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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Vayne Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:06 pm

Vayne wrote:I've been doing a lot of thinking. Is this really a good idea? I'm becoming more and more against AU's taking place during the week, the more I think about it. AUs, in my opinion, should be restricted to the weekends. Normal RP boring for you? Tough cookies, this is Mabinogi and Roleplaying in the world set up by the game is party of roleplaying in the game. We are already getting complaints about how AU's are constricting normal RP when they're on the weekends alone. You may not feel there's a problem, but we know several do--and I certainly think so in the case of weekdays. And if a problem is percieved by several people, then it can cause a problem, no matter how valid.

I can see the concern. I even have it myself, now. If all we ever want to do is AURP, those who want normal RP with us get slighted. You might say, "no, I'll normal RP when asked". But would you really? Any of you? Me? I highly doubt it. Going off of the behaviors the guild exhibits already--normal RP will be stifled, there will be a problem. I'm not the only one who thinks this, obviously. I rarely stand up all on my own. I'd prefer to pick my battles. Given the fact that I truly feel this is bad for the guild, I'm taking a stand and opposing this, at least during the week. if you want to RP AU's all the freaking time, find another platform to do so, or don't.

I want you all to think to yourselves about what is truly best for the guild. Not what you want. Not what your friends want. What is for the best, in all actuality. It's not hard to look and predict what's going to happen with almost complete certainty.

Adhamh wrote:But the thing have absolutely NO right to tell us to find another platform to AU on. Mabinogi is NOT created for RPSociety's benefit, so you nor anyone else is allowed to dictate whether or not we can AU RP. :l I apologize that I find normal RP boring, but I will not RP with someone else if I find myself falling asleep due to lack of interest.

Weekend AUs should not be constricting the flow of RP during the week, because well. They happen at a different time. I don't understand why people seem to think one disrupts the other. And honestly, the state in which normal RPing is not the only factor that's negatively affecting the guild. There are many other more important factors which I won't name because it's not my place to do so.

Vayne wrote:I'm not speaking about weekends. Weekend AU's constrict *weekend* normal RP. Do not twist my words around. never did I say to get rid of AU's. I said they shouldn't be done during the week, because that will restrict normal RP during the *weekdays*. This is about the weekdays, not the weekends. Weekdays.

And what's that? Problems in normal RP? Well, RP isn't always sunshine and roses. But ignoring RP isn't how you fix it. No. What you do is push through, and then work OOC to fix said problems. If the problems are IC? Then that's the fault of characters.


No, mabinogi was not created for the benefit of RPSociety. But, RPSociety was created *within* Mabinogi, to RP in *mabinogi*. By *Mabinogi's* lore. AU's are great. on the weekends. But weekdays should remain focused on normal-U.

Adhamh wrote:I'm speaking about the weekdays as well as the weekends. If I and others want to AU on a Wednesday, you cannot tell us to stop.

And I'm sorry I don't go and tell people to make their characters more interesting for my benefit. You can't force an RP to become interesting just by willing it so and I won't break character just to join RPs my character normally wouldn't or to create scenarios, albeit interesting, that shouldn't happen according to my character's personality and background. And ignoring RP is a method to fix it. Just like taking a break from a game is a method to make it interesting once more in the future. And I'm sorry, using the excuse "by *Mabinogi's* lore." became invalid after we began adding our own concepts and events to the game. The Twilit War is not a part of the Mabinogi game lore.

Vayne wrote:*Doublepost* Not a Doublepost!
I understand my previous two posts were..confrontational. And I apologize for that. Allow me to restate the issue at hand in a more direct--but less demanding--manner.

I feel RP's during the weekdays are a dangerous thing. During the weekend it can be something to do, and a break from normal RP which, I admit, can be tedious at times. Are there issues with the guild? Yes, many. Are there issues with normal RP? Most definitely. But I do not feel that means we should inject more and more AU to where the normal Universe is largely unused. AU's are alternate. Not canon. Why then, should AU's develop and take precedence over the canon? Are they going to with absolute certainty? No, perhaps not, that was wrong of me. However, it is a valid concern and I am positive others feel that way. However, whether they weigh in is at their discretion.

What if AU's continued to grow because normal RP was "boring" or "problematic", to a point where the normal universe may as well not exist? Or what if it's still used, but the community segregates between normal-U and AU lines? It's entirely possible, though not guaranteed. We already have complaints during the weekend about how AU's stifle the weekend RP in the normal Universe. Remember, many of our potential new members are coming to play in the established Erinn, not the myriad of Alternate Universes. As a matter of fact, while it's certainly popular with some of us, I'd go so far to say the enjoyment of AU's is a particularly niche phenomenon. This, however, is speculation on my part and nothing substantial.
What is substantial is my concern that the normal Universe will be slighted. And I'm not okay with that. The normal universe was the intended universe for RPSociety, and I'd hate to see the guild crumble simply because a few of us may like something better. It was wrong of me to demand you go AURP elsewhere--though I was specifically speaking in terms of during the weekdays. It was wrong of me to try to mandate what you RP. But it does not change the fact that there is a problem percieved, and I feel it should be discussed. Rationally and calmly. And I will admit I started that off in a horrible manner. Too late to change my tone? Maybe. But I'm going to anyway.

Vayne wrote:*NOW a doublepost*
I'm going to continue this conversation. But, I do feel I should allow other people who may have opinions either way to throw in their lot before continuing. This is not intended to be a discussion between just the two of us, so I'm going to let this sit for a night before jumping back in.

The entirety of the original discussion. Unedited and uncut because honesty is the best policy.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Xeek Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:47 pm

I am a little split here. While I do agree with Auron's words, that we should be free to do what we are going to find fun, Vayne has presented very strong arguments. The setting of the game is Erinn, and if we switch to AU-RPing most of the same, regular Rping will eventually die out. This can shut out the new members who wish to RP in Mabinogi.

What will happen when RP-AU gets boring? Will we constantly hop AU's? I think the main problem should be finding out why your RPing is boring. People says small group RPs are boring, I completely disagree. Aura and I RP through a phone, mine has 160character limit, yet we still have fun. I know this may not be the right place, but I am going to make a few suggestions for RPing.

Now, I am not sure how you crazy kids RP nowadays, but from what I remember people would find one little place to camp and just sit around and chat, well don't do that. Move around, maybe someone in the group can create a mini-plot. Make an NPC who comes and does something to create drama. Instead of finding an excuse on why your character wouldn't follow along, look for one he would.

You can also make a new character. You like your AU character? Make a similar one in the current world. I have tons of characters, not because I get bored of the old ones, because I like all the different choices. While I do tend to stick to some mother than others, I still have the option, and if I have a plot planned, I just switch to the more convenient characters.

I am not sure what kind of problems you all are having on the current RPs? But their shouldn't be many problems, aside from the limitations of the world, which is part of the fun. People seem to dislike limits, restrictions, weakness. I think that is what makes it Roleplaying. If not we are all a whole bunch of Mary Sue's talking and carrying weapons.

Back to the main topic, why not find a compromise? Or heck, just take a break from normal RPing? Maybe that is what you need? While it will kill NRPing for a while, it should restore your like for it. Or dedicate some days with your buddies. "Monday we do NRPing, Tuesday is AURPing" and so on. Just some thought for your food.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Cyler Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:00 pm

I agree with Vayne truly. I mean...there is rarely normal RP as it is, I usually hear "Eh I really log on for the AU" or "I kinda mainly just RP AU" or "SQUEEEE AU?! YAY!". Sure, we all have a right to RP what we like, but don't you think if you AU Sandbox it, it will soon become a replacement? I mean...nowadays in the normal Erinn RP it is either certain crimes and other political things. Why not just try to build on it more to make it less boring? Maybe an open plot like the TFAU had? People got to join in on it whenever! It was open for all to join. But in the Erinn ones, I saw it was kinda hard to join those plots. It wasn't as planned and it depended on your characters connections. MAAAAAYBE we should try working on that too? I mean...most of the forum is built for the Erinn RP. If we sandbox it, we might as well make two MAIN threads for "Erinn" and "Sandbox AU" for people to register for, make bios and powers, etc. I admit trying to make a sandbox AU, but that ended in a complete failure. XD;

So I guess that is just open for a "whatev's" kinda thing, but still. This is my opinion on the thing. I am not trying to get on anyones bad side, good side, or anything. I can understand wanting a sandbox also, but personally I love the normal RP, I may not always RP it every chance I get, but I still love it.

(Yes my post is similar to Xeek's also, this is just my opinion! Very Happy )
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Auramune Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:26 pm

Mine's 160character limit, too xD.
I agree with both points. And the suggestions Xeek has given as well(inb4 "u always agree with xeek".)

All that aside; I still personally think that AUs work better on a forum format. Yes it's slow, but it doesn't place any interruption on normal AU. What I'd like to suggest is that AU rps mostly go on the forum, except maybe once a weekend a month, people dedicate(if they choose to) their RP focus on one AU in particular. It seems like a radically small period of time for it, however, the majorty of the rp would be done all the time on the forums. Multiple RPs could happen at once, and everyone could pretty much participate in everything, since forum RP doesn't take away from one rp or another.

Dats just my idea Surprised

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Soifa Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:50 pm

Alright. My opinion time. My opinions are sometimes joking, sarcastic, or downright mean(on accident) and I apologize in advance!

I'll respond using Cyler's post, cuz I liked his the best so far.

Cyler wrote: I agree with Vayne truly. I mean...there is rarely normal RP as it is, I usually hear "Eh I really log on for the AU" or "I kinda mainly just RP AU" or "SQUEEEE AU?! YAY!".
Quite. If anyone has noticed me logging on less lately, it's a 50/50 split between lack of Normal RP and lack of things I want to do other than RP. Dungeons and stuff. I need more friends that LIKE the things I do for the dungeons and whatnot, but for the RP I need you guys.


Sure, we all have a right to RP what we like, but don't you think if you AU Sandbox it, it will soon become a replacement? I mean...nowadays in the normal Erinn RP it is either certain crimes and other political things. Why not just try to build on it more to make it less boring? Maybe an open plot like the TFAU had? People got to join in on it whenever! It was open for all to join.
To be honest, I didn't join the TFAU because I missed the first part, and once it got started I felt that attempting to join would bother the storyline.


But in the Erinn ones, I saw it was kinda hard to join those plots. It wasn't as planned and it depended on your characters connections. MAAAAAYBE we should try working on that too? I mean...most of the forum is built for the Erinn RP. If we sandbox it, we might as well make two MAIN threads for "Erinn" and "Sandbox AU" for people to register for, make bios and powers, etc. I admit trying to make a sandbox AU, but that ended in a complete failure. XD;
I'd rather just tell everyone to reset everything in normal AU and start over than RP in a sandbox AU. Seriously.

Or just forum it. Either way.

So I guess that is just open for a "whatev's" kinda thing, but still. This is my opinion on the thing. I am not trying to get on anyone's bad side, good side, or anything. I can understand wanting a sandbox also, but personally I love the normal RP, I may not always RP it every chance I get, but I still love it.

(Yes my post is similar to Xeek's also, this is just my opinion! Very Happy )

In any case, I think the Sandbox AU is a terrible idea. No offense to the person that thought of it, in another circumstance it'd be super cool. Whatever.

I've drifted to other games for now. I get tired of being told I'll get an RP and then left hanging, or just logging on to see OMERGHAD AU YAY. I want to be able to explore my character's ACTUAL life, and develop them more through the interactions that occur. As much as I enjoy getting to know my characters in separate lives and settings, my characters were made for this ONE universe and were worked on in this ONE universe. I don't want to abandon that.

And now, because I feel like it.

Adhamh wrote:
But the thing have absolutely NO right to tell us to find another platform to AU on. Mabinogi is NOT created for RPSociety's benefit, so you nor anyone else is allowed to dictate whether or not we can AU RP. :l I apologize that I find normal RP boring, but I will not RP with someone else if I find myself falling asleep due to lack of interest.
Lack of interest goes two ways. If you're not trying to make something interesting or find something interesting in it, it's your fault as well. Maybe try to make normal RP more interesting for yourself?

Weekend AUs should not be constricting the flow of RP during the week, because well. They happen at a different time. I don't understand why people seem to think one disrupts the other.
Should not. They are. People tend to no longer want to Normal RP. They want the super cool AUs! Nuts to the previously worked on characters created for that universe, do it over again only 10x cooler!

And honestly, the state in which normal RPing is not the only factor that's negatively affecting the guild. There are many other more important factors which I won't name because it's not my place to do so.
Doesn't mean it's not hurting it.
I will point out one thing. I notice something with some characters(a lot of them actually). They tend to make this 'mistake'. I put quotes because it's a mistake in MY opinion. They close themselves off. The character will no longer go outside, or stand in a town for more than five seconds. Then they complain RP is boring.


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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Glaceon Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:12 am

Yes I'm no longer in the guild, which makes finding RP harder since I usually have to ask someone else. Only recently did I get a Normal U RP, and it wasn't any conflict (Well, maybe one, but no violence happened) and wasn't about anything political. It was rather peaceful and I got to dust off a character (granted it was my main character, but still dusting off). The main issue arrives that RPs happen so rarely because everyone has gone off to other games, school happens, etc etc and other reasons. I sometimes get the feeling my character, or me for that matter, just isn't wanted in RPs, because I'm never asked from anyone ever (I know Glacia has mental issues, but I have other characters that are more balanced). The point is I would be on more myself, but I just have a lack of motivation to play and not having any RP doesn't help increase that motivation.

I have reasons for not being in this TF AU thing, and since it's already on the FOURTH weekend, I really don't plan on joining. I do some AUs, because I have characters in them. I -made- a char for the TF one, but after stupid stuff, I just dropped out, and no one ever bothered contacting me at all, so yea.
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Vayne Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:35 pm you can see. While there are people willing to compromise, there is a problem people are having. I'm not exactly comfortable with holding AURP's during the week when it'll cause such issues. If you want to continue AURPing during the week, I guess there's nothing to do that can stop anyone from doing so. But know that it's dangerous. Know that it will cause less and less normal RP. And when there is less normal RP, normal RP can't be fixed. Nobody is denying that. People are just saying they want to anyway, and nobody has the right to stop them.

Well, you're all absolutely right. Nobody can stop you. But I still feel it needs to be said. To warn of the dangers and demonstrate the fears and issues several people are having.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Vayne Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:36 pm

**Doublepost** Took so long because I just didn't know how to follow up Cyler. He did an amazing job of summing up my feelings on the matter.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Soifa Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:45 pm

Vayne you can see. While there are people willing to compromise, there is a problem people are having.
There's only so much compromise someone can do before it gets totally unbalanced. To me, the problem is lack of compromise from the other side. I'm not accusing anyone at all, so if someone misconstrues my post as some sort of insult or attack, I'm going to hurt them.

There's a lot of willingness to bend and twist from one side, and the other side is planted firmly on the ground not budging an inch. I admire the will to do what you want, but it's still a little frustrating to see all of these people willing to compromise and getting hardly a response.


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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Vayne Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:53 pm

I agree. People have offered ideas (the plausibility of the ideas may be called into question if we so choose, but they're trying), but we're getting nothing. I'm..concerned. Other people are concerned. A problem perceived is a problem had. And there has been nothing to say that our reservations about weekday RP are invalid--actually, the argument presented is we have no right to stop them. That's very true. But, again..that doesn't make our concerns any less true, just that our reservations aren't warranting anything to be done about. The perception I have right now is 'you're absolutely right, it will subtract from normal roleplaying, but we want to do this.' I'm not trying to be confrontational, but I cannot stress enough that I'd like this to be addressed in a calm, rational manner. Everyone in this thread is being civil. I'd like the other side to weigh in--and maybe work for a solution--and we all maintain this pleasant, civil demeanor that is currently going down.

Please bear in mind, this is to everyone. I am not accusing anyone of being mean-spirited, I just know we all have the capability in us. I'd like to avoid it and approach this with kindness, but honesty. Myself included, because I wasn't very good at that earlier. There are no accusations, there is no spite in my post. But I want this to be addressed.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Dalvar Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:25 pm

Oh boy, it's time for opinions with Dalvar!

Alright, so what I heard from the people that were for AURPs was basically that normal RPs are boring and AURPs are a way to fix it. Which, on the surface, sounds good! You're bored with one thing so you do something else. But if you look deeper it's actually a horrible idea. Instead of being proactive and making fun events and plots happen you are just deciding that because no one is serving your fun to you on a silver platter you'll go and do something else.

It also eats up the weekends. Which is obvious to everyone but I'm not sure you all get what that really means. It means that if someone was trying to do a big event or plot point at a time when everyone would be able to make it they are competing with the AU for time, space, and players. Which just perpetuates the "nothing going on in normal RP" that you were fleeing from in the first place.

And the people that do AUs? They are putting all their time and thought and effort in to those things instead. For example, Jabber's character, Mariella should have been tried a month ago but she hasn't been. I'm sure there are reasons not related to the AU getting in the way of this as well, but it does not change the fact that Jabber, as well as enough people to actually hold a trial, have been on multiple times but have opted to do an AU instead.

So there's what I think. By moving to AUs instead of proactively building great RPs you are causing the dullness that you are trying to avoid.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Vayne Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:41 pm

Um..well..well said, Dalvar. Though I have more of a problem with AURP on the weekdays than anything, myself. But the central issue is similar.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Dalvar Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:46 pm

I would be content but not happy if AUs were kept to every other weekend.

I would be happy if everyone just focused their attention back on normal RPs.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Auramune Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:48 pm

Dalvar wrote:I would be content but not happy if AUs were kept to every other weekend.

I would be happy if everyone just focused their attention back on normal RPs.

Well, I think ideally it's a good idea. People get to know their characters in different environments, and leaves more of the world open to creativity. However, it's turning in to making these AU worlds real and building full characters in them instead of an occasional playground to visit.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Vayne Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:55 pm

Eh. I won't lie. I could live without AU's. Can I enjoy them? Sure, certainly. But my focus is and always will be the normal universe. I've invested in it, and I will continue to do so. It's what our prospective members look at, it's where the most depth lies. However, as stated, I *can* enjoy AU's. I'm not opposed to them. Not on the weekends. But, I mean..

Nobody can force anyone to RP. But, say Bob doesn't want to normal RP. But Bob's all for an AU session. Now, another person, Joe, would like normal RP. There's currently no scheduled AU going on, so Joe thinks he can totally get some. He's especially been looking forward to RP with Jane and Mike. But Jane and Mike are interested in the sandbox AU, with Bob. Terry comes along and wants normal-U RP, too. But his connections in the normal-U are all currently AURPing. Sure, Joe and Terry could RP by themselves. But 1x1 oft'times doesn't stand up too well for extended periods, and there's no denying that this has caused the main universe, which should be our focus, to shrink.

RP is a hobby, yes. But RPS is a society. And in a society, we need to try to do what's best for everyone. I do not think weekday AUing is that. It caters to the people active in AU's and want to do them more often, but it leaves other people in the dust. Alternate Universes were never intended to consume normal RP. I do not wish to see that even have the chance of happening.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Auramune Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:02 pm

Vayne wrote:It caters to the people active in AU's and want to do them more often, but it leaves other people in the dust. Alternate Universes were never intended to consume normal RP. I do not wish to see that even have the chance of happening.

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I know people don't care for the idea of forum RP, but I do think it would help in this case. If AU rp is done on the weekdays, it could be done there. It doesn't interrupt anything, and it's available all the time for anyone to join easily. But I feel like I'm beating a dead horse saying all this.


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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Dalvar Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:05 pm

Auramune wrote:I know people don't care for the idea of forum RP, but I do think it would help in this case. If AU rp is done on the weekdays, it could be done there. It doesn't interrupt anything, and it's available all the time for anyone to join easily. But I feel like I'm beating a dead horse saying all this.
I agree with this

Or even over MSN, that would work just fine for RPs.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Adhamh Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:05 pm

My only words on the matter:

Don't like the AU RPs that most of you have never tried (and therefore should not be the first to give your opinions)? "Tough cookies", this is RPS and roleplaying in a creative setting is part of what being an RPer means. I'm not sorry that you don't feel like trying something new, but don't rag on others' fun if you've yet to even attempt to join in and try it for yourself. (This of course is not directed at everyone, but at those that hardly ever/have never participated in the AUs.)

Yes, I do realize that this is a society and we need to do what's best for the guild, but to be honest, I like the AU RPs because I feel I have more of a freedom there. Yes, I do realize some of you still find Normal RP fun, but we all need to stop comparing others to how we view things. We don't all find the same things enjoyable.
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Vayne Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:15 pm

mobile posting. I do not think AUrp should be gotten rid of. I would, despite my feelings in some ways, would oppose it being undone entirely. but please, this is not a thread to abolish AUing. It is only weekday AU's that are my problem. I feel they should be contained to the weekends, for the sake of normal RP. Which should never be discouraged or overshadowed. Normal RP should be the driving force behind RPS, AU's being an interesting and fun aside.

Not once has anything been presented to me to show that normal RP would not wither. Were there to be such evidence that normal-U RP would flourish, I would not have a problem with the sandbox and weekday AUing.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Vayne Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:16 pm

also i like what aura said my edit button is not working mobile. See you all when I get home.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Auramune Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:17 pm

Adhamh wrote:My only words on the matter:

Don't like the AU RPs that most of you have never tried (and therefore should not be the first to give your opinions)? "Tough cookies", this is RPS and roleplaying in a creative setting is part of what being an RPer means. I'm not sorry that you don't feel like trying something new, but don't rag on others' fun if you've yet to even attempt to join in and try it for yourself. (This of course is not directed at everyone, but at those that hardly ever/have never participated in the AUs.)

Yes, I do realize that this is a society and we need to do what's best for the guild, but to be honest, I like the AU RPs because I feel I have more of a freedom there. Yes, I do realize some of you still find Normal RP fun, but we all need to stop comparing others to how we view things. We don't all find the same things enjoyable.

I'm pretty sure everyone is open to have their own opinions. Don't pick fights that have nothing to do with the current conversation. I don't think anyone's said "we hate these particular AUs so they should gtfo," so maybe you should re-read the thread and post with a little less aggressive attitude. You don't know who has attempted, thought about, considered, or even joined every AU rp, since I doubt that you have joined them all, or even tried them all. You're making this about something that it isn't.

It's about weekday AU rping, not the entire AU rping.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Dalvar Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:18 pm

Actually, Ani, I think I am the only person here who hasn't tried out the AUs.
Vayne has, Soifa has, Xeek has, Aura has, Cyler has, and Glacia has. (did I miss anyone?)
So you can't say "don't knock it til you've tried it" because most of us have tried it. They even agree that it can be fun some times. No one is trying to say that AUs aren't fun. Fun is subjective so that would be pretty dumb. We are just saying that is is bad for normal RP and the people who don't participate in them. And therefore they are bad for the guild.

Think of it like this:
Someone says "Guys, eating too many sweets is bad for you, we should stop or at least cut back."
And your counter argument is "But have you even had sweets? They're delicious!"

In other words, this assertion is not only invalid but also irrelevant.

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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Glaceon Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:27 pm

AUs should be contained the the Weekends, yes. But as it was offered, Weekday AU could, and honestly SHOULD, be done via forum RP for those wishing to have them during their weeks.

With the weekend AU, I have tried quite a few, only missing maybe one, (I did try to get into TFAU, but day 1 of it turned me off.) but I -can- say I'm noticing a decrease in the amount of normal U RPs that happen. Whenever I can, I hit up the people on MSN and ask about RPs that may be going on. I have somehow managed to get a few, but I'd like to see MORE people in the normal U rather than them only being seen in the AUs. As we know, school and junk has our weekdays filled, so if the only RPs going on during the free times we have, being weekends, are AU, then that person might not get to experience any normal RP since everyone is busy with the AU. As I mentioned quite some time ago, the AUs are fun, but I think shouldn't be every weekend. Yes there is the take a break option on the polls, but seriously, that doesn't get hit very often. In fact, a lot of the AUs that haven't been touched don't get chosen very often either. But that's getting off topic here.

Anyways, AU during weekdays isn't exactly the best option, but Forum AU RP during weekdays is actually a good idea. I think AUs are becoming more common than RPU, which is quite sad considering this guild's foundations and a LOT of our character development and work has been in the RPU. As it was said before, and I suppose I'll quote it.

Alternate Universes were never intended to consume normal RP. I do not wish to see that even have the chance of happening.

It's half the reason I left. Normal RP just wasn't happening much anymore, and AU consumed the weekends when people were able to get on and RP for a longer time.

TL:DR = Weekday AU should be done on forums, so as not to dismiss from normal RP during the week. AU Weekends could be seen as going to biweekly IMO, because it consumes the days with the most free time for a lot of people.
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Adhamh Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:37 pm

Looks like I lied, I apparently have more words.

My words DO have to do with the current conversation because it was brought up that someone does not think AUs should happen at all and that we should all return to normal RPing. So please, if you're going to call my words irrelevant, don't be double-standarded about it and say it to EVERYONE that brings up general AUing as opposed to weekend AUing. And actually, I HAVE tried every AU we've ever done. Did I stay all weekend for each one? No, but I did try each one that we did. I didn't suggest anyone said ""we hate these particular AUs so they should gtfo," in ANY way, so I suggest you re-read what I said.

And I guess Dalvar, through the process of elimination, that comment about not trying AUs must've been directed at you.
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--Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's. Empty Re: --Moved because Dellinger's right. Sorry! On Weekday AU's.

Post  Xeek Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:58 pm

I am sensing a little hostility here, I am not pointing at any post, but people should take a few deep breath then reply. Keep in mind, this is just opinions. No matter what happens here, you can not be told how to RP. We are trying to reach a fair compromise for all. If you don't think the compromises are fair, then simply state your opinion.

A side note: Auron, because you have not tried something, doesn't mean you won't like it. Some ideas are just turn-off to certain people. Like, I believe that some AU RP settings are too different to be done in Mabinogi, so I won't like the idea of them being done in-game. You may not like a certain AU without trying it. Nobody is judging what you like, say you like, or actually do like.


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