most part, Fenrir's operations were able to expand into the fields about Dunbarton rather than be forced to hide behind castle walls. This was especially good because the goblins and kobold workers that remained behind were incredibly efficient in capturing the wild animals needed, not to mention building very secure confinements for them Over the course of the past several days they'd been working, and now that a tented enclosure for the main event had been created, it was time for Fenrir to finalize the training of his elite soldiers.

They came a hundred at a time, for a total of seven demonstrations by him. As Fenrir surveyed the lines of the first group, peered deep into each the helm to see a pair of focused eyes where there had once been bewilderment and fear, he smiled. They were ready now - probably more than ready. "Over the past several months," he began while pacing lines. "I've worked with the hopes of opening your eyes to the lies your parents fed you growing up, the deceit the kingdom has spoonfed you from infancy, and to your own naivete in being able to accept it and turn a blind eye to what happens in the background."

Pausing, he looked over the group again. That smile broadened. "It's been a short time, but you've all matured even faster than your elders. I'm proud to say that you've all become a force to be reckoned with, even by me. However, my training and gift to you is not yet complete. You have one more trial ahead of you."

On cue, two muscled goblins who had been waiting at the back of the tent parted the flaps, allowing in a few others who were dragging something heavy by a few ropes. While they worked, Fenrir went on in his speech. "As I told you in the beginning, fear is a strong motive to the way things in the world work today, as are hatred and suffering. The dark armors I've entrusted you with are embedded with each of those things. It's what fuels their strength and in doing so, the bearer. Over the months, I've been training you not to reject these feelings, but to embrace them. In acceptance rather than lashing out, you can become more understanding of what needs to be done. However..."

The goblins finally pulled the cage enough into the room where the beast within it could be seen. The red grizzly, which was already on edge after being captured, bellowed furiously at the sight of all the soldiers in armor. Seeing such a massive thing brought before them did unnerve the children for a brief moment, but other than a few taking a slight, cautionary step back to defend there was no visible reaction. Definitely ready...

"However, embracing will only get you so far. You can understand; but until you can control the darkness, you'll never be able to change anything." The signal came to release the bear. Nervous but obedient to a fault, two of the goblins that had been pulling the cage unlatched it and retreated quickly. As soon as the bear realized it was free of its confines, it lumbered forward and took a look around. Too many to tackle, and no one it wanted to. It just wanted to escape, and the only one in the way of that goal was Fenrir himself, blocking the only visible exit and seeming unnervingly focused. Rearing up and letting out another menacing roar, it lunged. The dark knights watching started to move quickly to their leader's aid; but froze in their tracks when the charge ended in an instant.

Fenrir had moved to meet the beast head on. Watchers barely had the chance to see him slip a dark parchment from under his sleeve before it was slammed against the bear's forehead with a flat palm. And just like that, the bear's temperament subsided as it stood there silent and obedient. After a moment of silence, Fenrir gave the animal a small pat on the head and adjusted the attached fomor scroll, then turned to his audience. "Animals understand fear, rage, and suffering more than anything in Erinn. To be able to control them means to be able to fully comprehend and wield the darkness in your possession.

"This is your final trial. Once you not only embrace the darkness but are capable of controlling it, you can consider yourselves the full-fledged elites of Requiem; and should we reach our goal or fail, each and every one of you, as an individual will have the strength to look forward and face any obstacles in your future." Nodding to the goblins, they took it from there with the group. One of them directed the children on how this trial would unfold while the others busied themselves in bringing in the next animal. Fenrir himself made an exit, the bear padding silently behind and moving to a place at his side once outdoors.

Almost instantly Kurohi had approached him. "We have a problem." she mumbled, having him a message she'd received from her agents. "They're moving sooner than we expected."

Fenrir took a brief look over the letter and huffed before climbing up onto his new pet. "We'll have to push things ahead then. Have every fomor available follow me to Bangor. You'll be in charge of communications and command until I return - the 'usual' way. If things take a turn for the worse here, stick to the plan."

With that, he urged directed the grizzly for the road. He didn't have time to double back into the city and get his personal mount and something with this size and strength would be more handy for what was to come.

Gatemo grimaced as his left hand abruptly convulsed, leaving him to clutch sharply at the bears fur and causing the poor animal to let out a nervous growl within its trains. Things were definitely going to be getting bloody very soon...

[[And with that...I sleep. *THUD!* Zzzzzz.... ~O~ ]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  The Kerrins Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:40 am

Shade:Fenrir's leaving the city?
Then it is definately time for me to make my move
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Kagaea Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:23 am

Most people don't notice shadows, especially not in caverns and caves full of them. One such shadow had recently taken up residence in the twisted depths of Math dungeon. Normally, this would not be notable, except for one minor problem: this one was hunting. Supplies and groups of reinforcements were periodically disappearing in and around Math dungeon, there were no rumors as to who or what it was, simply because there were no survivors. Investigations later would occasionally find from white and black bear fur or a few torn pieces of purple cloth, but never could this predator be found...
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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:00 pm

The man stood in Dunbarton in the northern wall, near the gate. He was tuning a lute ,while trying to keep watch.
He lets out a sigh and says "I deserve way better than this.." He yawns and continues "I wish someone would at least try to break in here." After a while of tuning he starts playing a few songs. "Be patient Xenark, very patient.. you will get a positions soon..." He sits on the edges of the wall and looks towards Tir. " I wonder if he will let me own any city.. I won't mind taking control of Emain... Xen_Emain.. named after the Demon of Chaos who saved Emain from destruction..." He chuckles as he continues playing songs, which seem to have magical affects.

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  TWWolfe Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:46 am

It was past midnight when the order was given. slowly, in ones and twos, 400 men and women stole out of Emain Macha. they wore padded boots and muffled the shoes of their horses. their armor was padded and blackened to give no sound or shine, and their weapons covered to hide their tell-tale glow. this was not to be a grand see-off like the last army, for few would agree with the task they had been chosen to do. there were some who might even have reacted with violence. So they left with stealth in the dead of night. Doubtless some saw them, but more likely than not they were mistaken for the robed figures, and those who saw shied away and were thankful for their lives.

They rendezvoused at the westernmost end of Sen Mag. There, they cleaned themselves off, and waited.

Soon Wolfe came mounted on a great black Shire. He was clad from head to neck in bone armor, with Miledy, his spirit Two-hander, strapped to his back Behind him rode White, and he bore a different flag than those they had fought under before. Before, they had fought under the flag of Emain Macha, with its Paladin armor imposed upon two white swords in a field of blue. This flag was a white Wolf head upon a field of black. Its eyes were dice, and in its mouth it clenched a lightning bolt. It was Wolfe's personal flag, and marching under it meant Wolfe himself was to command.

"is this all of them?"

"yes, Wolfe. The two hundred of your Guards company, and the other two hundered plucked from the other three of the Wolves companies. Axe, Shield and Shadow, they're all mixed in there. all willing to put aside their oaths of vengeance until we've taken care of a bigger problem."
Wolfe nodded, then wheeled his horse about to face the troops.

"alright, you know what we're going to do. Now, I know we've fought alongside Fomors in the past, but those were rather different situations. these fomors will be none to keen to accept us, and some will doubtless be openly hostile. once we get to Bangor, never travel in groups of less than five, and do not go out of your way to antagonize them, understand me?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Also, these enemies are very resilient to magic and ranged attacks. Aren't we lucky that most of us can swing just as well as we can shoot. Our new ally seems to doubt our prowess in that area, so lets prove him wrong, shall we?"

"yes, sir!"

"well, then" Wolfe threw back his head and let out a long, undulating howl, a howl that was echoed in the throats of 400 of the finest soldiers in the world. Wolfe dropped his head back, a feral grin on his face."Lets ride to give the Robed ones a taste of Wolf steel!"

He wheeled about again, and began the march east. and the Wolves followed him.

((couldn't find an Emain flag, so i just made one up. Hope no one minds. also, i just realized this is channeling 300 pretty well. lets just hope it ends better for Wolfe than it did for the Spartans))

Last edited by TWWolfe on Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:52 pm; edited 2 times in total
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Udahlian Robed Report

Post  Jinnhin Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:55 am

While the Robed Figures are besieging from the south, few noticed that Robe Wraiths are flying over Bangor without an intention of attacking from above. Apparently, the Robed Figures are not only besieging, they are also distracting as more than possibly 100 Robe Wraiths could have passed Bangor undetected.

Dugald Aisle
Very few Robe Wraiths are flying northward from Dunbarton, targeting Dugald Residence.

Dugald Residence
None spotted so far.

Some Robe Wraiths are spotted flying over and distributing themselves between Dugald and Osna. What was strange is the Wraiths' ignorance towards the city. Maybe they are intent with trying to make Fenrir's Army look like their allies. As for the archers posted in Dunbarton, they tried to shoot at the Wraiths, but the Wraiths are too far and quick for any arrows to be effective. Some assumed that Fenrir is just too much for the Wraiths.

Emain Macha
None spotted so far.

The numbers of Robe Wraiths are entering from Bangor alone and are revolving around the Dragon Ruin dig site as if it was their meeting ground to form an army.

Morva Aisle
6,000 Robed Figures are still waiting outside the south Bangor entrance while more still comes from Port Ceann, the extras are heading eastward for some reason. Futhermore, Robe Wraiths are found splitting up and distributing themselves between going eastward and northward.

Osna Sail
Very few Robe Wraiths are traveling through to Emain Macha from Dunbarton.

Port Ceann
An oddity is that while more Robed Figures are coming in, the boat also harbored in Robe Wraiths. To those who realized it and get out alive, they discovered that Robe Wraiths cannot cross the sea by flight like they do with rivers. Could there be a limit on how long they could fly?

Sen Mag Plateau
None spotted so far.

Sen Mag Residence
Some Robe Wraiths and some Robed Figures are currently attacking civilians. The Robed Figures scored no kills, but their numbers increased considerably as the Robe Wraiths in there dwindled.

Tir Chornaill
None spotted so far.

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Laikika Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:08 pm

[[One week before the arrival of the wraith army and two days after the fall of Bangor- Because when I had time to write this up, the plot wasn't far enough along yet, and when it was, I had to work, and now that I have time off, it has moved ahead. So this is a retrospective post. ]]

That day she arrived in Bangor was cloudy and windy. There might have been rain, but in the arid valley, it rarely fell. Behind her, the dark Knights were on foot, but she had thought that she would go on ahead first. She was glad that she had done so, for the once small mining town was in utter ruin. It might take days, perhaps weeks, to rebuild the buildings into any sort of usable structure. In the meantime, the children and she would have to sleep in the mine. It would be dark, cold, and there would always be the risk that some ogre would get the craving for a midnight snack. The woman rather hated sleeping underground, in any case. But now the formors were gathering round.

"I am Katsuna," she announced as she reined in her horse. The hoard was reasonably impressed, but she suddenly realized that they were going to look suspiciously on a human. Everything she did would be suspect, if she did not quickly gain their respect. This was something that she and Gatemo had not considered. This was something that Kurohi might have guessed. In fact, Katsuna suspected that the succubus had known it from the beginning. The hoard loved Gate, of course, but Gatemo was not human. They knew that. Kurohi knew that. Only Katsuna forgot it from time to time. Most of the time, really.

"All right, you lot!" She told them, after letting them stare at her a while. What did they see? A friend? A commander? a traitor? "We have a lot of work to do and almost no time. This town is a wreck, and before today is over, we are going to have a strong wall at the gates. We are going to have the mine open. We are going to arrange wall-mounted watches, and we are all going to do it in the name of Gatemo. He is your Lord. He is my Lord. And all that I tell you to do is in his name. Any defiance, any disrespect, any dissension will be punished severely by our Lord. Do not forget what we fight for. This war transcends beyond species. This war transcends beyond religion. Ours is a holy war ...for peace."

She had caught their attention now, she could see it. Katsuna tossed back her mane of black hair and her blue eyes sparked. They were beginning to be interested in her. They were beginning to feel that she was not an enemy. This was crucial. "Ogres," she called to them."We must clear space. Roll those large boulders towards the gates, the North and the South." She turned to some goblins."Begin digging up the soil in a large pit. And you,"she said turning to another group,"begin drawing buckets of water from the well. Throw it upon the soil. Stomp upon it. Get the ogres to help you. We will make clay. You people there, carry the stone from the ruined houses to the new walls we must make. Separate anything sharp. Anything metal. These we will embed upon the outer surface of our new walls. We will build in stone and metal. To scale our wall will mean death. Now get to work. We must make Gatemo proud."

By the time the dark Knights arrived, the work had already begun and already the entrance was almost cleared of rubble. When it was, Katsuna led the children inside and they chose a large chamber to make into a barracks for themselves. The work had begun.
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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:26 pm

"What are these things? These dumb archers keep missing....Should I try to capture one" Xenark said as he examined the wraiths. He looked in them sensing for a soul of any kind... "Would they make good food?" He turned and looked towards the town square. " I wonder if they listen to reason...Can they be tamed?" He grinned as he looked towards the Dunbarton fields. He waited for wraith to pass by as he called out to them "Hey! You!" He picked up a pebble and threw it at the wraith.

((Do these things have souls?))

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Robe Wraith's Response to Xenark

Post  Jinnhin Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:13 pm

((They are spirits, but they are bound spirits created from pure mana, cannot be devoured at all))

The pebble made a little clink on a Robe Wraith's cuirass and the Wraith turned its attention to Xenark. It was a while before it gave its response, the Robe Wraith let out a loud shriek as three Robe Wraiths that was passing Dunbarton heard it and began to circle Dunbarton, seemingly scouting the city for something. Some people gets a bad feeling from the Robe Wraiths.

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:16 pm

Jinnhin wrote:((They are spirits, but they are bound spirits created from pure mana, cannot be devoured at all))

[[I'd question that, but my brain hurts enough from these things already.]]

[[And great. Way to piss them off, Xeek. >=O ]]

"Fenrir" had been standing close enough along the wall to see what had happened. "That idiot!" the robed fomor snarled while beckoning for one of the dark knights. "Call the others and make preparations to move out. Any civilians that feel like staying alive a little longer, see to it they pack light and are ready to march with us."
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Kenelm Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:48 pm

// Are there any wandering the Longa Desert?

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Captincrunch Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:14 am

(( Jinn that is a mutually exclusive statement - created from pure mana =/= spirit or soul, being bound implied spirit or soul. Since you say they can not be devoured by a soul eating demon/devil/whatever, that would imply no spirit or soul and therefore not a bound entity. I will assume they creations, as you imply, subservient to the caster or their designate and semi-autonomous. ))

Somewhere near the shore of Quila base a man in white robes, hands wrapped in bandages crosses paths with a Robed Wraith.
The two stop within paces of each other, as if assessing each other. The Man stands unmoving as the Wraith lunges at him, attempting to merge and take possession of the figure. As their forms touch the Wraith wavers and emits a shriek as its form is torn asunder and absorbed by something on the man's person.
Most unreliable and annoying.
The figure turns from the shore and heads back inland with a determined step.


Somewhere in the forests east of Dunbarton a lone black clad figure stands.
The alabaster visage crowned with hair of silver looked towards the town.
The eyes flickered as if burning with black flame.
Wolves of all sizes and colours were gathered around her in unnatural silence, their eyes like cold jewels.
The dappled sunlight through the leaves flickered and danced around the them with a passing breeze.


A young man dressed in merchants attire sits at a table in Loch Lios.
There is a warm cup of Coffee steaming in the morning air.
The man sits there slowly turning a simple worn ring on his heft hand while gazing out over the morning waters in contemplation.
Shena delivers one of Fraser's butter biscuits.
Could you help out with tonight's menu?
In answer the man turned his face up toward her and gave a warm smile before turning back to his contemplations of the light on the lake.
The smile faded to a look of troubled concern after Shena went back to Gordon to convey his answer.


(( Dang it - I will make it one these RP sessions if I can help it. I have more than enough monkey wrenches to go around.))

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  TWWolfe Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:14 am

Gatemo wrote:
Jinnhin wrote:((They are spirits, but they are bound spirits created from pure mana, cannot be devoured at all))

[[I'd question that, but my brain hurts enough from these things already.]]

[[And great. Way to piss them off, Xeek. >=O ]]

"Fenrir" had been standing close enough along the wall to see what had happened. "That idiot!" the robed fomor snarled while beckoning for one of the dark knights. "Call the others and make preparations to move out. Any civilians that feel like staying alive a little longer, see to it they pack light and are ready to march with us."

((will you tell Wolfe you aren't in Bangor anymore before or after he enters the robe-infested town?))
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:59 am

[[Say whut? o.O]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  TWWolfe Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:36 am

((wait,thought you were leaving bangor. I really need to take my time reading these. So you're leaving from Dunbarton, right?))
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Jinnhin Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:20 am

((I'm just relaying the information about the Robe Wraiths from Jake and he was "alittle" off as few would have noticed. Luckily, Jake cleared his head and provided me a more reasonable specifications.))

((The Robe Wraiths are LIKE spirits by appearance and actions, but they are roughly similar to Golems. They are created beings of steel (the armor) and denim (the robe) controlled purely by mana from an extremely powerful source. In that case, they came from a certain location of extreme amounts of mana deposition. Uknirvin, J.A. Rouge and Jakelvin (aka Lord Rogue) could explained further about Mana Deposition if found and asked IC-Wise.))

((To be expecting in case you guys have to move on while me and Jake are absent from Mabinogi OR your characters are quite familiar with it already, Mana Deposition is a special mineral depositing process that required a powerful magician to "reserve" large amounts of his or her mana into a crystalline form into the earthy region. Volcanic regions are the best due to other minerals that can speed up the process for less mana needed due to Mana Amplification found in wands.))

((But Jake said to regard the multiple storyline involved, no one may get to see the deposited mana until G9 when Alchemy is introduced.))

Southern Region Udahl (Bangor, Sen Mag Residence, Morva Aisle, Port Ceann)

Nothing from the Robed Figures as the Robe Wraiths are still flying one by one (IRL=1 per day). The extras are still coming into Sen Mag Residence (IRL=1 Robed Figure and 1 Robe Wraith per day). Port Ceann is still too hostile for a casual walk (IRL=32 total per Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday with the max of 96). Sen Mag Residence is still under attack by Robed Figures and Robed Wraiths. They'll be done by Tomorrow and possibly aim for Emain Macha with 250-400 Robed Figures in ETA (estimated time of arrival) Friday.

Middle Region Udahl (Gairech, Sen Mag Plateau, Dunbarton, Osna Sail, Emain Macha, Dugald Aisle)

The Dragon Ruin was still infested with possibly 25 Robe Wraiths (IRL=1 added per day). Sen Mag Plateau still has no wraiths or figures yet. An Emainian Guard from the north gate alerted the city of two Robe Wraiths, but sadly, due to the propaganda against the Queen, many civilians ignored it and believed it to be just a routine scare tactic to keep them obedient. However, the Seraphim's Arms Masters, led by Doug Jaliji with paladins trained by Commander Caliandra Vera, intercepted the Wraiths easily and slew them before they reach Emain Square where most civilians go to. But no civilians heed their deeds and resumed their daily lives, still claiming it as staged performances. Osna is now empty of Wraiths. Dunbarton still has 4 Robe Wraiths circling it and gotten worse as one more Robe Wraith joined. No more Robe Wraiths coming through as the last two reached Tir Chornaill.

Northern Region Udahl (Dugald Residence, Tir Chornaill and Sidhe)

The two Robe Wraiths attacked Tir Chornaill. Unfortunately, one civilian was not so lucky as the experienced warriors had to slay the other Robe Wraith and the civilian who became the Robed Figure. The casualty was miraculously none due to the fact that the civilian and those who were killed were Soul Streamers. Dugald Residence was still safe for an odd reason.

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  TWWolfe Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:39 am

((would it be a bad idea to post our troop numbers and location?))
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Jinnhin Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:52 am

((I don't see why it would be a bad idea because it is Semi-OOC, the characters may not know it, but we OOCly do, it is a measure to prevent any confusion and reduce the chance of godmodding out the armies because we know the basic timings of Mabi and RL and how many would go in, out and around during those timings. Also, some of us are quite aware about the numbers in certain areas in the continents.))

((Jakelvin and I used to do the Wraiths and Figures in Mabi Time, but me, Jakelvin and Gatemo had a talk and we considered using RL Timing to adapt to most of the situations outside Twilit Tears.))

((But as Jakelvin's philosophy of role play goes, "What happened, happened and what is there, is there. Unless you want to create a paradox and throw the whole story into a Must-Not-See completely by having most of the armies vanished ICly without a plausible reason." So there is no way for me and Jakelvin to pull back most of the Wraiths and Figures that came in by the Mabi Timing.))

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  TWWolfe Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:16 pm

Jinnhin wrote:
((But as Jakelvin's philosophy of role play goes, "What happened, happened and what is there, is there. Unless you want to create a paradox and throw the whole story into a Must-Not-See completely by having most of the armies vanished ICly without a plausible reason." So there is no way for me and Jakelvin to pull back most of the Wraiths and Figures that came in by the Mabi Timing.))

((We could always say the Doctor came and saved us from the Master and his paradox machine))

(( Anyhow,in Emain I've got 1000 civilian soldiers, 1200 mercenaries, and 350 of the Wolves, Under the command of Black and Silver. another 400 of the Wolves under Wolfe and White are heading to Bangor to help Fenrir. I set the number of guards and paladins in Emain at 600 and 400, but that was before King Brad came along, so there's probably more now.

The Wolves are my equivalent of Elite troops, with the Guards company of them perfectly capable of going toe to toe with the best of the paladins. Pity I've only got 200 of the Guards, and all of them went with Wolfe))
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Jinnhin Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:17 pm

((The main problem in Emain Macha is civilian safety, due to the Queen's choice to pardoned Caliandra and put her back in the Commander position, some are ignoring the safety regulation that would have reduced the casualties by Robe Wraiths and be helpful for Wolfe's army. Those who ignored the safety measures are just making up excuses and was really to spite the Queen, thinking that the law was made by her instead of her Royal Adviser, Kalinthire. So, Black and Silver may have to worry about the civilians who would be endangering themselves by ignoring the Robe Wraiths and Robed Figures, thinking that they are "the Queen's idea of oppressing them." At least it is less worrisome because the 19 paladins (who are trained by Caliandra) do know how to fight the Robe Wraiths and can intercept them on sight or notice. But still, the civilians may need to review their safety strategies before more Robe Wraiths or worse (Robed Figures) comes into Emain Macha.))

Last edited by Jinnhin on Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:19 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot the one that is underlined. ^^;)

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Twilit Tears - Page 5 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:54 pm

TWWolfe wrote:((wait,thought you were leaving bangor. I really need to take my time reading these. So you're leaving from Dunbarton, right?))

[[Fenrir himself moved to Bangor probably just minutes before the wraiths went flying around. The dark knights and his "doppleganger" are still in Dunbarton.]]
Burrito Bison

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