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Dhinesbeth Valnuuhr (CL Bangor)

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Dhinesbeth Valnuuhr (CL Bangor) Empty Dhinesbeth Valnuuhr (CL Bangor)

Post  Khunvyel Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:53 pm

Ingame Name: Dhinesbeth
Nickname: Bethy or Dhinny, the latter mostly being used by her family.
Ancestry: Tuatha human
Complexion: White
Hair colour: green-blue
Eye colour: green-blue
Age: Looks around 30.
Demeanor: Cultivated, tidy, polite and professional, yet maintaining a lively fashion and lifestyle.

Character Traits: She cares for her appearance, which also involves a little physical exercise to keep her in shape, but she does not get lost in her physical presentation. While she is not a stunning beauty all around, she has good enough looks paired with a professional charm and a way to deliberately use her feminine grace to let competition purely relying on their pretty faces pale in comparison. She might be flirty, but not to the point of being a slut. Her all-business job time is balanced with having good amounts of fun and enjoying some sorts of entertainment while she is working. "Why separating fun and work?"
Dhinesbeth appears straightforward, but she usually knows more than she says. Quick to smile and laugh, if only to keep up the charade, but similar easy to anger if she smells a double crosser and highly perceptive about anyone being a possible mercantile competitor. She does not have many she calls friends, even though plenty of her acquaintances believe her to be a friend in turn due to her apparent care and interest. This is just a facade to keep contacts in an attempt to not miss any opportunity, should one ever arise. She is business, through and through, and even if it is one of a rather unique nature that could be perceived as "weak" to other entrepreneurs... one should be wary to think deprecatory of her.

Origin and backstory: Born in Emain Macha into a family of average social status, her mother was working a half-day job as a weaver in a firm producing high quality fabrics, and the remaining time she spent at home for her child as well as serving as a fashion designer. Dhinesbeth's father owned a small but well running restaurant prior to getting married to her mother, and shortly after the first born saw the light of day, he sold it off in order to establish a more solid environment for the newly founded family. Eventually he became the financial co-manager of the firm her mother worked in, helping to balance the books and keeping the wheels turning. Dhinesbeth was a witty kid and developed interest in both of her parent's occupations fairly early during childhood. It became second nature to be involved with her parent's works, who allowed her the participation whenever possible, which made the offspring develop into a smart teenager with a determined mindset and focused goals. Starting her career as a seller for a clothing shop, she soon got bored of just promoting the goods and cashing in, wanting to be involved in the production process of said garbs as well as the actual sales distribution. After more dedicated studies and bidding farewell to her parents, she departed towards Tara with greater goals on the horizon.

Early career to present time: Living in Tara, Dhinesbeth went where business was and managed a good start as entrepreneur who managed distribution and selling of goods, soon to dabble with in- and exports to other towns. She kept it small though, wholesale was never her thing, as she did not want to become dependant on managers under her supervision. Dhinesbeth always remained in control and followed her intuition, her prime directive to work on safe money, not speculate as much, and oddly enough she was unlike many other traders who simply wanted money for the money's sake. She was much more into assets... because money spent is working the economy, instead of sitting idly in a bank account doing nothing. She rather invested into something and waited before profits showed up, while keeping safe and risk-free business going, usually having high success rates with her investments. But she soon wanted more. Not necessarily more money, but an increase of moved volume, more recognition, more gain and more importantly; more leverage in world's economics. Less because of the power, but more about the challenge of achieving it and pulling it off. She spread her business to the mercantile Fomors as well as trying to set foot overseas in Belvast and Iria, one small step after another. And this increased her worries as well, seeing possible sways in the ore market, as well as other areas due to Iria imports. Some of them even having a slightly negative impact on her own trades, so her eyes started to rest on Bangor, and a plan of multifariousness started to form in Dhinesbeth's head, a challenge bigger than anything she had undertaken yet.

City Leadership: Trades are done between people. Cities, armies and governments are run by people. For Dhinesbeth, there is no difference so she petitioned for an audience in order to state her plea to replace the current city leader of Bangor. She supported her request with all the good arguments she could sport. Bangor was flourishing before the war, and the way Dhinesbeth put it, there is no reason why it should not be as lucrative as it once was, if only someone would care enough for it. Carefully placed hints in how it would further the kingdom, and in this case line its pockets were littered throughout the entire conversation. Opportunity met chance, and she was granted the post. At the very beginning she was working closely with the former administrator in order to learn the ropes, but she soon felt comfortable enough to deal with this on her own. Its just managing people, after all, and anything related to run a city can be broken down into something that she already was apt to do; organizing business and setting up trades. One way or the other.

(( Added a quick and crude screenshot for basic looks, I might play with the Mabinogi character simulator for more suits and better fitting colours for the clothes later, but at least you get a base idea of her appearance as well as face. ))

Dhinesbeth Valnuuhr (CL Bangor) Dhinesbeth_mabi1

Posts : 467
Join date : 2013-02-11

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