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New Member - Lamina S. Night ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )

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New Member - Lamina S. Night  ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )  Empty New Member - Lamina S. Night ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )

Post  LaminaNight Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:01 am

Character Name: Lamina S. Night
How You Heard About The RP Society: Browsing the Guild List.
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? Eight years and counting. ( No joke )
Is English Your First Language? Yes, I speak English mainly and partial Latin.
A Short Biography Of Your Character: Lamina originated from France in 1812 Era Europe during an alternate timeline ( which i have extensive work put into, but that's not important here ) as part of a royal family and was raised there for most of her childhood life until being abducted by a faction which sought to "Cleanse this land of the impure" known as the Golden Wolf Temple.
After being abducted she was then raised as a slave for the next two years of her life, causing severe psychological trauma that lasted throughout her life. She was then forcibly enlisted into the Golden Wolf Temple's military upon her third year, where - during a spar with an unnamed recruit - she was stabbed through the heart, killing her temporarily. It was then she met The Darkness, an entity believed to be pure evil, but in truth was actually only half that, which granted her life in exchange for her soul. She agreed and served the Darkness for years afterwards, committing many acts that further scarred her psyche.
Eventually, she decided she wished to free herself of the Darkness and it's influence, so she took her sword which had been imbued with its power and brought it to a Spirit of the Earth known as Silver. Silver took the blade and then infused it with her blessing, as well as that of the Light, causing it to be powerful enough to harm the Darkness.
Lamina took the blade and used it on herself, causing both her and the Darkness to perish . . .
. . .
An eternity passes, or at least what appears to be one. and Lamina awakens to find herself with the one known as Nao, in the new world of Erinn. . .
What type of character do you play? A tragic hero, who seeks to redeem herself for crimes she committed . . .
What is your Mabinogi schedule? Due to various real-life variables, my schedule is random.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 16
Join date : 2013-08-13
Age : 211
Location : Erinn, Mabinogi.

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New Member - Lamina S. Night  ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )  Empty Re: New Member - Lamina S. Night ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )

Post  Kenelm Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:38 am

I've seen your character loitering near the gate by the Dunbarton bank, and I've seen your shop.

The character concept looks interesting--I've seen it in a few places recently, and I'd like to read more on the character's backstory.

Posts : 1249
Join date : 2008-06-24
Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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New Member - Lamina S. Night  ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )  Empty Re: New Member - Lamina S. Night ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )

Post  Soifa Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:16 pm

I'm interested in if this Darkness still has some influence on her, but I feel like asking might give me spoilers...

I will approve!

Posts : 1656
Join date : 2012-09-08

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New Member - Lamina S. Night  ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )  Empty Re: New Member - Lamina S. Night ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )

Post  Auramune Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:19 pm

Approving here, too!

Posts : 5534
Join date : 2008-04-05
Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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New Member - Lamina S. Night  ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )  Empty Re: New Member - Lamina S. Night ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )

Post  LaminaNight Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:06 pm

( Hope i'm not violating any rules by replying directly )

I actually have a draft ( currently unfinished ) that details Lamina's back-story, if you would like, i can PM a link. ( the external links are not allowed for 7 days according to the error message i received )

If my character seems familiar, that is because i have used the very same one throughout many different forums and sites, even having ran my own personal one for a time, i have been prominent ( not to boast ) for a while now. ( You may not know me directly, maybe you have heard of me? )

As for the second question, i will not divulge any details regarding possible development and events regarding Lamina. Sorry!
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 16
Join date : 2013-08-13
Age : 211
Location : Erinn, Mabinogi.

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New Member - Lamina S. Night  ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )  Empty Re: New Member - Lamina S. Night ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )

Post  Kenelm Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:50 pm

The places I've seen the concept recently are on television and a web comic. Although, the character in question on the television show is more of a supporting character, and psychological damage doesn't seem to be an issue. The character in the web comic, on the other hand, supposedly hacked the planet, and has mental scars from the fallout.

Posts : 1249
Join date : 2008-06-24
Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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New Member - Lamina S. Night  ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )  Empty Re: New Member - Lamina S. Night ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )

Post  LaminaNight Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:57 pm

Ah, in that case. I have honestly no idea what you are referring to. My mistake, i had thought you were referring to the other facts stated, oh well, i suppose i cannot be truly famous and original yet.

Keep in mind that any relation to any character outside that of my own creation is pure coincidence and i can alter it to meet specifications and guidelines.


I am also wondering what the next step i need to take might be? I had read in the rules it regarding contacting some specific people but i would not wish to get ahead of myself and if anything needs to be done before that, i will be more than happy to do so.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 16
Join date : 2013-08-13
Age : 211
Location : Erinn, Mabinogi.

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New Member - Lamina S. Night  ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )  Empty Re: New Member - Lamina S. Night ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )

Post  Kenelm Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:02 pm

You only need one more approval, and scheduling meetings to receive mentoring can be started as soon as you like.

Posts : 1249
Join date : 2008-06-24
Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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New Member - Lamina S. Night  ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )  Empty Re: New Member - Lamina S. Night ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )

Post  Teoxihuitl Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:33 am

Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Age : 32
Location : Not in your pants. . .yet

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New Member - Lamina S. Night  ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )  Empty Re: New Member - Lamina S. Night ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )

Post  Soifa Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:44 pm

Moving to approved section. Aura or myself will accept an in game request to join ASAP(I'm at work right now, so if she doesn't, I will when I get home)

Posts : 1656
Join date : 2012-09-08

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New Member - Lamina S. Night  ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )  Empty Re: New Member - Lamina S. Night ( In-game UN: Kinglamina )

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