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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Lenaliere Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:24 pm

I guess I'll put my opinion in too. \o/

A) Normal U RP on weekends have become scarce. I myself have only had 2, maybe 3 in the past month. Then again, I haven't looked for any. Why? Because I've been trying to catch up to everyone's levels. >_> Hence why I completed G9 and G10 in the past two weeks...

B) Normal U RP on weekdays are also difficult to find. As a high school student, I see that even I have difficulty, and so you who have jobs and go to college must have it a lot worse. Still, I could find one if I asked, but due to still trying to catch up, I don't ask very often. Also, I have homework, so that needs to be factored in.

C) AUs on the weekdays don't seem appealing to me. Now I do like the AUs. I absolutely love the AUs. Not all of them, but the idea of them. At the same time, I feel that an AU that took place on the weekdays (Especially the sandbox) would get out of hand. It would spread in so many directions and just become difficult. In my opinion.

D) Normal U RPs in general need to develop as much as our characters. Yes, only 2/3s of my characters have gone through true emotional growth, but what of it? The thing is, the world needs to grow too. I'm not saying to add a lot of new tech or anything, but we need to make this world as vibrant and lively as our characters. How do we do that? Through Exploration. A lot of my characters enjoy exploring and doing random stuff. I remember at one point, Sain started a small pirate crew and went adventuring around Iria. I don't care what you say, that was fun.

E) What I liked about the TFAU RP wasn't just the plot. It was our adventures. We traveled all throughout Erinn and did so many new things. As a teen with a short attention span, I enjoyed that.

F) Now don't get me wrong, as Vayne and Cyler can tell you, I am not just some idiot. I like intellectual conversation, but if all that the Normal U has to offer these days is people sitting around arguing their points, reminiscing about old adventures that I wasn't here for, or being in the trial, which is a combination of the first two, I can see why people want to do more AUs.

G) My Great Conclusion is that our characters need to get in the mood for adventuring again. Yes, many of them are parents or just... depressed, but change that! Sain is a parent. Mero is a grandparent! Yet they still have the energy of teenagers. Why? Because they were Zeffie Spawn. Adopted, but still. Adventure is the key. \o/ Adventure, randomness, and fun. Concepts we can bring to the Normal U without changing it.

H) If you can't MAKE your character act different, MAKE A NEW CHARACTER.

I) Think of it like the TV shows you watch. Even when they're serious, they've got some interesting dialogue, constant movement, and characters that can adapt (or die and make an impact). Without those three, a show won't last too long. Now I know, every show must end eventually, but I'm sure that RPS still has a lot of good seasons left in it.

So what do you say, how about we all work towards the best season premiere and then an even greater season for the show I like to call
"The Random People Society's Chronicles: Life as We Called It."

Blam. 16 year old wisdom. \o/
Work In Progress.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Dalvar Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:34 pm

Adhamh wrote:And I guess Dalvar, through the process of elimination, that comment about not trying AUs must've been directed at you.
Well, it's just you said "most of you" and I am not most, I am one out of many.

And I'm not saying your words are irrelevant because you are disagreeing with me. I agree with you that AURPs can be fun. In fact, the only reason I didn't sign up for the child AU was because I couldn't even get on to the game. I'm saying what you said was irrelevant because we aren't arguing about if they are fun or not we are arguing about if they are bad for normal RP or not. So your fun/not fun argument was irrelevant to the healthy/unhealthy discussion.

Or, to use the same analogy as before:
I'm not saying candy is disgusting, I'm saying if you eat too much of it you will get fat/sick/diabetes. Therefore comments on how yummy it is are irrelevant.

Also I am totally on with the idea of a pulp sci-fi AU over MSN.
Also it's no skin of my nose if you keep AURPing, that just makes me less guilty about spending my time RPing in GW2. I'm just arguing this for the sake of the guild.
^Comments irrelevant to the discussion.

Glaceon wrote:TL:DR = Weekday AU should be done on forums, so as not to dismiss from normal RP during the week. AU Weekends could be seen as going to biweekly IMO, because it consumes the days with the most free time for a lot of people.
I'm agreeing with a lot of people I don't usually agree with here and it's weird.
But yes, this is how I feel as well.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Vayne Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:55 pm

I'm busy right now, but I'm dropping in to remind you all to keep it civil. To all and none in particular. Personal attacks and straw men shouldn't exist, and should be pointed out. Let's all discuss and debate, not argue and antagonize.

Glacia is actually making a wonderful point, as far as what should be done. Forum/MSN is a good idea for weekday AUing if it's absolutely insisted upon. And biweekly AU's aren't unspeakable, either.

We are discussing the topic, not attacking each-other. Thank you.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Adhamh Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:13 pm

Because it's useless, I'm going to not continue my points from earlier, but respond to new points made.
@Xeek: Please rephrase that second paragraph, because your wording is confusing.

@Sain: Again, because you find something interesting, doesn't mean everyone else will. The characters that I do enjoy RPing as have already explored all there is to explore in Erinn. I'd -LIKE- to make new characters, because I do have ideas on new characters, but after the whole Kian incident I'm very apprehensive about doing so.

@All: Lack of normal RPing was an issue before the general idea of AUs, much less AUs on weekdays, was first brought up. If you wish to solve that issue, I suggest you attack the source of that problem, instead of one facet of it.

Since analogies seem to be the thing cool kids do, here's one of my own:

Compare this to a hydra. Cut off one head, another reforms. Kill the source, the hydra dies.
Cromm Crunch
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Lenaliere Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:21 pm

Adhamh wrote:Because it's useless, I'm going to not continue my points from earlier, but respond to new points made.
@Xeek: Please rephrase that second paragraph, because your wording is confusing.

@Sain: Again, because you find something interesting, doesn't mean everyone else will. The characters that I do enjoy RPing as have already explored all there is to explore in Erinn. I'd -LIKE- to make new characters, because I do have ideas on new characters, but after the whole Kian incident I'm very apprehensive about doing so.

@All: Lack of normal RPing was an issue before the general idea of AUs, much less AUs on weekdays, was first brought up. If you wish to solve that issue, I suggest you attack the source of that problem, instead of one facet of it.

Since analogies seem to be the thing cool kids do, here's one of my own:

Compare this to a hydra. Cut off one head, another reforms. Kill the source, the hydra dies.

I understand that, but I didn't say that EVERYONE had to adventure. I'm saying that what I liked about the AU was that it didn't just stand still. When you read a book, I doubt that you want there to be a conflict remaining unfinished, a plot that doesn't move, and characters that stay constant. I admit, the normal U is dull, but I propose that characters speak up and not just be all indifferent about the world. As for your making a new character thing, I feel sorry for what happened, but while you wait, why don't you just create a human or something that doesn't require mass approval like a Daol?

Edit: I did put some ideas out, but before I put out any more... What IS the source of it?
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Auramune Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:24 pm

What's stopping people from doing the TFAu stuff in normal RP? The interaction with npcs? It seems(and this is just from watching the update thing) that you have a GM, or many gms, telling people "missions" and stuff. Involve your characters in the npcs of the game. Even if you're not doing some crazy mission to save a queen, do a crazy rp mission to save some dude's daughter.

I get that there is a lot more freedome in the AU worlds, but really there's not. Just people wont take it upon themselves to make a couple npcs to deliver missions/quests and such.

Idk about other people, but my RP is never dull xD. Move around, do stuff. It's only limited because you THINK it is.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Xeek Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:27 pm

In short: Because Dalvar hasn't tried AU Rping, doesn't mean her opinion is any less valid. Which is what -I- understood from this
"Don't like the AU RPs that most of you have never tried (and therefore should not be the first to give your opinions)?"

Secondly, your analogy is a little bit off. There is many different issues, instead of one big issue, so imagine like weed. While it's a good idea to attack the big pile, you still need to take care of the smaller issues. In a more literal sense,

if (This is only examples), many players return, that's a small fix (some weeds dead).
If we cancel AU Rping(not saying we will!), that's another small fix.
If we find a way to make RPing more fun, that's a bigger fix.

But, making RP more fun will not guarantee that AU Rping will stop, or that all players will return.

And I agree with Aura, people say specifically, that two people RPing is boring, Aura and I RP basically the whole day, and we don't get bored.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Lenaliere Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:31 pm

Xeek wrote:In short: Because Dalvar hasn't tried AU Rping, doesn't mean her opinion is any less valid. Which is what -I- understood from this
"Don't like the AU RPs that most of you have never tried (and therefore should not be the first to give your opinions)?"

Secondly, your analogy is a little bit off. There is many different issues, instead of one big issue, so imagine like weed. While it's a good idea to attack the big pile, you still need to take care of the smaller issues. In a more literal sense,

if (This is only examples), many players return, that's a small fix (some weeds dead).
If we cancel AU Rping(not saying we will!), that's another small fix.
If we find a way to make RPing more fun, that's a bigger fix.

But, making RP more fun will not guarantee that AU Rping will stop, or that all players will return.

And I am with Aura, people say specifically, that two people RPing is boring, Aura and I RP basically the whole day, and we don't get bored.

I agree with this because well... It's right. For example, I don't like horror, so I wouldn't do the horror AU. It's like falling in the toilet. You don't HAVE to do it to know that it's embarassing, disgusting, and that you get angry at whoever left the seat up before.

Cyler and I have done the same thing with RPing by ourselves. It once ran for 16 hoursone summer's eve .
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Cyler Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:32 pm

As past points were said before.

1. Hard to do some of the normal universe stuff as it is because of the AU's.
(Not bashing, just stating. Ex: City Leader meetings or other court business as it seems.)
2. I agree on Sain about the adventure, I mean I hear of the TFAU a lot. They ran almost all dungeons, correct? They had these situations on where they traveled together and MADE a plot on the way. Normal universe RP as I see now is "Wanna RP?" "Sure!" "-Then it is pure conversation truly-". I like the conversation RP at times, but it feels like nobody tries anything anymore unless it is a random "Haha I wanna stab you" moment.
3. My personal belief is that if you wish to AU RP, go right ahead! Sandbox it on the weekdays? No no no no. I do not want that. (Personal opinion) I everyone else said. Where does that leave the normal universe at? ...Nowhere. Nowhere at all. It might still be RP'd on very rare occasion, of course. But the fire may die out if nobody tries to ignite it.
4. I am not a fan of joining AU's really...but I do like watching them. Many key witnesses to my ninja art of stalking. (Point is, I enjoy AU's even when I am not in them. I just don't believe they should be jelly on bread.)
5. I don't mean for it to sound like as if we have total control or say over you Ani. I apologize for making it sound as if we want to end it or just...force you to keep it on weekends. Whatever you do is your choice and I will respect you as an individual no matter what. You make good points, not everyone is the same. That is why I hope if anyone with a similar opinion says so. It may seem like as if we are ALL hanging over you because there are multiple people talking AT you. I apologize for that, even though I am doing it now. I am sorry.
6. I am sorry if I caused any bad thoughts through my words, but just remember. They are my opinions. If you don't respect them, well that is A-Okay. As long as you are happy with your own thoughts. So please...everyone...RP is a hobby as stated earlier. We ARE in fact a society. I don't see us as just acquaintances, but family. Sure there is some family that I sometimes can't stand, but I love you all. I hope we all can just get along and talk civil in such cases as these -points to thread-. I am not going to point fingers because well...who would like it? So respect your fellow member of this guild by not adding any negative emotion into the words you type/say. I can't stop you, this is true...but discussions don't need anything but sincere thoughts and opinions. This is just a group discussion on how we feel of the situation. It might not even change anything, it might. Who knows, I hope my words mean anything. If they don't...oh well. I tried. If they do, thank you.

I know some of what I said came out of nowhere, but I hope it is looked at with a positive outlook. Smile

What a Face


This will be my final post in this matter, I have said my opinion, I have said what I think is right. That is all that matters. Thank you and ...well not goodbye. I will continue to read. :'D
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Lenaliere Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:36 pm

Cyler wrote:As past points were said before.

1. Hard to do some of the normal universe stuff as it is because of the AU's.
(Not bashing, just stating. Ex: City Leader meetings or other court business as it seems.)
2. I agree on Sain about the adventure, I mean I hear of the TFAU a lot. They ran almost all dungeons, correct? They had these situations on where they traveled together and MADE a plot on the way. Normal universe RP as I see now is "Wanna RP?" "Sure!" "-Then it is pure conversation truly-". I like the conversation RP at times, but it feels like nobody tries anything anymore unless it is a random "Haha I wanna stab you" moment.
3. My personal belief is that if you wish to AU RP, go right ahead! Sandbox it on the weekdays? No no no no. I do not want that. (Personal opinion) I everyone else said. Where does that leave the normal universe at? ...Nowhere. Nowhere at all. It might still be RP'd on very rare occasion, of course. But the fire may die out if nobody tries to ignite it.
4. I am not a fan of joining AU's really...but I do like watching them. Many key witnesses to my ninja art of stalking. (Point is, I enjoy AU's even when I am not in them. I just don't believe they should be jelly on bread.)
5. I don't mean for it to sound like as if we have total control or say over you Ani. I apologize for making it sound as if we want to end it or just...force you to keep it on weekends. Whatever you do is your choice and I will respect you as an individual no matter what. You make good points, not everyone is the same. That is why I hope if anyone with a similar opinion says so. It may seem like as if we are ALL hanging over you because there are multiple people talking AT you. I apologize for that, even though I am doing it now. I am sorry.
6. I am sorry if I caused any bad thoughts through my words, but just remember. They are my opinions. If you don't respect them, well that is A-Okay. As long as you are happy with your own thoughts. So please...everyone...RP is a hobby as stated earlier. We ARE in fact a society. I don't see us as just acquaintances, but family. Sure there is some family that I sometimes can't stand, but I love you all. I hope we all can just get along and talk civil in such cases as these -points to thread-. I am not going to point fingers because well...who would like it? So respect your fellow member of this guild by not adding any negative emotion into the words you type/say. I can't stop you, this is true...but discussions don't need anything but sincere thoughts and opinions. This is just a group discussion on how we feel of the situation. It might not even change anything, it might. Who knows, I hope my words mean anything. If they don't...oh well. I tried. If they do, thank you.

I know some of what I said came out of nowhere, but I hope it is looked at with a positive outlook. Smile

What a Face


This will be my final post in this matter, I have said my opinion, I have said what I think is right. That is all that matters. Thank you and ...well not goodbye. I will continue to read. :'D

Why do you keep surpassing me? Dangit. This is everything right here. Alright, I think I'm done here too.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Adhamh Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:40 pm

But that's the thing. My characters AREN'T indifferent about the world. Auron despises society and Adhamh sorta hates it too, but not on a general level like Auron. My other characters, eh. I grew bored of them. Sorry guys, but your personalities aren't as fun to RP as I originally thought they'd be. (I'm being weird and speaking to my ignored characters.)

Also, the reason why we were able to adventure successfully in the TF!AU was because our characters a pretty much fresh start. Little-to-no pre-existing inter-character relationships. (Meaning no one had a chance to hate each other/like each other off the bat.) This is why the Sandbox AU appeals to me greatly. It's a fresh start and I'd be able to RP that freely, instead of wait for the weekends. Soifa's idea of just restarting our normal Universe is similar, but I doubt many would agree to erasing their characters' developments. I wouldn't. I like having the option to go back to Adhamh and Auron whenever I choose. And the reason why I, personally, cannot make a new character to simulate that is because of 1) my apprehension to making new characters, 2) Adhamh and Auron have been my only successful characters. (And well Faunus, but he's dead.) Which is why I used them in the TF!AU.

And eeehhhhhh I dislike making humans. Auron was my only successful human, in my opinion, and it took me a while to make him so.

And without hesitation, I can say that the source of all this is the people in this guild. =l (I'm not excluding myself.) Not gonna say more in this thread because it's not the place to discuss that.

Edit: Also, another facet to less normal RP is the fact that people are RPing on other games now. Vindi, Dragon's Nest, GW2 (especially now). I, personally, don't have an issue with that. People are free to RP wherever they want. They don't have to RP here. But why isn't that being discussed as well? Is it just because AU has become too popular? Is it because placing all/most of the blame on AUs is convenient to you guys personally? I'm not accusing anyone, I'm merely stating my opinion and would genuinely like answers to that.
Cromm Crunch
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Xeek Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:59 pm

Isn't a fresh start the same as making a new character?
Also, I believe other games aren't targeted because, well, they aren't Mabinogi. What I think people are saying. "If you are going to RP in Mabinogi, might as well keep it to Mabinogi RP".

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Adhamh Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:23 pm

Also, I stated things in regards to making a new character.

But that's the thing. It's not Mabinogi RP if we change things. Which we have. If it were Mabinogi RP in the most literal sense, all characters would be doing the Generation storylines. As I said in the other thread before it got moved here, that is not a valid argument.

Edit: Didn't see things that were said before.

@Aura, As I've said many times already. Not everyone finds the same things enjoyable. Please stop trying to compare others' definition of fun to yours.

@Xeek, I surely can say that because you don't know if you won't like something until you try it. Simple as that. Parents weren't wrong when they told you that when you were younger. Don't judge a book by its cover and all that jazz. Also, I stand by my analogy and disagree with you. If you want to get rid of weeds, kill the source. Don't just trim them. THey'll only grow back.
Cromm Crunch
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Xeek Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:31 pm

Adhamh wrote:Also, I stated things in regards to making a new character.
I asked what is the difference between them.
In theory, AU-RPing you have to make a new character, just the same base. Least, my take on it.

But that's the thing. It's not Mabinogi RP if we change things. Which we have. If it were Mabinogi RP in the most literal sense, all characters would be doing the Generation storylines. As I said in the other thread before it got moved here, that is not a valid argument.
Right, with the exception of a few changes with did to make it more fun/fair/RPable, we are still in the same setting, we are still in the original RP setting that RPS started with. So, I don't see how preferring that is an invalid argument?

RPs like he SteamPunk one are too different. It would be like Vindictus RPing in Mabinogi.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Auramune Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:42 pm

Adhamh wrote:
@Aura, As I've said many times already. Not everyone finds the same things enjoyable. Please stop trying to compare others' definition of fun to yours.

Did I say anything about fun? O_o I think you're cherry picking my post and coming to a conclusion that I didn't say at all. My post is centered around;

What's stopping people from doing the TFAu stuff in normal RP? But not just TF au, but all other AUs? What is the difference beside environment?

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Dalvar Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:50 pm

Ani is totally right that if we just restrict AURP it won't solve the problem.
Which is why I'm mustering a group of people to come up with fun IC RP events!
(Did you know I'm on the event committee? I didn't.)
If you have any ideas for events and/or characters who would run them, send me a PM.

These events will, however, will take place on the weekends so I'll need support from AURPers when it comes to actually being able to play them.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Adhamh Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:54 pm

It's an invalid argument because as I've stated before, creativity is the basis of RPing. Or at least that's what I think it is/should be. It's not very creative if we cling to the game as much as we do. People need to accept change. The old way is just that, the old way. We need to learn to be able to make room for new ideas and new ways of doing things or else RPS won't survive.

@Aura but that's exactly it. The change in environment. Continuing on with the theme of the previous paragraph, some people LIKE change.

@Dal Well then, if you want AURPer support for IC events to occur on weekends, as a compromise we should be able to AURP during the week. =l
Cromm Crunch
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Lenaliere Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:57 pm

Dalvar wrote:Ani is totally right that if we just restrict AURP it won't solve the problem.
Which is why I'm mustering a group of people to come up with fun IC RP events!
(Did you know I'm on the event committee? I didn't.)
If you have any ideas for events and/or characters who would run them, send me a PM.

These events will, however, will take place on the weekends so I'll need support from AURPers when it comes to actually being able to play them.
Came back (Reading) and I felt like replying to this. Trust me... Nobody paid attention to the event committee. I DID get curious and check it out, so I did know, but I thought you knew too. XD

I wouldn't mind that. On the other hand, I'm starting my pirate crew back up again
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Auramune Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:03 pm

RPS has been alive since 2008. I doubt keeping a theme of "this world" is going to kill it, considering that's where RPS is found. People come to RPS to role play in Mabi/Mabi universe. Otherwise they would find a steampunk game to rp in, or any other type of game to rp in(I only said steampunk because it's vastly different.) I don't think change for the sake of change is a good enough answer, at least when it deals with the guild as a whole. Trust me, we're not the only RP group in the MMO world. Or even in Mabi.

You're saying things like the rest of us don't like change. And I think this conversation is going more deep than it needs to be going. If the Mabi universe is stale to you, that's fine. But don't divert RP FROM the Mabiverse, where this guild is(should be) centrally located.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Adhamh Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:11 pm

I'm not saying that either. I'm just saying we have to allow room for new things to come in, instead of restricting ourselves to what RPS has always clung to. And this isn't change for the sake of change. The idea was introduced naturally, not as a "Hm. We need something new. Let's brainstorm something new. OH, AU!" I am NOT saying that Normal RP should be replaced with AU RPing, I am saying that it should be accepted. And I am saying that you guys don't like change because that's how I see all this. People complaining about something new and different interfering with something they've been used to for years. And honestly, as for the thread's depth, it's not up to you to decide that, but rather the OP. If Vayne says that I'm going too deep into this, then so be it. But we can't just brush the surface of things, that fixes NOTHING.
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Xeek Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:25 pm

Adhamh wrote:I'm not saying that either. I'm just saying we have to allow room for new things to come in, instead of restricting ourselves to what RPS has always clung to. And this isn't change for the sake of change. The idea was introduced naturally, not as a "Hm. We need something new. Let's brainstorm something new. OH, AU!" I am NOT saying that Normal RP should be replaced with AU RPing, I am saying that it should be accepted. And I am saying that you guys don't like change because that's how I see all this. People complaining about something new and different interfering with something they've been used to for years. And honestly, as for the thread's depth, it's not up to you to decide that, but rather the OP. If Vayne says that I'm going too deep into this, then so be it. But we can't just brush the surface of things, that fixes NOTHING.

I think we are not confusing each other. I am not saying NO-AU Rping. I am hoping to get to try some of the other AU RPs. This thread is mainly to ask people not to start AU-RPing on Weekdays. Not commanding them, asking, so as a guild we can be doing one thing.

I am sure there are plenty against AU Rps, but I don't believe that is the point of this discussion.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Auramune Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:26 pm

Adhamh wrote:I'm not saying that either. I'm just saying we have to allow room for new things to come in, instead of restricting ourselves to what RPS has always clung to. And this isn't change for the sake of change. The idea was introduced naturally, not as a "Hm. We need something new. Let's brainstorm something new. OH, AU!" I am NOT saying that Normal RP should be replaced with AU RPing, I am saying that it should be accepted. And I am saying that you guys don't like change because that's how I see all this. People complaining about something new and different interfering with something they've been used to for years. And honestly, as for the thread's depth, it's not up to you to decide that, but rather the OP. If Vayne says that I'm going too deep into this, then so be it. But we can't just brush the surface of things, that fixes NOTHING.

I don't know if you're being rude intentionally, but it's coming off that way to me with your last sentence. I meant that we're discussing one thing and suddenly you bring up how no one likes change and you liek change and if you don't like AURP then you don't support changing ect ect. You're putting a lot of words in to peoples mouths that's not what anyone is saying.

And Aurp is accepted. A lot of people have put in ideas for AUs, including the person who made this thread. So it's unfair to say that it's not accepted. Clearly it is accepted. So let's nip that argument in the bud here. I don't think anyone said/or even wants/ the AURPs to not be part of the group.

But it needs to be a SUB part of the guild, and not the main focus of the guild proper. I'll say it again; People come to RPS to role play in Mabi/Mabiverse. Otherwise they would find an RP group in a game that caters to their interests.

That's where the issue with it being on the weekdays(majority of time) comes in.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Adhamh Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:28 pm

Okay. This'll be my final post here. Since you say you're asking, here's my personal answer: Nope.
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Soifa Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:12 pm

I was at work, even if you dont read it you GET a response.

First to last. I capitalize to emphasize, not to yell.

Adhamh wrote:My only words on the matter:

Don't like the AU RPs that most of you have never tried (and therefore should not be the first to give your opinions)? "Tough cookies", this is RPS and roleplaying in a creative setting is part of what being an RPer means.
Being an RPer in GENERAL means being creative. Being an RPer in a guild crafted in a world not our own means making it work as best as we can, CREATIVELY. Not throwing everything we can out a window.

That being said, AUs are a WONDERFUL way to get to know your character in different settings that are NOT their MAIN world. If you let the alternates BECOME the main world, it DEFEATS the purpose.

I'm not sorry that you don't feel like trying something new, but don't rag on others' fun if you've yet to even attempt to join in and try it for yourself. (This of course is not directed at everyone, but at those that hardly ever/have never participated in the AUs.)
Many of us have done AUs, whether you were present or not. Some of the AU premises, sure, we are NOT interested in and won't do, but that's the same for anyone. There are some things that just look like they stink to them. Plus, some might not have joined the AU that took about 4 or 5 weekends because they were interested or available for joining too late and felt they wouldn't be welcome.

Plus, no one is 'ragging' on the fun. "Ragging is a practice in educational institutions in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka that involves existing students baiting or bullying new students."

We're not bullying, we're not baiting. We're wanting to discuss how we PERSONALLY feel that WEEKDAY AUs are NOT a good idea for the guild as a whole.

The main purpose of this guild is to come together to RP IN THE WORLD MABINOGI HAS PROVIDED.

Yes, I do realize that this is a society and we need to do what's best for the guild, but to be honest, I like the AU RPs because I feel I have more of a freedom there. Yes, I do realize some of you still find Normal RP fun, but we all need to stop comparing others to how we view things. We don't all find the same things enjoyable.
I figured we all thought RP was enjoyable. 8D


Adhamh wrote:Looks like I lied, I apparently have more words.

My words DO have to do with the current conversation because it was brought up that someone does not think AUs should happen at all and that we should all return to normal RPing. So please, if you're going to call my words irrelevant, don't be double-standarded about it and say it to EVERYONE that brings up general AUing as opposed to weekend AUing.
I did not read ONE thing about getting rid of AUs altogether in this thread.

There are suggestions to FORUM them only. But that's not saying "ban AUs forever". That being said, I haven't noticed anything about AUs in general being the topic, but an attempt to stop WEEKDAY AUs.

IN FACT: "I'm not speaking about weekends. Weekend AU's constrict *weekend* normal RP. Do not twist my words around. never did I say to get rid of AU's."

If someone mentioned that outside the thread? Good for them, keep it there. Don't respond to them here.

And actually, I HAVE tried every AU we've ever done. Did I stay all weekend for each one? No, but I did try each one that we did. I didn't suggest anyone said ""we hate these particular AUs so they should gtfo," in ANY way, so I suggest you re-read what I said.
"Don't like the AU RPs that most of you have never tried (and therefore should not be the first to give your opinions)? Implying we don't like AUs we haven't done. Preeeetty similar.

And I guess Dalvar, through the process of elimination, that comment about not trying AUs must've been directed at you.
Not responding to this, it's not about me. Hur dur dur I can sing~

Adhamh wrote:Because it's useless, I'm going to not continue my points from earlier, but respond to new points made.

@Sain: Again, because you find something interesting, doesn't mean everyone else will. The characters that I do enjoy RPing as have already explored all there is to explore in Erinn. I'd -LIKE- to make new characters, because I do have ideas on new characters, but after the whole Kian incident I'm very apprehensive about doing so.
Unless ALL your ideas are super controversial, I don't see why you can't make them. Your characters explored everything, sure, but have they truly DONE everything?

There's always room for growth in characters, that's the point of creative RPing!

@All: Lack of normal RPing was an issue before the general idea of AUs, much less AUs on weekdays, was first brought up. If you wish to solve that issue, I suggest you attack the source of that problem, instead of one facet of it.

Since analogies seem to be the thing cool kids do, here's one of my own:

Compare this to a hydra. Cut off one head, another reforms. Kill the source, the hydra dies.
The source is that people found normal RP boring and instead of trying to make it interesting, they just ignored it. AUs just made it happen even MORE, it's adding onto it and weekday AUs, in my opinion will be the straw that breaks the camel's back, then cuts it in half, and insults it's mother.

Adhamh wrote:But that's the thing. My characters AREN'T indifferent about the world. Auron despises society and Adhamh sorta hates it too, but not on a general level like Auron. My other characters, eh. I grew bored of them. Sorry guys, but your personalities aren't as fun to RP as I originally thought they'd be. (I'm being weird and speaking to my ignored characters.)
Is that solely our fault or something? We can't make your character love everything.

Maybe you should try dusting off the oldies. Could surprise you.

Also, the reason why we were able to adventure successfully in the TF!AU was because our characters a pretty much fresh start. Little-to-no pre-existing inter-character relationships. (Meaning no one had a chance to hate each other/like each other off the bat.)
Well, based on what I have observed about people..that's actually not true. People CAN and WILL hate others or like them off the bat. Certain personality types do NOT mesh well together, and sometimes as soon as you hear someone speak, you'll think "I like/hate this person". Sure, that opinion can change..over time.

Adventure sure is fun when you're BUILDING relationships, but it can also be fun when you're doing construction on the old ones.

This is why the Sandbox AU appeals to me greatly. It's a fresh start and I'd be able to RP that freely, instead of wait for the weekends. Soifa's idea of just restarting our normal Universe is similar, but I doubt many would agree to erasing their characters' developments. I wouldn't. I like having the option to go back to Adhamh and Auron whenever I choose.
If I wanted my character to have no pre-set relationships, I'd make a new one exactly like her.

And the reason why I, personally, cannot make a new character to simulate that is because of 1) my apprehension to making new characters, 2) Adhamh and Auron have been my only successful characters. (And well Faunus, but he's dead.) Which is why I used them in the TF!AU.
1) You should try anyway, imo. Not much can go wrong, not like you'd burst into flames and melt. Worst comes to worst, you end up not being able to RP that char IN THIS WORLD.
2) Success takes work, it doesn't just fall from the sky. Unless your idea of success is rain.

And eeehhhhhh I dislike making humans. Auron was my only successful human, in my opinion, and it took me a while to make him so.
FOR GOOD REASON! GREAT characters take a lot of time and work to make them successful and wonderful, yet there is always room for growth! \o/

If you want successful characters, much work must be done! Ignoring them by just re-doing them over and over in AUs isn't going to make them great at all!

And without hesitation, I can say that the source of all this is the people in this guild. =l (I'm not excluding myself.) Not gonna say more in this thread because it's not the place to discuss that.

Edit: Also, another facet to less normal RP is the fact that people are RPing on other games now. Vindi, Dragon's Nest, GW2 (especially now).
Ever wonder why some of us have tried to find RP elsewhere? I know I went elsewhere just so I could get to work on developing more characters I had in mind. That's why I RP, to build them up, to get to know them and their friends..their story.

I, personally, don't have an issue with that. People are free to RP wherever they want. They don't have to RP here. But why isn't that being discussed as well?
Probably because quite a few of us that HAVE started RPing on other games are here practically begging to bring normal RP back for us? We miss our characters here on Mabi.

Is it just because AU has become too popular?
Not too popular, never TOO popular, they're fine, but too...hmm..what's the phrase.....preferred as a whole by the 'majority'

Is it because placing all/most of the blame on AUs is convenient to you guys personally? I'm not accusing anyone, I'm merely stating my opinion and would genuinely like answers to that.
Honestly? It was just the breaking point that started the discussion.

Adhamh wrote:It's an invalid argument because as I've stated before, creativity is the basis of RPing.
RPing in GENERAL, maybe, but I guess I just don't see how it's 'creative' to constantly reset your characters because you find them in their normal universe 'boring'. That's just me.

Or at least that's what I think it is/should be. It's not very creative if we cling to the game as much as we do. People need to accept change. The old way is just that, the old way. We need to learn to be able to make room for new ideas and new ways of doing things or else RPS won't survive.
RPS started with
No outside races
No powers
And some other simplistic stuff the old women(Aura) of the guild would remember better. We've taken a LOT of creative liberties, but when this primary purpose of the guild is to RP within the confines of a pre-created world, there's got to be a LIMIT.

@Aura but that's exactly it. The change in environment. Continuing on with the theme of the previous paragraph, some people LIKE change.
Don't like normal RP because it's too..'same' all the time? You must be the change you wish to see.

@Dal Well then, if you want AURPer support for IC events to occur on weekends, as a compromise we should be able to AURP during the week. =l

If she wants an event to happen on a two-day period, you should get 4-5 days in return? ._.

Unless you mean..'move the three AU days to three different weekdays' instead of 'give us ALL THE WEEKDAYS!!'.

Adhamh wrote:I'm not saying that either. I'm just saying we have to allow room for new things to come in, instead of restricting ourselves to what RPS has always clung to.
We try to cling to our characters story, background, relationships...we try to cling to THEM, who they ARE and the world they're IN.

And this isn't change for the sake of change. The idea was introduced naturally, not as a "Hm. We need something new. Let's brainstorm something new. OH, AU!" I am NOT saying that Normal RP should be replaced with AU RPing, I am saying that it should be accepted. is accepted. No one is saying they don't accept it. Just that they think it might be getting out of hand if it's allowed ALL THE DAYS OF THE WEEK.

And I am saying that you guys don't like change because that's how I see all this. People complaining about something new and different interfering with something they've been used to for years.
People are complaining that the point of this guild is being buried and ignored. We love AUs, we don't like turning the guild on it's head and throwing characters into the recycle bin.

And honestly, as for the thread's depth, it's not up to you to decide that, but rather the OP. If Vayne says that I'm going too deep into this, then so be it. But we can't just brush the surface of things, that fixes NOTHING.
Neither does ignoring it.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. - Page 2 Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Xeek Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:24 am

Well... that pretty much summed up everything xD. So, for anyone willing to participate, where are we? Do most agree we should keep AU-RP for the weekends?

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