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Buildin' Time!

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Buildin' Time! Empty Buildin' Time!

Post  Vayne Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:03 pm

Construction has finally begun. In Abh Neagh, A large building, resembling a cross between a large residential mansion, and some sort of group housing. Large branches of the building reach, two total, each with several floors--windows lining them neatly. At it's center, where the 'arms' of the building meet, resembles a residence. With an extra floor rising up above the rest of the three-floored 'arms'. However, it was incomplete. By long, and by far. There was, however, completed, a path that led down towards the lake--it was gated on both sides, and opened into a garden not far from said lake. the building itself had it's back nestled against the cliff face, with the two 'arms' reaching out diagonally, and in opposing directions. As if the very building was welcoming any guests.

At the front of the building, a billboard:

Future site of the Happy Tails Asylum.

Funded by Vayne Aurelius

((Will be completed in exactly two weeks from today. Will be posting layout and exact location shortly. Doesn't encroach on anyone's property, I checked!))

Last edited by Gracen Merit on Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:44 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Auramune Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:05 pm

<<Is there a sign or anything to tell who is building and what is being built?>>

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Auramune Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:07 pm

There are two girls standing in front of the construction site. Both with black hair, but look nothing alike. One of the girls jots a few things down in a note book and leaves. The other one, carrying a golden flute, remains and walks around the area with a small frown. "Don't they have enough land already? Selfish humans." After she is finished, she plays a soft tune and wanders away for now.

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Kenelm Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:54 am

Dalyn wanders aimlessly through the Abb Neagh region, completely content. He notices the construction site near the lake, and reads the huge sign when he notices it. After standing outside of the construction site for about ten minutes. Grinning expectantly, he enters and explores the site.
Somehow Dalyn manages to not get hurt and not interrupt the work, despite the fact that to an observer, he would be making a scene expressing the joy that sprang from his expectations.

Dalyn wanders off the site after a few hours, elated. He plans to return once the building is ready.

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Xeek Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:00 am

One of the residents of Abb Neagh didn't seem to happy, while he did not own a house there, he had a little crashing place by the mountain, Abb Neagh was the only place humans hadn't taken from him. He growled lightly, standing up and approaching the site, from far away he looked like a skill ogre. He was huge, even for a giant. His wild dirt-brown hair covered his fierce green eyes. While his eyes can't be seen except with close examination, you can almost feel his piercing glare, making it hard to turn your back against him. He approached the site, it wouldn't be too surprising if any of the workers or guards threw their swords. "This place does not belong here, I will not let you humans take another place from me." If any of the workers care to ask around town, they'll find out the giant claims to be Fiodh, the dungeon itself. He turns and goes back to his spot, throwing an unidentifiable corpse in the lake. He is clearly trying to get Neid's attention, hoping he does something about this.

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Guest Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:29 am

One of the future employees did bother to ask around town about the giant, once she had heard about what happened. After a few questions, notes taken, and a lot of head shaking, Soifa decided to put up her own sign near the construction site. The words were written in an adorable pink color, the writing loopy and rather extravagant. She did hear from the construction workers that some other person had been around, but did not bother them, so Soifa figured she didn't need to address the one that wandered around. Curiosity isn't such a bad thing, after all.

Dear Giant that claims to be Fiodh,
If you continue to bother us, you will not like the results. Go back to your boring dungeon and stay there.

Sincerely, the Doctor


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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Auramune Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:14 pm

The girl with the golden whistle began to approach, playing songs and being followed by several bears, boars, and wolves. Leading them right to the construction site. Allowing Puppytan to deal with his own approach, though if she could enthrall the lake monster she would have. Play fainting, the animals would begin to attack any one that they found. She would then crawl away under their radar and head to the mountain close by. If asked about, they might be told the girl calls herself Karu.

((There's more than 1 attack during the building. She probably does this once every couple hours.))

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Guest Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:00 pm

Two of you, eh? Looks like a serious mental illness if it's affecting both of you.

No need to worry, I'll be happy to help you get well. Let's hope nothing happens to your..dungeons...while you're away, hm?

Sincerely, The Doctor


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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Adhamh Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:18 pm

After being told of the occurances at the soon-to-be-asylum, a particular ice mage dressed in a simple black robe paid visit to the Fiodh forest. He ventured deep into the dungeon, slaughtering any creatures that crossed his path. When he arrived at the deepest point, he ignited several trees in an attempt to start a forest fire. Satisfied with himself, he pulled out a Wing of the Goddess and vanished.
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Auramune Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:46 pm

Nia had seen the smoke from her walk and eyes widened. Without regards of her own safety, she quickly ran in to the burning woods to try and put any flames out that she can. The creatures, she didn't care about as much as trying to fan the flames. "I know it hurts.. please stop crying. I'll help you, I promise!" trying to speak to them... the trees.. in soothing words. Trying to minimize the damage done. She coughs a few times, inhaling the smoke. Patting out flames with her bare hands, and using a bit of alchemy to douse the fires. But it's probably just too much for one person to try and contain, especially if it begins to spread.

Reading the note placed up by the 'doctor,' Karu pulled her hood down over her face. She didn't ask Puppy for permission, nor did she even speak to him about her plans.. She's shaking, nervous.. but they were only humans, and she was something much more-- as far as she is concerned. With daggers in hand, she went through to fight and kill as many of the builders as she can. To leave a powerful of a message. A poisonous snake and spider at her sides, helping her lower down the numbers. Karu recalled the attitude her big brother had.. and began to smile. Starting to enjoy slaughtering humans.. where once, she was very sympathetic to them.

After a few were killed, and the builders starting throwing things at her and running away(xD) she decided not to follow after them, but retreat, while it was a good time to hide again.

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Guest Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:58 pm

After the annoyance caused by Karu, Soifa has been seen often, patrolling the site and only leaving for short periods of time. People suspect she either leaves to eat or sleep.


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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Xeek Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:18 pm

After learning about the fire, Ryuu had the great idea to attach a fire-resistant blanket to about 10 mini hot hair balloons. He went to get Nia out of the forest, knowing water would aggravate the fire more. Once the blanket was over the fire, he began shooting at the balloons, getting the blanket to fall over the fire, suffocating it. Him, along a few others tries to put down any remaining fire using water.

Fiodh doesn't seem to care about the fire in 'his' forest. He seems to sit in his spot, until disturbed.

Away from all the trouble, one person's hunger for chaos was growing. He knew he wouldn't be able to join these fun events, but he prepared a crew for the next events. He hungered for destruction. He put on his robe, grabbed his stamp, and went searching for a crew.

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Guest Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:12 pm

Neid appeared, agitated and annoying.

Luckily, Soifa, along with Auron and Fate, and some others in the area, were able to quickly dispatch the creature. The corpse of the beast was retrieved and promptly cut up and cooked in a nice meal for everyone around, excluding Diren and Xenny and Teal, because Soifa doesn't like them.


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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Auramune Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:18 pm

<<Did you guys actually kill it 'quickly'? Or kill one at all? xD>>

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Guest Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:19 pm

[[Yuuuup...It actually kinda made me laugh. And my snake got the finish. Stupid tikka shield drop, though.]]


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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Adhamh Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:32 pm

After waiting a few days, a once-again black-robed Auron ventured into Karu forest and began to set things ablaze there. He focused especially on the tree that housed the tree that housed the dungeon. He knew that the dungeon itself was flammable, so instead he launched a fireball into the lobby, hoping it'd cause some sort of destruction. With this, he pulled out another wing and vanished once more.
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Xeek Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:56 pm

((Would someone have seen him burned down either forest?))
Burning his forest didn't brother him, though, he was going to back off until Karu's forest was threaten. He decided to copy the idea of the man who put out the forest. He rented a normal balloon and flew over Abb Neagh, without going over the building.. Though, in the return flight, from Tail to Dunbarton, Fiodh was carrying large amount of explosives and alchohal. He knocks a hole in the balloon while over the building, letting it crash down in to the building, letting it explode. He used a wing to get out, before it crashed.

Later, a letter was sent to Vayne, since his name was on the building.
I am very reasonable, you burned my forest, I let it go. You burned my friend's forest. You are dead. I am not letting you make this building-Fiodh.

Back at the Karu forest, not letting Nia get close, Ryuu goes to help turn it off the same way. He gets Xeek and Ralvery to try and make it rain.

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Auramune Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:57 pm

<<Oh god.. you guys are KILLING Nia xD.>>

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Adhamh Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:18 pm

((*EMOTIONALLY STABS NIA OVER AND OVER* And he would've been seen entering if someone was around the forests at the time. But as mentioned in both posts, he was disguised in a black-robe. It would've been harder for him to be seen though at Karu because of the lack of one specific entrance.))
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Glaceon Sun Jun 03, 2012 5:55 pm

A signpost was erected in the forests and at the building site. She didn't care if she was seen, she didn't do any harm to the trees or anything...except maybe kill a lone spider that attacked her. If seen, she was in a yellow robe, wearing a hat and a mask.

Seriously. I'm surprised things are getting to this. How about instead of going to warfare, why not ask to set a meeting and discuss this like civilized people. However, if you really want to get your fists dirty, I'm willing to fight either of you in a fair one on one fight. Otherwise, stop the stupidity and discuss things with words, not actions. Otherwise, you are going to end up destroying your own forests and Abb Neagh, which the city leader of Tailteann may not appreciate as Lake Neagh is a place where mystic pearls are gotten from by the alchemists in the city, for those very alchemists. And I doubt you want to get authorities involved.

- Fate
Glas Ghoblehht
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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Guest Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:35 pm

Construction continues. Mostly starting over, new workers, but it continues with a new sign in place next to Fate's.

Authorities are already involved, sorry~


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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Auramune Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:10 pm

Karu had been ordered by Puppy(Fiodh, if you haven't caught on by now) to lay low and hide out. They moved out of the mountains to another location, away from the abb neagh region. The burning of her forest wasn't even so much as an emotional attack on her, but she could feel it. It was painful. And a dark cloud loomed over the girl. It would be difficult for her to return to the 'curious, shy girl she once was,' as Puppy had told her he missed. Now, she was actually quite depressed. Not even going on her daily walks to Dunbarton. Just wanting to be alone.

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Xeek Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:51 pm

Going home, he was very angry to find all his knick-knacks were destroyed in the fire. He frowned, and went to put up a bulletin.
Who ever is responsible for this fire, I expect an apology, or I will find you, and I will make you pay.

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Vayne Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:18 am

Vayne took time out of his busy, busy life. He had intended to let Soifa handle it all, but the note to him intrigued him. He wrote a very different notice than that of his...accomplices? Co-workers? Hired help. Regardless. Maybe, just maybe (though he highly doubted it), these troublesome--no, wrongdoing--people could be handled with diplomacy. A letter written in bold, firm font.

To all persons involved:

I'm here to help people, not see lives wasted so. It was not by my hand forest was burned, nor would I ever sanction such a thing. I ask you: was it worth it? Was it worth the killing of innocents? The killing of mortal men who had families? Who were only involved by the gold I gave them, nothing more. And I ask, to the others: is this retaliation beneficial? No, not how you're going about it.

My endeavor is to help mankind, sorry you can't see that. Such an operation, however, needs a building. You want me to cut down it's size? I will cut down it's size, but I will not move. No, I will not reward killing of those who do not deserve it. I will, however, compromise to meet some sort of common ground. Something I can promise the law will not. This is our only chance to speak and work something out. If you refuse, I shall gladly resume building as planned and let justice take it's course. This goes for you who burned the forest, too.

For a spot of land, you ruined many lives--not one of them mine. Pray, see reason, speak with me directly on the matter. These middle men have no fault save accepting my gold.

I will not tolerate this violence, not from anyone.

--Vayne Aurelius

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Buildin' Time! Empty Re: Buildin' Time!

Post  Auramune Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:01 am

Karu had sincerely made her apology to Vayne, and hoped to work something out. But in doing so, found valuable information about who started the fires, and intended to inform Puppy so that the right person would be punished. ...and hopefully Puppy wouldn't be too mad at her for doing it herself.

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