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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Hyuponia Kana
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Adhamh Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:13 am

You're running through the streets behind apartments and everything's dark and you're being chased by a maniac. You use the darkness to your advantage and hide behind a dumpster, only when you squat down, the glow stick you had in your back-pocket from the rave you just left bends and activates. The glow from the party device attracts the maniac naturally and the maniac of course ends up killing you. He then takes the glow stick that you had stolen from him and goes off on his merry way.

A speck of lint.

Cromm Crunch
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Guest Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:08 pm

The speck of lint joins with other specks and forms a giant dust bunny, which comes to life and crawls in your mouth as you sleep, suffocating you.

A daisy.


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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  .Naiada. Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:51 pm

You are severely allergic to pollen and your hives swell up so badly, you suffocate and die. People think you were stung by bees to death, you are so swollen. Oh well.

A skeleton key.

Wolf in Designer Clothing
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Guest Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:53 pm

I'll let someone else answer that one...I can't think of anything that isn't inappropriate. >_>


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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Temo Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:34 pm

A pissed off skeleton who had it made from some bone that was a part of its anatomy comes to kill you and reclaim it. Yes, I know I took the definition of skeleton key literally, BUT IT COUNTS!

Next: Emotes.
Burrito Bison

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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Auramune Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:38 pm

You're chillin and talking to someone on msn when they start to spam flashy emotes. It triggers a seizure that you never before this very second and you die choking on your own tongue. ((Well that wasn't funny at all...DX))


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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Temo Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:51 pm

You're sensitive to the frequency the chime sounds at. It causes your ears to bleed and your brain to rattle until it explodes in your skull. Very Happy

Sunglasses. Cool
Burrito Bison

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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Mithos Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:24 pm

You're dressing as Horatio Caine for Halloween and you are wearing sunglasses at night, like he would at any time. Your friends drag you to a cave for a party but you can't see a thing in that cave you're "investigating". You trip and fall on a stalagmite, head first. The scene is becomes very gory when your friend turns on his flashlight.

A pokeball.

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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Vayne Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:46 pm

You lob a pokeball in battle, only to have it rebound off the tree and club you in the head. The pokeball, being messed up, opens now and rather than sending out the pokemon, brings you in. On the inside, you find a gateway to another world, where pokemon go to hunt. Because, seriously. There is no cannibalism in pokemon, but many of them are so obviously carnivores. They go eat somewhere. You peek inside, and promptly become lunch for someone's hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry Tangela. As it slowly drags you in with it's vines, you realize: This explains so much. You realize the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. And it isn't 42. Too bad you'll never get to share it.


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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Krystal Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:01 pm

You're at school and are taking a division test in 3rd grade. When you get it back you realize you made a ton of errors by not dividing 0 by something, but dividing by zero. The end result gave you a 42/100 on the test. Infuriated, you swear to learn how to divide by zero when you're older. You're 42 now, finally unlocking the secret to dividing by zero. You finally learn it's infinity as you plug it into a calculator that would give you the exact answer. The numbers swarm the computer screen. You become lost in the void of infinite numbers, watching them, writing each number down infinitely. 3 days pass, and you have died, having forgotten to sleep, eat or drink. The numbers had also caused the computer to generate a blue screen of death.

Blue Screen of Death.
Buckwheat Dragon
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Adhamh Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:12 pm

Krystal wrote:You're at school and are taking a division test in 3rd grade. When you get it back you realize you made a ton of errors by not dividing 0 by something, but dividing by zero. The end result gave you a 42/100 on the test. Infuriated, you swear to learn how to divide by zero when you're older. You're 42 now, finally unlocking the secret to dividing by zero. You finally learn it's infinity as you plug it into a calculator that would give you the exact answer. The numbers swarm the computer screen. You become lost in the void of infinite numbers, watching them, writing each number down infinitely. 3 days pass, and you have died, having forgotten to sleep, eat or drink. The numbers had also caused the computer to generate a blue screen of death.

Blue Screen of Death.

You've been up all night writing a paper that's due the next day and is worth your entire final grade. Just as you are about to save and print, your computer flashes The Blue Screen of Death. You freeze, temporarily paralyzed from horror and dismay and end up in a state similar to Rigor Mortis. Your family thinks you've died and you're eventually buried. The shock passes and you return to your normal state only to find out you've been buried alive. The cemetary happened to be created on a nuclear site and a horde of radioactive super-worms dig into your coffin and slowly feast on you.

Log out button.
Cromm Crunch
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Krystal Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:59 pm

There is a god. No, not the god you think of. This guy is really just a kid controlling a massive game he calls the Universe. He's been playing it non stop all day, which is equal to 14 billion years in our time. His goal is to make a better universe than his friends. His mom tells him to get off, and he goes to hit his log out button to save his data. But no! As he goes to hit the key to log out, his hand slips as an earthquake hits. The result causes him to bash his hand into the key board. As he was working on earth, it becomes the target for the several blackholes, random implosions, and just plain bad luck. Within less than a second the earth is destroyed 50 times over, you along with it. To top it off? The earthquake cut the powerlines to his home, killing the game (And auto saving it).

Dungeon Masters (DMs)
Buckwheat Dragon
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Guest Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:04 pm

You try to cheat.

The dungeon master proceeds to grab a flail and beat you with it until you die.

A chicken tender. With honey mustard.


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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Mithos Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:09 pm

You eat a raw chicken tender. You get salmonella. You die horribly. The end. =D

Inception. >.>; (Not the movie Dx)

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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Jordiya Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:21 pm

A girl cannot figure out what Inception is other than the movie. So the ancient tribe of Indians called the Stupidalookas came and stabbed her 37 times. Not 36, not 38. 37 times.

A harmless ladybug.
Cinnamon Hellhound
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Adhamh Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:23 pm

You're walking on a very thin wire above a pit of spikes for some morbid circus act. The ladybug lands on your shoulder, taking a rest for its long flight. The ittybitty added weight causes you to lose your balance and you end up skewered.

Cromm Crunch
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Auramune Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:28 pm

You're sitting here, reading this thread, and trying to find a creative way that you could kill someone or yourself with the aforementioned items. But you start to stress out that nothing is funny, or creative, so you off yourself by (insert something creative here.) But since you're dead.. you can't post about it.

Nail polish.

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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Zeffie Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:34 pm

Using your Nailpolish, you paint pretty cupcakes on your finger and toe nails. But, what's this?! Your nailpolish came from a black-magic shop! The Cupcakes on your fingers being to take over your hands and naw at your neck. The ones on your toes control your feet and make you stand on a dead corpse full of hungry maggots. The maggots crawl into you and eat your insides, and your nawing cupcake nails eat through an important blood vessel, thus, killing you.

Toxoplasma gondii
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Krystal Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:43 pm

You look up the long word, unable to figure out what it is at first. Your cat comes in and stares at you as you study the parasite before you turn, realizing your cat has grown in size... or rather, it hasn't grown, but you shrank. The cat has a witch hat on it, making it apparent what happened. But rather than running in fear of the predator, you feel drawn to it, and move to it. It turns out you're a carrier of this parasite, which alters your brain to make you drawn to cats. You walk right into the waiting cat, who bats you around to your death with it's claws before eatting you.

A room.
Buckwheat Dragon
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  TWWolfe Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:12 pm

you watch a film called the Room, and the badness of the acting in the titular room causes you to off yourself.

a smiley.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Krystal Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:46 pm

Distraught by the fact it is a smiley and not a smiley face. you type the word face to add onto it. That word "face"... takes your face to post onto the forum in a big old smiley. You died from the shock of having your face torn off by your computer.

Star Trek
Buckwheat Dragon
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Zeffie Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:08 am

You just made your friend Eddie mad while watching your Star Trek. He takes the DVD/Video Tape and hucks it at your head, causing massive internal injuries. You then bleed profously throughout all your organs. And are not perfect.

Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Jordiya Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:27 am

Someone orders bannock at some creeper stalker restaurant. They look at the round piece of bread before taking a small bite. BUT THEN the bannock grows arms and strangles the man. The man gets away safely. Later at his house, he researches what bannock is made of.
Then, a meteor smashes his house, therefore killing him.

Cinnamon Hellhound
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Lynn17 Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:15 pm

Taylene wrote:
((I hope you mean those weird robot lookin toys that you put together xD...))

So you pick up your little bro/sis, or for you parents out there, your son/daughter, from school or day care. You ask them how they did, and they show you their report card. They got all straight A's! So you decide to reward them with a new toy. You take them to a toy store where they point out all these different toys they want, when they see a ball, you fall on it and tell them "no". They point at a toy fire truck, you trip on that and twist your ankle. Next they choose one of those large, child-sized jeeps, and end up running you over with it, crushing your bones. Next they see a Bionicle and run over with it, you notice a ball in front of their feet. You then open your mouth and yell out. "NOOOO!!!!!!" They trip on the ball, throwing the bionicle in the air, but little did you know, the light above you is hanging only by a small wire, so the bionicle hits the light, knocking it from the ceiling and falls on you, causing sparks which light you on fire. You get up, roll around but roll right into a puddle of water, which you being in an electrical fire makes it worse. You run for the window, screaming and crash through it to the pools you saw outside, which belong to the pool store next door, unknowingly jumping into a pool they had just emptied to sell. You land on the concrete smashing in your head, and die.

And the item...let's see here..........
Gummy Sandworm
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The "Anything Can Kill You" Game. - Page 2 Empty Re: The "Anything Can Kill You" Game.

Post  Peldari Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:33 pm

As you're walking down the street a slippery fingered blacksmith drops his anvil off the roof and on to your head. He was working on the roof because there was no room inside as his smithy was filled with evil bunnies from dimension Z'orkxelp'lx. Because of this, you, the only person who could defeat the Z'orkxelp'lx-ians are dead. And the world is doomed.

A jester hat. The kind with bells.
Kandy Korn Ogre
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