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A Simple Sandbox AU

Mari Eir
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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Adhamh Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:50 pm

Mari Eir wrote:-Treat powers as if they are weapons. You cannot just use them, if you do you face a penalty.

"Learn to read"
Cromm Crunch
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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Mari Eir Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:52 pm

Like stated earlier, treat them as if they're weapons (powers). You can't just use a weapon in the middle of town, but can maybe shoot cans with icebolts in your backyard.

Major powers will probably be registered for public safety.

There CAN be a major school/academy. I'll include that. Hell, let's put a mall in there, too.

Blank slate or already established relationships? At your own discretion. Don't be offended or get hurt feels if someone doesn't want to know you for the sake of forming new relationships, though. I am personally a fan of growing new, organic ones.
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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Vayne Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:22 pm

I've been doing a lot of thinking. Is this really a good idea? I'm becoming more and more against AU's taking place during the week, the more I think about it. AUs, in my opinion, should be restricted to the weekends. Normal RP boring for you? Tough cookies, this is Mabinogi and Roleplaying in the world set up by the game is party of roleplaying in the game. We are already getting complaints about how AU's are constricting normal RP when they're on the weekends alone. You may not feel there's a problem, but we know several do--and I certainly think so in the case of weekdays. And if a problem is percieved by several people, then it can cause a problem, no matter how valid.

I can see the concern. I even have it myself, now. If all we ever want to do is AURP, those who want normal RP with us get slighted. You might say, "no, I'll normal RP when asked". But would you really? Any of you? Me? I highly doubt it. Going off of the behaviors the guild exhibits already--normal RP will be stifled, there will be a problem. I'm not the only one who thinks this, obviously. I rarely stand up all on my own. I'd prefer to pick my battles. Given the fact that I truly feel this is bad for the guild, I'm taking a stand and opposing this, at least during the week. if you want to RP AU's all the freaking time, find another platform to do so, or don't.

I want you all to think to yourselves about what is truly best for the guild. Not what you want. Not what your friends want. What is for the best, in all actuality. It's not hard to look and predict what's going to happen with almost complete certainty.

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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Adhamh Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:31 pm

But the thing have absolutely NO right to tell us to find another platform to AU on. Mabinogi is NOT created for RPSociety's benefit, so you nor anyone else is allowed to dictate whether or not we can AU RP. :l I apologize that I find normal RP boring, but I will not RP with someone else if I find myself falling asleep due to lack of interest.

Weekend AUs should not be constricting the flow of RP during the week, because well. They happen at a different time. I don't understand why people seem to think one disrupts the other. And honestly, the state in which normal RPing is not the only factor that's negatively affecting the guild. There are many other more important factors which I won't name because it's not my place to do so.
Cromm Crunch
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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Vayne Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:34 pm

I'm not speaking about weekends. Weekend AU's constrict *weekend* normal RP. Do not twist my words around. never did I say to get rid of AU's. I said they shouldn't be done during the week, because that will restrict normal RP during the *weekdays*. This is about the weekdays, not the weekends. Weekdays.

And what's that? Problems in normal RP? Well, RP isn't always sunshine and roses. But ignoring RP isn't how you fix it. No. What you do is push through, and then work OOC to fix said problems. If the problems are IC? Then that's the fault of characters.


No, mabinogi was not created for the benefit of RPSociety. But, RPSociety was created *within* Mabinogi, to RP in *mabinogi*. By *Mabinogi's* lore. AU's are great. on the weekends. But weekdays should remain focused on normal-U.

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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Adhamh Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:45 pm

I'm speaking about the weekdays as well as the weekends. If I and others want to AU on a Wednesday, you cannot tell us to stop.

And I'm sorry I don't go and tell people to make their characters more interesting for my benefit. You can't force an RP to become interesting just by willing it so and I won't break character just to join RPs my character normally wouldn't or to create scenarios, albeit interesting, that shouldn't happen according to my character's personality and background. And ignoring RP is a method to fix it. Just like taking a break from a game is a method to make it interesting once more in the future. And I'm sorry, using the excuse "by *Mabinogi's* lore." became invalid after we began adding our own concepts and events to the game. The Twilit War is not a part of the Mabinogi game lore.
Cromm Crunch
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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Vayne Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:55 pm

*Doublepost* Not a Doublepost!
I understand my previous two posts were..confrontational. And I apologize for that. Allow me to restate the issue at hand in a more direct--but less demanding--manner.

I feel RP's during the weekdays are a dangerous thing. During the weekend it can be something to do, and a break from normal RP which, I admit, can be tedious at times. Are there issues with the guild? Yes, many. Are there issues with normal RP? Most definitely. But I do not feel that means we should inject more and more AU to where the normal Universe is largely unused. AU's are alternate. Not canon. Why then, should AU's develop and take precedence over the canon? Are they going to with absolute certainty? No, perhaps not, that was wrong of me. However, it is a valid concern and I am positive others feel that way. However, whether they weigh in is at their discretion.

What if AU's continued to grow because normal RP was "boring" or "problematic", to a point where the normal universe may as well not exist? Or what if it's still used, but the community segregates between normal-U and AU lines? It's entirely possible, though not guaranteed. We already have complaints during the weekend about how AU's stifle the weekend RP in the normal Universe. Remember, many of our potential new members are coming to play in the established Erinn, not the myriad of Alternate Universes. As a matter of fact, while it's certainly popular with some of us, I'd go so far to say the enjoyment of AU's is a particularly niche phenomenon. This, however, is speculation on my part and nothing substantial.

What is substantial is my concern that the normal Universe will be slighted. And I'm not okay with that. The normal universe was the intended universe for RPSociety, and I'd hate to see the guild crumble simply because a few of us may like something better. It was wrong of me to demand you go AURP elsewhere--though I was specifically speaking in terms of during the weekdays. It was wrong of me to try to mandate what you RP. But it does not change the fact that there is a problem percieved, and I feel it should be discussed. Rationally and calmly. And I will admit I started that off in a horrible manner. Too late to change my tone? Maybe. But I'm going to anyway.

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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Vayne Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:57 pm

*NOW a doublepost*
I'm going to continue this conversation. But, I do feel I should allow other people who may have opinions either way to throw in their lot before continuing. This is not intended to be a discussion between just the two of us, so I'm going to let this sit for a night before jumping back in.

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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Dellinger Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:00 pm

A discussion on AUs in general, whatever my opinion, does not belong in this thread, I believe, as this is for developing Mari's idea.

Take the discussion in a separate thread. Copy post other bits if you have to. This is my second request, after the private advisement that it should be done.

Friendly neighborhood Dellinger. o7

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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Xeek Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:19 pm

Glaceon wrote:So similar or no powers, or what? I like blank slates with inter-relationships. But given my online time is slim to none because Nexon is a piece of -shot-.

So yea, just question about abilities, powers, etc etc.

When I first saw this post, I honestly figured it was going to be
No powers, no Milletians, ect. Just an RP in Mabinogi's setting(without Milletians).

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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Cyler Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:46 pm

Goodbye normal RP. >:
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Xeek Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:49 pm

Cyler wrote:Goodbye normal RP. >:

Technically, the idea I posted is normal RP =D. As normal as it can get without us RPing as ourselves... though, that'd be a fun AU.

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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Cyler Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:05 pm

Xeek wrote:
Cyler wrote:Goodbye normal RP. >:

Technically, the idea I posted is normal RP =D. As normal as it can get without us RPing as ourselves... though, that'd be a fun AU.

That was an accidental delayed post, sorry Xeek. XD Wasn't intended toward your idea. Posted on Vayne's thread.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Ethice Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:50 pm

Just throwing in my input here:

I don't think immortality should be an available trait in this AU. Unless you want that kind of controversy in the AU. I mean if you think about how would immortals really be viewed and treated in modern society?

Kandy Korn Ogre
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A Simple Sandbox AU - Page 2 Empty Re: A Simple Sandbox AU

Post  Adhamh Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:18 pm

I actually agree with that ^. Plus, I want the thrill that mortality provides. Our characters would have to be much more careful in their actions. No "I'll jump anyway becuse I can't die."
Cromm Crunch
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