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Kenelm's Alternate Universe Biographies

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Kenelm's Alternate Universe Biographies Empty Kenelm's Alternate Universe Biographies

Post  Kenelm Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:46 pm

Traditional Fantasy

Name: K. Desmond Swift
Age: 24
Race: Human

Brief Background
A minor noble and recently disillusioned paladin, Desmond gives his all to make sure his assignments are done right the first time.

The story so far


Sir Kenelm Desmond Swift had arrived in Belvast accompanying a trade caravan three days ago, and wasn't due to leave in another two days. His job was to guard the merchants on their route, which had begun in Tara and was supposed to end in Tir Chonaill.


Sir Swift--or Desmond, as he prefers to be called--awoke with a start. He got up and wandered onto the balcony. It was three hours before dawn, judging by the visible constellations and Eweca's position in the sky. The other moon, Ladeca, had all ready set.

The only other time this kind of thing happened was when I resigned my position in the paladins. I wonder what it is this time... Only time will tell. I should try to get a bit more sleep.

After throwing on some clothes, Desmond quietly retrieved enough water to boil for drink. His intuition was nagging him about something, and he figured some pre-dawn exercise might allow him to get a bit more sleep.

It was forty minutes before dawn, Desmond had quietly returned to his suite with some more water after a two hour jog. He used the water to draw himself a bath. He wanted to be clean for breakfast.


It was three hours prior to the mid-day meal, and the people were abuzz with rumors concerning the disappearance of the princess. Desmond had overheard some of them, and decided seek an audience with her father. He had begun to realize what the anxiety he awoke with before dawn was about, and was unsure if he would be able to see the king. Desmond hurried to his suite to strap on his armor. Just as Desmond had started getting his armor on, the alarm went up.

There goes that chance, Desmond thought after cursing quietly.

The Adventure

Once the caravan had arrived in Tir Chonaill, Desmond's contract had ended. After getting paid the last portion of his fee, Desmond found himself spending a few evenings becoming somewhat buzzed. He would always pay for the drinks as they arrived.

There was one woman always playing cards, and cleaning out all her challengers. When she was drunk, she was more than simply boisterous, and more "the life of the party." Desmond figured it was best to avoid her.

On the third evening, an interesting group happened by the inn and tavern Desmond was staying. The only female member of this group addressed the one playing cards. After various words and comments, the mage of the group sparked a brawl. Desmond managed to slip out of the tavern once the fighting began, and watched from outside.

The woman playing cars had been dragged out by the group who had entered earlier, and Desmond expressed his disappointment with them.

While the group talked amongst themselves by the river, the mage who had started the fight at the tavern wandered off and brought someone looking to collect herbs from Ciar to the group.


Once everyone was at the alternative inn, they turned in for the night. During the night, two people made calls, and Desmond again, woke three hours before dawn.

After breakfast, the main group had ventured into Ciar for the herbs, and Desmond saw to their travel preparations.


Desmond had fully regained consciousness during the wagon ride back to Taillteann. He briefly complained about the pain, and his combat performance. Other than that, he was quiet the remainder of the ride.

Once back in Taillteann, Desmond allowed the healers to look him over. Luckily, he wasn't too worse for wear. All he had suffered were a few bruised ribs and a concussion.


Desmond was somewhat perplexed to learn the group would be getting passage to Belvast, given that it had only been a little over a week since the assassination. What was even more surprising was the fact they would be getting an audience with the queen, and learn an intriguing secret.

Over a meal, the group was given a proposal regarding the return of some artifacts, and allowed to stay the night to reach their individual conclusions.


Desmond had awoken three hours before dawn, and had spent a fair portion of the time thinking and quietly walking about the room he was staying in. Once the terminus was visible on the horizon, he made his way to the training area.


/* More to come some time later. */

//Apparently our hero was recognized as minor nobility from Uladh on the second day of his stay in Belvast, and was upgraded to the finest inn in the city.

// Available subplot: "Desmond's Full Potential"
// Description: Desmond has complained about his combat performance since suffering defeat at the hands of an unknown enemy. He seemed rather irked for about three days after that fight.
/* Objectives:
  • Desmond must realize the reason he resigned his post in Emain Macha is what has been holding him back.
  • [unknown]
  • [more?]

Last edited by Kenelm on Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:35 pm; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Backstory for the win!)

Posts : 1249
Join date : 2008-06-24
Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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Kenelm's Alternate Universe Biographies Empty Re: Kenelm's Alternate Universe Biographies

Post  Kenelm Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:18 pm

// First biography post updated.

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Join date : 2008-06-24
Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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Kenelm's Alternate Universe Biographies Empty Re: Kenelm's Alternate Universe Biographies

Post  Kenelm Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:31 pm

Minor correction made.

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Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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Kenelm's Alternate Universe Biographies Empty Re: Kenelm's Alternate Universe Biographies

Post  Kenelm Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:53 am

Slight update on the first biography.

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Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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Kenelm's Alternate Universe Biographies Empty Re: Kenelm's Alternate Universe Biographies

Post  Kenelm Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:47 pm

There has been a brief update to the TF AU biography. It is not to the point where the AU has actually been suspended.

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Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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Kenelm's Alternate Universe Biographies Empty Re: Kenelm's Alternate Universe Biographies

Post  Kenelm Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:38 pm

OP has been updated. Desmond will be in the training area, practicing his techniques.

Posts : 1249
Join date : 2008-06-24
Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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