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Glacia's FEC Request

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Dellinger Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:03 pm

To end the plot concerning Glacia and the attacks on the cities, I'm requesting to end it using the Final Explosion power, but tweaking the power to meet more an FEC based standard.

Where: The power will be used in Tara, at a spot not yet chosen. Possible locations are in a house within Tara or in the square.

How: The power in question will be expanded to cover a bigger radius. From within a house, the explosion would reach to the houses beside it. In the case that this is in fact smaller, the original size would be used. For the damage, no damage representation will be used, as in upgrading the FEC-level, the skill is meant to cause death and destruction of everything within the explosion, user included.

Effects/Prevnetion of bieng used again: The explosion and being at the center of such destructive force would cause Glacia to go through memory loss and then a 'soul lock'. The lock would prevent Glacia's soul from being able to provide the necessary energy to replicate such as explosion. In addition, the memory loss from trauma and damage of the attack would wipe Glacia's current memory, forgetting said powers exist. All current powers, save the template (Mammilian Hybrid) that is used, would be rendered inable to be used due to lack of recalling how to. Overtime, I may request the same powers that have been approved, given the IC reasoning is there to allow her to relearn how to use them. Memory loss would be permanent, and memory crystal/crystal ball would not allow her to remember anything, possibly a result of the soul lock.

The explosion's effects would cause death and destruction to everything in the explosion, then the resulting shock wave would likely weaken/destroy buildings as well. The explosion itself ranges about 3-building wide, and the resulting shockwave is 1.5 buildings, as stated in the power request to be half the size of the explosion.

Results: The explosion would leave a giant crater where it occured, which reconstruction could be done as seen fit. Traces of Glacia would not be found physically, however a select few would likely know she is responsible due to the scale of the explosion and magic.

Hope this works as a request. Thank you for your time.

Discuss. I'm kind of for this, considering it will be an RP event.

Last edited by Dellinger on Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Xeek Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:23 pm

I am good, though I would prefer the term soul scaring than lock.. >_>

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Dalvar Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:03 am

Can I deny a request because it's dull and overused?
I mean, this is like the third time she's lost her memories and/or powers.

(Xeek's right about the terminology, too, "soul scarring" is better)

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Dellinger Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:04 am

Mmm. I talked to glacia about this. Chances of powers coming back are slim to none, and by it's right, we can technically state the soul scarring would prevent powers from being relearned, due to the nature of the explosion in the past.

You can reserve the right to deny. =P

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Xeek Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:09 am

I mean.. souls eventually regenerate, but it takes a long time.. Sooo.
Edit: Yes.. memory erase is overplayed X_X

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Dellinger Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:17 am

I'd consider it less 'memory erased' and more 'soul exploded with it, and what's left is literally a fragment of what was there.' IE, there is no 'getting it back.' It was blown so far to some other place that it in essence may not exist anymore.

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Soifa Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:58 am

I'm for it because maybe Glacia the character will stop annoying everyone ever.

And since she states in her request she can't get memories back ever, if she tries to we can always go "lolnope"


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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Dalvar Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:02 am

I have no actual valid reasons to deny this.
I just... Blergh, again, you know?

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Soifa Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:04 am

Hey hey.

Again..for permanent. Not..again-til-memory-crystal. Permanent 8D

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Vayne Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:23 am

Please. I don't trust Glacia to adhere to 'not being annoying'. He'd find a way. Cliche, over-used, no.


If she comes up with better reasoning, I'd consider it.

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Xeek Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:03 am

@Dalvar: Lack of fun is a reason. Though, if am with Soifa on this one. Maybe 14th time is the charm?
Beside, look at it Dell's way. Forget about the memory being erased is the main plot, and look at it for the boom.

(Just to be clear, I do approve XD)

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Soifa Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:02 am

Seriously. Disapproving because you don't like the memory loss is kind of stupid, to me.

It's a power Glacia already has, just being magnified, and she made it so she can not use ANY previous power besides the generic race ones of a mammalian cat hybrid. Her character has reason to do this, method, and the end result makes her unable to do it again.

That's like denying someone's FEC because they're going to die at the end because everyone dies and it's over-done, or the over-used soul-in-a-stone/sword shtick. >_>
If we're going to deny things based on over-use, if I see soul-stones in an FEC proposal again I will scream.

We haven't had someone have permanent memory/power loss as an ending to a plot, over-used bull that people herp and derp with in normal RP shouldn't really have a bearing on this.


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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Dellinger Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:07 pm


To be honest, I see where Dal is coming from. However, I do not see that as a valid reason to nullify a fairly intriguing plot event. While the ends justify the means, I see this 'soul scarring' as something mimicking memory removal, but seems to be the first of it's kind that literally causes 'damage' to the soul permanently.

The plot in itself is interesting in the basic idea, and it removes the mini-plot power that exists. It would allow us to not worry about a bunch of mini-explosions all over the place.

I think, on the overall, it's a decent idea and we may as well give it a shot. I know some Corenite will be participating, seeing as the guild is already in the area.

Dell approves, unless something else needs to be said against it. I'm all ears. =]

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Dalvar Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:27 pm

I'm not denying, because finding a plot boring isn't a good reason to deny someone it.
I'm just complaining.

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Xeek Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:31 pm

I, personally, think it's an okay(not good) reason to disapprove. Honestly, if I see this a plot here 2-3 times.. I'll be more inclined to disapprove. I think part of the FEC approval should not only be if it can work, but also if it's fun for the guild.

though, personally I would declare this of more a mini-FEC. It's not really anything too big. What?
5buildings(4.5) will be affected by the bang? I can do that with gunpowder and a match.

But that's just technicalities and none important stuff/throwing out my opinion.
But to be clear, I do approve.

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Glacia's FEC Request Empty Re: Glacia's FEC Request

Post  Dellinger Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:57 pm

Vote is up.

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