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Yet another journal.

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Yet another journal. Empty Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:48 am

Entry 1: Hey... I didn't know how to start this.. I want to record a few things... I don't remember anything... I woke up in the shore of an island? I seem to remember nothing.. strangely.. I remember how to write. I've been here a few nights already.. but I couldn't write earlier.. I wish I had some paper to write on.. I am carving this in wood, in hopes someone finds it.... I am not writing by days because.. well.. I can't keep track of them.. busy surviving. I guess I can start a tally, maybe later.

I cleared out this cave filled with... skeletons? Yes.. they were skeletons.. but were those real? I don't recall.. they seem to hide in the dark.. I found this weird... orb cage... I am not sure.. but they seem to be coming out of there.. light seems to stop it. I cleared out the cave with the skeletons and currently living on it. I've been surviving on chicken... I have some ...cocoa beans?

Entry 2: WHAT THE ****! I just went outside to a neighboring cave! I heard hissing, I figured it was a snake or something, maybe something edible. It was this green.....bush? I don't ****** know! But it blew up! Luckily I was out of distance.. it destroyed the rocks! What the **** man! What the ****.
I am tired of this already.. it's been like 3 days? I made a makeshift door to my little cave.. note to self: Stay away from the dark. I haven't seen any monsters outside...just a few chicken and a kitty, but I rather be safe.. only going out during day time.

Entry 3: (There is a few blood drips on paper) I wish I would have listened to myself... I saw it was clear... saw a few sheeps at the distance... I thought it would make a comfortable bed... I went outside... I saw so many things.. the exploding hissers.. they are so creepy... Another green one.. but he has arms.. oh yeah.. the hissers don't have arms... just four legs. The others ones walked towards me.. I guess I'll call them walkers. Anyways, I soon as I went outside I was jumped by a giant spider! I ran into the water were there is a giant octopus looking thing and a giant square ball that jumped on me.. Where the **** am I...
Walkers... Hissers...Giant spiders.. skeletons WITH BOWS! Uhh...duhhh....slime squares.. and octopus... though.. to be honest, I don't think the Octopus hurt me.

I am feeling a little better now... I should cook up another piece of chicken... I'll explore in the morning.. I hope they are gone..

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:25 am

Entry 4: Sorry about my previous entries.. I was stressed.. tired.. I hadn't gotten a good sleep. But honesty, I waited to the next day to write this.. at least I think it's the next day. I found some wool from sheep, man... how comfy. Alright then, lets go over the facts..
Darkness seems to attract the monsters, there is:
Skeletons that have bows an arrows.
There is zombies, which I called walkers, I realized I copied that from somewhere.. not sure where. But they are zombies, not walkers.
The creepy hissers, just going to call them creepers. They are green, four legs, and explode. BE CAUTIOUS.
Also, giant spiders.. I read about those somewhere..the word Discovery comes to mind.
The Slimes.. I killed a few.. not sure if they are monsters? It did attack me.. but they appear during the day..or at least I saw them during the day. I didn't see any other monster during the day. THey dropped some sticky slimy balls.
What I find weird.. the skeletons came from the spawner, the caged orb, but I don't see others around. Maybe if I light them all up, I can get rid of the monsters. Though.. skeleton did drop their arrows and bows... so I might make it so I can farm them. Speaking of which.. I need a farm.

Which reminds me, the octopus, was a squid. A giant one, also seem friendly.
There is wild cats, chickens, sheeps, and I am pretty sure I saw fishes. Maybe I can make some sort of fishing rod.
This is it for now.. man this bed is comfy.

Oh wait... yeah.. I picked up some clay, I heard clay is good when it hardens.. One thing I forgot to mention before.. I made an makeshift oven, not really, just a place to hold the chicken so I can cook it. I have torches, strangely they don't seem to turn off with this special coal. That's about it I think.. I need to get myself some food though..


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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:48 pm

Entry 5: Man.. I am so full. I skipped a few days again, but... yeah. Well, lets start. I exited my place during the day, I really hungry.. chickens kept taunting me. I heard them but I couldn't see them, hiding behind the trees I guess. I headed to the plains, and my worse fear came true.. a creeper! During the day, I ran back, starving! After I lost it, I started pulling out grass, hoping to find something, I got very few seeds. I was still starving, definitively not now! Take that survival guides.. anyways. I saw a few chicken, pounces at them, and at one at the spot.. thinking back of it.. it was a little.. uhh.. wild of me? But I was REALLY hungry.I killed the other, and took him home to cook. I decided to take some water, as I forgot to mention earlier, near the spawner, I found a few chest.. you'd think I remember to right that? It had a bucket I used to bring a little pool of water.

But.. get this. Whenever I took water from the middle, the two sides kept refilling it! infinitely I know! I don't think that's normal.. even if I can't remember anything. Well, anyways, I dug a little farm in my cave, and planted the seeds. I managed to make a hoe to help me til the land. Now.. this part is more incredible. I made the best fertilizer! I got some bones and crushed them, to refine the land. Once I spread it over the seeds, they GREW. Wheat! I felt great! I got an infinite farm! Though.. I need to count my bones.. maybe I can use that skeleton trap now. I know.. I wouldn't believe it myself. Comfy bed.. infinite water, good food supply.. I think I won't have to outside anymore. Just wait my days here. I wonder if I can start a fire.. to clear the forest. Though.. I think I should go outside.. I can't live on bread all the time.. We'll see. For now.. I rest on a full belly.

Entry 5.5: I can't sleep... there is a zombie outside...I hear it groaning.. do you think it can break down my door? Maybe I should kill it? Or set some kind of trap for them... maybe a tougher door.. I guess I am not sleeping good today...

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:23 pm

Entry 6:This day seemed shorter.. maybe it was actually one day? Either way, my luck is changing. I decided to man up and go kill that zombie so I get some sleep, I dug a tunnel and finally found it. Killed it and his skeleton buddy too! I followed the cave they were in, and came out outside, close my cave. I can use it as an emergency exit or entrance I guess. Either way! That's not the best part, while I didn't get sleep, cause it was daylight, I explored the jungle more, and found cows and pigs! I know! I found other chickens too, but cows and pigs! Beef and pork! I am so excited.. real food. I also found an apple and two kinds of mushroom. I am scared to eat the mushrooms, but I won't need to! I got meat! The night is quiet too.. I am so glad.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:09 pm

Entry 7:Meh.. I've been a little too tired to write. I decided to explore the underground.. ran into a bat. It didn't seem hostile.. but I don't need a vampire here... Either way, I killed one of those creepers, he dropped some gun powder. I wonder if I can use it make a gun or something.. how is gun powder made anyways?

Entry 8:Ack.. I think this is it.. I am too wounded.. Do NOT go to the mines.. poison spiders.

Entry 9: I am feeling a lot better.. I guess I just needed some sleep.. or maybe it was the soup. I made soup out of the mushrooms.. It didn't have any side effects. I slept a little... I don't remember what happen to well... I went down and found an abandon train station? I don't know.. I saw train tracks. It was filled with monsters though. Among them, tiny spiders. Poisons ones.. I shouldn't go down there again... I don't think I'll survive. I did find some strings.. enough to be able to make a few rods. I am good now.. pork, beef, chicken, fish, apples, bread.. I am good right? What else do I need?
Just going to relax and wait to be rescued.. I just can't deal with it anymore.. if it's not the poison it's the arrows.. the explosion.. the fear..I am going to sleep now..

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:55 pm

Entry 10: Okay.. so I kind of lied.. I went back under.. and I also upgraded my stove thing into a furnace. You see I found gold when I went back down! By my pickaxe couldn't break it so I decided to refine that rocks which I identified as iron.. no clue how.. I just knew? Either way... now I am waiting for it to be done. It'd done! I can make weapons too.

Entry 10.5:Ohh! I can also make some armor too! I am going to be immortal! HAHA.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:25 pm

Entry 11: It's probably been a few days since I've written here... I went deep under.. I was lost for a while. But what a rush! I felt immortal, instead of being the hunted, I was the hunter! The armor proved good protection, I did find a few things.. those mines or railroads, what ever were abanadoned. I found some weird seed that I planted against the walls. They don't seem to be growing though.. Maybe they need more light? I also found a large pool of lava.. it was scary.. and some weird red powder stone thing. I am too tired now.. I didn't sleep my whole time down there. I should sleep now.. I'll write more when I find out. Oh yeah, I got that blue stone too, not sure what is for... Oh! yeah, the bread.. when I was down there, I found bread.. it seemed fresh. Maybe other survivors. Maybe it doesn't rot? The ones in my chest doesn't seem to get any mold either.. I'll brain storm in the morning. So tired..

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:32 pm

Entry 12: It took me a while to get to this entry, not because I was exploring, because I was. I was actually making paper. I found some sugarcane, and used a feather with some ink I got from the squids.. it's much better writing here. I'll have been re-writing my journals entries into paper, making them easier to understand and to read. I've also been throwing bottles with notes in the water, hoping someone finds it. When I found the sugarcane, I also ran into pumpkins.. strangely, they were already carved.. either way, those were the seeds I found earlier. Also, I determined that monsters are scared of the light. Like, confirmed confirmed it.

I also think I saw a new kind.. maybe those are the vampires? Some tall black monster.. they were really creepy.. but they didn't attack me. Weird... I didn't look at them too much, maybe they didn't seem me. I am tired.. so I am heading to sleep again.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:12 pm

Entry 13: It's been rather lonely lately.. I am not even sure why I did it.. but I did... I grab some flint and steel and sparked the whole forest. It's a jungle or swamp, I don't know. But I did, got a few burns to prove it... maybe it was the zombies groaning at night.. that I knew hid in the forest. Maybe the little chickens made me do it.. with their insane clucking.. and me not finding them. I did find a friend.. I watched the fire all night.. I guess that would have been a good time to write in my journal.. I know it's suppose to be a guide or what ever.. but I am lonely...anyways. After the fire calmed down, I saw a little cat.. he ran from me at first, but I eventually cornered him when he ran into my house, gave him a fish and well he is my new and only friend. I am watching him now.. jump around my crops.. I guess I should lock him up.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:34 pm

Entry 13.5:I am so confused.... I... something is wrong in this world. I went outside... Everything was square... I ... I mean.. everything has always been square... since I arrived.. but I never noticed... The moon.. the sun... the stars... Another weird phenomenon ... nothing falls, except living things. Like really... I burned the forest.. but the top of the trees... they stayed fine.. and floating. I can stack wood and remove the bottom logs and it stays.. I am so confused. I think I need sleep... this cat needs to shut up.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:00 am

Entry 14: I decided to sit by the stars again, now that the forest was nearly burned down, I felt safer, I could see all around and knew I wouldn't be sneaked on... though.. everyday I learn something new. I saw one of those shadowy figures.... the tall black ones. I saw him from far and fixed my eyes at him.. it was weird.. he knew I was looking at him, he immediately turned. I turned around and headed home, it couldn't be more than 10 seconds.. when I turned back around.. he was gone. Normally, this would freak me out.. but lately I've been thinking.. maybe I should die? I know it sounds emo and depressing... but I am alone. So... well, I hope if someone reads this they don't give up on me.. I'll post a confirmation if I decide to end it all.. for now, I am just going to pack some food and head towards the sun rise.
I am going to take a separate journal in my journey. I'll be back.. in a few days.

Entry 14.5: I changed my mind about the journey.. instead I'll just explore a bit.. I realized the mission was suicide as I was packing. Specially if I don't find anything... I am not taking the journal since I will not be gone long.. hopefully.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:33 am

Entry 15: I guess there is nothing out there.. I traveled for around a day.. I got lost.. slept in a cave.. and explored a bit more. I finally made my way back home... I don't feel like writing... I guess I'll just tame more cats... I did find a lot of play.. maybe I can make a good house... instead of living in a cave.. I'll have to clear more of the forest.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:22 pm

Entry 16:I haven't written in my journal for over 6 days... I got a new cat.. they had a kid. Just another mouth to feed, not really a problem, I got plenty of food. I am only writing because I want to state that I am going back in the mines... maybe I can find some more supplies.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:44 pm

Entry 17: Ugh... That was a horrible run.. My body is still sore.. almsot all my food is gone.. apparently the cats got hungry. I am not sure how long I was down there.. but I got lost.. couldn't find my way back. While down there. I was shot.. exploded twice.. mauled... I was near death several times... I'd say I was at least down there 8 days.. luckily.. I had supplies down there.. and brought a lot of food. I found another chest.. it had gold.. I also found gold ore.. diamond ore.. the ore of the red stone.. which isn't ruby.. though I did find something that looks like emerald. I also saw this black rock.. I think it's called obsidian.. my iron pickaxe stood no chance. Though... I attacked one of the shadowy things.. they... teleported? Or disappeared? Or something... another strange thing.. one of the zombies looked like it had a giant nose... that was kind of funny until it tried to eat me. Finally, I got out by digging up.. you can imagine my joy when I dug that final layer and I saw the sun.. shining down. Luckily, the tunnel I dug lead me outside of my house... What a run. I am going back to sleep.. my body still hurts.

Entry 17.5: I couldn't sleep much with these cats... and the small nap I took gave me a brilliant idea.. soft of. I decided to fill my map.. my house being at the center, I am going to each edge.. also, while I was mining the redstones I noticed something.. when I hit them, they light up. Same with the the dust.. they seem to light up when enough force is applied.. I wonder if I can use that.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:50 pm

Entry 18: Nothing, NOTHING, NOTHING! I spent three ******* days of searching and nothing! Not a single survivor.. or proof of one! Just more ******* nothing! I considered jumping of the mountains I climbed... I hope monsters can't read.. I left maps of my location everywhere.. in hopes someone will find them. After restocking in food.. i am setting off again.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:20 pm

Entry 19: I found them! I found life! I found intelligent life that doesn't try to kill me! Remember those big nose zombies? Well! They come from big nose people! I only came home for my cats and for my journal. But I found talking people! They explained so much, that redstone, which.. was well.. called redstone is used for circuitry. They taught me blueprints for pistons I can use for traps. They also lead me to this temple, where I found traps, I stole from TNT from the traps. They don't seem to be able to shape the land like I can... come to think of it.. I never noticed I was shaping the land. They compared me to the endermen.. the black figures.. apparently they can change the land too. But who the **** cares! I am going to try to move there. I wonder.. if there is others like me... TIme to sleep.. if I can! I feel so giddily.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:22 pm

Entry 20: They called me a death omen... well, the survivors anyways. The village claimed I was the one who send the zombies to them.. before me one.. maybe two zombies arrived.. but .. when I visited them... over 15 zombies flooded the village.. and counting. They killed and turned the villagers... and they blame me. I decided to stay home.. well.. make a new home.. using the knowledge I learned from them, I built a piston.. and I am learning to use better doors... One the zombies can't get into. I am just going to live my life... alone with my cats... I created a trap around the spawner in my cave.. drowning and crushing the skeletons.

I am alone again... In this stinken world.. maybe when I am ready.. I can build a large city that will be protected..

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:33 am

Entry 21: It's been over 10..maybe upto 15 days since I last written.. I've been rather busy. Even since the attack on the village I've grew angry... I got tired of living in a cave but let my skeleton trap active so they can constantly be drowned. I built my house out of solid brick, to ensure my survival, I have a farm on the roof, and a 'pet-pen' to the right, all accessible from my house. I am collecting farm animals to make sure I have meat. I still need to make a clever way to fish without compromising my defense. Right now, my house is impenetrable. I have a lock mechanism, so that only if I am not home, the front doors will open. I also made a battle shed, which I can access from underground. I will make sure all these ******s die. I will probably expand when I feel comfortable enough. I still need to ensure I have an overflow in food supply before I start reaching out to others... now that I know there is others. I just wish... you know.. at least one would come here. Just a person to talk to.. it's almost night time.. time to try out my shed.

Entry 21.5: That was strange.. the shed failed.. not because of it's defenses.. because no monster approached me.. in fact.. there was barely any monsters. I had to go home and well... go out and look for them. I saw a skeleton wearing golden armor.. and it hit me.. maybe I am one of them? I looked at myself.. and my reflection.. I was normal... am I going crazy? Or am I already? Maybe they are all dying off..

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:25 pm

Entry 22: I went digging for more mineral..I found quite a lot.. got lost but found my way back.. none of that is important. My thirst for killing these creatures has grown.. I finally killed one of the so called endermen.. they dropped this magical ball. While I was searching for minerals I also got some obsidian.. I should go check the villager's libraries.. maybe I'll find something. I will head of at night. To kill things along the way.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:32 pm

Entry 23: I went to the village... they gave me information about this enchanting table.. it's great.. my sword glows with my rage.. this one seems to cut easily through spiders.. and this one sets them on fire.. well.. you don't know which is which, but they do. But mainly.. they told me about this place.. the netherworld... I opened a portal to it.. I am going to check it out now.

Entry 23.5: Woah.. that place.. is horrible. Fire everywhere.. I graved a few of the rocks.. one of them slows you down and the other seems be flammable.. permanently. the whole world is filled with lava.. I am going to take a deeper look. About the village.. this may seem crazy.. but I killed the survivors.. they wouldn't speak to me.. they shunned me. I found map to another village in their books, but that one was already destroyed. It had a temple new by.. anyways, my food is done, I am ready to go to that Netherplace.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:37 pm

Entry 24: There is this weird monsters that look like zombie pig humans.. human shaped, but stand on two legs. I also found this weird glow dust that can be used to make a square of light.. that can be useful. More importantly.. and the only reason I am writing this is because I saw this weird stone.. like constructed by someone. Ontop of them, there is this weird glowing person.. it looked like he has gold armor but he was floating.

Entry 24.5: As you may know, I am writing from the nether... These was like this giant ghost thing shooting fireballs at me.. I saw one of the things up close.. the name ifrit comes to mind.. they look like fire spirits. That is all for now.

Entry 24.5.A: I know this is another page in the same setting.. but I have to record what just happen.. I killed the weird thing.. and it dropped this warm stick. I kept it for now, but the weird part, is the skeletons in this world. They carry swords and it has some weird poison. Zombies may be docile.. but skeletons aren't. I hope I can find my way back.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:44 pm

Entry 25: Finally.. I left.. I almost died a few times... luckily I made it to go away.. I have small burns. In the books I found in the library, I read about a recipe for a healing potion. I am going to try to make some.. god knows I need them. I can use these rods to make them and keep them warm without boiling them. I need to go better prepared if I go there again. I picked weird flowers, it looked like someone was growing them, some of the slowing down sand, the permanently flammables ones, and the glowing ones.. back to building.. and preparing myself.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Xeek Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:42 pm

Btw.. for those who missed the journals. The guy died XD.
Lag kind of struck, I accidentally hit a zombie pigman, and froze. Then exploded.

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Yet another journal. Empty Re: Yet another journal.

Post  Auramune Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:57 pm

Yet another journal. Tumblr_m9ii0qGTPF1qbujox

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