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New event proposition

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New event proposition Empty New event proposition

Post  Tryvian Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:16 am

Hello, i am Tryvian, most of you may not know me as i am one of the newest members, nevertheless i have made some apparitions recently.

But you haven't visited this new topic to get to know about me did you? I had a flash at work today about a guild event and i'd like to share it with you, Should the higher ups in the guild accept it i would like to be leading the event.

So i thought about a Scenario roleplay. You know how the mainstream scenario changed in G1-2-3(whom will now be refered as ''Generations'')? Well i suggest that we make a RP scenario. But in the generations, all players have the same quest and objectives. Here i will invent a quest and i will trigger the story on scheduled basis. For those who can't be there, i will record the active event and post it for you to keep up and have a nice RP story to check.

But of course if the questmaker (Myself in that case) is to make himself the center of the roleplay, it won't be much fun.. So everyone gets to react how they want about it and some key events will be triggered by me. The idea is to give some people a better Rp knowledge and a role in our RP society being more than just ''some guy/gal''

I think it may be a fun experience for the guild and there would be rules of course. i will post them if my idea is accepted, what do you say guys?
Gummy Bear
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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Captincrunch Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:11 pm

Hmm, this is something I believe I suggested in one of the other threads some time back.
My memory is fuzzy at this time of day and I have to fall back on spell check to make my typing coherent.

Sounds like a good concept and documenting the events and results of the encounters will keep everyone up to date on what is happening in the story arc.

May I suggest pulling in key characters every once in a while with "for your eyes only" information to steer the story if it needs a push in a certain direction every once in a while.

As all who have Game Mastered know, players will do the oddest things. Just go with the flow and sort out the story afterward. jocolor

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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Xeek Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:27 pm

As most of you may know I am not the brightest "thing" in the guild both IC or OOC wise :3. So if I understood this, you mean plot stories? But... as Capt. stated unless you are psychic different characters will destroy your ending plot, as I done before (unintentually). So.. storylines on my point of view should only be.. only the starting idea, don't plain the outcome ^^;Specially around me, or at least warn me what not to do :3 Cool

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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Tryvian Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:52 pm

I would like to explain but i'm not good with word and the only way i could make you understand my idea is by telling you... which would be blowing the story so i would say, let me try? As for Capt, Yes i have a few characters in store for that...
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  The Kerrins Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:20 am

You know, your idea is almost what I am planning to do with my plot
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Captincrunch Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:34 am

OH my, I sense there may be a "Clash of the Plot Lines" (tm) in the not to distant future.

*gets the popcorn ready* What a Face

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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Xeek Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:27 am

*steals Capt. popcorn* bounce

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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Captincrunch Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:08 pm

*Gives Xeek Crabs* Very Happy

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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Kayeori Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:25 am

I will say this. If you to plan few outcomes then at some point in the quest that you know the chars will have no choice but to go through give them a few options they you have pre planned. I know that even this way you can't totally control the outcome but if you have a few assisting GM's to help you in case something totally unexpected happens. Two head are better then one more times then not. But three isn't too bad either as long as you agree upon things.
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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  The Kerrins Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:26 am

Clashes can be solved with communication.

Tryvian, we should get together to discuss ideas, see if there are any comflicts, if they can run without effecting the other, or even if they can be meshed together
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Tryvian Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:42 pm

Of course it goes around the idea of a vague storyline. What i mean is, i got a story in store and then i introduce the first part <<Where mostly everyone will gather around the phenomenon>>. But then of course there is the main story but its obvious i cant push everyone in the same direction. thats the meaning of <<Vague>> because depending on how the characters unfold the story, something else will come up. GMs (Thanks for the title idea) will have to manage the players doings and make a following of the story out of it. For example: A star crashes in the middle of dunbarton and my story says that a guy comes out of it. But then bones decides he appear in a bolt of lightning and kidnap the guy before everyone else appear. Then it is exciting to have to compose with the characters reactions and not have the same idea buckled down in my head like ''He escape and then goes all to the beggining.'' Another example, the guy loses an arm. This is exciting as in i have to make a new going and ending with going along with these handicaps reactions and stuff. You guys can do whatever with the story and we'll make do with what we have. I still believe we will have a nice story to unfold. As for you The kerrins, there were no clashes so don't stress and here's my deal, you help me manage this one and i'll help you manage yours.... savvy?
Gummy Bear
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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Rhaz Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:11 am

I was speaking with Dalvar about doing something like this soon. But you beat me to the punch. I'd be more than willing to help you out with anything you need, as I've done extensive RPing and Dungeon Mastering in my day.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Captincrunch Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:58 pm

I'm content to be a secondary character in these plottings but feel free to ask any question you want of me .... i have few *cough cough* years of experience as both player and GM/storyteller/proctor/moderator/Judge study

Cap's story will come out eventually in due time. [[ I have one logistical issue to deal with still before I can spring something more substantial ]]

As a side note : If anyone can remember some of the RP sessions/stories from before, please post something about them, even if it is from just your characters point of view/memories.

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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Tryvian Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:01 pm

Actually i just need a green light from the guild leader or it's officer.. Also i'd like someone to fill me up with the actings around the quest when i'm not there... I mean for example if you plan on killing the said character, i'd like to know ^^
Gummy Bear
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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Tryvian Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:11 am

Sorry for double posting but i'm waiting for an answer there!
Gummy Bear
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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Xeek Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:21 am

For?This is not a thing for Capt./ officers to decide. This you decide with the people you are RPing with, of course you should at least inform "us" So we can join ;3 /As the second officer I say go *unless you meant somewhere else* Either how...I will warn you, there is a big chance ... about the chances of ferg messing up yer weapons if you repair in rain without the lucky guy title... that the ending you expect will be completely destroyed. And... I don't know if I have intentions to kill him, my alt how ever if he is worth a good few bucks in the black market... He will at least be tempted to. Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Captincrunch Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:42 am

Wow Shocked Where are the word police and grammar stasi when you need them?

*pulls out an oxfords unabridged and the book on grammar (cant make out the title its so well worn) and holds them on either side*
Xeek shall use the wisdom in these texts before the texts themselves are used to instill wisdom into Xeek by way of subsonic compression No


Now as for an answer to your question Tryvian, You can try any story you like as long as they stay reasonably within the guidelines already posted regarding characters and effects.

As for people making use of your NPCs in side stories my best advice is to either not allow it or have them get your OK before trying anything.
The first is the easiest solution, the second requires more work and a bit of trust that your NPC stays true to form.

On that note an idea/suggestion, create a separate thread similar to the Bio one we have already but exclusively for NPC characters.
[ thinks about it and creates the thread but non-sticky for now ]
This way you can put up any specific public knowledge about them.
Anyone wanting to use them latter on will easily know who to contact for other information regarding them for their side stories.

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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Xeek Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:55 pm

Captincrunch wrote:Wow Shocked Where are the word police and grammar stasi when you need them?

*pulls out an oxfords unabridged and the book on grammar (cant make out the title its so well worn) and holds them on either side*
Xeek shall use the wisdom in these texts before the texts themselves are used to instill wisdom into Xeek by way of subsonic compression No

Huh? T_T Leave my grammar alone! I try my best! And is understandable...for the most part bounce bounce

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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  The Kerrins Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:04 am

I'm going to stand by this opinion, we should discuss ideas first to avoid future conflicts(i.e. yours might rely on a concept that eliminates something neccesary to mine)
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Dalvar Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:04 am

Xeek wrote:
Captincrunch wrote:Wow Shocked Where are the word police and grammar stasi when you need them?

*pulls out an oxfords unabridged and the book on grammar (cant make out the title its so well worn) and holds them on either side*
Xeek shall use the wisdom in these texts before the texts themselves are used to instill wisdom into Xeek by way of subsonic compression No

Huh? T_T Leave my grammar alone! I try my best! And is understandable...for the most part bounce bounce
In layman's terms, Xeek, Captin just told you that you are to improve your grammar or he will hit you in the head with the book.
...Which looks kind of heavy, actually...
*Inches away*

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New event proposition Empty Re: New event proposition

Post  Xeek Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:23 am

In layman's terms, Xeek, Captin just told you that you are to improve your grammar or he will hit you in the head with the book.
...Which looks kind of heavy, actually...
*Inches away*

Ohh good XD. That is what I understood, sort of anyhow. And... just correct me which errors I make :3 If nobody corrects me.. how am I suppose to know? o.o I don't like language.. And I really don't see the point of making any language more complicated that understandable. Rolling Eyes Wink

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