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Vayne's Bios!

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Vayne's Bios! Empty Vayne's Bios!

Post  Vayne Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:04 pm

High School

Faireth Vayne Aurelius grew up in a two parent household until age 10, when his dad left. To this day, he assumes it was his fault--reinforced by his mother. He met up with Auron in middle school, and later Soifa, both of which are fast friends. Abused by his mother. Even though out of that situation, Vayne has chronic depression, post traumatic stress (an irrational fear that she'll come back for him), and a bit of a speech impediment when particularly anxious. Seems capable of being incredibly sociable and humorous, but only in short, stressful bursts.

Rell Eva Aurelius is the mother of Vayne Aurelius, and feels it's his fault her life fell apart. Currently awaiting a trial, Vayne's no longer with her. She's scary, yo. Scary.

Gracen Merit is an oblivious poolboy, enough said.

Flay Gunnar is a spontaneous gym teacher and coach of several sports, and really really likes to take off his shirt.


Vayne, of DuoThis is Suicide is a terminally ill wolfboy who serves as a guardian for Soifa, though rarely fights. Despite only have a few years (if that) to live, Vayne has a generally positive outlook and friendly demeaner. Also loyal as a puppy, and has a sweet disposition. Very attached to his Pact Maker, but is known to go out and do things on his own if she's not feeling up to leaving home.

Eva, of Duo Adventure is an overbearing, unpredictable, temperamental she-wolf who's contracted to Ennox. "Adventure" comes before everything but Ennox and clothes, in that order.

Gracen, of Duo AWESOME is an orphan who lost both his parents at a young age. He met his guardian out on a river, where he had fallen in and was rescued by him. Adhamh, the Guardian, got a new follower after that day, and eventually became a more permanent, official pair.

Last edited by Vayne on Sat Sep 01, 2012 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2008-10-17
Age : 32
Location : Behind the mirror. Pay no attention.

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Vayne's Bios! Empty Re: Vayne's Bios!

Post  Vayne Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:20 pm


Faireth Aurelius is a man of many names, but his favorite is Vayne. He's an actor, and one of the first three performers to start the theatre troupe: The Three Deer. More gentle in nature than his often overbearing counterpart, but the more powerful and convincing on stage. The Three Deer have been around for about six years, now, and Faireth has earned himself a reputation for being good at identifiable and tragic roles as well as overwhelming and intentionally overdramatic heroes. He and his sister Rell don't go by their real names outside of the troupe, and don't like talking about where they came from.

Rell Aurelius prefers to go by Eva offstage, and is the slightly older sister of Vayne--just by a year. They look similar, enough that with some work they can imitate each-other. Because of this, unless the role calls for it, Rell is generally in a wig with other things to help alter her frame and complexion. On stage, she's the more reserved of the two. off stage, she's easily the more vibrant (and aggressive) personality. She was one of the three founding members of The Three Deer, and watches with pride as their brainchild continues to grow into fame. She, like Vayne, isn't particularly fond of speaking of her past--though she's more likely to tell you a lie. Many of which you may find familiar, if you've watched their shows..

Biron is a stagehand who occasionally likes to try and steal the show.

Flay Gunnar Is the recent addition to the troupe, about four years ago. With the cast of four, they began to be able to put on more elaborate shows that told real stories, which was when the troupe's career began to take flight. Gunnar had some deep pockets which, at the beginning, assisted in hiring on others as temps to fulfill roles. Many of these people still come back for their select shows, but don't stay on a permanent basis.

Posts : 1073
Join date : 2008-10-17
Age : 32
Location : Behind the mirror. Pay no attention.

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Vayne's Bios! Empty Re: Vayne's Bios!

Post  Vayne Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:10 pm

Traditional RPG

Vayne is a sweet, amiable wolfboy who enjoys reading, singing, the piano, and calling down bolts of lightning from the sky to rip open foes. He grew up in Tara, raised on the streets, but has since found his way out. A black mage and spell-for-hire by trade, as well as a regular do-gooder known for jumping into fights just to help out. Or maybe, he just really wants to see someone get opened. He gives off the sort of vibe that a counselor might give, and while not necessarily the world's chattiest, seems quite easy to speak to and confide in for some. then again--selling yourself is part of getting paid, right?

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Age : 32
Location : Behind the mirror. Pay no attention.

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Vayne's Bios! Empty Re: Vayne's Bios!

Post  Vayne Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:44 am

Sandbox AU

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Age : 32
Location : Behind the mirror. Pay no attention.

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