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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Hyuponia Kana
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Adhamh Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:59 am

Well, I was trudging through the Mabi forums and found an interesting game. The idea is that you name an item and the next poster must explain how it can kill you and provide a new item(items don't have to be physical...someone posted "Immortality" once..) And to make this not-as-gruesome-sounding, illogical things and hilariously-detailed methods of death are preferred (as opposed to "Object: Knife. Method: You can stab yourself and die of blood loss/infection"). ^_^ This is to exercise your guys' creativity and as we all know creativity is a vital part of fantastic RP. I begin with:

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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Teoxihuitl Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:39 am

The add is so raunchy that you momentarily forget how to swallow your beverage, start choking, and trip over your cat which causes you to propel headfirst into your new TV set, effectively electrocuting you to death.

Like that?

Baby Milk bottle.
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Dellinger Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:10 am

Teoxihuitl wrote:Baby Milk bottle.

Your baby brother is extremely hungry, and you've been rushing to get ready for a hot date at 8 o'clock. Your parents are busy at the moment, so you take it upon yourself to go into the mess that your family calls the kitchen to prepare a baby bottle; they're fairly easy to find, considering your family has been lacking in regards cleaning. The recent trouble your parents' jobs have caused by threatening lay-offs has been stressing the family to the brink, hence the ocean of mess you've been dealing with recently. You wade through the garbage and silverware on the floor, and you successfully heat the bottle. You are fully prepared to leave the kitchen, when you slip one of the bottles and land face first into the corner of the marble counter with the force of gravity behind you. Your skull doesn't survive the double impact of first marble then stone floors.

Oh... Oh poo, you wanted humor... I'll work on that next time... >.>

A sousaphone.

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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Krystal Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:17 am

Dellinger wrote:
A sousaphone.

You're walking along the 2nd story floor of the college you attend, and some thugs want to beat you up. You run to the band room, trip over a cord and crash head first into the open end of a sousaphone. Unable to see with the stuck instrument, you unknowingly step up a stairway, though it's not a stairway as there is no 3rd floor. It's a window, and you stepped off the building to the hard concrete below, where you break your spine, neck, other bones, and most importantly, that annoying sousaphone.

Think that was good....

Here's one. Grass.
Buckwheat Dragon
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:36 am

Someone uses a ridiculous amount of hair gel on a bunch of grass, making it extremely hard and pointy, then they push you onto the grass spikes and you are impaled.

Then a tree falls on you.

Modeling Clay.


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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  .Naiada. Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:13 pm

Soifa wrote:
Modeling Clay.

You are visiting the art department's open house at a community college, and are observing the pottery demonstrations. Usually, they pottery wheels only move fast enough to allow the user to mold clay into artistic shapes or useful vases and jars. As a volunteer is called to come try the process out for themselves, as they depress the pedal that turns the wheel, they press too hard, and it breaks. The wheel increases speed until the clay flies off of it in fatal chunks, beaning you in the face and rattling your brain to unconsciousness.

They would have performed CPR, but the resulting imprint your expression made on the other side of the clay was astonishing, and they took it inside to bake and put on display.

Passport Photo.

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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Krystal Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:20 pm

It is a very hot day at the airport as you leave for Japan. You have everything packed and the air seems dry. As you pack your luggage onto the conveyor to go to your plane, you accidentally leave your passport with it. The luggage is safely taken to the bottom of the plan, where the guy packing the luggage notices the passport. Upon opening the passport, a strong wind blows the passport photo out and onto a propane tank. The heat and dry air along with the intense heat cause the photo to combust, exploding the tank and the gas line leading up to the plane you have just boarded. The resulting explosion as you become an astronaut is amazing.

Buckwheat Dragon
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Dalvar Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:59 pm

Starvation, obviously.

Someone linked you to it, and you tried to get away, you really did. But it sucked you in- there was always another page to read! By the time you noticed your ribs were showing, it was too late...


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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Adhamh Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:09 pm

Very simple.

You were at the pet store minding your own business when you stumbled across a tank with an enormous tarantula. It jumped at the side of the glass preying on your arachnophobia. You stumble back, afraid, only to hit a shelf where a careless shopper left an semi-open bag of catnip on top. The catnip falls onto you and the cats in the adoption center of the store begin to fuss ceaselessly. This causes the dogs to act up as well. Which in turn agitates the other animals in the store. One of the adoption volunteers opens up the cat cages to check on them and they all escape and run towards you. In the end, the cats are dragging you off to their secret underground sanctum and present you to the cat queen. She declares you to be her new personal servant and you end up serving the cats for about eighty years before you finally die of old age.

Pandora Radio

Cromm Crunch
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Krystal Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:07 pm

You put in your headphones to listen to the great music of your own personal radio. However, you turned it up to max and before you knew it, the earblasting sound breaks your eardrums and causes you to have a seizure in pain. Thus, you die listening to your favorite song as blood seeps out of your ear sockets.

Majora's Mask.
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  TWWolfe Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:57 pm

Drops an evil-looking moon on a small town you happen to be staying in at the time

A spoon
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Hyuponia Kana Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:12 pm


1.Pick a target, stalk them relentlessly day and night. (Points if you are some form of spirit akin to the Grudge)

2. Hit them...WITH A SPOOOOOON.

Again. And again. And again. And agaaaaain. And again. And again and again. And again. And again. And again and again and again and again. AND AGAAAINNN. And agaaaiiiin. and again and again and again.

3. Repeat step two until target commits suicide.

A pair of panties/underwear.
Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Zeffie Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:21 pm

Some lady could have been trying to spice it up and get real affectionate, ties her manto a chair, and then when she goes to gag him with her panties, she trips and strangles him with them.
Humbert has a very severe allergic reaction to his new latex undies.

White Claudia/PTV
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Adhamh Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:27 am

Through the drug, you become manic and you slaughter your entire family. You end up in a mental facility in a straight-jacket and in a room with nothing but white walls. You eventually develop claustrophobia and begin to move around violently until you eventually end up in a position where you've snapped your neck and die.

Next up, Mouse Cursor.
Cromm Crunch
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Guest Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:28 am

You accidentally download a virus that turns your mouse cursor into tacos, giving you an intense craving for the delicious food.

Then you choke and die on a taco.

A butterfly wing.


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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Temo Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:42 am

Know that dust butterflies carry on their wings? Imagine if that stuff was something you A) had an allergic reaction to when it's touched, B) it's radioactively toxic, or C) the butterfly has some kind of vendetta and does a flyby, sending a huge gash across your jugular and causing you to bleed out.

...hey. Those tiny things are fragile, but sharp. >>

And let's see...

Clouds. Not a storm or anything that comes from them. Just the clouds.
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Mithos Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:49 am

While you're scaling a super high mountain, you come up to cloud level. You think "Hey, I wanna see what clouds smell like!", take a deep breath, and and start gasping for air. So you try to breathe more, but just inhale more water. You drown and fall off the mountain.

A Twilight book >.> (/mean)

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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Auramune Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:55 am

You pick up a twilight book, read it, and realizing it's trash and you just wasted your time reading such trash.. hang yourself.

A bookmark =D.

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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Vayne Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:58 am

The bookmark is advertising the upcoming Silent Hill: Revelations movie. This awakens your deep need to play survival horror. Continuously. Slowly through many playthroughs of every Silent Hill and (older) resident evil known to man, as well as games such as Cursed Mountain, Penumbra, and Amnesia, reality and game begin to blur. You begin seeing zombies at riots, pyramid head dancing at the local club. You can't deny it, Whesker and the Shrine Maiden were making out on the bench in the park. How dare these villainous curs steal your town? You decide to take back your town, and rush for the fiends. Unfortunately, one of your hallucinations wasn't a hallucination, and when your fists didn't cause him to explode like the others, you find that he works for the company Parasol. That night, you are abducted and injected with the P-Virus, which turns you into a dancing zombie with an unsatiable need for human flesh--and nightclubs. In the end, perhaps you weren't as crazy as everyone thought. But that doesn't matter, you're dead. In a nightclub. Tommorrow you'll wake up wondering who's brains are between your teeth and who that girl next to you is. You wonder if you'll get an STD but then you recall: you're dead. It doesn't matter. Then instincts drive you to more dancing and killing. The end.


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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Zeffie Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:03 pm

You put too many marshmellows in your mouth and choke. 8D
You dive into a pit filled with marshmellows! You begin to swim in them and jump around. While doing so you being to sweat, the sweat makes the marshmellows sticky and the begin to stick to you. Soon, you are weighed down by all the marshmellows and and cannot move. After a couple of days you begin to try and eat the marshmellows but you can't move you neck enough to do so. >: Poor you. You starve to death.

Orange Peel 8D
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  TWWolfe Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:13 pm

You mistake it for a banana peel and, following the laws of comedy, slip and fall because of it. however, your body does not follow the laws of comedy, and you crack your head and slip into a coma

the extra piece left over from IKEA furniture

Last edited by TWWolfe on Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Guest Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:13 pm

Gonna include the next object, Wolfe?


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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  TWWolfe Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:18 pm

My post has the next object. my post has always had the next objest >.>
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Guest Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:30 pm

Suuuuure >.>

Depends on the piece, but since it's almost always a loose screw...

You go to IKEA to complain, and the cashier takes the screw and jams it into your brain through your eye.

A frozen waffle.


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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Krystal Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:14 pm

You put the waffle in your toaster because it's a waffle/toaster. As you go to plug it into the wall, you accidentally knock it over and it lands on your foot, making you reel back in pain. You bump into the cabinet where you keep your cooking supplies along with the knives for cutting stuff up. Said knives and the holder they are in shake and tips over, one of the knifes coming loose and falling down at just the perfect angle to stab through your skull and into your brain. You saw it. You tried to stop it, but the frozen waffle you held over your head wasn't strong enough to keep a gravity forced steel knife from tearing into you.

A bendy glow stick.

P.S. Don't eat the juice inside it. I did that once, spat some out, but swallowed some. I live. I'm fine. That was.... 7 years back now.
Buckwheat Dragon
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